Values, Behavior, Results

Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig

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The speakers discuss the importance of addressing behavior and values in order to build a sense of identity. They also touch on legends and culture, including the story of a woman who gave a flower to her grandfather. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from the past and bringing back lessons learned to improve one's life. They also discuss the power of stories and how it can shape one's character.

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and hamdulillah bedarra mean are salatu salam, O Allah insha Allah VA will mousseline Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Allah it while he was able to sell up to three manga serum kathira for my Babu, my dear brothers and sisters Alhamdulillah today is the day of July. And I want to begin with reminding you and myself about the passing away of one of our greatest scholars,

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Dr. Mohsen Han, Muhammad Mohsin Han, at the age of 97. in Madina, munawwara. Dr. Rosenthal is the

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translator, and co author of the Cornell curry into English, which we all know and all of us have benefited from it. And it goes by the title of the Noble Quran. And it's one of the best

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translations that I have

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come across. And I've been benefiting from it for many, many years for decades, Italy, and Hungary. This is the work of Dr. Mohsen Han.

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beauty of this is that it has the tafsir in it, the explanation that it exceeds is

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only I had this from Bukhari and Muslim. And so it's a very beautiful addition. And imagine this as the Serato DJ area that he that he created for himself. This is his legacy for himself and his legacy for the mythos organizer. And the beautiful story about this whole thing is that he came to Medina

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from one stand where he was born, and

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is a medical doctor. So he was working in the hospital there. And eventually he got into the

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he and then one day he saw

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him in a dream. And in this dream, he saw himself that he was serving the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So he went to serve in Baba lolly and asked him the interpretation of his dream. So shall we Ambassador I don't, I don't know what he will be doing. But this means that you will serve the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. And so one thing led to another and this came about where he decided to translate

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into English share when

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he died, I gave him Dr. de Kooning, halali, who's the co author of this particular edition of the translation. And the two of them did this

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brilliant work, and this is their legacy. This is their southern area for themselves.

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Now imagine I really,

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I envy you in a very beautiful way. There's a word or two called Rusk.

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When you're when you're gay, you don't have nearly it may have observed. So okay, Julia? grant is I'm good. Leah, are a lot of

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grant in general, for those who runnability Allah subhanaw taala fillers cover with normal, Are you pleased with him? And may Allah subhanaw taala grant that he actually made some sort of a history of it. So the way he saw him in the dream Alhamdulillah, our brothers and sisters today, and for the next half, maybe two hours,

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I'm going to talk to you about a very important thing, and that is the importance of values. And I want to begin with a quote that we used to use in ge.

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This was a mantra in GE as long as jack welch was the CEO, and that his values drive behavior, and behavior drives results, values, drive behavior, and behavior drives results. Now, what impressed me the most with this with this

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slogan, when I joined the leadership team, in 1994

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is how true and how it is in sync with our Islamic principles. And so that is what I want to talk to you about today.

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This is critical enough for us to spend time to fully understand and internalize and reflect on so that we can check ourselves against this principle going forward in our lives. I want to say to you that if you want to address behavior, you must first address the values that drive that behavior. Without that any behavior you see can be play acting, it can be somebody pretending,

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play, acting cannot be sustained, and play acting is always seen through by everyone except the act.

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And the most important thing is that play acting destroys credibility. So let me talk about these values that we Muslims must have. There are three core values that I believe we must focus on. And they are identity, integrity and courage, identity, integrity, and courage. So today, let's talk about the first of them which is a sense of identity. Now, strictly speaking, identity is not a core value, but rather it is a platform on which everything else runs. A strong sense of identity is rooted in your history, your personal history, your family history, the history of your community, our history as Muslims. Storytelling is a very important part of building a sense of identity in the

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child. We are the product of the stories we were told, as we grew up from our earliest age, we are literally the stuff of legends, our own legends, in which the heroes and players are people we knew or know, personally, and some in which we pay we play the main role ourselves.

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These legends shape our personality, they tell us what is important and what is not. They tell us why that is. So they teach lessons about what happens to those who live by these principles, and those who ignore them. For example, I was born in our ancestral home in Hyderabad.

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Call, which my great grandfather Shamsa rollover, now I had a bit when I was born, he had passed away and his son now Denise, was the head of the family. The house had a garden of about five acres, with a formal rose garden, laid out in the grand novel style.

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Two tennis courts, lawns and large pond with fountains. The Rose Garden was my grandmother Begum, the nation's favorite. It was a favorite place and it was out of bounds out of bounds for us for the children.

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Picking the flowers, plucking those roses was strictly forbidden.

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My mother told me the story of what happened more than 55 years ago today.

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Now one day, and the story is that one day when I must have been about five years old or less.

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I blocked a rose and then went to my grandmother and presented it to her.

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Normally, this was like a would have been like adding insult to injury. Not only had I committed a forbidden act, but I had taken my ill gotten gains to the one who made the rule. I should have on me at least a frown if not a clip on here.

