Mohamad Baajour – Divine Dua #02 Most Comprehensive Duaa

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of the "hasana" in the Quran and explains that it includes everything from a good spouse, good children, good health, and good environment. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not only asking for the good of the d point, but also asking for the good of the d union. The speaker also discusses the use of the "hasana" in the title of the book and explains that it is not just a point of pride, but also a means of satisfaction.
AI: Transcript ©
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Tonight, insha Allah ta'ala, we continue our series

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of the duas from the Quran. And like

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we said before,

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no matter how

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beautiful is the dua that you know, or

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no matter how many shuyuk can gather and

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sit down and come up with a dua,

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There's nothing like the dua that Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala told us to make in the

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Quran. So the best dua that you could

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ever make are the duas that are in

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the Quran.

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We took one last week inshallah, and today

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we take another one. And this dua that

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we will discuss today,

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every single one of us in this room

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know it by heart already.

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So the point of explaining it is just

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to make sure that when we are making

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this dua, we understand what we're saying.

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I want with the help of Allah today

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to change your concept of making this dua

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from now on inshallah.

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So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in Surat

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Al Baqarah

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that there are some people whom their

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is very low.

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There are some people whom their expectations and

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their ambitions are very low. They're only ask

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they only ask for dunya matters. And Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala said, these kind of people,

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they have nothing in the akhirah.

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They have nothing in the akhirah. But there

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is another kind of people, and there are

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other people,

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala praised the other

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kind of people who ask

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for the good in this dunya and the

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good in the akhirah

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What is what does that dua mean?

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First of all, using the word rubbana.

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When I say when I use the word

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what what does the word rub mean?

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Rub, for example, the father in Arabic is

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called rub al a'ilah. He is the rub

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of his family.

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He is

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provider. He is their protector.

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Similarly, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is our guardian.

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He's our protector. He's our provider. He's our

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owner. He's our creator. This is all in

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Rabbanah. So first I am admitting

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and believing that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala just

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by saying Rabbanah, he is all of the

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Ibn Kathir Rahimullah,

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he said something beautiful explaining this dua. He

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said, this word hasanah, You Allah give me

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hasanah in this dunya. That word hasanah

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anything that is good in this dunya.

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It includes a good spouse,

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good children,

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good house,

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good ride,

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good job,

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good environment,

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good masjid, good ibadat.

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Everything that is good is included in that

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word, hasana.

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Because many of us, yakhwan, this is one

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of the main problems or one of the

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main reasons that the dua is not answered.

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What are you doing?

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Focus. Right?

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Focus. You're asking for the best of the

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The best of the dunya.

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In in the back of your mind, I

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I'm asking for a good spouse. I'm asking

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for righteous children. I'm asking for a

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good job. I'm asking for good health. All

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of that is included in the dunya hasana.

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fit dunya hasana. Is that it? No. Wafil

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akhira hasana. Tayib. We understand what is the

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hasana and the dunya. What is the hasra

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and the akhirah? SubhanAllah.

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Hasana and the akhirah.

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Being under the shade of Allah

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Getting the book in your right hand, crushing

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the sirot like lightning,

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and of course the best reward and best

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good in the is to enter Jannah.

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This is

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I asked for the akhirah hasna which includes

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entering Jannah. Why am I adding?

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But if I'm going to Jannah, I'm already

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saved from the hellfire. Right?

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SubhanAllah. Because there are people who will go

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to the hellfire first and then they will

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go to Jannah. So here I'm confirming, you

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Allah, not only I want to go to

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Jannah, I want to go to Jannah

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walasab biqati adhab. I wanna go to Jannah

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without accountability

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and without any kind of punishment. Waqina, You

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Allah protect me. So in the dua, there

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is one request for dunya

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and 2 requests for the akhirah.

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Give me the good of the

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and protect me from the hellfire.

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Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam was visiting

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a Sahabi that was very sick.

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As a matter of fact, the hadith said,

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He was so weak. Just he was like

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as weak as a chicken.

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So Rasool said,

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is there any dua that you've been making?

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Because this is unbelievable state that you are

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This Sahabi made a very weird dua.

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He said, you Allah,

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whatever you are going to punish me in

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the akhira,

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give it to me now in the dunya.

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Rasulullah said, Subhanallah,

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cannot handle this.

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You should have

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So the man said it and the end

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of the hadith, he was cured. SubhanAllah.

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Sui Akhman,

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anytime anytime literally

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in your sujood,

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even though this is ayah from the Quran,

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but I'm not I'm not reciting it in

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the in the sujood with with tajweed.

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No. I'm just saying the dua. I can

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make it in my sujood. I can say

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it before my taslim. Is there anything better

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to say before your before your taslim, You

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Allah, give give me the good of the

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duniya and good of the akhirah. And from

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all the duas that Rasulullah

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taught us,

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and has said and the hadith is in

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Bukhari, can

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This is the most dua that Rasool Allah

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sallam made. Hadith is in Bukhari. Can you

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imagine the man,

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our most beloved that taught us every single

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Anas said Who's who's Anas?

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His khadim.

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He said, this is his most dua.

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His most dua, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And out of all these duas

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by the way, when we go to Hajjur

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to Umrah, you see people teaching you, okay.

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I'm gonna teach you the dua of the

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first round, the dua of the second round,

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Habibi. This is all fake. There's no dua

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for first round, dua for 3rd round, dua

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for 5th round. Make any du'a that you

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From all these du'as, Rasool salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam specified only

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one dua to said to be said between

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the rukn al Yamani and

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and the black stone. Sah. And that dua

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is all of us together.

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So Yakhwan,

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the way you say it from now on

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will be different because now you

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