Mirza Yawar Baig – Sahaba – The Gold Standard 14 – Abu Bakr

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The transcript describes a series of discussions on the importance of Islam and its work in saving people's lives. The speakers discuss the loss of people in businesses and homes, the importance of Islam, and the importance of praying for the next acquisition. They also touch on the importance of leadership and acceptance of one's choice as the only person who can lead. The discussion highlights the need for leaders to have a clear understanding of the situation and be willing to accept new acquisitions.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
Wa salatu wa salamu ala sharafil anbiya wal
Muhammadun Rasulullahi sallallahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi wa sallam.
Tasliman kaseeran kaseera.
My brothers and sisters, we continue with the
beautiful story and the example of Abu Bakr
as-Siddiq radiallahu anhu, khalifatu Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, the closest companion of Rasulullah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, the one whom Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala honoured above all others, the
one about whom Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said in the khutbah on the Thursday before
the Monday on which he passed away, he
said Allah is witness that I have returned
everyone else's favour, everyone's favour, everyone's ihsan on
me, I have returned everyone's favour on me
except that of Abu Bakr, and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will reward Abu Bakr radiallahu
anhu on my behalf.
Allah will return that favour to him on
my behalf.
This is Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu.
Now we continue the story about his role
in the battles of Badr and Uhud.
Badr was the first large-scale engagement between
the Muslims and the Quraysh of Mecca and
their allies which took place on the battlefield
of Badr which is near Medina on the
17th of Ramadan 2 AH, 2nd Hijri which
corresponds to March 13, 624 AD.
In the battle of Badr, Abu Bakr radiallahu
anhu was one of the guards of Rasulullah
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's tent and he was
entrusted with his safety.
It is reported by Ibn Asakar radiallahu anhu
that Abdul Rahman, the son of Abu Bakr
as-Siddiq radiallahu anhu was with their believers,
he was with the Quraysh opposing the Muslims
on the day of Badr.
When he became Muslim, he said to his
father, you were exposed to me on the
day of Badr and I turned away from
you, I did not kill you.
Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu said, as for me,
if you had been exposed to me, I
would not have turned away from you.
In this situation, the greatness of the faith
of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radiallahu anhu is
exemplified by the depth of his truthfulness and
sincerity in preferring the love of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala and his messenger sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam above everyone and everything else.
Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu truly applied the guidelines
which are affirmed in the Quran al-Karim
and in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in the
ayah of Surah Mujadila, Allah said, la tajidu
qawman yu'minuna billahi wal yawm al-akhiri yu
'adduna man haddallaha wa rasulahu walaw kanu aba
'ahum aw abna'ahum aw ikhwanahum aw ahiratahum
ula'ika kataba fi qulubihimu limana wa ayyadahum
biluhim minh wa yudkhiluhum jannatin tajri min tahtiha
al-anhar khalidina fiha radiallahu anhum wa radu
anh ula'ika hizbullahi ala inna hizbullahi humul
muflihun Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala jalla jalaluhu
in this ayat of Surah Mujadila He said,
which means you will not find a people
who believe in Allah and the last day
having affection for those who oppose Allah and
His Messenger even if they were fathers, even
if they were their fathers or sons or
their brothers or their kindred or their families.
Rasulallah s.a.w. said, none of you
truly believes until I am more beloved to
him than his child, his father, all the
people and this is in Ibn Majah.
The love of Allah and the love of
the Rasulallah s.a.w. is not a
discretionary thing.
This is a part of our Iman.
If we are Muslim, then not only are
we required to love Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala and His Rasul s.a.w. but
to love them more than we love anyone
and anything else.
This is something that sometimes we tend to
lose sight of and we take liberties in
how we speak.
This is something to guard against.
The love of Allah and the love of
Muhammadun Rasulallah s.a.w. is not a
discretionary thing.
Allah s.w.t. said, In
Surah Tawbah Allah s.w.t. enumerated 8
things and if you look at these 8
things, these are all of them are good
Allah is not saying love Allah and His
Messenger more than you love something which is
All good things.
Some of them things which Allah s.w
.t. in other places in the Quran, Allah
s.w.t. reiterated that we should treat
them well and that we should have respect
for them and so on.
Like parents, for example.
