Mirza Yawar Baig – Save me from myself
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Muhammad Rasulullah Ali was Abu Salam, the man who are brothers
and sisters.
I was speaking to a friend of mine, who Muslim friend of mine
who mentioned the
English and said that, after all, he was also an angel and
had disobeyed.
Now, two points to this, khadirat.
One is to debunk
the these theories.
And the reason I need to do that is because I see more and more
Muslims, may Allah have mercy on us. We don't study our deen. We
don't study the deen in a systematic manner from the people
from whom we should be studying it,
which is our, one of our, our scholars who have been trained in
our traditional, Scholastic tradition.
Today, the word scholar is one of the most bandied about words that
Everyone and his wife is a scholar. We have
to try and understand what is the meaning of a Islamic scholar,
right? And I would say that the number one requirement of an
Islamic scholar is that the practice of Islam must be seen in
his or her life,
in their appearance, in their
in their manners,
in all that they say or do, in their Mohammed, in their dealing
with people, in their mashara, in their environment and
surroundings. Now this is a it's a very important element of deciding
who is a Muslim scholar. Now you might say, Well, why do I need to
do that? I'm not sitting in judgment or anybody. Or I
absolutely, completely agree with you. We are not sitting in
judgment or anybody. We should not sit in judgment anybody. The
reason we need to decide it is for the same reason that you need to
decide, how do I find the best physician, the best doctor for
whatever it is that is ailing me. I have a problem, I have a
disease, I have a illness, I have a pain,
and I need to find a doctor who can help me and guide me and
provide for me a solution, a cure for my pain.
What do you do? You assess the people out there
in the world, in the marketplace, who claim to be doctors, and you
say, first first cut, Is this person a doctor at all? Is this
person a medical doctor? I'm not talking about Doctor philosophy,
medical doctor at all. And second thing is, is then that person the
kind of medical doctor that I need if I have a ophthalmological
problem, if I have a problem in my eye, I don't want to go to a
gynecologist. I don't want to go to a orthopedist, right?
Orthopedician? I need an ophthalmologist. I need a person
who knows about eyes, who's the who specializes in the ailments of
the eyes. So that's exactly the way in which you would, you would
and should look for a sheik. Somebody who teach you
a sheik is not the person with the
with the biggest turban. Sheik is not the person with biggest
following on Instagram. The Sheik is not a person with the biggest,
you know, noise on the internet. Sheik first and foremost
requirement of a sheik is to walk and talk like a Muslim. Very, very
Does the person follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah, Sallam in all their
lives, in their entire life, in their actions, in their speech, in
their you know the SEC, the different branches of Islam, which
is a mahashrara, which is what we see the manners of a person, which
includes, of course, their personal appearance.
Second one is marmalade. They're dealing with people. And then
mahashara, which is their environment, in this case, or
culture, it would mean how that person is at home, and so on, so
forth, whatever of their culture we have access to, and we know so
it is very important
for us to first assess.
That. So if, for if, for example, the basic fundamental things of
the Sunnah, which is for the women, it is hijab, and it is
dressing appropriately. For the man, it is dressing appropriately,
plus a beard.
These are things which, which are the, literally, the first cut.
These are the things which will
help you to decide whether this person
is a suitable
person or not. Is this person a doctor? And then you go to the
issue of what exactly do I need from this person now
that is also a educated, educated question that needs to be
answered, because I may not know what is wrong with me. So I first
need to find out what is wrong with me, and then I need to then
go and, you know, search for that, for a cure for that.
In the case of spiritual illnesses, this is very difficult
to do, because the one of the
one of the difference between physical illnesses and spiritual
illnesses, physical illness does not hide itself. The physical
illness is visible. There will be a pain, there will be some
abnormality in your novel functioning of the body. It's not
hiding anywhere. The physical illnesses which hide themselves
are the most lethal. For example, pancreatic cancer, you almost
never discover that you have it until the last stage, when it's
incurable. By then it's, you know, way beyond so it's a good it's a
good example to remind ourselves. But spiritual illnesses, every
single one of them is in the nature of a pancreatic cancer.
It's, it's, it is hidden. It hides itself. And that is why they are
so it's so important to identify them.
So this whole issue of my conversation with my friend about
the so called foreign angels. So first thing, as I said, is very
important for us to learn Islam and learn Islam from the right
not from people who are pretending to be scholars and giving their
own unsubstantiated, unsupported opinions about various matters,
all under the big umbrella of saying, Oh, but you see, we are
living in modern times. There is nothing more modern than Islam.
Please understand this. There is nothing more modern than Islam for
a very simple reason, which is that Islam is the religion. Islam
is the is the way of life that was prescribed by the one who created
the zavar and Lakhan, who created that, who created time and space
and time and place. So for Allah subhanaw taala, there is no
ancient and there is no border and there is no future. For Allah
subhanho Tala, all of the all of them are the same. So if Allah
creates something and says, this works. It works for all time, all
of these Zaman and makan
boundaries are for us. They're not for Allah. So there's nothing more
modern about Islam. So if somebody comes and says, you know, there's
some titles of things, reinterpretation,
of seeing the Quran in a modern light.
