Mirza Yawar Baig – Why tests
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The speakers discuss the confusion surrounding Islam and the importance of learning the meaning of Islam to determine the exact origin of man. They stress the need for evidence and finding ways to respond to difficult situations without giving up. The global warming climate, including actions like killing people, causing major fires, and causing major disasters, is discussed as a global risk that needs to be addressed. Testing one's knowledge and making changes to one's approach to life is crucial for better lives, and people should not over Come too much.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shafi Lumbee river musetti Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Allah Haile he write early he also abused salam to Stephen the theory upon my brother.
My brothers and sisters there are hamdulillah people ask some good questions Mashallah.
And I always encourage that he also helps me to put topics for life after
one question that was asked is that we know that Allah subhanaw taala has all the power he has his olive Aliwal Hubby, He is Allah aqualisa And today he is the phallic and the Malik of everything. He knows everything.
So what is the point of creation? Why did he create anything? And what is the point of tests?
Good question. But one of the reasons for these questions is because we don't take the trouble to study our Aveda properly.
This is a big tragedy because whenever I speak about Akita, I'm absolutely amazed at the fact that most people seem to know nothing at all zero.
But they're praying five times a day and everything else hamdulillah Inshallah, we ask Allah to accept the Salah and everything else, but the point is that how can you live in a state of ignorance like this?
Right, it is not good.
It is incumbent upon us is forced upon us to learn what our agenda is, what do you believe?
To say I'm muslim, okay, so you're Muslim, what do you believe?
We have no idea.
Seriously, I'm not joking. I'm not exaggerating, believe me, I have no idea people have no idea. One line they cannot say.
So this must change. Now.
With respect to the question, as I said, Good question Hamdulillah.
Before I answer the question, we have to understand one very important thing and that is, with regard to the matters of ripe with regards to matters of what we known as unperceivable. Right, which is in the right.
As well as with matters that concern Allah subhanaw taala himself which is the result of Allah the person of Allah.
What Allah subhanaw taala said about himself about the Arcia of Allah about the promises of Allah about Jana Jana is also we believe whatever Allah subhanaw taala told us without we say Bella cave without asking how
we don't use our logic we don't try to you know, kind of
create some imagination around it No. For example, just to give you one example I can I don't want to delay or extend this Kathira Allah subhanaw taala said hello cassava to a lot of the visit that the yeah I mean to must Allah Allah.
Allah said, He created the heavens and the earth in six days and then he made a Stiva on His earth.
Now this actually happened.
Somebody has said that our the law know what is the meaning of His divine
is the rather large one, what is the meaning of that?
So may Allah have mercy on me, may Allah forgive me?
How can I say about something which Allah has not explained?
Which Skye will hide me? If I say about Allah, that which I do not know. The reason I'm saying this is because people like this as an hour, an hour, and so under the Lanois. These were people who learn the deen directly from Russell especially, if they did not take any risk in this matter. How can we take risk? So don't go into the issue though it still means this that no, it still means whatever it means, as Allah wished.
So when we say if I ask you the question, Where does Allah what is the answer? Where does Allah
Where did
what do you believe?
Exact Allah is on his Arash. Allah is not everywhere. Again. See, this is the confusion that we have. Allah is everywhere is Hindu philosophy does not is nothing to Islam. Allah did not say is everywhere. Allah says he knows everything.
When you say Allah is everywhere, what do you mean?
That's a different thing he's got angels is his knowledge all that but we're saying Allah is
is everywhere that
Allah is Allah Where did Allah say where did he say he is? Allahu Allah Arash so must our Allah Arsh
Allah is not does not dispersed in his creation.
But does Allah know everything which is happening? Of course
he did he knows all that.
Not only does he know that real time as it is happening, he also knows what was going to happen before time because he has his knowledge.
So we first and foremost understand we believe what Allah what Allah subhanaw taala told us without asking how, for example, I'll give you an example Allah Subhan Allah in the Quran Zen or Shu Allah Allah said his arches on the water which water
is there a sea is the ocean or something? Is in saltwater saltwater? What is the meaning of our show? is floating on the water? Is there water below NRC is there in the air? Who's gonna answer these questions?
Nobody. Allah said our show Allah Almighty Allah said he or she is on the water We believe this that's it period.
What whatever that means.
Allah said via the hill hey, if somebody says Allah said Does Allah have a hand does he does Allah and are not
here because he said we are the reason may any sandals. So yeah, that is it. Obviously is that is not like your hand on my hand.
So to give Allah subhanaw taala qualities that belong to people or to give people qualities that belonged Allah this is measure can take you out of Islam, if that is what you believe.
So first and foremost in terms of Akita it is and I'm not I'm just being very brief, there's much more detail to this. So Allah subhana wa says, knowledge is complete ALLAH SubhanA SWANER knowledge is, even before the thing happens, Allah knows what is going to happen. Right? Now, the question is, if Allah knows all of this and whitest The answer is the test is not for Allah to find out girl only knows. The test is for us to create evidence in favor of ourselves or against ourselves.
So that when we stand before Allah subhanaw taala, we will not be able to say
I was not given a chance. If I was given a chance I would have done differently. So no, give me a chance. Chance was given to you You did what you did.
Right, number one, number two, this also happen. We call it a test. The test is not like an exam the test as in difficulty
it also happens to as a sign of the Mercy of Allah.
So for example, you might say, for example, Allah subhanaw taala said, well, and who xicana home Minella will Adena dunya Allah will Aquarii la la mujer que Allah said we give you a small punishment before a big punishment, so that you return to us.
Why this wall parchment coming because of what we are doing.
And let's say the Herald fossa filbur Reverberi Bhima Casa de DNRC li uz colomba la vie me Lulu Allah we are doing Allah said the fitna the trials, tribulations difficulties calamities, diseases, pandemics and awakes all of these which are on the land and the sea are because of the actions of people they are happening, because you are earning them there is global warming, which is resulting in climate change, which is resulting in flood somewhere, which is resulting in major fires somewhere else and so on. Why, because of you, because you insist on creating through your technology, carbon, carbon dioxide, and all kinds of greenhouse gases. And that is the reason why
this global warming is happening unless rotten and made made the system and you went and corrupt the system is going to happen to you. So this happening because of your actions. Why is there so much of suffering in the world because you you insist on having an economy which is based on war.
You want to have an economy which is based on the manufacture and sale of weapons of mass destruction? What were you expecting to happen flowers going to fall from the sky?
It's insane. I mean, if I'm going to have my income, because by selling bombs and you know, guns, then what will happen? That bomb or the gun is created for what? There's only one there's only one thing we do with that.
So if I would have economies which are based on war, we will have ours.
So Allah subhanaw taala say Wake up, stop fooling yourself. You are in trouble because of yourself. So what must you do? The alarm your your your turn around, go back to Allah subhanho Then
fix yourself, fix yourself change you change the way you think change the way you act, life will become much better automatically because life became bad because of the way we acted.
So the test is for us to change ourselves. Third reason is Allah subhanaw taala also sends tests to elevate delegates to elevate ranks. Allah's word that I said Well another one Nakamichi mineral hope you will join us next year. Mandala Murray. Well, I'm fully with Tamara Baba share is our very Allah the NIDA Asaba Tomas Eva Don Carlo in Adela. He were in LA Raju. Hola, Erica la him. Salawa Tommy Robin Moraga, what we like our whole motto
in sort of Bukhara Allah's mantra said, Surely we will test you with half with fear and with your with, with hunger, with an oxymoron. Well, with the destruction of your wealth and your and your family and children and so on. Well, what's that word? A word was Samira and yourself and your fruits of your labor, your body different kinds of tests, maybe disease, maybe war, maybe accidents, maybe law, financial laws, whatever Allah said, we will test you and then Allah said
Bashara and good tidings Glad Tidings good news for the people of cyber force arbery Who are the Alladhina is Asaba Tomasi, Baton Carlu in Kerala here in LA and these are the people who when they have difficulties and so on, they say in the law,
we are from Allah we go to Allah.
And then Allah say, for them, Salado Mira be Brahma. For them, there is blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala on them and there is Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala what we like our motto and these are the people who have who are rightly guided. So, these tests also happen for example, for a for that reason.
Because you might say that, otherwise, how do you explain you have good people? To whom? Apparently bad things happen, right?
Many, many, many examples. We have examples right now in front of our eyes, but also in history. There are many people's
the biggest and finest and most important example of that is Rasul Rossana salaam, into if
the stone hit him. He was injured he was bleeding, he bled, the people insulted him this there is mental torture, physical torture.
Somebody stabbed said Robert Abdullah Barbara Delano.
Somebody killed Sandra Alia Delano Sandy killed his two sons has an Rosendo the Alana the whole family of say that Jose Nadella no family individual salah they are good people they're not bad people not evil people wise not punishing them. So how come they dadgum this happened to them because Allah subhanaw taala test them to raise their ranks
to raise the ranks that was rather this is middle Haida. They understand that they don't they're not complaining.
So very important understand so tests happen for many reasons.
Therefore finally, what must we do? What we need to do is when you have a test when there is a difficulty whether it's within yourself or whether it's happening around you and you are worried about it, number one make is the foreign Tober
first of all, make us it's happening because of us somewhere directly indirectly I'm involved we are involved in some way. So it is happening but so number one is the foreign chain yourself. Make repent to Allah subhanaw taala Tara second thing is look in your own life and say, what is it in my life that can be the cause of this? Now you might say well, whatever I'm doing in America, how does it relate? Firstly, it does is like the body right? I'll damage the body is one thing, right? So if you have if you smoke cigarettes, what is affected your mouth, your lungs, but the effect of that comes somewhere else.
Right? If you are if you are if you are eating something, do you something, the effect is not in the place if I if I eat something haram for example, or if I take for governor I eat something which I'm not supposed to eat, say if I'm diabetic, right? And I pick up some sugar and eat it will Why will my fingers be affected
will not be affected? No. It goes into the bloodstream. And the effect comes somewhere else.
So even though I may be sitting here and doing some garbage in this place, the effect of that is on the OMA so you will see it in first thing you're seeing in China you're seeing it in some other place or third place or fourth place because of what people are doing and may Allah protect us. We are Muslims. So if we do divisions and I'm saying the body the body is the only one body
so if one part pays the whole body pains, so the same thing affects if one part is doing some corruption the whole body will be affected.
So instead we're in Toba. And after that turn towards Allah subhana wa jal and look at our own lives and say, what is it that I need to change in my life and change it?
Right? And these questions of over deceive Allah already knows why does those questions don't ask? Because Allah, as I said, Allah Allah is testing and Allah does not because he doesn't know but because for us to know ourselves
and for us to create inshallah we ask Allah to help us to create evidence in favor of us for ourselves, when we meet Allah not the opposite.
Well Sal, Allah Allah, Allah will Karim Allah Allah He was revealed by Mara Hagar holla