Mohamad Baajour – 7 Necessary Feelings For Receiving Prophetic Guidance #07

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses a series of seven feelings that will be released after their series, including how everyone has a chance to live without them, personal examples of how people can imitate Jannah, and the importance of following a specific message to avoid missing anything. They offer a list of examples of words that can be used to express feelings and encourage following a specific message.
AI: Transcript ©
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today we're gonna finish the series

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which is,

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one of the most important series I've ever

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done in my life.

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And many people are asking me about, when

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it's gonna be released. It will be released

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after Ramadan on YouTube.

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the whole series is based on how to

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improve our deen

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by going through Rasulullah

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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in 7 steps, 7 feelings.

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We said that number 1, we have to

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know his value.

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2nd, we have to know that Rasulullah salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam used to get up in

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the middle of the night and cry making

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dua for us. Number 3, who's gonna remind

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We cannot survive without him.

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All my will enter the Jannah except the

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one who refuse.

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Who the one who will refuse He

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whosoever disobey me, he has refused.

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No. The 3rd second one, he he loves

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us. 3rd

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No. No. 4th,

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every time his name is mentioned,

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we make salat upon him. 5th, Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala himself told us how to behave

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in his presence.

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Do not raise your voice. Do not speak

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to each other like you speak Do not

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speak to him like you speak to each

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other. And number 6,

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last one.

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If you have complete trust in him,

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whatever he told us, we should follow.

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Everything he says is

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So you have After all these, you have

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in front of you

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the best example

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The best man ever who does not do

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if he was informed by his creator.

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So who could you follow, or who could

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be better to follow

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Which leads us to the last feeling which

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emulate and to imitate him in everything

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that he does.

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You imitate the way he walks, he talks,

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the way he eats, the way he drinks,

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the way he treats his spouse, the way

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he behaves with his neighbor, the way he

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treats his non muslims, the way he fights

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in the battle, the way he runs,

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the way he thinks, the way everything that

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he does, subhanAllah, we are supposed to follow

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after we hear all these things. I have

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the best example ever, the best role model

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ever. How could I look at someone else?

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How could I look at a at a

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sports figure, or a singer, or an actor,

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or whoever? I have the best man that

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will lead me to Jannah, that will guide

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me to Jannah. So I'm supposed to imitate

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him. I want Jannah.

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You want Jannah? Follow me.

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You want Jannah? Follow my footsteps.

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The way you pray.

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Pray the way you saw me pray.

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The way you perform Hajj.

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Take from me the rituals of Hajj. Follow

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me in every single step

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to to the level. He said,

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Take my sunnah. Follow my sunnah, and the

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sunnah of the 4 khulafa after me.

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Bite on it.

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You know, somebody could tell you bite on

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it. But Rasulullah SAWSALLAM did not only tell

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you bite on it, He specified which tooth

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to bite

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on it.

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You might Sometimes you put a piece of

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paper and bite on it in the back,

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in the back tooth. Right? I can still

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take it out, but if you bite to

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the front one, it's very hard. He said,

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with the He specified

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which tooth to bite to show us how

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important it is to stick to his sunnah.

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Abdul alayhi bin Nawajid, and it reached a

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that he said,

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Wake up. All of us, including myself, we

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have to wake up. Listen to this.

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Whosoever turn away from my sunnah, he's not

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among my people.

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The Sahaba knew this.

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They knew this.

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Many of the hadith start,

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We used to sit down as if the

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birds are sitting on our heads. And you

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look at the look at this term to

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show how much attention to every word he's

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To the level that Umar radhiallahu an, he

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if he misses a halakah, if he misses

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a class, he used to ask his neighbor,

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you go today and I will go tomorrow.

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We alternate in order not to miss anything

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from what he said.

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To the level that when someone When one

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of the sahab is narrating a hadith, he

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And the people asking him, why did you

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He said, Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam. When he

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was narrating this hadith, at this point he

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Do you want more than that?

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There's a hadith telling us how many white

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on his beard.

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They were

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they were

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some said 20, some said 18, some said

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17. And I want you to imagine.

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Look how much attention

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to sit down. Of course they did not

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come. Excuse

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me. Let me count how many. Of course

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this does not happen.

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That shows you how much attention

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do they have to the level they counted.

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Imagine somebody's counting my white.

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They they to the level they were counting

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how many white hairs he had.

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This is the bottom line. In Rasulullah Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam, you have the best of example.

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The best of example. So,

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this is what made the Sahaba Sahaba.

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This is what took the Sahaba from the

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darkness to the light.

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This is what took the Sahaba from Jahiliya

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to Islam.

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This is what made

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him so heavy

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because of how much they followed

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every single thing. And if we do the

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same, allahi, same thing will happen to us.

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We have the best of example

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but unfortunately

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some of us not only do not follow

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the sunnah,

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unfortunately some of us even make fun of

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the sunnah.

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If somebody is plating a sunnah, they make

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fun of it.

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Be careful.

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Making fun of the sunnah, it might reach

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a level. It might reach a level that

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will take you out of the deen.

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Because you are making fun of what Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala ordered.

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Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam,

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everything that he he does is an are

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orders from Allah and we want the pleasure

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of Allah so we follow Rasulullah salallahu alaihi

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wasallam. And subhanallah,

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we all know the story of Bilal radiallahuhan.

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And I want you to imagine this, subhanallah,

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and he he when Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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they they could not believe it. Some people

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collapsed. Some people fainted. They could not believe.

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And everybody was in in in shock.

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And Bilal was making the adhan

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and when he came to

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he started crying and the whole madinah was

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You hear the madinah crying

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because the salas alaihi wasalam is not there

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among them anymore. This is how much they

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they loved him. This is how much they

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imitated him. Ibn Umar used to say, why

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are you They asked him, why are you

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walking like this? He said, because the

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on this road he used to put his

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foot here and then the other foot here.

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And he Subhanallah.

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We all are are are hoping for Jannah.

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And he, alayhi salatu wasalam, said there's nothing

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there's nothing that will lead you to Jannah

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I did not teach you. And there's nothing

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that would lead you to the hellfire except

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I warned you from nothing,

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us from

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the followers of Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam to the best of our ability. May

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grant us his company. May Allah

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make us from the people who listen and

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apply. May Allah make our last deeds our

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best deeds and our last words.

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