Mohamad Baajour – Heartify #15 Arrogance A Mustard Seed Of It Deprives From Jannah

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The speakers discuss various diseases and how to avoid them in Islam. They touch on the definition of "arrogance" and how it can affect one's health. They also discuss the importance of avoiding one's "verbal inventory" and how it can be measured. The speakers stress the danger of losing one's job and suggest listening to the danger of one's behavior. They also encourage individuals to elevate themselves to be a better person and to remember their origin to avoid stinkiness and negative behavior. They also mention graduation and a night called "Anatul".
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So we continue with the diseases of the
heart Begging Allah Azza wa Jal to purify
our hearts because like we started in the
first class we reminded each other that the
only way, subhanallah, if the people know the
importance of these of these classes, wallahi subhanallah
The only way to Jannah, the only way
illa man atallaha biqalbin saleem The only way
to enter Jannah, and these are not my
These are the words of the owner of
Jannah he said the only way to enter
Jannah is to come with a pure, saleem,
sound heart and We have started mentioning the
good good a'mal and then now we are
Studying all the diseases so we can be
aware of them and avoid them bi'ithnillah
ta'ala We finished a few diseases and
tonight we have another major disease of the
heart and that disease is the disease of
kibr The disease of kibr.
Kibr, what does kibr mean?
Kibr means arrogance Okay What does arrogance mean?
Arrogance is defined best by none than
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He defined What is arrogance?
Now, of course if you look at the
dictionary and you want to see what's the
meaning of arrogance it will be offensive display
of superiority or Self-importance.
You feel that you are superior to everybody
around you.
I don't sit with these people.
I don't eat with these people.
Who are you to talk to me?
That kind of attitude and Definitely this is
a major form of arrogance.
So let's see what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Said about arrogance and the hadith is
in Sahih Muslim.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said You know,
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said No one
has the weight Listen carefully.
No one has the weight of A seed
of arrogance in his heart will enter Jannah.
An atom's weight How I was trying to
find something to show you how small is
an atom or a mustard seed and Then
on top of that, it's not the mustard
It's weight.
Yeah, and if you bring a scale Everybody
knows a mustard seed, right?
If you go open the pantry at home,
you will see one of the spices says
mustard seed It's a very very small seed
and if I want to weigh it if
I bring a scale to weigh it that
scale Have to be extremely extremely Sensitive scale
in order to give you numbers.
Otherwise Any mustard seed is nothing.
So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying look
at the exaggeration if you have if I
have a mustard seed the weight of a
mustard seed of Arrogance in my heart.
I will not enter Jannah now one way
one day or another Every single one of
us have felt some kind of arrogance right,
I'm better than him and Sometimes look at
look how the arrogance sometimes comes I come
to Fajr.
You don't in Ibadah look at my beard
Where's your beard?
I'm better than you Sometimes it comes in
Ibadah It comes look at look at the
I mean, it's so hard Not to say
anybody say no Shaykh here zero and That's
why we're here today to ask Allah to
really make it zero so Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said No one who has a
weight of a mustard seed of arrogance will
enter Jannah So immediately because the Sahaba subhanallah,
they don't have that sicknesses that we have.
What did their mind go to immediately?
Ha Kareem, what did the mind go to?
Clothing and shoes and looking good because they
love that.
What does that show us that show us?
This is not a topic our topic, but
that show us the importance of looking good.
So immediately the Sahaba What did they say?
They said ya Rasulullah, but a man like
a man likes to have nice clothing and
nice shoes So immediately they thought that arrogance
is a nice clothing and nice shoe It
didn't cross their mind that I'm gonna show
off over my brother Subhanallah, look at look
how pure Their hearts are immediately their mind.
Ya Rasulullah, I love to have a nice
shoe and a nice clothing so Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, he said Allah Jameel Allah
is beautiful and he loves beauty.
That's not the arrogance I'm talking about This
is not arrogance the real arrogance and look
at this now the definition came from The
best man that ever walked this earth.
What is arrogance Ya Rasulullah?
