Mirza Yawar Baig – Whats the meaning of friendship

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the issue of Jesus's friend and partner's lack of respect for the gods and the Rasool Sallall frustration. They suggest ways to deal with this, including forgiveness, respecting rules of Islam, and not giving too many pieces of clothing. The speakers also emphasize the importance of protecting one's hearts and ask for guidance on what to do to achieve a good ending.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, I want to, publicly

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acknowledge and thank my friend here.

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Anil who sent me some wonderful,

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very thought provoking things.

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May Allah bless him.

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Today he sent me something which said my

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life became private

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once I realized

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it's not your enemies you you got to

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about. My life became private once I realized

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it's not your enemies

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you got to worry about.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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told us

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that on the day of judgment

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people who were

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the closest

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friends of each other in this life.

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Is the closest

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of friendships.

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The Arabic language has many words for friends

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and Khalil is the closest.

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Alakhila is the plural of Khalil and Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said these people

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will become enemies to one another on the

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day of judgement

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except those who have taqwa in their hearts,

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except those who

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fear Allah's

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anger who

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look for Allah's

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approval in all that they say and do.

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therefore, who is a friend? Let me tell

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you 2 stories because stories are a good

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way of understanding things.

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1 is a true story

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the 2nd world war.

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The story is that there was a battle

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which was a

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very very hard fought battle

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and heavy fire,

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and this particular company

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of troops

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took heavy casualties

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many of their

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number were killed

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and the captain and just a few of

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them managed to find some shelter.

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And when they got there, one of them,

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he said to the he went to the

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captain. He said, my friend is not here

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with us.

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So I will go and get and find

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out what happened. If he's dead, I want

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to bring his body.

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So the captain said, you're crazy. He says,

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you are going to go out there. Your

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friend is dead.

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You want to risk your life and kill

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yourself for a dead body? Are you mad?

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He said no, I can't give him.

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I have to bind him. The

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captain says, I do not

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give you permission. He said, I don't care.

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You can court martial. You can shoot me,

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but I'm going there

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to see

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what happened to our friend and he went.

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Imagine bullets flying all over

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and his man is crawling on his belly

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like a snake,

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keeping under the fire.

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And eventually he reached his friend.

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He thought he was dead. His friend opened

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his eyes. He looked at him. He said

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something to him and he died.

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No. He died.

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So this man then

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picked up his body and he brought him

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back to the foxhole.

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So the captain said to him,

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you brought your friend back. He's dead.

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You almost got killed in the process. Was

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it worth it?

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He said yes.

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The captain said how?

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He said because when I reached him he

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was alive.

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He opened his eyes, he looked at me,

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he smiled

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and he said I knew you would come.

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And he died.

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2nd story,

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also true story.

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About the haditha,

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he is the Amir, he is the evil

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womanine, he is the Khalifa

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and he said

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to the people,

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I remind you

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to have the taqah of Allah.

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Because Allah said, oh, you believe,

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obey Allah

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and obey the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Salam and

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obey those who are in authority

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among you.

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So Salman Al Farsi

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was sitting right in front.

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He put up his hand and he said,

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we will obey Allah,

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we will obey the Rasool

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but we will not obey you.

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This is Jumah, masjid Anawee Sharif. He

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is the Amir.

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He is the Khalifa. He is standing on

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the member of the Rasool.

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And Salman al Farsi,

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who is one of those who Rasool

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said he is from the he is from

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he said he's from the Al U Baitz.

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A man of that stature is not any

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ordinary savvy. I mean, every ordinary savvy is

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not ordinary savvy, but

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And he said we will obey you.

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We will obey Allah

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and we will obey the Nabi, but

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we will not obey you.

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Stopped And he said to him very politely,

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very nicely. He said to him my brother,

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Why do you say this?

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Said because

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you are not fair, you are unjust.

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What have I done? What injustice have I

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you gave

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as hani ma as booty from the from

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some battle which they had fought,

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said, you send each,

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and he's talking about this.

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said you send each of us

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piece of cloth enough to make,

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you know,

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a shirt or whatever they were making.

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And he said but I see that you

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are using 2 pieces so you took 2

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for yourself

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and you sent

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only 1 to each of us.

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Sayedir Omar did not respond. He didn't say

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His son, Abdullah ibn Omar stood up

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and he

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said, what my uncle Salman said is correct.

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My father gave each of us 1 piece

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of cloth

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and he also took 1,

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but my father is a big man that

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one piece is not enough for him so

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I gave my piece to him

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and that is how he has 2 pieces

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of cloth.