Allah s.w.t. said, Say to them,
O Muhammadun Rasulallah s.a.w. Say to
them, Qul, in kana, if aba'ukum, your
parents, abna'ukum, your children, sons, in this
case it means father, sons and daughters, aba
'ukum wa abna'ukum wa ikhwanukum, your siblings,
your brothers and sisters, wa azwajukum, and your
spouses, wa ashiratukum, and your external family, wa
amwalu niktarabtumuha, and the wealth that you accumulate
and you fear a loss in it.
wa tijaratan taqshawna kasadaha, and your businesses and
trades in which you fear a loss.
wa masakinu taradawnaha, and your houses and your
homes and your palaces and your residences that
you build, and you are proud of them,
you are thankful for them, you are proud
of them.
Ahabba ilaykum, if they are more beloved to
Ahabba ilaykum, minallahi, than Allah, wa rasulihi, than
his rasul, wa jihadin fi zabilihi, than struggling
and working in the path of Allah, fatarabbasu,
go and wait, hatta ya'ti allahu bi amri,
until the amr of Allah, until the punishment
of Allah descends on you, wallahu la yahdil
qawmal fasiqeen, truly Allah does not guide those
who are rebellious.
So Allah is stating very clearly, that yes,
all of these things of this world, these
are good for you, and Allah has given
them to you, these are the blessings of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, by all means
enjoy them, by all means be grateful for
them, but don't lose sight of the fact,
that if Allah and his rasul and the
work of Islam, three things have been put
together, right, the work of Islam, if these
three things are not more beloved to you
than the worldly blessings that Allah has given
you, then Allah is not even saying that
come back, Allah is saying get out, Allah
is saying just go away, fatarabbasu, hatta ya'ti
allahu bi amri, and wait for the punishment
of Allah.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
save us from his punishment.
And therefore, if you see the statement of
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a., when his
son was not a Muslim, and in this
case where he was struggling in the path
of Allah, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a.
could never have loved his disbelieving son more
than he loved Rasulullah s.a.w. because
of his faithfulness to Allah and his Messenger
s.a.w. In the Battle of Uhud,
which took place the following year, after the
Battle of Badr, the Quraysh won the battle
because the archers left their place on the
top of the hillock which was next to
the Mount of Uhud.
Now, only a dozen people stayed with Rasulullah
s.a.w. on this occasion because there
was a route, people were running away, and
one of them was Abu Bakr as-Siddiq
r.a. Rasulullah s.a.w. once said
about Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a., which
is a hadith in Tirmidhi, he said, no
one has helped me without me reciprocating it.
No one has helped me without my reciprocating
that help, meaning I have returned the favour,
except for Abu Bakr, who has given me
help, which Allah will reciprocate to him on
the Day of Resurrection.
No one's property has benefited me to the
extent of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a.'s
And if I were to take a Khalil,
which is the closest form of friendship, then
I would have taken Abu Bakr as my
And indeed, your companion is Allah's Khalil.
Then he said, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq is
the Khalil of Allah.
Which means that Rasulullah s.a.w. is
the Khalil of Allah.
So he said, then I would have taken
Abu Bakr as a Khalil, and indeed your
companion is Allah's Khalil, meaning he's talking about
himself, he's saying that Rasulullah s.a.w.
himself was Allah's Khalil, meaning that I am
the Khalil of Allah, therefore I cannot take
anyone else as my Khalil, but if I
could do that, it would have been Abu
Bakr r.a. One of the Khattab r
.a. said, Rasulullah s.a.w. commanded us
one day to give Sadaqah, charity, and this
was the time when he was collecting funds
for the Battle of Tabuk.
So Sayyidina Umar s.a.w. said, at
that time I had some property.
I said, today I will surpass Abu Bakr
r.a. If I can surpass him any
This was the kind of competition in goodness
that the Sahaba had.
They were not jealous of each other, they
didn't sort of run down each other, they
didn't try to do one-upmanship in a
negative way.
Their competition was for khair, was for barakah.
So he said, I had some property and
I thought to myself, I am going to
sell this and give it in charity and
this will surpass Abu Bakr r.a. So
he said, I therefore brought half of my
property, the value of that.
Rasulullah s.a.w. asked him, what did
you leave for your family?
And I replied, the same amount.
What I have brought here, I have left
the same thing for my family.
And then he said, Abu Bakr s.a
.w. brought everything he had.
And Rasulullah s.a.w. asked him, what
did you leave for your family?
He said, I left Allah and his messenger
s.a.w. for my family.
And he said, I left Allah and his
messenger for my family.
Now, this is Abu Bakr s.a.w.
