Mirza Yawar Baig – Search for yourself in the Quran #01

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The importance of learning the Quran and living by it is emphasized, along with the need to understand individual qualities to avoid ending up in a situation where the right person is not the right one. The discussion touches on the definition of "quality" and references to Islam, including the use of "talk" in various sentences and the term "talk" being used for actions of Islam.
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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Alhamdulillah.
My dear brothers, sisters, respected elders, Allah Subhanahu
wa Ta'ala Jalla Jalaluhu sent His Kalam,
His Word, His Speech, with one purpose only.
Al Naqsadul Nuzulul Kalamullah, huwa wahid faqat.
That we should reflect on it, tadabbur fiha,
and change our lives, and live according to
The reading of the Quran, the writing of
the Quran, the tafsir of the Quran, everything
to do with the Quran, to learn to
read it well and properly according to the
usul of tajweed, to learn the different qiraat,
beautiful calligraphy, writing of the Quran, printing of
the Quran, you name it, all of those
things are important, but they are not the
maqsad of the revelation of the Quran.
There is only one maqsad, there is only
one reason, there is only one thing that
the Quran came for, and that is to
be lived by.
When we think about these two things, we
don't look at them as two opposite, we
don't say it is not important to learn
to read but it is important to live,
that's a stupid statement.
To be able to live by the Quran,
you must also know how to read it
properly, you must understand it, and so on
and so on.
But none of that is the purpose of
the revelation.
The reason I'm saying that is because this
is what has happened to us, the Muslims,
after the time of the blessed generations, the
generation of the Sahaba, the Tabi'een, and
the Tabatabi'een, people became experts and they
focused on one aspect of the Quran and
illa mashallah they left the issue of living
by it, they put that aside.
Obviously this is a generalization, it doesn't apply
to everybody, but we have people who are
ufaas, we have people who are qurra, we
have people who make tafsir, we have people
who do all kinds of things with the
Quran, but if you look at their lives
and may Allah make you and me separate
from that, you do not find a reflection
of the Quran in the life of the
One of the great Tabi'een, Anas Bil
Qais, he read the ayah, لَقَدْ أَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكُمْ
كِتَابًا فِيهِ ذِكْرُكُ أَفَلَا تَافِلُونَ In Suratul Anbiya,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, indeed, we
have sent down for you, O mankind, a
book in which you are mentioned, there is
your zikr, there is your reminder.
Will you not understand?
I'm talking about people who understood the purpose
of the Quran.
So when Ahnab bin Qais radiallahu anhu wa
rahmatullahi alayhi read this thing, he said, Allah
said, I'm mentioned in the Quran, so where
am I?
Where is my name?
Where have I been mentioned?
Allah said, فيهِ ذِكْرُكُ, you are mentioned in
Where am I?
Now we know, of course, that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala did not mention anyone by
name, except the Anbiya, and among the Baitul
Anbiya, Zaid bin Haritha is the only one
who is mentioned by name.
So we know that your name, my name
is not in the Quran.
But we know that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala jalla jalaluhu mentioned people and their qualities.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned what
would happen to people with those qualities.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned people
with certain qualities.
And then he said, people with these qualities,
this will be their ending.
This is where they will end up.
And therefore, we need to look for ourselves
in these quality definitions and say, where do
I fit in?
If I fit in with the people whose
qualities are good and whose ending is good,
then Alhamdulillah.
But if I fit in with people whose
qualities are not good and whose ending is
not good, then it is time to change.
So when Ahnab bin Ghais, rahmatullahi alaihi wa
sallam, he searched in the Quran, he found
that with some people Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala said, كانوا قليلا من الليلي ما يهجعون
وبالأسحارهم يستغفرون وفي أموالهم حق للسائل والمحروم He
said, these are the people, Allah said, these
are people who sleep but little at night.
And the rest of the time they are
praying, they are making sujood, they are making
salah, ruku, بين الخوف و تبعا, between a
state of fear of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala's punishment and a hope in Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala's forgiveness.
And in the hours before dawn, they are
found asking and seeking Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala's forgiveness.
And in their property, Allah said, there was
the haq, the right of the sa'il
wal mahroom, of the one who asks for
help and the one who needs help but
does not ask.
You see the haq kulli sa'iri wal
Allah is not saying they give to the
sa'il and the mahroom.
