Mohamad Baajour – Heartify #14 Hasad Signs Symptoms And Cure
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The conversation covers various topics including Islam, hasad, and the negative impact of the disease on humans. It is important for strong relationships and healthy behavior to avoid negative consequences. The conversation also touches on the misunderstandings of people and their behavior, the "hasads of people" which can damage others, and the importance of protecting oneself and being careful with one's behavior. The segment ends with a statement about blessings and health and a prophetic prescription for protection.
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Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen, I was blessed to be
in the UK for one week Very extensive
exhausting tour from one city to another.
It was very short time, but I want
to Take advantage because my brothers and sisters
probably in the UK will see this soon.
May Allah bless them and protect them amazing
Amazing hospitality and subhanallah.
I did not know that 10% of
the UK are Muslims 10% if you
ever go to the UK, there's an area
called East London.
Anybody's been to East London?
You're in Bangladesh Literally to the level that
the Adhan is loud on the street in
I sent a video to my wife said
this is not the London I know I
see on TV Subhanallah, so Muslims everywhere restaurants
Clothing stores, you name it packed packed everywhere.
You go everywhere.
Not East London is is Yani Populated beyond
imagination But everywhere you go in general, mashallah,
the Muslims are all over.
Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen.
May Allah bless them and and protect them
Third before we start inshallah.
I want to welcome brother Moheed.
Brother Moheed stand up Stand up Habibi.
He comes and visit me once a year
from Mecca.
He lives in Mecca and he's coming to
visit me May Allah bless you Habibi.
May Allah protect you.
He's 82 year young Alhamdulillah and he still
travels mashallah.
Alhamdulillah, tayyib.
Bismillah, alhamdulillah, salat wa salamu ala rasulillah We
started the diseases of the heart May Allah
clean all our hearts and purify them.
Ameen ya rabbil alameen and tonight's disease is
A disease that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
He said about it that It eats up
the hasanat Just like the fire eats wood.
These are the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Hasad, envy eats up Consumes the
hasanat Sucks the hasanat just like fire burns
wood or another narration greenery yaani The hasid,
the person who's committing hasad is Harming himself
more than the mahsud, than the person who's
being envied so our topic today is hasad
and the Closest and best translation is probably
Now, there are three levels of hasad The
first level of hasad is To feel Unhappy
Because of someone else's blessings You're not happy
that this person Got promoted, got a new
car, got a new house His son is
a hafiz.
You're not happy That's the first level.
The second level You're not happy and You
wish He loses it and you got it
The general one, you're just very annoyed that
a person is blessed A certain person.
Second, you wish that they lose it and
you get it And you have it, whatever
that thing is Third, which is the worst
You just wish you cannot stand that they
have it.
You wish that they lose it and anybody
had got it Not not necessarily you, just
anybody got it as long as they lose
it I cannot take it anymore to see
this guy Every day is going vacation and
happy and every time I see him is
smiling and his kids are Every few weeks
they get promoted and they got good jobs.
I cannot take this anymore This is this
is the worst level that you you cannot
take it and they wish you can lose
it Even if my enemy gets it, but
let them lose it.
I cannot You subhanallah that person will have
sleepless night because someone else is blessed May
Allah protect us Why?
This is also this is a question raise
your hand.
Why hasad is a major major sin logically
You are accusing Allah that ya Allah you
are not Just, you are not fair.
Why you gave it to him not to
And this is astaghfirullah al-azim, Allah's name
is al-adl, the all-just You're accusing
Allah, ya Allah I deserve it more.
I'm the one who deserve children.
I'm the one who deserve the wealth I'm
the one who deserve the health.
Look at me.
I have cancer.
I have this and this guy He doesn't
pray and look at him.
He is Healthy and this so you are
accusing Allah that ya Allah you are not
just that by itself Without any harm happening
to the Mahsood that by itself is a
crime Accusing Allah of not being just la
hawla wa la quwwata illa billah Okay Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala said nahnu qasamna baynahum ma
'ishatahum fil hayati al-dunya warafa'na ba'dahum
fawqa ba'din darajat liyattakhidha ba'duhum ba'dan sukhriya We
have allocated their livelihood in this life And
we elevated some of them in rank above
others Allah made this guy poor and this
guy rich this guy healthy this guy sick
This guy this this Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
decreed all of that And why for some
of them would be would take others in
service Imagine that we are all or all
mankind are rich Who's gonna serve who?
Who's gonna drive who?
Who's gonna mow the lawn?
Who's gonna all the other jobs?
Who's gonna do this for anybody?
Who's gonna help?
Who's gonna take this job and that job?
