Mirza Yawar Baig – What’s a Life Goal #03

Mirza Yawar Baig
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The importance of consistency and trust in life is emphasized, along with the need for leaders to be clear in their minds and not fall victim totraoffs. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying in a long enough life to live long enough for success and avoid giving up. The speakers stress the need for people to stick in commitments and not give up, as it is crucial for success and personal success.

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			So, clear goals, metrics, structure and assessing your
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			achievement at the end of the day.
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			This is the absolute secret of success.
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			So, do that.
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			Now, two very important points.
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			One is the importance of consistency.
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			In life, the people who achieve the most
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			are not the people who are the fastest,
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			they are not the people who are the
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			most intelligent, they are not the people who
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			are the most talented, they are the people
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			who are the most consistent.
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			Because consistency is the base of trust.
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			Consistency produces trust.
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			And trust is the base of leadership.
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			If you want to be a leader, you
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			want to be trusted.
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			Because nobody will follow someone they distrust.
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			And how can you be trusted?
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			By being consistent.
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			By your word being your law.
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			By developing a reputation.
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			You do not develop a reputation by talking
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			about it, you develop a reputation by showing
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			it, by demonstrating it.
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			By developing, you become trusted.
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			By developing a reputation of being somebody who
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			always delivers on their promise.
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			So, if I say to you that I
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			will do something and it does not happen,
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			then it means that I am dead.
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			And then you can make dua for me.
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			Because if I told you that I would
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			do something and if I was not able
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			to do it, either not able to do
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			it at all or not able to deliver
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			in time, then I would get back to
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			I will never leave you in a lurch.
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			I will never be in a situation where
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			you are sitting there wondering, I said this
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			to him, is he doing it?
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			Is he not doing it?
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			What is going on?
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			This will never happen if you give me
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			a job.
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			This is how I have lived all my
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			And this is the reason why I have
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			found great satisfaction and great success.
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			And I have made wonderful friends because of
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			Becoming trustworthy, becoming somebody that people can rely
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			People follow those who they can rely on.
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			So being able to rely on you is
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			the number one thing in the context of
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			being a bigger leader.
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			So become reliable.
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			How do you become reliable?
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			By being consistent in your delivery.
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			Consistency is the secret.
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			The other thing connected with this is, don't
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			overdo it, but always under-promise, over-deliver.
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			Everyone likes to be delighted.
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			They like to have nice surprises, not nasty
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			So what's a nice surprise and a nasty
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			Under-promise, over-delivery is a nice surprise.
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			Over-promise, under-delivery or no delivery is
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			a nasty shock.
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			Nobody likes nasty shocks.
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			You don't like it, others don't like it
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			So don't give people nasty shocks.
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			Under-promise, over-deliver.
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			There is this tendency because of hubris or
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			because of just over-enthusiasm, over-confidence or
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			whatever, of promising people the Earth and the
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			Moon combined.
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			And obviously you can't do it.
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			And then when you don't do it and
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			somebody calls you out on that, then you
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			have this whole litany of excuses.
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			Oh, but you see this happened, that happened
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			and so on and you should be reasonable.
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			How can anyone do this?
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			If somebody cannot do this, how come that
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			person promised to do it?
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			The person who promised to do it is
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			responsible for doing it.
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			So if you promise to do something, then
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			it's your job to ensure that you do
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			And that's the reason why be very careful
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			what you promise.
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			But once you promise, you are bound by
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			your word.
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			And if you promise and you're not bound
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			by your word, then you are an untrustworthy
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			Quite obviously, you are not somebody who is
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			fit to lead.
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			People will not trust you and they will
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			not follow you.
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			So becoming trustworthy and reliable is very, very
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			critically important.
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			And for that, consistency is the core.
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			Final thing, because this is a very common
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			thing that I am seeing and have been
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			seeing in the last few years.
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			And that is people's readiness to give up.
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			The ease with which they give up.
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			I mentioned this earlier as well.
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			Somebody in a college degree, which takes maybe
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			four years or something in between, you get
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			bored and you leave.
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			And you say, I didn't like it.
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			The point is that, why do you believe
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			that this decision to leave is any better
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			than was your decision to do it in
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			the first place?
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			Because that was also your subjective decision.
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			This is also your subjective decision.
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			So always see things to a conclusion.
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			See things through to the end.
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			This is very, very important.
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			And this all ties down with being reliable,
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			ties down with consistency, ties down with delivering
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			on promises.
