Mirza Yawar Baig – Turn a mistake into a learning opportunity #1

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses various previous incident stories involving people throwing pieces of gold at each other. The narrator of the hadith warns that if it hit the man in his head, he would have died. The narrator also discusses a young man's story where he was punished for his behavior, but did not do anything wrong. The segment also touches on a story where a man was punished for his behavior, but did not do anything wrong.
AI: Transcript ©
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I am answering a question that

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my very dear,

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asked me this morning,

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and I call him my

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the champion questioner

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because, may Allah bless him,

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Allah has given him the ability to ask

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the most serious

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and the most searching questions,

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which comes out of his

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desire and his sincerity and

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his to learn

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more about the deen.

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And Allah

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give me the privilege

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and the honor of trying to answer some

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of those questions.

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I ask Allah

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to increase him in in

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and in sincerity and protect his

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so that he never does anything that

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is even remotely displeasing

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to Allah

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Now he asked me a beautiful question. The

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question he asked me was that

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Hadith of Anas bin Malik

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who said that Rasoolah, that he worked for

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as a servant for 10 years.

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And in that entire period, Rasoolah

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never even said oof

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to him. So let alone reprimanding

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or anything else, he didn't even say oof

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to him. And he says that he never

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even asked me, why did you do this?

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I mean, if meaning that he did something

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wrong and,

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Nurul Shahram never asked him, why did you

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do this?

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So Omar's question was

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that when I

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am given the responsibility of Tarbia,

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You know, youngsters,

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my maybe my children, maybe my

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nephews and nieces, maybe

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that I'm teaching and students,

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some team that I'm coaching and so on.

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So what should I do? I mean, should

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I just let it pass? Should

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I try to correct anybody? Should I not

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say anything at all?

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Should I even ask if they do something

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wrong? Should I even say, well, you know,

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why did you do that?

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If I'm gonna follow the this particular

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teaching as I understand it from this hadith.

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As I said, beautiful question.

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Incidentally, for those of you who are wondering

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this peep peep is,

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the alarm call of the American robin.

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Now why this robin,

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this particular one is alarmed? I have no

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clue, but,

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that is the alarm call of the robin.

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so this question now,

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answer to this question answer is

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as follows. Number 1,

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when you look at the question, we also

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have to look at the context,

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of the question and say,

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the statement

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of Anas ibn Malik.

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Who is making this statement?

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Now think about this. Anas bin Malik,

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who was the son of Umayr Solaim,

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one of the greatest,

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of the ladies

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who were the companions of Rasool Allah,

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and and others. These were some

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phenomenal women,

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who were the Sahabiat of Rasoolullah Salim.

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Umu Sallalaim,

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was married to Malik bin Nadar,

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who was not a Muslim,

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he was killed

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by one of his enemies.

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And then she married,

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who was again one of the greatest of

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the Sahaba of Rasul Rasul Salam. They are

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amazing stories about him and his dedication with

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the prophet. So now,

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Anad bin Malik is raised in that household,

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first of all. Second thing is at the

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age of 10,

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he was he was 10 years old when

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Salam came to Madina.

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Umair Salam,

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his mother, demonstrated her amazing intelligence

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in the project of Rasool Allah his alaihi

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wa sallam. I call this an investment because,

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she gave her son as

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a servant, not a slave, servant

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to Rasulullah hissalam.

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Now you can imagine from from the from

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the dialogue,

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Naveen said he's so small. What can he

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do? I mean, you know, you're giving him

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to me. She said, yeah, Rasool, I'll just

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keep him with you. You know, he'll he'll

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serve you. He'll he'll do whatever you tell

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him to do. So it shows that here

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is a little boy who is being given

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into the service of Rasool Salam.

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he's not going to work in the morning,

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coming back home in the evening to his

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mom. He this is

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immersion learning

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in the sunnah of the Nabi alaihis salaam,

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from the Nabi alaihis salaam, at the feet

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of the Nabi alayhis salaam, in the home

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of the Nabi alayhis salaam.

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Here is this little man.

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Right. This little boy,

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10 years old, who is eating

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with Rasulullah Salaam from the plate in which

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Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam ate because that

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was the way in which he ate. Big

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plate, everyone.

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He's sitting next to the prophet

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rasulullah sallam's

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hand touches him. Nabi shalahu alaihi wa sallam

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will hug him.

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maybe even sleeps in the same room as

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Rasool Salam.

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He brings him water for his. He brings

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him he runs errands for him.

