Mirza Yawar Baig – When the rubber meets the road

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of acknowledging success and gratitude in Islam is highlighted, along with the need to study and research the storytelling of others. The sharia province is discussed as a historical site with a fire that burns in a village. Consistent and steadiness in action is emphasized, and faith in Islam is emphasized. The importance of showing faith and staying firm in actions is emphasized, and a day one is planned.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala Aisha freedom ba will mousseline Muhammad

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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just leaving the clearing gussied up on my mother. My brothers and

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sisters, the topic of my hombre today is when the rubber meets the

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The Quran Al Karim commands us to have some and promises help to

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those who have some who have patients. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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taught us how to face difficulty and he said first Qurani as Oricom

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worst rolly wallet up for all Yeah, you want Lavina monastery in

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with somebody was solid in Allah Maha sabihin I'm not one of the

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tennis and which means remember be and I will remember you and thank

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me and never be ungrateful or believers seek help is Deanna seek

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help and seek comfort, in patience and in prayer in sabar was salah.

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Truly Allah is with those who have suffered who have patients.

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Brothers, sisters elders, I remind myself, I knew that the concept of

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Sobor or patients in Islam is very interesting and very different

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from what many people think it is. Summer doesn't mean to simply pray

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and do nothing, or to simply sit and wait things, wait for things

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to happen, and simply help simply expect help to come from outside

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including divine intervention. Several means to do our best and

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to use every means at our disposal to exert our full effort and

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strength, and then to turn towards Allah subhanaw taala and seek His

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help to enable our efforts to succeed.

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That is our call, I call our call that our heat of the heart.

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This is what ensures that we remain on the heat the heat of the

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heart. To illustrate with an example. It's like wiring up a new

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house, making sure that you did everything correctly following all

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protocols and safety procedures, and then connecting it to the

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transformer and turning on the switch. It is a combination of two

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things wiring up correctly and then connecting and then only

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connecting to the power source. It's also about the sequence the

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wiring before the connection. And that is why southern maximum

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effort comes before Salah and Salah is essential after making

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the effort so that you don't fall into the trap of the so called

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self made man.

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Living an imaginary world where you think that your success is

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your own, and that you don't owe anything to anyone. That is

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arrogance. And arrogance leads only to Johanna.

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If you don't wire up the house, the power source cannot eliminate

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it. But even if you wire up the house, without the power source,

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it will remain in darkness. And that is the importance of the

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work. I remind myself I knew that we owe our success to all those

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around us who Allah subhanaw taala put there for our benefit and

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inspired them with love and respect for us to take the time

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and trouble they invest their own time and energy and effort and

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experience and knowledge for us to succeed. Islam tells us that we

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need to acknowledge this and thank them and thank Allah subhanho wa

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an excellent book to read in this context is called outliers,

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outliers, and it's by the statistician Malcolm Gladwell, who

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shows statistically how we owe our success to our circumstances far

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more than we may like to think

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it's a very interesting book. I strongly recommend you read

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Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell rather than sisters gratitude

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saves us from arrogance.

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And we wanted her to Anil Alonso and in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa

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law yes what Allah Mala your school nurse or whatever the law

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who reported that as soon as a result and said whoever

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Word does not thank people has not thanked Allah.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us thankful Allah Jana, when

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people ask,

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why does the help of Allah not come?

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Allah subhanaw taala gifts and Allah gives at the right time, we

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ask, Allah gives at the right time, when we look at the wisdom

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and timing of Allah subhanaw taala has helped,

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we see his hand in it, the health comes through material means or

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may come through material means, but Allah subhanaw taala sends it

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in a way where it becomes clear that it was not material means but

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the Command of Allah subhanaw taala which was working

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I remind myself I knew that

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let us see Allah

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told us about the story of Musa alayhis salam.

