Mirza Yawar Baig – Where am I in the Quran

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The title of the Quran is important for success in life, as it provides guidance on how to live with faith and deeds. It also highlights the importance of trusting in Allah's teachings and practicing Islam, including setting goals and learning to trust in his word. The sermon emphasizes trusting in Allah's word and using it to act, as well as reciting signs and words to increase faith and reliance. The importance of practicing Islam, including setting goals and taking lessons, is also discussed, along with the use of the Quran in Islam, which is not restricted to individual deeds. Consistent and quality in achieving Islam's goal of happiness is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahi, Rahim, Alhamdulillah, bir Alameen wa salatu wa salambi,

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Sareen, Muhammad, Rasulullah Ali. Hi wala Ali. He was a laslevan

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kasiran kasi Rafa, my brothers and sisters. The topic of my hubba

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today is, where am I in the Quran. Where am I? In the Quran, my

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brothers and sisters, Allah sent His Kalam, his word, his speech,

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so that we would reflect on it and change our lives to make them

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obedient to Him, jala, jalalu,

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in that lies our success, both in this life and the akhira in the

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next life,

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Allah, subhanaw taala said in the Quran, look at anzal na ilaykum,

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kitaban fee he the kurukum Allah said in Surah, which means Indeed

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We have sent down for you, O mankind, a book the Quran in which

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there is zikrukum, there is a reminder. You are mentioned.

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Will you then not understand?

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Now we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't mention anyone by

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name, but Allah subhanaw taala mentioned groups of people and

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their qualities, and he mentioned what would happen to people with

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those qualities. So groups of people and their qualities in this

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life, and Allah told us what will happen to people with those

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qualities when they go before him. Jala. Jalu,

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now it's important, therefore,

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to search for ourselves and see which group we fit into,

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and that's what we need to reflect and ask ourselves, where do I fit?

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Where will I find myself

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if I look for myself in the Quran,

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and then

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it is for us to choose the characteristics that we need to

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develop in our lives, depending on the kind of life we want to have

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in the akhira

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Allah, subhana. Allah gave us the pen

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to write our destiny any way we want.

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Jannah or jahana are both within our reach. It is for us to pick

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what we want for ourselves.

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The choice is a no brainer, obviously, because we all want to

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go to Jannah, but the test is in living the kind of life that will

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take us to Jannah,

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for on the Day of Judgment, it is our actions that will speak, not

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our tongues.

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Allah subhanaw taala said, Al yamanah Tim wala Avahi, UK him.

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Watashi hadu arjula home, Bima kano yaksi boon in Surat ya seen

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Allah said, This day,

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we shall seal up their mouths

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and their hands will speak to us, and their legs will bear witness

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to what they used to earn. Now,

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brothers and sisters

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as an exercise in contemplation in murakawa,

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for tasya tunafs, it is to look at our right hand

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and imagine this hand speaking.

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What do I hear it saying,

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Do we like what we are hearing?

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If not? What do we want to do about that?

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Then do the same thing with your left hand and let us do the same

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thing with our feet. And let us do the same thing with our eyes and

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our ears and the whole body.

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What do we hear each part saying to Allah about how we used it?

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This is the way to approach the Quran,

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literally as a guide to action

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and then to act on that immediately.

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Allah subhanahu mentioned one group and their ending as a metric

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for us to measure ourselves against. And he said in Namal,

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meaning una LADEE na either look here, Allahu wa jilath kolom,

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believers, truly the

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in naval mumino,

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are only those whose hearts tremble

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with the awe and majesty and glory of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala when

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they remember Allah dukhir Allahu wah

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and their faith increases

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when His Ayat, when his revelations, are recited to them,

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atulia, to who zadat Hum, Imana, their faith increases. Their heart

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shivers with the glory and majesty of Allah, and their faith

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increases when Allah is mentioned and when the kalam of Allah is

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recited before them, when they see the ayat the signs of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala in creation wa Allah Rabbah, him yattawa colon

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and who put their trust in Allah subhana wa taala, the result of

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the heart being responsive to the word of Allah, the result of faith

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increasing with the recitation of the Quran and we seeing the signs

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of Allah around us is that we learn to trust and have complete

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and total reliance on Allah, subhanho wa taala. And then Allah

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they are those who establish the Salah ukunu, Salah wambara, and

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they spend from what We have provided for them.