If everybody is in the same level So
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala He gave certain people
certain advantages Because of his hikmah Because of
his wisdom Now listen carefully Signs
that I and you have hasad What is
the sign that I have hasad?
Okay Abdulhamid I don't like
him And someone started mentioning good things about
the person I do not like I feel
good Mentioned good things?
No I feel very bad And I start
getting annoyed And I start trying to change
the topic I don't want to hear anything
good about the person that I'm envying I
don't want to If you start feeling you're
working with this guy A Muslim brother You're
working together And the boss starts praising him
You cannot take it You start telling them
But he comes late But remember seven years
ago he made a mistake You cannot take
or accept that a person is being praised
in front of you And it's not you
You cannot take it That's a sign that
you have hasad And not only that He
does not like it when others talk about
the good that a person has done And
he remains silent And pretends like he does
not know of that good Really?
He did that?
He achieved that?
He finished his project in such a short
As if he does not know And he
feels joy and happiness When bad things
are being said about that person He feels
good And he starts adding to it Okay?
So that's a sign that you have hasad
You have hasad You cannot take anyone that
you do not like being praised in front
of you Now, believe it or not Every
single one of this room have hasad And
the hasad that we are talking about The
dangerous one The evil one Is the one
that you act upon it I have a
feeling about someone If I keep it in
my heart And I constantly fight it And
do not display it And do not say
anything about it Alhamdulillah you're safe Everyone have
these feelings What's the evidence?
The surah that we all know by heart
من شري حاسد إذا حسد All of us
have hasad in them But the evil will
take place when I display my jealousy and
my envy And I start showing it and
acting upon it But hasad in general Very
rare that someone does not have it at
all Completely out of hasad Impossible But where
is the problem when I start acting upon
the hasad And as we will see from
the next point Rasulullah ﷺ
prohibited us from hasad When he said Do
not envy لا تحاسدوا Do not envy one
another Do not break ties with each other
Do not hate one another Do not deceive
one another And be the servants of Allah
that are brothers This hadith is in Bukhari
Now it was said that the envious Takes
nothing in gatherings except blame and humiliation Receives
nothing from the angels except curses and hatred
Feels nothing in seclusion but worry and grief
He is always worried and grief about others
blessings Receives nothing on death bed but difficulty
and horror Receives nothing on the day of
resurrection except scandal and torture And receives nothing
in the * fire except burning Except the
fire and burning So everywhere in his life
is miserable for the person who commits hasad
What are some of the reasons Why would
somebody have hasad against another person Why?
Number one Arrogance Kibr Kibr by itself is
a kabira Having arrogance by itself is a
kabira We all know the hadith of Rasulullah
ﷺ If you have a mustard seed Mustard
seed of arrogance You will not smell Jannah
The minute you start feeling I am better
than so and so Huh?
I am better than so and so Subhanallah
That's a bigger than a mustard seed In
any field If someone is arrogant They cannot
bear others to have more than them In
wealth In beauty In intellect In status In
children They cannot bear it How can he?
I am better than him I am from
a better family I am from a better
tribe How could he be promoted before me?
I am here for 15 years in the
company He just joined 2 years ago He
has so much kibr That kibr leads to
hasad Second Enmity Enmity If you have a
bad relationship with someone You Instantly start committing
envy Enmity And you Cannot wait for your
enemy to lose everything that Allah has bestowed
upon them Enmity is one of the main
reasons of why people commit hasad And that
is completely against what Rasulallah SAW told us
That You are not a true believer Until
you love to your brother What you love
to yourself You are not a true believer
Until you love to your brother what you
love to yourself Is there a praise worthy
Is there a praise worthy hasad?
Like what?
Rasulallah SAW The hadith is Muslim and Bukhari
لا حسد إلا في اثنتين Envy is justified
only in two occasions A man who has
been given knowledge of the Quran Stands reciting
it during the night and during the day
يعني I know if a person That he
is up all night praying qiyam I say
ya Allah I wish I can be like
him This hasad here is the first level
Is the hasad that you wish that you
have what the person have Without wishing that
he loses it In Arabic it's called غبطة
It's called غبطة غبطة is the good hasad
يعني you love what this person has You
wish that you have it But without them
losing it Which ones are there Rasulallah?
Two A person who has the Quran and
he is going around spreading it And praying
qiyam with it And the second is a
person Whom Allah SWT have given wealth And
he spends it on others During the day
and during the night And he was sitting
in the fundraising And a brother raised his
hand And I said I want to give
fifty thousand dollars Say ya Allah I wish
I have the money Just like him I
would have done the same exact thing يعني
you wish that you have it So you
can be earning the hasad that he gets
it Not you wish that he loses it
Why is he giving fifty and I'm not
giving anything I don't even have this month's
rent No no no You're very happy for
him But at the same time you wish
that you have it What is the cure
for hasad?
