Mohamad Baajour – 7 Necessary Feelings For Receiving Prophetic Guidance #06

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary © The importance of complete trust and listening to Allah's words in achieving a complete trust is present in modern day culture. The speaker emphasizes the need to change the Bible and reform Islam, but warns that they will not do so until they have a different Quran. They also discuss the five feelings of complete trust, including having complete trust in his commandments and following his teachings, and mention a time when someone died while running away from a battlefield. The speaker offers a framework for deeds to achieve complete trust and emphasizes the importance of having a clear understanding of Islam's teachings.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we continue

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with the feelings that you're supposed to have

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towards Rasuulullah Sallaihi Wasallam in order to benefit

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from the revelation.

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We mentioned

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5 of them already,

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and today we will mention the 6. We

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how high is his status and how much

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he loves us and had we cannot survive

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in this dunya and in the akhira without

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his guidance.

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And, we mentioned that we're supposed to celebrate

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him every time we hear his name. We're

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supposed to say

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and Allah

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made rules that,

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do not raise your voice in his presence

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interacting with Rasulullah

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After all these five feelings,

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the feeling is that we are supposed to

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complete trust

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in him.

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Complete trust in Rasulullah

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salallahu alaihi wasalam.

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You know these

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Al Mana'in,

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take what Rasulullah

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said or what the Quran said.

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as if they are listening to a person

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and they want

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to see if it makes any sense. We

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will take something from it. They wanna negotiate.

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That's Oh, that sounds good. This one does

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not sound good. This does not work

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when we say kalallahu and kalar Rasool sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam.

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We have to have complete trust and listen

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to what Allah Azzawajal said,

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An aya that bring

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shivering to your bones.

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swore by

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many things.

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Many many things of his creations.

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In this aya,

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he is swearing

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by himself.

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3 things.

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By your Lord You Muhammad.

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Now this is a litmus test for me

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and you to see if are we believers

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or not.

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This is a test to see if are

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we believers from the Quran.

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Allah is saying by your Lord, You Muhammad,

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he's swearing by himself.

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They are not believers until they fulfill three

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Number 1,

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when they make you the judge

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of any dispute that take place among them.

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And now, the sunnah is the judge between

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Not only that, second,

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Then, they have no

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ill feeling, they have no complaint whatsoever

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to the ruling that you made.

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You know sometimes,

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okay. Yeah. So I have to do it.

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What am I gonna do?

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So I have No. No. No. That feeling

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is not even there.

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That feeling is not even there.

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This is the believer, the true believer.

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They make Rasool Allah sallam the judge. They

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have no ill feeling immediately, no haraj

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in applying. And listen to the last one,

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they submit with full submission.

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Oh, that does not make any sense. What

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is this?

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You wipe on on your on your hoof,

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on your sock from the top, but the

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bottom is getting dirty.

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What kind of that doesn't make any sense.

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Now when I see something

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this strong from Allah and

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I have to have

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a complete trust

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in someone, then I need some guarantee.

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The guarantee

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also came in the Quran.

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Number 1.

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This is the first guarantee.

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He does not talk from himself. Everything is

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And they wanted

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Yuya Muhammad

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to come up with something different, ghayra,

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made in Quran. And then if you do

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that, you will become my khalil.

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Change a little bit. There are some, ayat

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that, you know, does not make any sense.

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Or the other ayat, Surah Al Farqhan.

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And then the people who do not wish

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to meet us, they said, yeah, Muhammad,

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Give us a different Quran

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or change a little bit. Like, there are

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people right now. They want to reform Islam.

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They wanna take the ayaat of jihad out

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of the Quran.

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No more jihad.

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But change it.

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He said, tell them you Muhammad Qul, I

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cannot change it from my my own accord.

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I cannot just get up and change

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and listen to the strongest one.

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And if Mohammed

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came up with something different in the Quran,

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we will take him by his right hand

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firmly and we will cut his throat.

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So do you want any more guarantee that

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man, whatever he says is 100%

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from Allah

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on top of all that,

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Whomsoever obey the the messenger has obeyed Allah.

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So the 5th feeling is to have complete

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trust in Allah

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You know,

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one time

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a man came, Hadith and Sahih Muslim. A

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a man came to Rasulullah

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He said, Yeah Rasulullah,

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if I went to a battlefield and I

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and I died,

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will all my sins be forgiven?

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He said,

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have sabr and if you're patient and you're

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expecting the word from Allah,

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and you died

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while you're attacking, not while you're running away.

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Then Rasulullah said,

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ask me again. He said, Yeah Rasulullah, if

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I go to the battlefield

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and I die, will all my sins be

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forgiven? He said, Yes.

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If you are patient

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you have

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expecting you're expecting the ajer from Allah, and

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you are going forward not going backward.

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Accept that.

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Jibril just came and told me.

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And when he said something,

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look at look at the.

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He said something was missing, something. Jabeel immediately

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came. Repeat the question and tell them no,

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except that.

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Jabeel just came and told me,

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do you want any more

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trust in this source?

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Not one word. One word he said, there

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was something missing. Allah sent Jibril tell him,

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everything will be forgiven between me and you.

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But this day and this debt that you

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took from this guy, you will be punished

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in your grave until the debt is settled.

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That's why if your father, if your mother,

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anybody that you love that died and he

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has death, Rasulullah sallam, it's not our topic.

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Rasulullah salallam, he came, they asked him to

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come and pray.

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He said, does he have any debt? They

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said, 2 dinar,

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$2. He said, pray on your brother.

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Pray on your brother. He doesn't wanna pray.

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So Abu Darda,

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he said, You Rasulullah, I got it. And

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he wants to, and subhanAllah, how much he

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loves his brother. He wants

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sallam. I got it. I took care of

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it. So Rasool Allah came back and prayed

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the shanaza.

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The next day,

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Abu Darda, did you take care of the,

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did you take care of it? He said,

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yeah Rasulullah, it's not even one day yet.

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Next day, did you take care of it?

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He said, yes. He said, now

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he rested in his grave.

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So go back to our topic. So

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to have complete trust

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in what Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, and,

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you know, before, when Rasool was

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the, you know, the leader,

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of the ummah, before the khilafa started,

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nobody doubted anything.

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So when Abu Bakr came and took the

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khilafa and he made his

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profound statement,

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he said, if I do anything,

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if I order you anything

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that is against the kitab,

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if I obey Allah and his prophet, follow

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And if I disobey see this statement,

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this is new.

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To the Muslimen, this statement, if I disobey

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coming from a Khalifa, this is a new

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statement. Because Rasool, he would have never said,

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and if I disobey Allah. So this is

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the first time they hear it. If I

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disobey Allah and his prophet, do not follow

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me. I don't deserve your obedience.

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This is how much they have trust in

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Rasulullah sali alayhi wa sallam. So this is

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the 5th the 6th feeling inshallah. We have

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one more. We will take care of it

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on on Thursday. May Allah make us from

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the followers of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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May Allah make our last deeds, our best

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deeds, and our last words.

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