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So Salman Abbasid said,

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then we will obey Allah

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and we will obey the Rasool and

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we will obey you

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and Sayedina Marath al Anhu continued and finished

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the Khudr.

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Now think about this, what do we learn

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from this

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story of the seerra?

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We learn from the story,

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you find and it's quite likely that Salman

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Pasi Adel Aro didn't simply say that spontaneously.

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He said that because of maybe he was

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hearing some rumors happening in the in the

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So when you hear something like that, what

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do you do? You do your best to

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clear the name of your friend.

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You don't sit and listen to the rumors.

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You don't

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participate in that because this is Haram. This

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So what how did he do that?

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He did that in the best way because

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a man who was who had great

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given him a amazing personality. People were afraid

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to talk to him.

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because he was close enough and senior enough

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and this didn't affect him,

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he asked him a public question to give

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him the opportunity to publicly

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respond and clear his name.

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Right? If he had not done that,

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then people would have believed and these rumors

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would have become worse.

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asked him a direct question

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where he is able to clear his name.

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And Saiedra Muhammad also understood. This is my

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friend asking me a question. He is not

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criticizing me. He is not,

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you know, attacking me. He is asking a

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question to give me an opportunity to say

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something. He said it, the matter is cleared.

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the biggest problem that we have as Muslims

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is our internal fighting

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because as they say

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a great civilization

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or a great city or a great fort

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can never be conquered from the outside.

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It's always conquered from the inside.

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It's when the internal

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conflicts happen and increase,

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the walls fall.

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Not because of outside forces

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and that is true of the Muslim woman.

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If you see around the world today,

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it's not the outside forces

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And if you also see other people and

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Alhamdulillah in my work and my travels around

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the world, I've seen many people, many cultures,

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many religions, many countries.

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Believe me, internal

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difference of opinion is nothing unique to the

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Muslims. Everybody has

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it. Everyone has it.

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And it's a natural thing, if there are,

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you know,

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so many people living together, watching together, you

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will have different opinions. So what?

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The issue is what do you do with

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that difference of opinion?

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That is the issue, the issue is not

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having the difference of itself. The issue is

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what do you do with that

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What should you do?

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2 things.

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1, talk face to face.

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Don't talk behind somebody's back. It is haram

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in Islam. It is haram prohibited by the

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It is prohibited by the.

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Talk face to face. You have a problem

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with somebody, go talk to him.

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Don't tell somebody else.

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Talk to that person.

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You tell somebody else what is that somebody

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else going to do.

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You can't force the other one to do

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anything. You go talk to that person.

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Tell her what the issue is.

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And second thing is

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forgive each other.

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Forgive each other. Somebody made a mistake. Go

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look in the mirror.

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Go look in the mirror.

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What do you think? You are perfect? You

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came from Jannah?

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I came from Jannah?

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Even the one who came from Jannah made

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a mistake. That's why he came from Jannah.

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Go look in the mirror.

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Forgive each other.

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We forgive each other because we need each

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other's forgiveness.

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internal difference of opinion

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are like cancer.

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You can't see it.

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Until suddenly one day,

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there's some pain and they go and scan

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and they say, oh, this is stage 4.

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Everything is gone.

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That's what it's like.

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Don't destroy

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Don't destroy

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each other

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and don't allow anyone else to destroy you.

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There are people who have all kinds of

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motives and they will say things for their

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own reasons. Don't fall into that trap.

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If somebody says something to you about your

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shut his mouth immediately, instantly. Say, please hold

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on a second. I don't want to listen

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to this. Come with me. I will take

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you to him. Talk to him.

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Or you sit here. I will call him.

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Talk to

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him. That's it.

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And if he says, no, I can't do

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that, then he says, goodbye.

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Go talk to the wall.

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I'm not interested.

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If you do that,

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hearts will be together.

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We will live together as brothers.

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If you don't do

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we will

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We ask Allah to

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keep our hearts together.

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This is what Rasool rahu alaihi wa sallam

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did. He built an ummah. He did not

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build an Ummah with people who agreed with

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each other. He built an Ummah with people

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who disagreed with each other. He built an

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Ummah with people who were enemies of each

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is witness. Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala said, you are enemies to one

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another. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala joined your

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hearts together. It's not I'm not saying that

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Allah himself said this. They were enemies to

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one another. Allah joined their hearts together.

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We ask Allah to join our hearts together.

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We ask Allah

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to protect us from all those who try

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to divide us. We ask Allah

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to give us the sense to follow the

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sunnah of Rasool

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and do what he told us to do

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and lead us on a path which leads

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to the to the pleasure of Allah and

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to a good ending for us when we

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leave this world.

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