First There is a cure for the one
who is committing the hasad And there is
a cure for the person who is being
envied For the hasad For the person who
is doing the hasad Remind yourself ya akhi
Of The greatness of Allah SWT And the
wisdom of Allah SWT Second Every time you
have a thought about that brother or that
sister That you are envying Try to fight
it And listen carefully Even though it is
very hard Make dua for that brother or
that sister Make dua for that brother or
that sister It is very hard But this
is one of the cure of hasad Is
to make dua for the person that you
do not like And remind yourself that I
am wasting all these hasanat I worked so
hard for They are being burned They are
disappearing They are extinguished Because of my hasad
And the person who is committing hasad He
is the one who is harming himself the
most He is the one up all night
thinking And the guy is sleeping, the other
guy The other guy has no idea He
is thinking why Why them, why me, why
their wife, why their children Why their neighborhood,
why this car Every year they change this
Every vacation they travel They just came back
from Umrah They are always He is the
one who is worried the most So you
are harming yourself the most When you constantly
think about the others Now For the person
who is mahsood For the person who is
being envied There are Two situations One is
general and one is specific The general cure
Listen to me carefully The cure for hasad
The cure for hasad Number one You are
under the protection of Allah Second Adhkar, adhkar,
adhkar The sayings of the morning and the
sayings of the evening These are prescription From
the doctor of this ummah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wasallam If you say this dua after fajr
You will be protected from the jinn If
you say this after asr You will be
protected Rasulallah gave us That's why that book
subhanallah It's called the fortress of the muslim
And there is no better title for this
book It is actually a fortress From shayateen
of a human From shayateen of jinn And
the whole The whole morning Adhkar Ten minutes
Ten minutes a day in the morning And
ten minutes in the evening And you will
have full protection by the will of Allah
Because You see Ask anybody who is in
the field of da'wa or imam What
is the most After unfortunately marital problems What
is the second most problem that people come
to you about?
Nazar Hasad Black magic Ayn This is the
most thing Why can't I be proactive?
Before all these things happen What is the
This is one of the main reasons for
protection Is the adhkar of the sabah And
the adhkar of the masa' The evening and
morning adhkar The adhkar before I leave the
house The adhkar when I come back The
adhkar when I get into the car The
da'wa when it's raining The da'wa
when someone is sick The da'wa when
someone has a baby We have the whole
day covered with da'wa Entering the masjid
Leaving the masjid Entering the restroom Leaving the
restroom Whatever you want There is a da
'wa for it When I constantly be busy
with these da'wa I am protecting myself
From all the envious people By the will
of Allah So number one is The adhkar
of the sabah And the adhkar of the
masa' And fajr in jama'a Number two
Stop posting everything that happens in your life
online Look at the chicken we ate today
We just came back from Hawaii And everywhere,
everywhere And I'm looking They just bought a
Louis Vuitton bag for five thousand Ya Allah
I'm back in my rent for two months
Look at them He just came back Look
at him He's so happy in Venezuela He's
always buying a new car Ya akhi stop
posting Stop posting my sister Because when you
come back to us We are poor Please,
please stop posting About every single thing that
you do This, when you post something You
are putting it in public And what does
public mean?
Public means The one who is good is
watching And one who is evil is watching
There are people who has evil eye Rasool
Allah said Ya akhwan, the hadith you will
all know by heart Because it's two word
hadith Al'ayn Haq You don't need to
memorize or know Arabic Al'ayn haq It's
true 100% It's real Al'ayn haq
It takes place It kills even Make sure
who enters your home Not everybody comes inside
your house They walk inside Wow Look at
that chandelier Wow When did you say in
that car No baraka No mashallah No la
quwata illa billah No nothing Yallah These are
the people who All of a sudden By
the way One of the symptoms That you
are mahsood That you have al'ayn You
go to every single doctor And he tells
you there is nothing wrong Everything is good
All the tests came positive There is nothing
wrong Alhamdulillah Everything is good And you still
Losing weight You don't want to talk to
anybody Severe back pain Yawning for no reason
Especially in salat Especially when You are Your
eyes are wide open You open the Quran
to read a little bit All of a
sudden Sleeping pill These are all signs that
you have al'ayn Possibly you have al
'ayn Because there are people When it comes
to al'ayn Two extremes They don't believe
in it That's one extreme The second extreme
Everything is al'ayn My son yesterday He
did not eat biryani Al'ayn My daughter
She got 75 on math Al'ayn Ya
habibi she did not study You know So
These two extremes No I take by the
means And I do not exclude al'ayn
completely I will Possibly there is al'ayn
Okay So Cutting down all these postings And
all this bragging Everything is a blessing What?