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But what happened? My mother says the my grandmother smiled, took the flower that I was holding out to her. And spontaneously, she said pull like a pole. pole carminic

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pole yo Leia was Tomoko Ito, she said the meaning of it is

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a flower brought me a flower.

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In great happiness and the word they're used again, pull we pull not is to actually swell and filled with happiness.

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In great happiness, I asked Why have you brought a flower you are yourself a flower.

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Now for those who understand also, this is beautiful wordplay on the different meanings of the word pool, which means flower happiness, pride, beauty grace, in the ribeye that Meghan Liniers and created on the spot, Phil body, she reprimanded me for breaking the rule, but did it in such a beautiful way that I recall it decades later. The story underlines the scholarly and graceful culture of our family and the teaching that you can correct someone without insulting them. my paternal grandfather was a guard in the railways. My father was a physician. My two stories that I recall about my paternal grandfather, my dad are were in one, he caught a gang of robbers, looting a

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railway warehouse, pretending that his swagger stick was a rifle. So he held it like this. And in the dark, they couldn't make out and they he ordered them to lie down flat on their faces. And then he tied them up and they discovered that he was around after he had died though, a story of courage and dedication to duty that exceeded whatever job whatever his job demanded, and the very small pay that he earned. That leads to the second story about him which is that he would my father through medical school, while being the single supporter of a family of his wife and nine children. The result was that my father said that my grandfather did not by himself even a shirt

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Through the five years that my father spent in medical school, mercifully medicine was taught faster in India in those days than it is taught in America today. Apart from these personal stories, my parents, mainly my mother, raised me on stories from the Koran of the unveiling, Mashallah of the profits. I'd heard all of them long before I read them in the Quran, which also my mother taught me to read. After telling me his story, my mother would ask me what I had learned from it, and would add to that, and she would add to whatever I had to say. She did this all in the course of the day, not in some special DDR class. That way, Allah subhanho wa Taala also realized that I seldom even

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emulate Salah Musa Musa alayhis, salam, salam, Universalist, salaam, the Gambia fellows, were a part of my earliest childhood memories. Raising children is a contact sport that parents must practice. You cannot outsource parenting to Sunday school or mcsa or the molana or the man it is your child and you must raise him or her. That is what entitles you to the rank that Allah Subhana Allah bestowed on you as parents, you did not get the rank for donating genes, but for raising a human being who can be an asset to the world. Parenting takes time and effort and is your investment in your own aka, your children or your signature. They are your legacy to the world and they are your

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sadaqa jariya for yourself. There are many examples of how identity were shaped in the times of prosumers and seller, and how that led to certain Sahaba performing amazing roles. take most of you know Myra Delano and how I was 16 year old he successfully presented Islam and convinced great big powerful tribal leaders like Zambia, Nevada sub in a more ad and will say who they are they allow them to accept Islam.

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Take the case of madmen. jamela Dylon, who was in his early 20s, when he was deputed by

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was organized in Salem, to Yemen, as the body and the governor, take the best of all, best of all examples of rasoolillah Islam himself, who never allowed all the persecution is suffered to dampen his enthusiasm and dedication to his mission. To a great extent. This was the result of his own language and upbringing as the protege of two great tribal elders and leaders, his grandfather, Abdulmutallab and his Uncle Ali, imagine my Amazon seller is a little boy sitting by the Fireside, going on a on a trip with his grandfather. And imagine they've dealt they've traveled the whole day. And then the night they've camped. And of course, there are other people around him because this is

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a great tribal chief travelers, they will not be traveling a lot. And now they're sitting by the fire site, or sometime maybe riding behind his grandfather on on his mouth.

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His grandfather, as I said was the head of the tribe of Croatian Maharaja listening in rapt attention, as his grandfather told him, those stories reflect on how those stories would have shaped his character with the generosity, courage, and the sense of destiny that he displayed throughout his life. It is not only the stories, but who was telling them, the Syrah must be studied, not just as a part of our collective history, but as the life of someone, an individual who existed someone real, who Allah subhanaw taala referred to us as the best example for us to follow. Imagine the power of listening to the story of Abraham, from the man who met him face to face and got him to

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return his camels. Remember, when we hear the story, we are told Abdulmutallab did this or said that? But when mama saw Selim would have heard the story from his grandfather, he would probably have heard something like this.

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Abdulmutallab would be saying, we had heard that Abraham was coming to market with an army. We did not know why he was coming. Then one day, my gavel keepers came running to me in a panic and they said yes, they have taken away our candles.

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Who has taken the cameras? I asked him, the soldiers of Ohio sad. They were armed and we could not do anything. We couldn't fight them. Please forgive us Yazidi.

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I knew that if that it was now up to me to do whatever I could to get back my camels. How many gallons were they?

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How many camels were there? My grandfather 200. Imagine the rapt attention of a six year old boy is round with wonder at how his grandfather was going to rescue 200 camels on his own. Then what did you do?