Islam for the times. These are all for me. These are big warning
signals. Big warning signals. I wouldn't even open a book which
has a title like that, because I don't want to waste my time. I Why
should I know what this you know, wonderful creature has decided to
say, because, Alhamdulillah, we have the authentic
the authentic words, and nothing more authentic than the Kitab of
Allah, the Quran itself, and nothing more authentic than the
Sunnah of Rasulullah, the Hadith Sharifa, and nothing more
authentic than their interpretation by the greats, by
the scholars whose memories ALLAH SubhanA has kept alive to this
day. You know? I mean, either the list is very long, so I don't want
to even begin with that list, but all of them,
pick the right person, this scholar. Now, the reason I'm
saying this importance of studying
systematically under qualified scholars is because the
alternative is to get hugely confused, like this whole issue of
angels, foreign angels, Allah subhanaw Tara mentioned very
clearly that shaitan was evil, is was and is a chin, right? Allah
said in Surah Kahf, which we are supposed to read every Friday,
Allah said, baud will have an koala. Malaikatis, judo, Li Ada,
FASA, Jadu, Illa, I believe.
Is can aminal, JIT,
fava, saka and Amrita be avatar, Avatar,
the kezuna who was home, lakum, Adu bisa this Wally me in abadalah
Allah said, and mentioned, when we said to the angels, prostrate, to
Adam, and they prostrated, except for Iblis. He was of the jinn,
Kahan, Avina Ji and others said he was from the jinn, and he departed
from the disobeyed, from the command of Israel. Then will you
take him and his descendants as allies, other than me, while they
are enemies to You wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange,
I want to remind myself, when you that the struggle between good and
evil, like people that people talk about, this is for us
in this life only. There is no struggle between Allah and
shaytan. Let's understand this very clearly. There is no struggle
between good and evil, as in God and and the Devil and Satan. These
are all Christian confusions.
The struggle between good and evil is within ourselves.
There's no struggle between Allah and shaytan. Allah, who is the
creator, and shaitan is a creature. No creature can fight
against his creator. The fight is with ourselves, between our desire
to disobey and our intrinsic nature to obey. Let's understand
this. It is a nature, the fitrah, of the human being, to obey Allah,
subhanaw Tara. When we disobey Allah, we are going against our
own fitra. We are going against our own nature. That is why we
say, when people convert to Islam, we say, we use this word revert.
This is a revert? Because Islam is Islam, meaning submission is the
original state.
So when a person is they're not converting from one to the other,
there is going back to their original state, which is they are
reverting to Islam,
Allah, subhana wa Tara.
In this fight is, therefore it is between our own desire to disobey
and our intrinsic nature to obey. That's the reason Allah subhana wa
Taala is in his inferent Mercy gave us the opportunity to repent
and to return to Him. Now think about this. We talk about, we say,
shaitan deceived me, right? Shaitan led me astray, and so on.
Think about who deceived shaitan, who led shaitan astray, his own
The one who deceived shaitan was his own nafs. Was his own desire.
And in that nafs of his what is it that he that deceived it? What was
the cover?
And that was arrogance,
he said. And ahairu, minhu, I am better than him. How can you, how
can you order me to to make sajda to Adam. Adam is less than me. I
am better than him. On what basis, on a racial basis, because he's
talking about, I am jinn. He is human. I am made from fire. Khala
vinar, wakhanat au maintain, are you made me from fire? You created
him from clay? Right? So he's saying specifically. He's not
saying he I know more than him, not knowledge, not you know any
other thing, basic creation. He's saying, I'm better than him,
because I'm created superior.
Think about what racial racial superiority is today.
Why does one race say that they are superior to another race? And
believe it is not only about white and black. I have seen black on
black, racial, racial racism. I have seen
how this is the subcontinent people, India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh, probably we are the most racist in the world, because
we look down on everybody except for the whites. We look up to the
whites by everyone else we look down about this is racism is a
human condition. It's a it's a evil, it's a cancer which afflicts
everyone in this country. You see white racism, and we say it is
nasty, but believe me, any racism industry, not only white racism.
So the this is what shaitan did, the first sin that he was was
committed, was a sin based on arrogance and the sin of being a
racist. And this was a deception of the nafs of shaytan, the one
who deceived shaitan was his own. Nafs was his own. Desire was his
That's what deserve. Allah called the obedience to our desires,
the tyranny of feelings. I feel this, therefore I can do it. Allah
called it shirk Arata, manita ILAHA. Allah said, Have you not
seen them who have taken as their deity, as their gods, their own
desires. And that's what shaytaan did. He took as his God, instead
of Allah,
He took his own desire, his own arrogance, as his God, and He
obeyed his arrogance and he disobeyed Allah. Said Sab.
It, he said, No, I am superior. I will not submit.
And that is the reason Allah gave us. In his infinite mercy, he kept
the door of repentance. The door of stephana opened till our last
breath. Once we see the Angel of Death, barakamots, it shuts. That
is why it is so important to REPENT and STOP DOING any sins as
soon as we become aware that they are sins, because we don't know
when that moment will come. May Allah guide us always to be
obedient to Him. Shaitan is the best example of what happens when
you do something wrong and refuse to repent, and that's why I always
make this those of you who listen to me what you must have heard
this many times I say, Allah, Save me from myself. Allah, Save me
from myself. And that's why I mean, save me from my own nafs.
And this is something that we should really ask, Allah,
protection from our own nafs.
Wa SallAllahu, alaihi, Kari Wala. He was Sabir membra.