Mirza Yawar Baig – Surest sign of a free mind

Mirza Yawar Baig
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The success of Speaker 1's lifestyles in India is highlighted, with a focus on one thing that separates free people from poverty and helping people live their lives as if it belongs to them. They emphasize the importance of taking ownership of one's life and not living in an "immature condition" to avoid complications. The speaker emphasizes the need for change in mindset and mental health to avoid drastic behavior. They also discuss the benefits of using plastic bags and other recycling materials to create environments that benefit everyone, and emphasize the importance of being aware of the environment and creating environments that benefit everyone.

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			بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
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			الحمد لله رب العالمين.
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			والصلاة والسلام على شرف الأنبياء والمرسلين.
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			محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله
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			وسلم تسليماً كثيراً كثيراً.
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			هما بعد.
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			Brothers and sisters, in my view, if there
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			is one single differentiating factor which separates people
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			who are free, not enslaved in their minds,
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			from people who are enslaved, it is to
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			look at and see how they take care
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			of their surroundings.
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			Now, as you can see here, this is
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			a development on a golf course, a village
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			on a golf course.
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			And I challenge you to find one piece
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			of plastic, one scrap of paper, one empty
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			bottle, one anything that would qualify as trash,
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			anywhere, near a house, away from a house,
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			anywhere on the golf course.
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			You won't find a single thing.
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			And if this was to be said about
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			one particular place, it would be remarkable enough,
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			but this is the default.
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			This is the default.
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			Except in places where, and this is America,
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			also in America where you have the poor,
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			the homeless, refugees and so on.
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			And the first thing that hits you is
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			the filth, the garbage, all the trash around
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			Now, I'm not being critical of poor people.
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			I've been poor myself.
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			But I want to differentiate between having resources
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			and taking care of yourself and your environment.
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			The two do not go hand in hand,
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			because I know situations, in India, for example,
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			where you go into a house of a
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			person who is, may not be a billionaire,
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			but certainly a millionaire.
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			And in India, millionaires have billionaire lifestyles.
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			So you have this fantastic house, you have
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			people who are all over doing wonderful things,
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			living in beautiful lifestyles, fantastic houses, furnishings and
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			whatnot, but clothes strewn everywhere, shoes everywhere, expensive
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			You know, each one would be worth more
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			than somebody's salary for a month or a
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			year maybe, but just throw it.
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			You get into one of their cars and
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			it looks like a trash can on wheels.
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			In India, you go into somebody's houses, people
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			who are not billionaires, but definitely millionaires.
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			And in India, alhamdulillah, millionaires live the lifestyle
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			of billionaires.
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			You know, servants and this and that.
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			But you go inside the house, it's a
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			beautiful mansion, inside it has fancy furniture, expensive
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			Some of them even have a kitchen to
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			show, and a kitchen in which actual cooking
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			is done.
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			So, as we say, in Urdu, we say,
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			that the teeth of the elephant are different
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			from the teeth of the food, which is
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			not strictly true, but, you know.
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			So, we have this dikhane ka kichan ek
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			or khane ka kichan ek.
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			In Urdu, the one in which food is
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			The dikhane ka kichan, the one in which
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			food is not cooked.
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			It's only for show.
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			We have the most fancy kitchen appliances and
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			stoves and God knows what.
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			Never touched.
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			Absolutely pristine condition, but to show people.
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			Allah have mercy on us.
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			We've got used to this very, you know,
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			lifestyles which are very destructive.
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			So, anyway, to come back to my point.
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			So, we have people with all these resources,
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			fancy places, we're talking about change in the
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			mind, mental enslavement versus mental freedom, true freedom.
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			So, we have these people who are really
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			mentally enslaved.
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			So, they have the resources, but they don't
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			take care of them.
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			And to me, as I said, the biggest
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			and best sign that somebody is free is
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			that they take ownership of their lives.
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			They don't live their lives as if it
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			belongs to somebody else.
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			Not my job.
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			I don't need to take care of it.
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			As I showed you, as you can see,
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			as I'm walking here, place is taken care
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			Now, obviously, some of it is taken care
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			of because the development, the golf course does
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			But the maintenance fee here is roughly
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			$500 per quarter, which means you're paying $2
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			,000 per year for your surroundings of your
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			house to be maintained.
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			So, you may be doing some things yourself,
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			as in by your own hand, and some
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			things you might be paying for, but people
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			are paying for that.
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			When you go for a walk, you see
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			people walking their dogs, you will find those
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			people with either carrying a plastic bag with
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			something in it, or they have plastic bags
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			in their pockets.
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			And in parks and so on, there are
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			boxes, dispenser boxes, which are free, and there's
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			a trash can under that dispenser box.
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			All of these are meant to pick up
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			the dog's, what they call, dog eggs.
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			So, you know what it means, right?
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			So, when the dog does what a dog
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			does, they just don't walk away.
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			They pick it up.
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			And they don't just pick it up and
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			throw it there.
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			They pick it up, they take it with
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			them, they carry it in this bag, and
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			they take it to a place where there
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			is a disposal for it.
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			And they dispose of it in that particular
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			Signs that these are people who are free
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			in the mind.
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			They are not enslaved.
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			They own.
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			They feel that they own the place that
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			they are in.
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			And what's the best, most reliable sign of
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			It's that you take care of that place.
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			Who are your children?
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			Children you own, your own children, are children
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			whose bills you pay.
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			Any other child, you may love the child,
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			the child may love you, it might be
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			a student, it might be a child which
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			is demented enough to have you as a
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			mentor, but it is a child who is
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			not yours.
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			And so you hand the child back to
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			the parents.
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			When the time of the child is done
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			with you, you give the child back to
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			the parents.
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			When it comes for bills to be paid,
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			you don't pay the bills of that child,
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			the child's parents pay the bills of that
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			I'm just going around this little thing here,
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			because there are sandhill cranes on the other
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			You can see them now.
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			Magnificent birds, many of them sometimes a meter
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			tall, sometimes more.
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			Fantastic birds.
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			This is a resident flock.
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			They're all over America, North and South America.
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			They winter down here in Florida and further
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			south in the Mississippi, and they go to
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			their nesting grounds in Canada in the summer.
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			But there are two resident flocks.
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			One is resident in Florida, it doesn't go
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			anywhere, and this is one of them.
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			This is a part of that flock.
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			I'm told that the resident flocks are not
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			doing so well.
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			You wish them well, such beautiful birds.
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			Wow, look at that magnificent one standing there.
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			So take care of the environment.
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			The biggest lesson to teach your children, take
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			care of the environment because it is your
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			It's not somebody else's.
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			And if you don't take care of it,
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			guess who suffers?
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			If your house is like a garbage can,
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			if your car is like a garbage can
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			with wheels, and it doesn't matter how expensive
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			that car is, it doesn't matter what kind
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			of brand it is, it can be a
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			Rolls Royce, but it's still a garbage can
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			on wheels.
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			And if that's what you want to live
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			your life, that's how you want to live
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			your life, then remember that that is the
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			life of a slave, a person who is
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			mentally enslaved.
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			And true freedom is always in the mind.
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			As Nelson Mandela said in his prison in
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			Robben Island, he said, they can imprison my
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			body, but they can never imprison my mind.
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			And that is the truth.
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			That is the whole truth and nothing but
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			the truth.
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			May Allah grant us the ability to do
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			Now when you do that, when you live
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			as if you own the place and you
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			create some beautiful surroundings, and as I said,
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			guess who benefits?
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			Guess who benefits?
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			So, teach your children this, to take care
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			of their surroundings, because that is a sign
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			of true freedom.