Mahsud It's not a hadith But Everyone who
has a lot of blessings He will be
envied You are a hafiz You are from
the people of the masajid You have a
happy home You have a good job You
have a good car You live in a
good neighborhood These are all attractions To be
envied So do not add to the fire
By making others out of your circle Also
see what blessings that you have I remember
And by the way There are people Who
they tell you Ya akhi I have a
problem I remember My father He went with
someone To visit a brother My father is
sitting down And the brother has a crystal
ashtray The man with him With my father
He said Wow Look at that ashtray My
father swore It was shattered Shattered Shattered into
pieces There are people who have that They
have that sickness They have that disease May
Allah cure them It's a disease When I
was in New York A brother Had a
partnership with another brother They opened a chicken
restaurant So when he first met He said
listen Don't bring your children to the To
the restaurant He said why?
He said I have a very severe case
of evil eye I'm telling you Don't bring
them I have a problem So the brother
did not bring them Because he was so
scared He said If it was not told
to me I would not believe it He
said he was riding with me in the
car one time His partner And he looked
at a brand new Maybe 2010 at that
time BMW And he said wow He swore
by Allah All four tires popped On the
highway The brother I know him very well
He said I'm not trying I'm telling you
that these people exist unfortunately They exist As
a matter of Allah mentioned them من شر
حاسد إذا حسد بل تحسدوننا The hasad exists
Be very careful What is the hadith لا
يأكل طعامك إلا تقي ولا يدخل بيتك إلا
مؤمن Anybody knows the hadith?
Do not let anybody eat your food Except
a person with taqwa And do not let
into your house Except a believer Hadith of
Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم So if you
do not know Now sometimes You see your
son Your daughter getting very sick And like
I said You take her to all the
doctors And there's nothing wrong Okay Now You
do the ruqya The main surahs of the
ruqya Fatiha Ayatul kursi Last two ayah of
Baqara قل هو الله أحد الفلق الناس These
are the ayat That you recite on your
Loved one that has a hasad Can I
read them on water And then they drink
it Yes And you الحمد لله رب العالمين
Some scholars said You could do each one
Seven times Add to it The last two
ayahs Of surah al-qalam وَإِيَّ كَادُ الَّذِينَ
كَفَرُوا لَيَزْلِقُونَكَ بِأَبْصَارِهِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُوا الذِّكْرِ وَيَقُولُونَ
إِنَّهُ لَمَجْنُونَ وَمَا هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَالَمِينَ Add
to them this ayah If it's signed Now
If you know Who did that to your
son To you To your daughter What do
you do?
Because most of the time it's not known
But if you know That this person After
he left our house We started fighting all
day long I love my wife And we
are constantly fighting now I lost my job
All of a sudden Nothing happened Everything was
normal And then all of a sudden All
these things are happening And you Doubted this
person What's the solution?
This is from Rasulullah ﷺ again Rasulullah ﷺ
A man was showering In the public But
he was of course covering his bottom Because
he used to shower with the izar Right?
He was covering his bottom part And the
top part was I mean Obvious So another
sahabi passed by And he praised How pure
his skin is What happened?
He dropped Instantly that guy dropped When I
tell you about the BMW You get surprised
It's a hadith A man fell The man
fell Fell on his spot Ya Rasulullah come
See what happened He said Who did this?
Who do you think did this?
They said Obviously The man who was just
passing by They brought him He said okay
Go make wudu He told the man Who
said What a beautiful skin Go make wudu
And that wudu Put it in the water
In a cup In a container And take
that container Rasulullah ﷺ took it And put
it on the person He said Wallahi Rasulullah
ﷺ said He got up as if Nothing
happened to him He got up As if
nothing happened to him So From this we
learn That if I know Who is that
person If I really know Because if you
don't know It's very hard Sameer I think
you did this How could you go to
someone And tell them I think it's you
I need your wudu So you go and
you ask them Because sometimes To be honest
with you The case is so severe You
don't really care anymore How the person feels
It's my daughter My son Please I think
it's you I need Please make wudu And
give me the water By the will of
Allah You will see the person jump Instantly
This is the promise from Not from me
From Rasulullah ﷺ If I do not know
Who the person is I remember one person
He doubted That this person is It's him
Because definitely After he left his house All
these problems happened So he invited him to
dinner Again And he wants to tell him
To make wudu He was so shy You
know it's not easy To tell someone So
he said By mistake Not by mistake On
purpose I threw the coffee on him Oh
Astaghfirullah Let me take your clothes He took
his clothes I said No no it's okay
I'll go home and change No way We
have to wash them here We have to
wash them here It's okay I can go
home and change No no I have Brand
new Thawb for you So he took the
thing And he washed it And he took
the water from that And he put it
on himself After he left Anything you can
use In order to protect yourself But this
is An advice From Rasulullah ﷺ So ya
Akhwan This is Mainly About the hasad May
Allah protect us all May Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala Finally What do we do?