He said two things Arrogance is two things
number one looking down on others and number
two refusing the truth Not accepting the truth
those both If we have both you have
arrogance if you have one of them you
have arrogance Okay, but Once we detect once
we detect a minute sign of arrogance Immediately
because of this hadith we have to do
something Sometimes nobody's gonna tell Someone else I
feel arrogant.
No, no, this is something between that's why
this topic is under the actions of the
heart It's a diseases of the heart.
I don't see it Maybe I have arrogance
and you don't see it.
Maybe I you have it and I don't
see it you are the only one who
can tell and If you feel it We
will have some signs right now if you
feel it if you feel that these symptoms
are I have them just like if you
have the Numbness in the left arm and
oh you might have a heart attack Similarly,
we will run some symptoms if any one
of the us have them Immediately you got
to do something.
We gotta start the cure.
Okay Taib what is the danger of having
What is the danger of feeling arrogant?
number one Subhanallah, it indicates that Iblis is
your role model because he was the first
creation that started arrogance وَإِذْ قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ سُجُدُوا
لِآدَمْ فَسَجَدُوا إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ أَبَى
وَاسْتَكْبَرَ Make sujood to Adam The angels all
made sujood to Adam except Iblis Abba refused
and istakbar Arrogance and in another surah أنا
خَيْرٌ مِّنه I'm better than him.
I'm better than him.
And this is the definition of arrogance when
you start feeling better than others أنا خَيْرٌ
مِّنه خَلَقْتَنِي مِّن نَّار وَخَلَقْتَهُ مِّن طِيْن You
created me from fire.
This was his logic You created me from
fire and you created him from mud.
So fire is better than mud.
I'm better than him Whether fire is better
than mud, mud is better than fire, fire
is better than light, light is better than
mud Doesn't matter.
This is an order from Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ
Make sujood to Adam Doesn't matter who's better
than who make sujood and he refused So
when someone act arrogantly or have the characteristic
of arrogance then Iblis is their role model
That's number one.
Iblis is their role model second like the
hadith said You will be deprived from entering
Jannah third Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala said وَقِيلَ
ادْخُلُوا before that وَسِيقَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِلَىٰ جَهَنَّمَ
زُمَرًا حَتَّىٰ إِذَا جَاؤُوهَا فُتِحَتْ أَبْوَابُهَا وَقَالَ لَهُمْ
خَزَنَتُهَا أَلَمْ يَأْتِكُمْ رُسُلٌ مِّنْكُمْ يَتْلُونَ عَلَيْكُمْ آيَاتِ
رَبِّكُمْ وَيَنْذِرُونَكُمْ لِقَاءَ يَوْمِكُمْ هَذَا قَالُوا بَلَى قَالُوا
بَلَى then حق العذاب على الكافرين قِيلَ ادْخُلُوا
أَبْوَابَ جَهَنَّمَ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا فَبِئْسَ مَثْوَى الْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ
that's another ticket to Jahannam arrogance is a
ticket to Jahannam قِيلَ it will be said
enter Jahannam you're gonna go there forever and
this is the final destination of the arrogant
of the arrogant so now also arrogance is
a place is a tool or a key
to go to Jahannam third it seals the
heart arrogance seals the heart Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala said وَكَذَٰلِكَ يَطْبَعُ عَلَى كُلِّ قَلِّ
مُتَكَبِّرٍ جَبَّارٍ surah ghafir thus Allah seals over
the heart of every متكبر every arrogant person
now listen to this listen to the danger
this is something I beg Allah not to
make us from the people who could relate
to arrogance deprive the person from understanding the
Quran you know how many times we complain
I don't understand the Quran I don't feel
anything it could be I'm not saying this
is the only reason one of the reasons
that a person cannot understand the Quran is
arrogance what's the dalil?