And Sayyidina Abu Bakr s.a.w. says,
after that, I said, I will never compete
with you in anything.
He said, I can never beat you in
And this is in Surah Nabi Dawud.
We ask Allah s.w.t. to help
us to understand the beauty and the greatness
of the Sahaba so that we can try
to emulate at least some things in our
Abu Bakr s.a.w. had also liberated
many slaves because he felt compassionate for them.
He felt sorry for them.
He wanted to earn the Rida of Allah
where in Islam, it is hugely recommended to
free slaves.
Now, according to some sources, he purchased and
freed eight slaves, four men and four women
by paying 40,000 Dinar for their freedom.
Now, Dinar is a gold coin.
So, 40,000 gold coins for their freedom.
This is a huge fortune.
And Bilal al-Rabba, one of the most
loyal and trusted companions of Rasulullah s.a
.w. was one of the slaves that Abu
Bakr s.a.w. freed from slavery.
When Rasulullah s.a.w. passed away in
11 Hijri, 632 A.D., Rabiul Awwal, it
was the month of Rabiul Awwal, many people
among whom was Umar ibn al-Khattab al
-Anur refused to believe that he had died.
Sayyidina Rawal, we all know the story, he
literally pulled out his sword and with a
naked sword in his hand, he was walking
up and down the Masjid Nabiya Sharif and
saying that if anyone says that Muhammad s
.a.w. is dead, I will cut off
his head.
The grief manifested itself in different ways.
Some of the narratives of that day, people
said, some people, Sayyidina Uthman completely shut down.
He said, all he could do was cry.
And he sat in the corner and he
wept and he wept and he wept and
he just couldn't do anything else.
Some people secluded themselves in their houses.
They didn't come out of the house.
Some people like Sayyidina Umar went the other
way, which is, you know, they got very
emotional, very passionate, very angry almost.
And he said, if anybody said, he said,
Sayyidina Umar said, he has gone, like Musa
a.s. used to go to meet Allah
on the mountain top for 40 days and
so on.
This is how Rumi s.a.w. has
gone to meet Allah and he will come
And if somebody says he is dead, he
said, I will chop off his head.
So, when Abu Bakr s.a.w. came,
that day, swan light was an amazing day.
I have mentioned this in my lectures on
the Sira.
Rasulullah s.a.w. that day looked as
if he was completely, almost completely recovered or
recovering, well on the way to recovering.
The Sahaba saw him at Fajr.
They saw him looking into the Masjid.
They said it was like a light was
shining in the Masjid.
As if the full moon had come and
descended into the Masjid.
They were so happy.
Everybody was very happy.
Alhamdulillah, Rasulullah s.a.w.'s illness is over
and he is going to come back in
full strength.
And this was the Monday.
So, Abu Bakr s.a.w., he had
two families.
His one family's wife lived next to Masjid
Nawaz Sharif and the other wife lived on
the outskirts of Madinah.
So, since Rasulullah s.a.w. was ill,
Sayyidina Abu Bakr s.a.w. never left
his side.
He used to be there the whole time.
But that day because he looked well and
he looked like he was recovering, Abu Bakr
s.a.w. requested permission to go and
visit his other wife who he had not
seen for many days.
And Abu Bakr s.a.w. gave him
He said go.
So, he had gone.
And that is where he received news of
this passing away of Rasulullah s.a.w.
So, he rushed back and he came into
the house.
Sayyidina Aisha s.a.w. was sitting there,
his daughter, the wife of Rasulullah s.a
.w., her mother.
He came into her house.
He looked at Rasulullah s.a.w., he
kissed him on the forehead and he said,
you are as beautiful in death as you
were in life.
And then he came into the Masjid and
Ibn Abbas, Uday Ladu narrates
that when he came into the Masjid, Sayyidina
Umar was speaking to the people and he
was saying all these things of, you know,
he is not dead and so on.
Abu Bakr s.a.w. said to him,
sit down Umar.
But Sayyidina Umar did not sit down.
He said to him twice, sit down.
But he did not sit down.
Abu Bakr s.a.w. started his khutbah.
