Mohamad Baajour – Another Young Man Converts To Islam

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary © A man named Jesus talks about his passion for Islam and how he wants to be a good Muslim man. He talks about his past studying Islam and how he wants to continue growing in knowledge. He also talks about a rain check and gives a hug to a new member of the Islam community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Is there a a better night to to

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become a Muslim?

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It's the best night of the year.

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Our beloved brother, Alex, decided

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to join the Ummah.

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So I just wanna ask him,

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the same question that you ask everybody.

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What attracted you to to this dean? Can

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we can we can we can we can

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we can we can we can we can

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we can we can we can close?

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It's I feel it in my heart. I

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feel it that this is my true path.

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I feel

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it that this is the true way.

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I want to be a a good Muslim

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How long you've been studying and looking into

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Islam? Studying since very young,

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over 10 years ago.

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Over 10 years, and, I'm 28 years right

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And I want to continue to grow. I

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want to continue to have more knowledge.

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I mean, you're very happy that you chose

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epic to take your shahada. So just repeat

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after me, inshallah.

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Ashhadu. Ashhadu.

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And I bear witness. That

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Muhammad Muhammad. Peace be upon him. Peace be

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upon him. Is his final messenger. Is his

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final messenger.

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The water, I'm I get thirsty but It's

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the toughest one. Right? Yeah. I get thirsty

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but, If you find fasting is easy then

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the rest is gonna be piece of cake.

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Welcome to Islam. We are very happy and

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excited for you, and we beg Allah to

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keep you steadfast.

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And we ask Allah to make you a

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reason for others to join this deen. Usually,

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on all the beautiful brothers

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usually would come and give you a hug,

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but, you know, there's, like, 3,000 only.

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But today, because of the salat and everything,

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we're gonna give you a rain check inshallah.

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You come one day just for hugs. Of

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course. Of course. Alright. Thank you so much.

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Thank you. Thank you so much. Make a

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