In order not to commit hasad If it
is Listen Can I do nazar on my
Me on my own son?
Yes Can I do nazar on myself?
When I'm Have done some great achievement If
I did it I say mashallah About my
achievements Mashallah Rasulullah ﷺ As a matter of
fact At the end of that hadith Of
the water He said If someone says something
Because Rasulullah ﷺ Gave us the cure And
gave us the pre Subhanallah He said If
someone of you If some of you Saw
something that they like May Allah bless you
May Allah bless your son May Allah bless
your daughter May Allah bless your home May
Allah bless your wealth May Allah bless your
car I see something beautiful May Allah bless
you This is the solution But you know
to say Wow and this And I cannot
believe this What is that?
And how did you do this?
How much money do you make?
And you're boiling No this is not Islam
And if you entered your garden And said
mashallah There is no power except with Allah
When I see something I achieved something good
My son finished his hafiz Mashallah there is
no power except with Allah May Allah bless
you You know Be very careful And also
I came to you Also you have to
be wise I came to you I said
Kashif I just And I just found out
That Kashif lost his job Right?
I just found out that Kashif lost his
job And then I come to Kashif and
I say Kashif do you know that just
got promoted?
Come on I mean logically How could you
sit down And say something You know that
the brother Just lost his job You know
that the brother For example The sister just
had a miscarriage Oh alhamdulillah we just got
twins Ya akhi Be considerate Be considerate So
sometimes people Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told
us That Yaqub told his kids Do not
enter from one door The hasad is in
the Quran Do not enter from one door
Go from separate doors Because 10 brothers walking
Who has 10 brothers as an army?
And I have no kids whatsoever So Be
careful about all these matters May Allah protect
us all And constantly Finally Finally Before you
sleep And I beg you To teach this
to all your children Okay?
Sit them on the bed Before they sleep
And let them from this age 5, 6,
7 Whatever age they are Subhanallah Wallahi they
will never forget you Baba Yalla You can
make it in a fun manner Put your
hands together He puts the hands together She
puts the hands together You know you can
make it fun Rasulallah This is called It's
not called a spit And it's not called
a blow It's between a blow and a
spit You feel some What do you call
Saliva A little bit But it's not like
And it's all over Between both You do
this Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Rahim As
much as you can He said from your
body So you know the kids are going
to start playing around It's okay It's okay
So Blow How many times?
Three times This is A prophetic prescription For
protection Imagine I teach it to my child
From 5 years old, 6 years old And
he does it all his life And he
teaches it to his children And I'm getting
all this ajr Even though I departed years
ago Send them tonight And teach them this
ruqya Personal ruqya Because like I made a
video one time The best raqi ever The
best raqi ever One time our sheikh He
gathered us And he said take your phones
out I said why?
He said I'm going to give you the
phone number Of the best raqi on earth
You want me to do the same thing?
Take your phones out Let me give you
the number for the best raqi on earth
He did this He said it's you You
are the best raqi on earth What's the
first thing that comes to mind One time
when I have issue I called Astaz Astaz
I need raqi Is everything okay with you?
Yeah Why don't you do it?
Why don't you do it yourself?
And now I agree There are some times
That the person himself is so afflicted That
they cannot even recite the Quran Very deep
possession I've seen it with my own eyes
That person absolutely They need someone to do
it for them But if you can do
it yourself You are the best raqi literally
The best raqi is yourself Finally May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala bless us all And
protect us all Protect our children from all
evil eyes May Allah protect our homes May
Allah fill all our homes With love and
mercy and tranquility May Allah make our last
deeds our best deeds And our last words
La ilaha illallah A lot of salat On
Rasool Allah Tonight is the night of Friday
Make a lot of dua This is a
blessed night And please come to Fajr tomorrow
at 6.30 And bring your kids with
you And
those who believe Send blessings upon him And
greet him with greetings