Mirza Yawar Baig – Turn a mistake into a learning opportunity #3

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of parenting and correcting mistakes to improve learning opportunities and avoid potential trouble. They provide practical advice for parents to avoid these mistakes and advise them to focus on their own attitude and actions. The responsibility of parenting and correcting mindset is emphasized, and suggestions are given on how to correct oneself and learn from the natural bird. The speakers also encourage viewers to ask for alternative options and ask for more natural examples.
AI: Transcript ©
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What you are seeing is the

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daily circles that I'm blessed with,

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which I watch

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as I do my work everyday. And then

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there are,

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now that there's a reddish orange bird on

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the bottom with the male,

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house or male rose peach.

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That's, this will

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those are my

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which are showing the

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I'm gonna keep this on so you can

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see it as I as I talk. We

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on the on the top, around 2 o'clock,

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the round construction is a nest,

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which, I bought on Amazon,

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which is,

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was I hope they will come back,

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inhabited with it by a, Carolina,

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rent. It's a very small, very fast speed.

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we come to the 3rd part, the last

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concluding part of

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the question,

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correcting, and the of,

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children, and so on and so forth. And

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those of you who are wondering this black,

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umbrella like thing on the post,

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that is an anti squirrel device, which is

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very effective.

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the squirrels go up and, they get into

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the bird feed. I don't mind them eating

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from the from the from the ground because

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they have a right to code as well.

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So I I deliberately, as a matter of

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fact, scatter grain on the ground for the

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for them as well as for,

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doves, which you can see there at the

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back, the morning doves,

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who are bottom feeders. They are feeders off

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the ground.

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So I do that, but I don't want

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the squirrels in my,

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in my feeders.

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The other birds are sparrows,

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as well as female,

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rose fringes.

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That's what we see.

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To come back to

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the story, the issue of, how do we

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correct? Should we correct at all? And if

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we should correct, of course, the answer is

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of course you should correct.

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Otherwise, what's the whole point of, the survey?

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Then how must that be done in a

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way which is, productive and

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conducive to learning. And as I said, the

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topic of this will be like of this

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episode is,

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how to turn

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a mistake into a learning opportunity.

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Which bring me to the 3rd part, which

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is the issue of the

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of parents.

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We have this beautiful dua in the Quran.

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Have mercy on,

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have mercy

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on my parents.

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As they had mercy on me

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or as they were

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my robot in the sense of in a

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human sense,

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as they were my rubs,

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when I was born. Now,

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the the word is,

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usually the English translation which is done lord.

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But the lord here is not as in,

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designation or a or a feudal lord or

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Here, the lordship

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is comes from the the

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is a very nurturing,

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safe water quality.

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The rabbi is is is the one who

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is the,

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is somebody who

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the way we describe it is who takes,

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something which is nahis,

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which is incomplete, which is small, which is,

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you know, not worthy of mention.

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Stage by stage

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to a level of command,

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a level of perfection.

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the one who does that, who takes

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something which is imperfect

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to a level of perfection,

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not suddenly,

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not by force,

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but by

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from stage to stage, by stage by stage.

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Something which

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is incomplete,

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which is small, which is, which needs development

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to to develop that stage by stage to

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a level of perspective. And that's why I

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always make the way I say, you are

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my rub.

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You know from where

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you brought me to where I am today,

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and I have my expectation because you said,

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am for my slave as he expects

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me to be.

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And therefore, I expect,

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with the greatest reverence,

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the same from you going forward, which means

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take me and get me, make me more

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and more obedient to you, make me more

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and more love you, make me more and

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more somebody who appreciates you and thanks you

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and make me somebody who will have a

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and who will be admitted into Jannah inshallah

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because that is the ultimate

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stage of perfection.

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We ask Allah

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for that for all of us that we

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are entered into Jannah without his heart.

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Now, therefore, when we are talking about,

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the responsibility of,

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of parenting, the responsibility of correcting of,

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we are talking about, first of all, a

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mindset. And the mindset

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is not to punish the mindset, is not

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to establish our authority in a draconian

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and, horrible way.

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It's not to show them who is boss.

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None of that. It is a very

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a very,

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full of love

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of developing somebody, making something good out of

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part of that would be,

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to correct mistakes.

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And I've already done an episode on how

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one should correct mistakes

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and therefore we should focus on that. So

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should you correct? Of course you should correct,

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But when you are correcting,

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make sure,

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number 1, that your nia is to correct.

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Your nia is not to establish your authority.

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Your nia is not to, you know, show

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your brutality. The niyya is not to,

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so these are not any of those,

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kind of base things. The niyya is really

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and truly

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to help the other person to develop and

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part of development

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is to be able to recognize mistakes

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and to take corrective action. This is goes

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without saying,

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all goodness begins from with,

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istafar and tawba. So when we make,

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istafar and we make turn towards Allah

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that is where goodness begins from. So therefore,

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we should correct,

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but always keep in mind the reason you

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are correcting

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is because you want the best for them.

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Now one,

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practical rule, which is

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never correct when you are angry.

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Recognize the fact that you and I have

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emotions, that our emotions are powerful, that emotions

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are more than likely

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to take over our actions if we don't

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watch it, and therefore they will create trouble

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for us. Therefore, do not speak when you

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are emotionally upset.

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When you are angry, just walk away, go

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away, come back, and then say whatever you

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want to say,

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and then do it in the way which

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I have already described, so I won't repeat

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Listen to the the episode before this,

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which is number 2, and you will

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get a detailed explanation of how corrective action

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must be taken in a positive manner.

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I hope that is clear.

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By all means, ask questions.

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That is how we learn.

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There is

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a woodpecker,

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on that. Now he's here. You can see

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That is a a Downey woodpecker, and this

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is a female,

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which is just gonna be anyway. So

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the key thing is to

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remember, focus on your own attitude, why you're

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doing that? Do that in the best possible

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way. Do that in a way which is

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constructive and productive, and never do it when

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you're angry.

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Recognize the fact that you will be angry.

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There will be good reason why you're angry,

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but don't that's not the time to talk.

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So give yourself a break, go away, come

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back when you when you're cool down, and

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do your correcting

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in a way which is beneficial

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the person concerned. And always order.

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Keep And that's why I began by Again,

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I'm not repeating that word, I'm just saying

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that I begin with,

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what are the alternative, what else could you

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have done. Believe me, it's an eye opening

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thing. When you ask especially children, why did

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you do something? Sometimes they have a perspective

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on life that is, that we have denied

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ourselves. So it it's a big learning opportunity

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as far as we are concerned as well

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if you give it a chance and if

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really want to learn. So I,

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recommend that. I ask Allah to help us

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learn in the best possible way and to

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be pleased with us and,

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use us

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to correct ourselves

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while we are correcting others.

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Oh my god. There's the there's the northern

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one of the most spectacular birds.

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There he is on this

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Let's see what else he does. This is

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one of my favorite absolutely favorite birds. He

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looks like a military colonel or something.

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If you look at his at his face,

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he has a what looks like a, you

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a beard,

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and mustaches.

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amazingly beautiful

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bird that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has created,

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He just blew it. Alright.

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