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I went to meet abre and get my gammas back. But it's not easy to meet a king, especially one who is in the middle of his army. So I met the driver of his biggest elephant, the elephant was called Mohamad. The driver arranged for me to be the king

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element. What is the elephant here?

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How do I describe to you what I also saw for the first time in my life and never again? And the story continues? Now put yourself there and listen to the story being told by this grandfather, to his little grandson.

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And then what do you do when you return with your Gamble's? What about the cover? He knew the story, what was asking his grandfather for The joy of listening to an eyewitness and one of the main characters? What could I do? I knew that we will not fight that we would have been annihilated. So I took the key of the tower and hung it on the door and said to Allah Yara, you know, we have no power to fight these people. We have you know, we have no power to find his arm if I disarming, this is your house. So protected.

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Then what happened.

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And then came the IV

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then came

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with straws in their drawers and beaks. And the great army of abraha was destroyed, had the libido probably Eurasia and Swift's, or there were five or six species of switch servers which are in that part of the world, Allah Allah because Allah can send what he wants. I think about this.

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When surah field was revealed, it only confirmed for us was in Salem, what he had already heard from his grandfather. Imagine listening. Imagine listening to the story from someone who had not only seen it himself, but had been a major player in it. What do you do learn from the story, I learned the reality of leadership that in the end, you must be prepared to stand alone. Abdulmutallab could not delegate anyone else, to go to rescue his cameras. He had to do it himself. I learned the power of courage, because Motorola could not have simply accepted, he would have simply accepted what happened and that his Gamble's have been stolen by someone who could not possibly fight, he could

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have given to his own fear, that he may end up losing his own liberty or life. If you want to challenge the king, in the middle of winter, as it may, he overcame that fear. And he went, and that is what he was do as a leader. No matter what you feel, you must act, you must do what needs to be done. Imagine the power of listening to the story of the uncovering of the well of themselves, from the man who didn't imagine listening to the story of how his father was to be slaughtered as a sacrifice to Allah. And how not only did Allah save his life, but did it with accepting the sacrifice of 100 camels. Not one gavel 100 counts, which was an indication of how important his life

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was. Imagine the source and seller as a young man in the meeting that led to the fact of unhelpful photo that was made to come to the aid of a man who have been wronged, but had no supporters. What must he have been thinking? We know that the that the incident impacted him tremendously, because he said later, that though that was a pact made in the days before Islam, if anyone called to him in its name, he would respond.

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He chose our as soon as a salams sense of justice, and the willingness to stand against injustice was shipped. Now, when you read the Hadith, on the authority house, or the Allah one who said, I heard also realize that I'm saying, Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand, who and if he is not able to do to do that, then let him change it with his tongue, he can speak out against it. And if he's not able to do even that, then let him hate it in his art, let him change it with his heart. And that is the weakest of faith. That is a sign of the thoughful. Eman And this is in, say a Muslim. Think about how the meaning of a hateful for those would have served to develop

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this quality. That is the power of identity. It is shaped primarily in the home by you. I'm speaking to the parents here. What are the legends that your children are being raised on? What stories do they hear? What is the effect of those stories? And remember that you need not be the storyteller always. But for them to listen to stories from others. You need to keep the company of people of learning and wisdom. People who can tell stories which have the power to shape character. What kind of stories do you

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Watch or tell, or listen to, on Netflix, on sports channels and whatever else you watch. They are about all stories about all stories shape character, you choose which ones you want to tell, and listen to.

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So my question to you is, who are you as a Muslim? Who am I as a Muslim? And how does that set you apart from everyone else? If you are a physician, or an engineer, or a businessman or woman, or administrator or a policeman or a mother or father, why, how does Islam make you special? I do not mean your appearance alone. Islam is not in the length of your beard, or the hijab in your head. It is the reason you have a beard. And the reason you wear it is your identity. What is that?

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In what way does Islam make you different and special, not superior for you to feel arrogant about, but special in that in terms of the responsibility that it bestows on you and which it is your honor to uphold until your last breath. You are a doctor like any other doctor, but does your Islam benefit your patient in any special way? Same question to you no matter what your profession or occupation, identity is something that must be felt and will be visible in your actions. It is not a bunch of words concocted by some wordsmith for you to mouth in your speeches, it is the core of your being it is it is the foundation, it is what you live by and are willing to die for. You may not

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even be able to say this eloquently, that does not matter. What matters is how you feel about it and how you feel it and what it will enable and strengthen you to do your identity is your brand. It is your signature, it is your face, it is who you are. And it's and far more importantly it is why you are who you are.

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It is what people see when they see you or experience you in any way. It is like the color of your skin. You do not have to tell people what it is they can see it the minute they see you. Your identity defines directs and distinguishes you pay attention to it, because everything begins with identity. Robin has chosen our lambda code on our handle an akuna nominal Cassidy Robin, Robin our coffee. So you already know.

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Robin attina dunia has an adorable villa.

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Or Salalah Hannah Vickery Manali he was a reminder of

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what hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.