Mirza Yawar Baig – Sweetness is temporary

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of not letting anyone convince to do anything which is harmful to their health or the world. They stress the importance of not allowing anyone to commit to something which is harmful to their health or harm to their health. The speakers also advise listeners to not allow anyone to commit to anything which is harmful to their health or the world. They stress the importance of taking action and not allowing anyone to commit to something which is beneficial for them.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, I remind myself and

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you of 2 very important things.

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1 is

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that the sweetness

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of the sin

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is temporary.

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The effect of that sin

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is permanent.

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The sweetness of the sin is temporary.

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The effect of that sin

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is permanent.

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The pain of the test,

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the difficulty of the test is temporary.

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The benefit

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of that test

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is permanent,

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And I therefore remind myself and you not

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to get fooled by Shaitan

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and do things

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which have a long term,

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harm for us.

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For example,

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if you take

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the thing which I keep on harping about

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all the time,

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which is halal earning

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halal eating.

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the perceived benefit, there is no benefit, but

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what Satan

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convinces us

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convinces those who indulge

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in haram earning

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that there is benefit in this haram earning.

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Shaitan convinces us that there is benefit

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in selling alcohol. There is benefit in selling

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lottery tickets.

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There is benefit in selling tobacco.

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There is benefit in selling * literature.

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Chetan convinces us. So we sell these things

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in our shops.

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Chetan convinces us that it is

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beneficial to deal

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with interest,

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and that is why we deal with interest

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even though Allah

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promised his punishment.

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promised his punishment

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for the one who deals with interest. Allah

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on the one who deals with interest. Now

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what more

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do we really need?

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What more do we need? When we are

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looking at something which is potentially harmful,

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what can be more harmful than a declaration

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of war from Allah

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Yet, Shaitan convinces us

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that dealing in interest is permissible

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and he puts us in a position

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of potentially committing cover

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because Shaitan shows us that we

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that we

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can escape

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the punishment of Allah

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by doing something,

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and he puts a spin on it and

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he says,

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you know, this is, okay in this country,

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that country.

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Please understand that the one who makes what

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Allah has made

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halal into haram or the one who makes

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what Allah has made haram into halal is

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committing because he is changing the law of

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Does all this.

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So remember

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that all these games are temporary.

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The effect of them is permanent because Rasool

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Allah said those who deal in interest, and

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he named 4 people. He said Allah has

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and which means Allah's curse and the Nabi's

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curse is on 4 kinds of people.

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The one who lends on interest, the one

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who the one who borrows on interest, the

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one who writes

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down that

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and the one who bears and the 2

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who bear witness.

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So there are 5 people,

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the borrower, the lender,

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the recorder,

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and the 2 witnesses.

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Nabi said

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all of them are cursed by Allah

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and his

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he said they are all equal.

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Now think about that. The one who is

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is doing it

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with the expectation of benefit. The one who

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is borrowing,

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is borrowing with the expectation of benefit. The

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one who's recording the deed is neither lending

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nor borrowing. He's only recording it, and he

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probably gets a salary for that. And the

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witnesses, they are neither borrowing nor lending.

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They are not getting a salary. They are

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just bearing witness to this. Rasulullah

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said, all are cursed by Allah

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and they are all equal in that curse,

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equal in that punishment.

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But shaitan will convince you that this is

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okay. Now

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up to you. You want to believe Allah

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and his Rasool alayhis salaam or you want

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to believe Shaitan?

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We are free to believe whoever we want,

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of that belief is not the same.

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If we believe in something which is wrong,

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the result will always be harmful. Let us

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be very clear in our minds.

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So therefore, I remind myself and you that

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let us not allow

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this dunya

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to fool us into doing something

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which is,

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which is

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harmful for us

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in this.

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Now the point I want to make here

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every single thing that we have in this

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we are going to leave behind.

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The thing that will go with us is

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So if you have a shop in which

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you are selling haram things, believe me, that

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shop is giving you money.

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You are making good money.

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By which I mean lot of money, not

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good in the sense of good as in

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pure. It's haram. It is impure, but it

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is a lot of money. You're making a

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lot of money, but that wealth will remain

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here when you die.

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What will go with you is your decision

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to earn in that way.

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So you are standing all day in your

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shop and you are selling haram.

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That action of yours will go with you.

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But your,

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the the the the the money that you

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made is going to remain here.

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Let's just think about this for yourself and

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say what sense does it make

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sell what is going with us

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for that which is temporary and which will

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remain here?

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What says does it mean?

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We are giving up something

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is potentially beneficial for us, which we which

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we could have taken with us, which is

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good deeds.

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And instead of that, we are taking haram

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material things,

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which in any case, we would have to

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leave behind.

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So I want you to do this as

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an exercise.

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Sit with

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yourself and your family and sit with whoever

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is with you.

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for each of them,

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look at them in the face and say,

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this one I will leave behind.

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For each of these things,

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sit down and say to yourself,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, this I am going

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to leave.

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What is going with me

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is Allah

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this action. Right? What is going with me

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is the effect of this action.

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This thing itself, I'm gonna leave behind.

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And then ask yourself whatever you are doing

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for that thing, is it worth doing or

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Do this with everything in your in your

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life, with your spouse, with your children, with

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your parents, with your with your business, with

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your house, with your with your dealings,

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especially your dealings,

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every single one of them. Right? Sit with

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that. If the answer is yes, I'm doing

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a great job. This is something which will

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be for me, then by all means, continue

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to do it. But if you are looking

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at your business in which you are committing

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say to yourself, this is going to be

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finished. This will be here because Allah

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said, whatever is with you will perish, will

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and what is with Allah will remain.

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So ask yourself, what is going to be

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here? What is going to perish? What is

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going to be with Allah?

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This one, which is with me,

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is going to perish. This dukan of mine,

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this shop of mine, this business of mine

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will remain here. I will be in my

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The business will go to whoever is and

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inherit from me, but I will be answering

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in my grave for what I did.

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If Allah does not forgive me, I will

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be punished while those who inherit my business

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will be enjoying that money.

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And if they are enjoying haram money, when

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their time comes to go into their graves,

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they will also be punished.

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My brothers and sisters,

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the time to wake up is not when

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Malakul comes for us. The time to wake

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up is before that.

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If we don't wake up before that, when

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Malakul mouth comes, we will be in

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serious, serious, serious trouble.

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I don't wish that for myself, and I

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don't wish that for you.

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So please understand. Let us change our lives

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because there is no alternative.

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Our life must be changed.

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So please

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make sure that we do not do anything

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which is displeasing to Allah

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because as I told you,

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the sin is sweet,

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but the sweetness will remain here.

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The sin itself, the action,

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the effect of that action will go with

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us into our graves and will be with

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us when we are resurrected,

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and this will be the cause of punishment

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for us

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unless Allah forgives us when we meet Allah.

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So let us not put ourselves in a

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position where

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when Allah

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gave us the opportunity

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to repent, when Allah

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gave us the opportunity

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to turn towards him. We did not turn

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towards him. We did not repent. And when

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the opportunity is gone, then we want to

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sit and say, oh, I wish I had

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done this and done that. No. It doesn't

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work like that. It doesn't happen.

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And if we do not if we continue

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in that way, then we are going to

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be in serious

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problems for ourselves.

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Ask Allah

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to help us

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to do that which is pleasing to him

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and to save us from ourselves.

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