Allah azza wa jal he said سَأَصْرِفُ عَنْ
آيَاتِ الَّذِينَ يَتَكَبَّرُونَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْلِمُ I will
keep away the people who have arrogance from
my ayat I will keep the people with
arrogance away from my verses from ayat or
it could be from my miracles and listen
to this danger which is that by itself
is sufficient for us to avoid arrogance إِنَّهُ
لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْتَكْبِرِينَ Allah does not like the
people who are arrogant that is sufficient for
every single one of us to humble themselves
طيب what are the signs that I am
arrogant what are the signs to check if
I have arrogance or not number one it's
all about me, myself and I we are
sitting in a gathering no one can talk
except me no one and even if you
start talking I cut you off all the
attention has to be on me all the
attention has to be on me that's a
sign that you have arrogance second third my
way or the highway I present something to
the board in my business to my partners
and they found something maybe not profitable in
that suggestion, I go crazy even I know
that what they're saying is true remember what
the prophet said you cannot take the truth
you cannot accept the truth you will not
be able to accept the truth, this is
a major sign of arrogance, you will not
accept the truth and where does that happen
a lot between you ya habibi and your
wife when she tells you something and how
can she be true how, I'm gonna keep
saying no even though I know that she's
right or the other way around and subhanallah
that's a sign of arrogance, you know that
the person, the wife the son, sometimes the
daughter they are, they have a good argument,
but because I am baba, how can baba
be wrong I'm gonna keep fighting her even
though I know that they're right this is
arrogance this is arrogance the humble person no
matter who present him with the truth, he
will accept it third a person who is
arrogant hates hates advice and he
cannot take an advice from anybody how could
you advise me do you know who you're
talking to does it sound New Yorker do
you know how you're talking to you know
so he cannot accept that someone could be
better than me in that field that I
am specializing in he cannot take advice the
arrogant person gets very irritated if he is
criticized after I finish the halaqa the brother
comes and says it was not that good
and you said this and you said that
you're talking about me?
and I get very upset and I'm not
giving halaqas anymore no he gets irritated very
irritated angry, very angry if he was criticized
another sign that a person is arrogant he
does not like others to have what he
has he doesn't like it he feels just
like we spoke last week how I worked
so hard an arrogant person find it very
difficult to demonstrate affection for others he cannot
show empathy to others and another sign he
brings or she brings back every success to
them this is all because of me my
effort I did this who did that in
the Quran who?
Qarun I did this all this wealth is
because of me what happened?
Allah subhana wa ta'ala you know those
we saw a couple in Florida sinkhole right
he went down with his guards and entourage
and everything immediately disappeared just because he said
I did it because of me I am
the educated one I am the shrewd one
I am the smart one I am always
me I am the one who did it
subhanallah ya khwan no matter how successful you
get always always bring back the tawfiq and
the success to Allah azza wa jal everything
and this is the reason why arrogance is
haram and arrogance is a major sin because
you are bragging about something that Allah gave
you if he did not give it to
you, you would not have it so what
are you bragging about?
this is why Rasulallah taught us humility and
humbleness right he keeps saying I am just
a son of Adam I am just a
regular person the only difference is I got
revelation and he used to be kind to
the kids to the adults, to the animals,
to the camel to the birds subhanallah what
are the things that a person can be
arrogant about?
number one, knowledge somebody can feel arrogant because
of his knowledge Sheikh Mufti, Mawlana, Ustaz this
two minutes title before his name so that
will make him feel like how can I,
subhanallah we are supposed to take ilm from
anyone who has the right ilm doesn't matter
how old and where is he from and
what color he is if someone has the
authentic ilm we will take from them subhanallah,
how many times a student correct his teacher
and a student became better than his teacher
knowledge second, worship like we mentioned before I
am a Hafiz and you are not imagine
an honor that Allah gave you now you
are using it to be arrogant I went
to Umrah five times, you did not I
was the Amir of my Masjid, you are
bragging about your worship, about your Ibadat about
your Ibadat which we all know that every
Ibadat that we perform is literally Tawfiq from
Allah Azza wa Jal, you will not be
able to come to Isha or to Fajr
without Allah's permission, you will not be able
to memorize one ayah without Allah's permission and
you are showing off that's why it destroys
everything, everything very obvious reason for arrogance, wealth
wealth makes the people look down on others
you know status you know, this is a
prince, president king, that status will make you