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And most of our data could have saved him in multiple ways. But

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instead he Gela DeLallo commanded Musa Ali salaam mother to throw

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him in the Nile

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when she feared for his safety method, what kind of

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safety measures that

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I last ran into I said, oh hi Nyla Oh Mimosa and are they are he for

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either 50 i Li for NP fill young wallet Favi one has any in raw do

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a key word yeah who mineral more saline. Allah subhanaw taala said

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We inspired when we sent away to the mother of Musa alayhis salam

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and said, nurse him but when you fear for him, or to him, then into

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the river and do not fear and do not grieve. We will certainly

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return him to you and make him one of the messengers.

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Allah subhanaw taala told us about this whole journey, where instead

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of hiding him or his identity, Allah subhanaw taala caused him to

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be directed into the palace of Iran.

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And not only literally be in the hands of Iran, but being

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recognized as that child of Bani Israel,

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who it was predicted, would destroy the Pharaonic empire of

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The bronze

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astrologist identified that baby and advised him to kill the child.

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The Federal obviously had no compunction about killing a child,

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since it was by his command that 1000s of newborn boys of the Bani

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Israel had already been killed, just to ensure that this one child

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did not survive. Now they had that very child in dead hands. All that

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remained was one simple action and the job would be done and Musa

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Ali's around story would have ended before it began. But Allah

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subhanaw taala wanted to show that all worldly power and wealth mean

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And only Allah subhanaw taala as will prevents

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the astrologist advice around to kill the child, but the wife of

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the pharaoh advised him to spare the life of the child and instead

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raise him as their son as they were childless.

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Rameses the second that was the that was a pharaoh

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Rameses the second listen to his wife.

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And the rest is history.

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And obviously the second became the foster father and protector or

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Musa alayhis salaam, and paid for him to be nursed by his born

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mother. Naturally that meant a total transformation of the family

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are Musa alayhis salam financially and socially because now they were

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the people nursing and taking care of the son of the of the King, the

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son of the pharaoh of Egypt.

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Once was that he said I was old enough. He was taken back to the

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palace and was raised as an Egyptian prince with access to the

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And most valuable resources of the time, learning from the best

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scholars and warriors destined to be a ruler after his foster

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Capital, Egypt was the most ancient and powerful empire of the

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time on Earth.

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But Allah subhanaw taala had something better in store for Musa

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Salah. So instead of becoming yet another ruler of an ancient

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dynasty, he became one who would write history and be remembered

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and honored for all time as one of the five great messengers, who are

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called all Assam Minahasa. When Allah subhanaw taala brands,

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whatever he plans he does, as a result, Moser is suddenly lost it

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all. And he had to flee for his life.

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And he spent 10 years grazing sheep as a word

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of your evolution. He lived in the house of a prophet being mentored

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by him for 10 years.

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I want you to put yourself in his position this so that you realize

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the difference between storytelling and story living. The

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storyteller knows the ending. But the one living the story doesn't.

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Storytellers therefore, don't feel the fear and the sadness and the

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despair and the hope that those leaving the story do.

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As also as a result of that laser hammer Valpo Aina the report is

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not the same as the inspection or visibility.

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The report is not the same as the

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inspection or the experience. My brothers and sisters,

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we are all living our own stories. We all have our hopes and

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aspirations, fears and apprehensions. None of us know the

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ending of our stories. None of us knows the ending

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of his or her story.

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That is why I lost when I told her stories of his messengers so that

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we can take courage from knowing that Allah subhanho data is in

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control. And just as Musa alayhis salam accepted and took comfort

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from this, so should we. The only condition is that we must

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demonstrate our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala by obeying Him.

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That is what Musa gave Musa alayhis salam, the courage to

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return to the code of Rameses the second from where he had fled as a

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fugitive with a price on his head. He didn't do that surreptitiously,

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but openly as the messenger of Allah.

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I remind myself I knew that we have the stories of the

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exceptional help of others Mandela coming but ask who does it come

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to? It comes to those who are obedient to Him. Because there is

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no one more obedient to Allah than the Nabhi of Allah just had did

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not come to the five second budget. It didn't come to the

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people who were disobedient or less amount of data. It came to

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those who are not just obedient to Allah, but obedient Allah will

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level of excellence.

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The whole story was that is that I was so powerful and salutary that

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we must studied carefully and apply the lessons in our lives.