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			All of these are the same things.
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			So make sure that you stick in there
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			and you do not give up.
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			Giving up is cowardice.
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			It shows that you are a coward.
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			So don't give up.
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			Stick in there.
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			And understand that in life, that life is
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			really a marathon.
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			It's not a sprint.
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			So in life, the people who win are
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			the people who simply stay in the race
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			long enough.
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			You win not because you were the fastest.
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			You may not have been the fastest.
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			There were people ahead of you, but those
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			people stopped and those people gave up.
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			And you didn't give up.
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			And when you get to the prize, lo
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			and behold, you are the only one there.
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			So sticking to what you promised to do,
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			staying in there, not getting sidetracked and not
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			giving up.
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			This is very, very important.
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			Today we live in a world which Ed
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			Batista calls the tyranny of feelings.
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			It's a wonderful quote, which he says that
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			we give this super legitimacy to our feelings.
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			I mentioned this earlier also in the earlier
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			podcast, but it's worth repeating.
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			We give this super legitimacy to our feelings.
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			That something is good for no reason other
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			than I think it is good.
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			There's no other reason.
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			It's good because I say so.
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			It's good because I think so.
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			Now, this is complete nonsense.
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			And it's a form of arrogance where you
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			think that your feelings are so, you know,
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			critically important.
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			Ed Batista says that we give legitimacy to
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			our feelings and we feel that whatever we
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			want should happen.
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			And if somebody goes against that, then it
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			is their job to change themselves and bring
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			themselves in line with our feelings.
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			So this is complete nonsense.
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			This is a it is, as I said,
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			it's total arrogance.
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			And it is something that if you are
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			in this place, then I would suggest get
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			out of that place.
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			It's not a nice place to be.
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			Some level of humility is very important because
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			you might think you are the most important
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			person in the world.
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			But believe me, you are not.
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			You are not.
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			I am not.
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			The world is full of wonderful people.
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			All of them have rights and privileges, just
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			like you and I have.
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			And to imagine that theirs are in any
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			way inferior to ours is a sign of
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			pure arrogance and nothing else.
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			And definitely not something that I that I
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			think one should have.
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			So be very clear in your mind.
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			Don't fall into the tyranny of feelings.
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			This tyranny of feelings is really the foundation.
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			It's at the base of practically every social
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			evil that we see in the world today.
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			You name it and dig down and it
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			comes out of the tyranny of feelings.
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			People make some very stupid statements.
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			For example, I'm sure you must have heard
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			the statement where people say, you're talking about
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			somebody, they say, Oh, you know, as long
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			as they're happy, it's okay.
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			As long as they're happy, it's okay.
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			That's all that matters.
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			That's the most stupid statement that anyone can
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			ever make.
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			Because there are many people who are very
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			happy doing some extremely toxic things.
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			The drug addict is very happy when he
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			gets his shot.
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			The alcoholic is very happy when he's in
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			his bottle.
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			The fact that he has destroyed his family
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			doesn't matter to him.
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			The fact that because he was driving drunk,
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			he crashed into somebody else's car and that
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			person is maimed for life doesn't matter to
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			Nothing matters to him except that he is
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			And if you are going to tell me
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			that this is good and this is okay,
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			this is correct, then I must tell you
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			that, I'm sorry, I completely and totally disagree.
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			It is not good.
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			It can never be good.
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			And that's the kind of thinking which is
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			at the bottom of everything, all the evil
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			in the world.
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			What I'm showing you here is something called
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			the king bird.
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			He doesn't look like much but he's called
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			the king bird and he's breeding himself and
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			then he flew away.
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			So tyranny of feelings, let's stay away from
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			It is the worst possible thing that we
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			can do to ourselves is to follow into
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			the tyranny of feelings.
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			Let me end this with showing you a
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			view of this sundial which is here.
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			And the king bird seems to want to
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			be in the picture also.
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			That's nice.
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			So this is the sundial which is here.
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			It's made of a wheel of some kind,
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			a gear wheel I think it is.
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			It says 5678L and there's a 1.
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			I don't claim to understand what it means
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			but anyway, there it is for you.
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			Finally, this is a view of the lake
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			in Forest Park in Springfield.
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			And this is one of the places where
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			I come for my walk in the morning.
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			And final picture, I hope a nice one,
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			of the sun bird at rest is there
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			for you.
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			There it is.