arrogant reason for arrogance, doesn't necessarily if you
are a prince you have to be arrogant
lineage I'm from this family, I'm from that
tribe, I'm from that country you know, that
gives you arrogance sometimes there's arrogance in the
way we dress in our clothing somebody might
buy something on purpose just to show off
that it's a brand name, on purpose you
know, there's nothing wrong with buying a brand
name because if it's a good quality or
this, but buying it only to show off,
look what I'm wearing look what I'm driving
then it becomes very dangerous, arrogance now these
days, because I have a lot of followers
I have a million followers you have only
five I'm better than you and that would
make me feel more arrogant, I am sheikh
so and so and the other sheikh is
nothing, look at my followers and look at
his followers by the way, I have no
followers at all you are my followers another
thing of people to do arrogance with is
this is probably especially for the sisters, beauty
you know I am pretty nice and you
know and you're ugly so also beauty is
a reason for someone to be arrogant okay,
with the last five minutes what is the
most important thing, which is the cure what
is the cure of arrogance first and foremost
the cure for arrogance is to remember the
danger of arrogance you're going to be deprived
from Jahannam from Jannah you're going to have
one ticket to Jahannam straight you're going to
lose the love of Allah you're going to
be despised by your community who likes an
arrogant guy who likes an arrogant person so
number one is to remember the danger of
arrogance and second, the scholars said every time
you feel arrogant, remember your origin remember where
you came from you are a sperm you
are nothing you stink how can you show
off if you stay subhanallah, if someone stayed
five, six days without showering, you will stink
and what are you showing off for if
a body died and they leave it for
five, six days, you cannot go into that
room look how insignificant we are so what
are you showing off for why are you
arrogant for remember, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
repeatedly admonishes in the Quran to reflect our
humble origin telling us that من نطفة من
علقة you were born from nothing make a
lot of sincere istighfar ask Allah to forgive
you for every time you acted arrogantly or
you made people who were with you feel
inferior ask Allah to forgive you and this
is a practical thing for someone who is
really feeling arrogant I'm better than this, I'm
better than that start every day by making
intention that today I'm going to help someone
today I'm going to help someone whether financially,
whether physically, whatever it is because usually the
arrogant person he does not care about nobody
only himself, so I want to fight that
arrogance, I'm going to help this guy, I'm
going to help that sister I'm going to
donate to this cause I'm going to it's
not only me today every single day, and
then praise yourself at the end of the
day that you know alhamdulillah I achieved something
today, and tomorrow I'm going to do more
the more you feel arrogant, the more you
want to help others in order to kill
that arrogance, if you are sincere and then
remember that Rasulullah said no one who humbles
himself for the sake of Allah except Allah
will raise his status, subhanallah Allah will elevate
you you see, look at the irony, you're
trying to elevate yourself I am me, mine
this is mine, without me, nothing and you
are humiliated the more you humble yourself the
more Allah will elevate you the more you
humble and this is the biggest example, Rasulullah
you know Rasulullah subhanallah, let's say you are
sitting here in the halaqa, if a person
comes in he used to ask which one
is Rasulullah look at the humility, which one
here, you have to put a table and
a chair look at me, I'm the man
subhanallah and remember that when you are in
the grave you are alone what are you
showing off for you're not taking anything with
you except your good deeds all that arrogance
is going to destroy your dunya, your grave
and your akhira, Rasulullah said the arrogant people
in this dunya, they will be as big
as ants on the day of judgment ants
this big exactly the opposite of what they
were trying to achieve in the dunya, they
will be like this big on the akhira
on the day of judgment, subhanallah so ask
Allah, finally beg Allah azawajal to if you
have any symptoms of arrogance, beg Allah azawajal
to cure you from these symptoms and ask
Allah azawajal to bless you with humility we
beg Allah azawajal to purify our hearts, we
beg Allah azawajal to clean our hearts from
any riya and any kibr we ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to fill all our
homes with love and mercy and tranquility, we
ask Allah azawajal to protect our spouses, to
protect our children and surround them with the
righteous company I ask Allah azawajal to make
our last deeds, our best deeds and our
last words la ilaha illallah my beloved brothers
and sisters, tonight is the night of Friday
this is the best night of the week,
make a lot of salat on Rasulullah just
like he ordered us when he said abundantly
make a salat upon me on the night
of Jum'ah, on the day of Jum
'ah and please come tomorrow to Salatul Fajr
in Jum'ah at 6.30 am ya
ayyuha allatheena aamanu sallu alayhi wasallimu