Allah said, no, they consider it to be
the right of the other person.
So I am not doing a favour, I
am only fulfilling the right of the other
Now think about this.
Anab bin Khais, rahmatullahi alayhi wa sallam, Allah
of course knows best.
But if you ask me and say, did
he not fit this?
Was he not among the people who prayed
extensively in the night?
Was he not among the people who made
istighfar lots and lots of times?
Was he not among the people who were
generous to a fault as far as their
charity is concerned?
I would say yes, without a doubt.
But see the inqisar, see the humbleness, the
humility of the people of truth.
Anab bin Khais, radiallahu anhu wa rahmatullahi alayhi,
read these ayat and he said, Ya Allah,
I am not from these people.
He said, I am not from these people.
Then he read this ayah, In
surah Sajdah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,
Their sides forsake their beds, which means they
get up from their sides, and they make
dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, between
the fear of Allah's punishment and hope for
Allah's reward and forgiveness and they spend in
charity out of what we have bestowed on
And once again, Anab bin Khais, radiallahu anhu
wa rahmatullahi alayhi, said, I am not from
these people.
And then he said, he read where Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala said, He
read the ayah where Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala said, They are those who spend in
the cause of Allah, in prosperity and in
They give when they have and they give
when they don't have.
Who repress and control their anger and who
pardon, who forgive people.
Verily Allah loves the Muhsinun, the people of
Once again, Anab bin Khais said, Ya Rabb,
I am not from these people.
And then he read where Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala said, And
he said, and he read where Allah said,
And those before them, they had homes in
Allah is talking about the Ansar.
And they had adopted the faith.
They had come to Islam and they love
those who migrate to them and have no
jealousy in their hearts for that which they
have been given.
And this refers to the, as well as
Nuzul of this have to do with the
booty of Banu Nadir.
And who give them, who give the Muhajirun
preference over themselves.
Even though they were in need of whatever
they were giving themselves.
And that whoever is saved from his own
greed, such are they who will be successful.
And once again, Anab bin Khais said, Ya
Rabb, I am not from these people.
And then he said, he read where Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala said, And those
avoid the greater sins, the kabair and the
fawahish, adultery and all kinds of promiscuity.
And when they are angry, they forgive.
And those who answer the call of their
Rabb, Jalla Jalaluhu, they worship only Allah.
And they do not make shirk and they
establish salah.
And who conduct their affairs by shura, by
mashwara, by mutual consultation.
And those who spend from what we have
bestowed on them.
And once again he said, O Allah, I
am not from these people.
This is the level of humility of the
people of Haqq.
Then he looked for other mentions about people.
And he found where Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala said, And they say, Allah
said truly when it is said to them,
La ilaha illallah, then no one has the
right to be worshipped except Allah.
They puffed themselves up with pride.
They denied it.
And they said, are we going to abandon
our gods for the sake of a mad
Naudhu billah.
And then he read where Allah said, And
when Allah alone is mentioned, Then the hearts
of those who do not believe in the
hereafter are filled with disgust.
And when those whom they obey or worship
besides him, that is deities other than Allah
are mentioned, behold, they rejoice.
And then he read, What
caused you to enter Jahannam?
These people, the malaika will ask those who
are being led into the hellfire.
And they say, what caused you to enter
And they will say, we were not among
those who used to pray.
And nor did we feed the poor.
And we used to talk falsehood all the
All that which Allah hated with vain talkers.
And we used to deny the Day of
Judgment until there came to us death, which
is certain.
And when Hanaf bin Khais read these ayat,
he said, O Allah, I seek your protection
from such people.
I am not from them.
Then he came to this ayat in Surah
Tawbah, where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,
He saw this ayah where Allah said, And
there are those who have acknowledged their sins,
and they have mixed a deed that was
righteous with another which was evil.
Meaning they have both good deeds and bad
deeds in their amal.
And they make istighfar, they ask Allah to
forgive them.
Perhaps Allah will turn unto them in forgiveness.
And surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving and Most
I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Jalla
Jalaluhu to make us among those who constantly
and continuously seek His forgiveness.
And I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to forgive us, and to save us from
ourselves and our nafus and from shayateen and
from the agents of shaytan.
And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to open the doors of His mercy and
glory on us.
I say this to ask Allah's forgiveness for
you and for the Muslims.
So ask His forgiveness.
Surely He is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful.