Mirza Yawar Baig – What do you know about Rasoolullah

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The importance of learning about the life of the people of the Bible, specifically the Seems of the Bible, is emphasized. The Sranran of the Bible is referred to as the disconnected from the Bible, and practicing the Sranran is crucial to becoming a valued Christian. The transcript describes a story of a gang leader making racist comments and teaching Sayyidina Bilal to make them sit down and make the adhaq.
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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Wasalatu wassalamu
ala ashrafil anbiya wal mursaleen Muhammadur Rasulullah sallallahu
alaihi wa ala alihi wasallam tasliman kathiran kathiran
The second thing in this context of focusing
on ourselves is to ask this question and
say, what do I know about the life
of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam?
Now, this is an extremely important thing to
do, which is, may Allah have mercy on
us, which is usually ignored, and I don't
say that it's ignored deliberately, because inshallah, that
is not true.
The Muslims love Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, but
it is just ignored because of lack of
understanding of the importance of learning about the
The Seerah of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is
the living Quran, is the manifestation of the
Quran in real life.
It is the living tafsir of the Quran.
And I'm not saying this out of my
love for him.
This is what Syed Ayesha Siddiqa Radil-Anha
said, this is the answer she gave somebody
who asked her, and said, can you tell
us something about the life of Rasulullah sallallahu
alaihi wasallam?
She said, don't you read the Quran?
He said, yes, I read the Quran.
He said, that was his life.
He was the living Quran.
Now, what do we know about that?
What do we know about his life?
That is why, this is another marker.
One marker, I said yesterday, which is, how
much Quran do I know?
The second marker is, what do I know,
and how much do I know about the
life of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam?
Once again, like I mentioned, the method of
doing it with the Quran al-Tariq is
ask yourself, what do I know now?
And then start reading.
And then test yourself.
After a month, two months, three months, six
months, one year, what do I know, which
is more than what I started with.
There is no shortage of material, Alhamdulillah.
There are many, many books and videos and
so forth about the Seerah.
For those who read Urdu, the very best
is Seerah al-Nabi by Sayyid Sulaiman al
-Nabi, which is the best in Urdu, because
it is also the best, because the way
that Seerah has been written, and the stories
of Seerah, they have followed a very strict
code of reference, as they do for Hadith.
So the rigor of the research, the rigor
of the program of how they did that,
this is as strict as they do for
So therefore, it is a very authentic, Mashallah,
very, very beautiful book for those who read
There is an English translation of that as
well, so you could try that.
Or otherwise, there are many others.
For beginners, there is this very famous book
called The Life of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
from the earliest sources by Martin Lings, Mashallah,
he was a great Muslim scholar, and he
wrote this book, very simple, very easily readable.
There is, in Arabic and then English translation,
also of that, which is Ar-Rahiq-ul
-Maqtoum, The Secret Nectar, Ar-Rahiq-ul-Maqtoum,
by Shaykh Mubarak Puri.
So there are many books of Sira.
So please, make sure that you read.
You must know about the life of Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and it must be very
familiar to us.
It doesn't need to be humming and hawing
and searching for answers if somebody asks a
So you must know this, and the purpose,
both of reading the Qur'an and reading
the Sira of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is
to practice that in our lives.
This is very critical, very important, to practice
it in our lives.
How can we practice the Sira in our
How can we practice the Qur'an in
our lives?
Because we will not be asked, what did
you know?
We will be asked, what did you do?
We will not be asked, what did you
We will be asked, what did you do?
And therefore, whatever we know must be translated
into action.
And that's our responsibility.
So make sure that we do that.
Pick one thing at a time, as I
have said earlier as well, the power of
metrics, pick one thing at a time and
monitor that and say, how am I doing
For example, how do I deal with anger?
We know how Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would
deal with anger.
He didn't do this temper, he didn't curse
anybody, he didn't rave and rant.
You could see the effect of anger on
So you can't say he never felt anger.
Of course he felt anger.
Anger is a human emotion like anything else.