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And then Allah, subhanaw taala gave them a seal of approval.

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Allah said, It is they who are the true believers. ULA ika, humul,

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Mino na haqqan,

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they are the true believers,

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and they will have elevated rags, lahomdand, Arab behim, they will

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have elevated ranks with their rubs, wama, Firas Kun Kareem, and

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they will have forgiveness. And they will have an honorable

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five critical characteristics, three internal and two external, a

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heart that is responsive to Allah subhanahu wa and to his word, a

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heart that sees the signs of Allah subhana wa Taala in his creation,

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and this increases its faith, and a body that submits an obedience

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and exerts itself in worship of Allah subhana wa Taala and in

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charity with The intention to please Allah subhana wa Taala

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This is the metric. This is the framework. This is the metric that

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we must check ourselves against to see where we stand and what we

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need to change. Allah subhana wa Tara introduced himself. Listen to

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this and check your heart to see What happens.

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Allah said, Allahu,

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Allahu, Sinha, Lahoma,

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who Allah, Ali

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Mullah Viva Shada ti Hua rahman, rahim Hu Allahu, alayall

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Al malikul, Kunduz o salaam,

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Allah swam Ade la mealydo, Alam ULA de wala me ko for

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let me

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narrate for you the translation of these beautiful ayat the first is

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AYATUL kursi.

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Allah subhanho. Tara introduced himself and he said,

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Allah La ilaha illa, who there is no God worthy of worship except

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him. The ever living all sustaining

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neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes him. To Him belongs

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everything and whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the

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earth. Who could possibly intercede with him without his

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permission? He fully knows what is ahead of them and what is behind

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them, but no one can grasp any of his knowledge except what He wills

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to reveal. He sees encompasses the heavens and the earth. The

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preservation of both does not tire Him, for He is the Most High, the

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the second chakra ayat, the last two ayat of surah Al hashar, where

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Allah said He is Allah,

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who Allah

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there is no God worthy of worship except him,

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knower of the perceived and the unperceivable. Shahala,

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the knower of the unperceivable and the perceived.

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He is the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. He is Allah. There is no

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god except Him, the King, the most holy, the all perfect, the source

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of serenity, the water over all, the Almighty, the supreme in

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Might, the majestic Glorified is Allah above whatever they

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associate with him.

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He is Allah the Creator, the inventor, the shaper. He alone has

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the most beautiful names. He

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and the last one

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in the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful,

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say, O Prophet UL

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Allahu Ahad, He is Allah, one and indivisible.

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Allah, the Sustainer. Everything needs him, and he needs nothing.

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He has never had offspring, nor was he born. He did not beget, and

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he wasn't begot, and there is none comparable to him.

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So three internal qualities.

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What about the other qualities that Allah mentioned,

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establishing salah and spending in the path of Allah,

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not just praying anytime I feel like praying, establishing salah

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and spending in the path of Allah, which is not only zakat. Zakat is

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fourth. This is in addition to zakat,

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what is our score on this metric, and are we satisfied with it? If

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you are satisfied, Alhamdulillah, if not, what's the plan to change

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our lifestyle so that we can pass this test of faith and gain the

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guarantee that Allah Subhana watara gave those who passed the

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test. ULA ika, humul muraka,

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I remind myself a new Islam is a practice, not a philosophy. A

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Muslim is one who practices Islam, not just somebody who knows about

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Then Allah mentioned another group

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and said something very salutary, something for us to take a lesson

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from where he said, womananna Shiva yakul, wamanin

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OM allahuna, Manu Am I Allah

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said, and there are some who say, we believe in Allah and the Last

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Day. Yet they are not believers.