He praised Allah s.w.t. and he
said salamun alaikum.
and then he said to proceed if anyone
amongst you used to worship Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam then know that Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam is dead then know that he
is dead but if you used to worship
Allah then Allah is alive and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will never die and then
he recited this ayat of surah al-alimraan
he said he recited this ayat where Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala said Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam is not but a messenger he
is only a messenger other messengers have passed
on before him so if he was to
die or be killed would you turn back
on your on your heels meaning if you
turn back to disbelief would you leave Islam
and he who turns back on his heels
will never harm Allah at all in the
least but Allah will reward the grateful Ibn
Abbas he says by Allah it was as
if people never knew that Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala had revealed this ayah until that
time till Abu Bakr recited it and all
the people took it from him and I
heard everyone reciting it Umar ibn al-Khattab
said my legs could not support me any
longer and I fell down at the very
moment of hearing him recite this ayah declaring
that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam had died
and this is in Bukhari, Sayyid Bukhari you
know this is a we have to put
ourselves in this position and see these are
the challenges of leadership what do you do
how do you deal in a situation like
this how do you deal in a situation
like this where the very foundation of everything
that held up the whole citadel has gone
and Abu Bakr Siddiq's his greatest achievement is
how he rose to that situation the people
debate about whether he should have been the
first Khalifa or not and so on this
incident alone is enough to show that there
could be no one other than Abu Bakr
r.a. who was fit to be the
first Khalifa because if you think about it
nobody took this stance they were all there
and this is not to criticise any Sahaba
I am just saying that Abu Bakr Siddiq
r.a. was wiser, superior, closer to Allah
and his Rasul than all of them they
were all there anyone could have said what
Abu Bakr r.a. said Abu Bakr Siddiq
r.a. did not say anything different or
anything new or anything that only he had
been inspired at that time to say he
recited an ayat of the Quran which they
all knew and he stated the fact he
said Rasulullah s.a.w. has passed away
Allah does not die if you worship Muhammad
s.a.w. he is dead if you
worshipped Allah then what are you grieving about
what have you lost the grief of course
Anas bin Wali s.a.w. said I
was witness to the two days he said
I was witness to the brightest day in
Madina the day when Rasulullah s.a.w.
entered Madina and I was witness to the
saddest day the darkest day and that is
when Rasulullah s.a.w. passed away in
Madina now after the passing away of
Rasulullah s.a.w. Abu Bakr s.a
.w. was unanimously accepted as his successor that
is why he got the title of Khalifatul
Rasulullah we know the incident where Abu Bakr
s.a.w. and Sayyidina Umar s.a
.w. Sayyidina Ali al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib
and others the closest relatives of Rasulullah s
.a.w. were busy and engaged with preparing
the body for burial for digging the grave
and so on there again Abu Bakr s
.a.w. was the one who advised them
they came to him and they said how
is it to be buried and what is
to be done and Rasulullah s.a.w.
then inspired and he said Rasulullah s.a
.w. said the Anbiya are buried where they
die so he will be buried in his
house they asked him is he to be
bathed do we take the clothes off and
put a new coffin he said no he
will be bathed over his clothes he will
not be disrobed and these are the special
considerations for the messengers of Allah and then
when he was outside somebody came and said
to him Sayyidina Umar s.a.w. was
with him he said look they go to
the Ansar because there is a discussion and
argument happening there about who will take charge
after Rasulullah s.a.w. This also shows
us the importance of leadership how critically important
it is to have a leader in any
situation in the Umar.
So they went there and when they went
there they in one particular place they found
there was discussion happening you know maybe almost
like an argument about who should take charge
who should be after the passing of Rasulullah
s.a.w. who should be the leader
and to make a long story short there
were different discussions and so on and so
on and the Ansar put up the people
of Madinah they put up their arguments and
the Muhajirun and there was Sayyidina Umar s
.a.w. was there Sayyidina Abu Bakr s
.a.w. was there and Sayyidina Abu Ubaidah
ibn Jarrah s.a.w. was there and
so on and others from the Muhajirun and
they put up their arguments.
Finally Abu Bakr s.a.w. he took
Sayyidina Umar s.a.w.'s hand in one
of his hands and he took Abu Ubaidah
s.a.w. who Rasulullah s.a.w.
called him Ameen ul Ummah the trustee of
the Ummah and he held up their hand
and he said choose any of these this
will be acceptable.
Sayyidina Umar s.a.w. released his hand
and he took the hand of Abu Bakr
s.a.w. and he said I give
my bayah I swear my allegiance to you
Abu Bakr s.a.w. and he said
to the people who among us will accept
that he is the Imam that the person
is the Imam and Abu Bakr s.a
.w. is the place praying behind him.
Will you accept this?
People said Ya Abu Billah s.a.w.
of course not.
He is our Sheikh.