He was a human being, so he felt
The question is, what did he do with
If somebody says, don't get angry, that's impossible
not to get angry.
And also, depending on what you're getting angry
about, getting angry is a sign that you
have intelligence, that you are a person of
principle, you should get angry.
In certain cases, if you're not getting angry,
something is wrong with you.
The question is, what do you do with
that anger?
Do you express it in a dysfunctional, destructive
way or do you express it in a
functional and constructive way?
And that's what Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam always
He expressed his anger, he expressed his disapproval
in a very constructive manner.
We have the famous story of in the
Battle of Hunayr, as the army was proceeding,
there was a man called Abu Mahdura who
made fun of Bilal bin Rawal radiyallahu anhu
when he was calling the Adhar.
And we know this whole story.
I've narrated this in detail several times.
So this Abu Mahdura was the gang leader.
There were a few of the newly converted
Quraish youth who were making fun of Sayyidina
Bilal and making racist comments as well.
Sayyidina Bilal radiyallahu anhu was I've seen he
was a black person and they had these
Quraish they were Arabs and they had this
you know this whole anti-black kind of
They were racist in that way.
So they were making these comments.
So this was reported to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam and this is now they were all
part of the army so this army was
going towards Taif with the intention of besieging
Taif and so any behavior in the army
which goes against the leadership of the army
and Sayyidina Bilal was one of the leaders
would be seen as mutiny, would be seen
as insubordination and something which could attract very
very severe punishment.
So when the matter was reported to Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he summoned them.
So they were brought to him.
Obviously Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was angry,
he would have been angry knowing what had
happened but what did he do?
He didn't reprimand them, he didn't curse them
out he didn't order them to be lashed
or whatever he called them, they came to
him he told them to sit down, they
sat down in front of him then he
said who is your leader?
Who was the one who was leading this
whole action?
So they pointed to Mahdurah Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said to him come close so he
came closer to him and Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam says to him shall I teach you
how to make the adhaq?
Mahdurah said yes, Rasulullah please teach me and
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught him how to
make the adhaq so the way that Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught Nabi Mahdurah was the
way that Imam Al-Shafi'i has recorded
and the shabafi when they call the adhaq
they do that in that way which is
that Shadrullah La Ilaha Illa Allah and Shadrullah
Muhammad Rasulullah normally in the adhaq we say
it twice in the way Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam taught them he taught Nabi Mahdurah to
say it four times two times loudly and
two times softly so he taught him the
adhaq now remember this is a correction of
a grave mistake and misdemeanor that the man
had done but see the effect of that
now when he finished and Nabi Mahdurah knew
the adhaq Nabi Mahdurah says to Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam I have a request Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam says what is it?
He says Bilal Bin Rabah is your Muazzin
in Medina make me your Muazzin in Mecca
and Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said you are
my Muazzin in Mecca they say that Nabi
Mahdurah Allah gave him a very long life
and Nabi Mahdurah from that day when he
got back to Mecca after that they say
that he would come into the Haram five
times a day he would make tawaf of
the Kaaba he would pray two rakat of
Salah and then he would call the adhaq
and he did that his entire life five
times a day every single day he did
that his entire life till he died now
imagine how did that happen how did this
man who started off as somebody who was
mocking Sayyidina Bilal become such a devout Muslim
and so completely concentrated and dedicated to Islam
that he spent his whole life calling adhaq
by the way Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam handled
his own anger by the way Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam reprimanded the man Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam was not praising him he didn't say
oh you did a great thing no this
was a reprimand but the way the reprimand
was given was so beautiful that it completely
transformed the man's life that is the question
that is the power of learning the seerah
because now when we know this story of
the seerah that we know what to do
when somebody does something stupid and makes us
angry are we going to retaliate are we
going to do something even more stupid than
that person did if that person was cursing
are we going to use worse curse words
or are we going to follow the sunnah
of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam so that is
the second part what do I know about
the life of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam what
did I know before what did I know
before and what do I know now and
all this so what will I do to
change so how will I learn more he
asked Allah to help us to follow this
beautiful example that he sent us the example
of his Habib Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Alhamdulillah