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They are not mumini. They are not true believers. They seek to

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deceive Allah and the believers, yet they only deceive.

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Of themselves, but they fail to perceive it.

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There is sickness in their hearts, fear kullubhim, marath and Allah

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only lets their sickness increase. They will suffer a painful

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punishment for their lies, the mahakanu Ik ziboon, because they

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are liars.

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Now, these ayat were revealed concerning the munafiq, the

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hypocrites during the time of Rasulullah.

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But like all of the Quran, the azbabul nozoul, the circumstances

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of revelation do not restrict the applicability of the ayat to the

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time and place of their revelation. The Quran came for all

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of mankind, for all time, and is not restricted in any way.

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Allah subham mentioned the two things that we take for granted,

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claiming to have faith in Allah and the day of judgment. And we

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think that this is enough. Allah subhana said that this is not

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and that to make this claim, but to live a life of disobedience is

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a sign of heart disease.

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But unlike physical cardiac ailments, which are restricted, in

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effect, to this life, this is a spiritual disease, which, if

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allowed to grow, will lead to the hellfire. In Islam, our belief

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must be supported by our actions. And that is why the Quran, in the

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Quran, Iman

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faith is always coupled with good deeds. Iman wa I am what Amala

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Saleh Iman was Ali and

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is never mentioned alone.

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On the contrary, Allah subhanaw taala stated clearly and simply

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clearly that simply claiming to have faith is not sufficient, but

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that the claim must be supported by deeds, by obedience, as

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evidence of faith, Allah said in hojurad, karate Arab, Aman Kun LAN

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Tu, minu wala kinholo, Aslam, walamma yada, holy manufi kolo

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vikum wa into Tira, WA into tira. Wain tu ti on laha wa rasulah ho

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la yalit Kum, Min Ahma Ali Kum Shaya

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in Allah, Rahim Allah, said some of the nomadic Arabs, they say we

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believe. Say to them, oh Prophet, Muhammad, sallAllahu, sallam, you

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have not believed,

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but say, we have submitted. You have you have not. You do not have

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imag. You have say, Aslam, we have we have faith. We have just. You

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know Islam for faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you

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obey Allah and His Messenger wholeheartedly, he would not

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discount anything from the reward of your deeds. Allah is truly all

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Forgiving and most Merciful.

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So Allah is saying that if you do the right thing, show it by your

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actions, as for those who seek to please Allah and may Allah make us

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among them. Allah told us how easy it is to please Him and earn

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Jannah, he said, in Allah, Dina, kaura, bonalla, Himal Bala ika,

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Taha, Zanu wa abushiro, Lati Allah said,

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Verily, those who say, our RAB is Allah alone, and then they ista

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kamu, they have, they remain steadfast on it, on them, the

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angels will descend at The time of their death, saying, Fear not,

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don't grieve, don't be sad, don't be afraid, but receive the glad

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tidings of Jannah which you have been promised.

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May Allah enable us to be among those who will be given the glad

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tidings of Jannah at the time of death itself, before we die, we

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will be given inshallah the glad tidings of Jannah, a time where

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every living being will have

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anxiety of various levels, because he or she is facing a time which

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they have never faced before,

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especially when some of us live lives as if we don't believe that

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death will come to us, yet we claim to be Muslim,

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it's time to wake up. Time to wake up.

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The key is tekkavat. The key is steadfastness. Consistency is the.

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Essence of quality. High quality means to deliver the same high

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standard for every transaction, not just one time.

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That is the meaning of ista Kamath, consistent good quality.

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We must develop the consciousness of Allah's presence in our lives.

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This gives us huge confidence and protects us from sin that

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istikhama, steadfastness will result in husnar, khatima, in a

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good ending and Bashara, the good news of Jannah. InshaAllah, ask

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Allah this for all of us. Abu, lust of Allah, Ali wala, kumbali,

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sail Muslim, first of Europe in the whole world.

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