Mohamad Baajour – Explanation Of The Quranic Duas #7 Duaa Of The People That Allah Loves

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The speaker reminds the audience to be mindful of the first three requests before requesting anything. The first three requests are to be forgive the small and the big errors in the past, to be fortified, and to be steadfast against the desire of the enemy. The second three requests are to be mindful of the negative consequences of sin and to be fortified. The third request is to be mindful of the negative consequences of shown religion and to be fortified.
AI: Transcript ©
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Before we

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tonight's Dua,

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just a general idea,

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Before we make the dua,

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I want to remind myself and remind you

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a few things.

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Number 1

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is that the 1 that you're asking

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is more generous than anyone you could ever

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think of,

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and more richer than anyone you could ever

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think of,

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and more merciful than anyone you could think

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and loves you more than anyone you could

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think of.

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You might knock so many doors,

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but no 1 cares about you

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as much as the 1 that you're asking.

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Tonight's Dua,

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before Allah

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told us the dua,

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told us who made this dua.

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He said that there are real men

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with the messengers.

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men, they are rebuyun.

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They are connected to the prophets and the

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and they never weaken.

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No matter what happens,

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they stayed in the battlefield till the last

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And Allah ended the ayah by saying,

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and Allah praised them and after he praised

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them he said, I love their patients.

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And then he said,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala after he said, the

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the patient ones, they are the ones who

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made this dua.

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What is the, this

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They made 4 requests,

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but all

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these requests is to get to

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1 aim, 1 goal, which is the masr

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Al Al Kafirin,

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is to be victorious over the non believers.

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So you need the first 3 in order

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to get the 4th.

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They requested 4 things. You Allah,

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our sins.

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The scholar said

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are the minor sins.

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Are the major sins.

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And keep us steadfast

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and give us victory over the non believers.

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They could have said just like all of

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us, but

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here, it's more

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I'm asking to forgive the minor and the

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major sins.

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Is good. But here, they requested,

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And this is a Muqaddimah. This is an

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that we should all do before we make

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a request.

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Your son comes to you and he wants

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to ask you for something.

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He said, Baba and he already messed up.

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forgive me.

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I'm sorry. I did something wrong. And he

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keeps apologizing

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and asking for forgiveness. Then he asks. Similarly,

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you Allah forgive my sins, the small ones

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and the big ones.

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And give me steadfastness in this deen and

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give me victory on the believer, on the

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non believers. So always before you request something

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show Allah that you are behind in your

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duties. You are mukasr.

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You are

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full of

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faults and

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Admit to Allah all this and then ask.

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This is the dua of the best of

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Umar before he used to send an army,

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he used to tell them he used to

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tell them, obey Allah

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because if you are going to be sinful,

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that means you are equal to the

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enemy. The enemy are sinful. If you are

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going to be sinful, you will equate with

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the enemy. And when you are equate equal

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to the enemy, you will lose, you will

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be defeated because they are stronger

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than us in number and artillery.

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Our obedience to Allah

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and staying away from the sins is the

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key for victory, is the key to answer

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all that requests that you have.

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We sin day and night,

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we sin day and night and then we

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beg Allah Azzawajal. So before you beg Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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admit that you are a sinner.

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Sabbath, steadfastness

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is needed in 3 things.

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Number 1, we need steadfastness when we are

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in the battlefield.

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When you ask for steadfastness in the battlefield,

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that means, You Allah, do not make me

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from the people who You will loonal adbar

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that run away from the battlefield. You Allah,

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Then we need steadfastness

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against the desires.

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And we need steadfastness against the shubuhat,

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the doubtful matters,

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especially our youth. Shaitan comes and many human

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shaitan are whispering

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to the youth, what kind of religion is

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this? Look at how many restrictions. Look at

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the others everybody's having fun. Oh, these are

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Shubohat. Why did your prophet marry this? Why

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did you do this? All that stuff they

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start trying to

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inject in our youth

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in order to have them to make them

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doubt our Deen. So we need steadfastness

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against these shubuhad. Now what happened when they

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made this dua?

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,

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This dua

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right after

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the ayah, right after Allah gave them the

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reward in this dunya and not the reward

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in the akhira and an excellent husna,

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excellent reward in the akhirah and Allah loves

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the good doers. So SubhanAllah Youkhwan, the dua

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aya number 1 147 in Al Imran. Repeat

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after me.

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