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Picture This

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is a celebrity family are returning to Egypt from Medea,

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which today is called Marva era shape. It's a historical site that

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lies 140 miles northwest of Lubbock city, in Al Bayda

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governorate in Saudi Arabia. From here, Musa CERAM is headed for

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headed to pyrolysis is the capital of ancient Egypt, which is about

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60 miles north east of Cairo of Alvira. Today, it's a village or

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frontier in the Sharia province of the Eastern Nile Delta in Egypt.

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That is a walk of about 450 wives to the desert.

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They get lost in the night, and he sees the light of a fire burning

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in the distance. He says to his family, his raw neuron Takala Lea

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led him to zoom in on us to narrow the alley article min hobby covers

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in O RG to Ireland Nari Hoda when he saw a fire is that his family

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Wait here. I have spotted a fire. Perhaps I can bring you a torch

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from it or find some other guidance at the fire

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In the words the wonderful words of the great poet, Mustafa

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He said Hoda key then GM was as a Bucha word for ducky then Musa

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Pucci, while Avalon echo Jane, Aglianico Jai wembury MinJae

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lineable Jai wembury Will Jays ask

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as Musa Ali salaam, about the generosity of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala that he went to get fire and he got prophethood instead.

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The key to all of this is consistency and steadfastness, the

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willingness to continue despite the hardship to stay on track,

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even when it is tough, and you don't see any light at the end of

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the tunnel. That is the test of faith, Eman, Bill, rave, faith in

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the unperceivable. We have it because we believe also Allah is

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Allah. He said it so we believe it because we believe him. This is

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what made Abu Bakr Radi Allahu acidic. He believes Mohamed Salah

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and acted on that belief.

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However sisters and elders I remind myself we knew that action

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ports soul into words and give them life and only action gets

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results. In the Lilina call Robin Allah was almost acabo that Farah

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COVID-19 wala whom he has an old without a gas hob what agenda the

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highly Dena Jezza be Mercado Yamalube Allah that I said about

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his exam but about steadfastness. Surely those who say our rub is

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Allah and then remain steadfast, there will be no fear for them,

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nor will they grieve. It is dead, who will be the residents of Jana

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staying there forever, as a reward for what they use to do.

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To believe and remain firm on that belief, and demonstrate that by

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our action, even when it may not be popular. That is what is

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required. As someone said, If Islam were illegal, would you

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would they find enough evidence of it in your life to convict you?

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Think about this If Islam was illegal, what those who

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are searching for muskets? Would they find enough evidence in your

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life to convict you? Meaning would you look like a Muslim?

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Unless we spoke to us about the ending for all such people, as

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Carlos got a talent to make us among those for whom he promised

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these beautiful things? Unless Mandela said in the La Vie

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Nakamura buena, loathsome Mustapha data reservoir, he will Mala Allah

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to have on her there Huzzah, no, I wish you all will generate in the

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depot door I do not have only open filaria to dunya or villa.

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Whatever happened to the test, he

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knows all men before he

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does it which means Surely those who say our Allah is our rubbish

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Allah. Allah will follow up with Allah. Allah says Surely those who

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say our rubbish is Allah, and then remains steadfast. That is the

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key. The key is not to have a flash in the pan. The key is not

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simply to say a light bulb and then do the opposite and disobey

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Allah No, stay firm and steadfast on that. Surely those who say our

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Robbie's Allah, and then remain steadfast, the angels the melodic

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and descend on them saying, Do not fear Do not grieve.

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Rather rejoice in the good news agenda. The good news agenda will

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be given us right when we are dying. Rejoice in the good news of

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Jannah which you have been promised. We are your supporters

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in this worldly life and in the hereafter. There you will have

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whatever your souls desire, and then you will have whatever you

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asked for are welcome from the all forgiving, Most Merciful ALLAH ask

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ALLAH SubhanA data generado to give this to us and to make our

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ending like this where we will be with Allah.

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Allah subhanaw taala will be pleased with us and some of our

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day one it was with me. They don't have to take out online

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100 in the epididymis

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