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He's just hanging about. He's there in the

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247 with the Rasool alayhis salam. And

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think about this. He's not just there accidentally.

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He's not there resenting the fact that my

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mom abandoned me.

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He's there loving the messenger

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total and complete devotion to the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. He considers himself to be

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the most fortunate human being on the face

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of the earth at that age.

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He is focused on the Ravi shalallam. And

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and the reason I'm saying all of this

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is not just my

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about the Rasul alaihi salam and his,

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companion. It is because one of the fadai

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of, Anas bin Malik

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is that Allah gave him a very long

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He died

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in his very late nineties,

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and he was considered to be the last

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of the great Sahaba of Rasool Salam to

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leave this earth.

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And every single

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after the passing away of Rasool alaihi salam,

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which was when Anas bin Malik was about

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20 years old.

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So from the age of around 20

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to the age when he passed away, which

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was in late nineties,

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close to a100,

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Anas bin Malik

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who saw

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Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in his dream

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every single night.

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And that's not accidental. Believe me, my brother

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and sister. This

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is Allah generosity

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on Now

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we have to we have to we have

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to understand this, and we have to appreciate

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This is the man who is saying that

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the Nabi never said oof. The Nabi

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never reprimanded me. Now tell me, how many

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times do you think he gave him the

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opportunity to say oof? How many times do

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you think he gave him the opportunity to

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to to, reprimand?

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So we must look at things in context.

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Yes. It is true. Rasulullah

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never said oof to him and so on.

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But here is a young boy who is

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in his company,

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taking from him

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throughout his life,

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serving him,

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and, being, you know,

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serving him to the best of his ability,

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why would he say why would he reprimand

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him in the first place? Secondly,

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the kind of person that Anas al Masih

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he was imbibing

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the knowledge of Islam and the sunnah of

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Rasool Salam like a sponge

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in a bucket of water.

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Everything, every pore of his body,

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was absorbing

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the barakah of the company of the Rasool,

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alayhis salatu wasalam.

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So he didn't need much correction. He was

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learning all the time, and Rasul used to

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encourage him.

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on the car therefore,

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let's look at something else.

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Let's look at the fact, another hadith where

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a man came to mister Salam,

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who was

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and gave him a piece of gold. Mister

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Salam was raising funds for something or,

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you know, I I don't remember whether it

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was that or he was,

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this man just came and gave him a

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piece of gold and said,

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I'm giving this in in charity. And said,

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do you have anything? I told him he

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said nothing.

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So said, take this back.

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Allah and the way do not need this.

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Take it back.

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The man insisted, no. I I have to

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give it. I'm giving it. We have to

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take it. And so on and so on.

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Now it went to the point where Rasulullah

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he forced the piece of gold into his

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hand. Nabi sallam

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took that piece of gold and threw it

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flung it

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And the, narrator of the hadith says, he

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threw it with such force that if it

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had hit the man in his head, he

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would have died.

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So that's a lot more than oof.

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We have another case where

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Asura is

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sitting in the Majlis,

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and Abu Bakr Siddhi Hidalanu is with him.

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And obviously so are several other Sahaba, and

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one can assume the names are not there,

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but one can assume that, you know, maybe

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Sadan Omar was also there because they usually

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work together and others.

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Some of the big names of the Sahaba.

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A man entered the place. He came to

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this and he saw

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there. Now this man had some enmity against

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Abu Bakr as Siddiqui Khadyanu. So he started

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to abuse him. He started to curse him

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even though this was in the presence of

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Rasool Allah his sallam.

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Highly inappropriate behavior, but the man did that.

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He continued and he continued and he continued

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to the point

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now during this whole tirade,

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this whole rant of this man,

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He just didn't say anything. Maintained a dignified

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And Rasoolas very

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interestingly and curiously

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also said nothing. He did not defend his

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friend. He did not tell the man, behave

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yourself. Do you realize where you are? You

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have no other nothing. He did not say

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anything to him. He let him go on,

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and very curiously, the narrator of the hadith

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says that

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there was a

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slight smile

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on the blessed face of the Rasul, alaihis

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salam, while this was going on. It was

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almost like he was amused.

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this got to a point where

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finally lost his school, and he cursed the

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man back. Just one word. He said something

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to the to the man

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which was derogatory in nature.

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got up and walked away.

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who completely forgot about the man. He went

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behind and he said, yes, Surah Allah, what

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did I do?

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What did I do? I mean, this man,

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I'm not he no. He's not he's not

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criticizing the

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but he says, you know, this man was

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cursing me all this while. You did not

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say anything.

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You were just smiling. And this man continued

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and he continued.

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And, you know, I mean, I just said

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one word to him. Why did you get

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up and go away? And he had tears

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in his eyes because he was very hurt

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that, you know, here is my greatest friend.

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Not only does he not

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defend me, but,

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he is reprimanding me because it was a

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reprimand that he got up and walked away.

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And I am obviously in the right, and

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this man is obviously in the wrong, yet

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reprimanded me.

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Said to

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the reason I got up, the reason I

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was smiling was because

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all the while this man was cursing you,

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there was an angel who was sitting there,

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and this angel was making dua for you

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and asking Allah to forgive you. And this

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angel was responding and replying to the man.

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The moment you said the first word, the

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angel left.

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And if the Malaika leave, why should I

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be there?

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in Urdu, we have a saying,

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whose ranks are exceptional,

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for them to be exempted

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is very difficult.

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Meaning that for those whose ranks are exceptional,

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correction from Allah

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is immediate.

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Because not because Allah hates them, but because

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Allah loves them. Because Allah does not want

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record to be spoiled,

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so they're immediately corrected.

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Like we see in the battle of Hunayn,

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for example. Here were Sahaba. If you see

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the ayat of the Quran,

00:14:18 --> 00:14:21

where Allah mentioned the battle of Hunayn.

00:14:21 --> 00:14:23

Allah said that there were some of you

00:14:23 --> 00:14:24

who thought,

00:14:24 --> 00:14:27

right, who thought that these weapons and so

00:14:27 --> 00:14:29

on, resources are enough for us.

00:14:30 --> 00:14:32

Now he did not say that Rasuls alaihis

00:14:32 --> 00:14:34

salam thought that. He didn't say that the

00:14:34 --> 00:14:36

Abu Bakr and Omar and others,

00:14:38 --> 00:14:40

the the the of the Sahaba, they thought

00:14:40 --> 00:14:42

this. He did not say that the Asharab

00:14:42 --> 00:14:44

Mubashara thought this. He did not say the

00:14:44 --> 00:14:46

Badriyan thought this. Allah said, some of you.

00:14:46 --> 00:14:48

Now who would they be? I mean, they

00:14:48 --> 00:14:49

they if you just think about that, had

00:14:49 --> 00:14:52

to be some of the new converts to

00:14:52 --> 00:14:54

Islam. Right? So these were people who didn't

00:14:54 --> 00:14:54

have the

00:14:55 --> 00:14:55

the the the,

00:14:56 --> 00:14:58

benefit of the of Rasool Salam.

00:14:58 --> 00:14:59

So they

00:14:59 --> 00:15:02

may have thought Now, also think about this.

00:15:02 --> 00:15:04

Since when is thinking a crime?

00:15:04 --> 00:15:06

They didn't do anything. They didn't say anything.

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And I'm sure none of them, even those

00:15:08 --> 00:15:10

who thought, none of them actually said, well,

00:15:10 --> 00:15:12

you know what? We don't need Allah anymore.

00:15:13 --> 00:15:14

These weapons are enough for us. They would

00:15:14 --> 00:15:16

never I mean, why would they say that?

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Nobody said that. Yet, Allah

00:15:18 --> 00:15:21

completely turned the battle on its head, and

00:15:21 --> 00:15:23

the Muslims lost and they're they ran away.

00:15:24 --> 00:15:26

And if Allah's help had not come, and

00:15:26 --> 00:15:28

of course, Allah helped them later at the

00:15:28 --> 00:15:31

Dua of the Nabi alaihis salam, they would

00:15:31 --> 00:15:33

have completely been routed and they would never

00:15:33 --> 00:15:36

have won anything. But then, of course, the

00:15:36 --> 00:15:39

battle of Hunayn was eventually a victory, but

00:15:39 --> 00:15:40

after that first loss.

00:15:41 --> 00:15:43

Why? Because of the kind of people. These

00:15:43 --> 00:15:46

were exceptional people, so no exceptions

00:15:47 --> 00:15:48

for those who are exceptional.

00:15:50 --> 00:15:52

They are corrected before anybody else.

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Now, therefore now when you are

00:15:56 --> 00:15:57

talking about the,

00:15:57 --> 00:16:00

how does this relate to the tarbia of,

00:16:00 --> 00:16:03

people, Inshallah, in my next episode.

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