He is our elder.
He is the person with wisdom.
He is the person Rasulullah s.a.w.
Sayyidina Umar s.a.w. said this.
He said Rasulullah s.a.w. chose him
to lead salah for five or six days
before the day he passed away.
In one case Sayyidina Abu Bakr s.a
.w. was not there and Sayyidina Bilal s
.a.w. when he called the Adhan Sayyidina
Abu Bakr s.a.w. was not there.
So Sayyidina Bilal s.a.w. said to
Sayyidina Umar s.a.w. you lead the
salah because this was the hierarchy of the
Sahaba which everyone knew and understood.
That after Rasulullah s.a.w. comes Abu
Bakr s.a.w. and after Abu Bakr
s.a.w. comes Umar s.a.w.
So Sayyidina Bilal s.a.w. said lead.
When Rasulullah s.a.w. who was in
his room, he was in his house, he
was lying down and he could hear all
that was going on.
When he heard the voice of Sayyidina Umar
s.a.w. raised in salah, then he
said Allah o Akbar.
Rasulullah s.a.w. said Allah and his
Nabi and the believers will not accept anyone
other than Abu Bakr s.a.w. as
the Imam.
Sayyidina Umar s.a.w. got very upset
with Sayyidina Bilal s.a.w. He said
you put me up to this thing.
Sayyidina Bilal s.a.w. said no it's
not my fault.
I did what was understandable, what is normal,
what everyone accepted.
Which is that after Rasulullah s.a.w.
comes Abu Bakr s.a.w. and since
he was not there, it's you.
We have the dalil also of this lady
who came to Rasulullah s.a.w. and
asked him about a particular matter.
Rasulullah s.a.w. said come tomorrow.
Inshallah I will tell you.
So the woman said if you are not
Meaning supposing you have died or something or
you are not there for whatever reason.
If you are not there, what must I
He said go to Abu Bakr s.a
.w. She said if Abu Bakr s.a
.w. is not there, he said go to
Umar s.a.w. So Sa'ma knew this.
So therefore when Sayyidina Umar raised his hand
and he said that who among us is
willing and accepts that he should lead Salah
and Abu Bakr s.a.w. should pray
behind him.
And they said Yaudhubillah.
They said no we don't accept.
He said therefore he is our Imam in
Salah and he is our Imam in the
This is something we have forgotten because we
are used to hiring Imams for a salary
and treating them like our servants.
You order the Imam, do this, do that.
The Imam is not your servant.
The fact that you are giving a salary
is neither here or there.
I am a great believer in the fact
that Imams should not even take a salary.
But people have their circumstances.
The Imam, the true Imam of the Muslims
was the Khalifa of the time.
He was the King, he was the Sultan.
He was not just the Imam of two
rakat of Salah.
He was the Imam of the whole life
of the Muslims.
His responsibility was not only with two rakat
of Salah.
His responsibility was the welfare of the Muslims
as a people.
So this is the thing that we learn
from Rasulullah s.a.w. and Abu Bakr
s.a.w. Nabi s.a.w. always
used to use Salah as an example for
the whole of life.
Take his famous statement in Hadith Jibreel which
we all know or should know, where they
asked him, when Jibreel s.a.w. asked
him, وَمَا الْإِحْسَانُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَى صَلَى
صَلَمًا And Nabi s.a.w. said, أَن
تَعْبُدُ اللَّهَ كَأَنَّكَ تَرَى فَإِن لَمْ تَكُنْ تَرَى
فَإِنَّهُ يَرَكُ He said to worship Allah s
.a.w. as if you can see him
and if you cannot see him, know that
he is seeing you.
Now, if anyone tells me or tells you
that this applies only to Salah, then it
means that this person has not understood Islam.
This applies to everything in life.
We worship Allah as if we can see
We do business as if we can see
We drive on the road as if we
can see Allah.
We behave at home, in the public place,
in our jobs, in our responsibilities, in our
entertainment, in our relaxation.
In every part of life, we are supposed
to behave as if we are seeing Allah.
And we know that even though we don't
see Allah, Allah sees us.
وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ He said, He
is with you wherever you are.
To have this awareness, this idraq in our
lives and our actions, this is the essence
of Islam.
So, Allah is with us wherever we are.
And this is what we learn from the
examples that Nabi S.A.W. used to
give as Salah as an example for the
rest of life.
So, in the case of Khilafah, in the
case of nominating a successor, when people say
he did not nominate Abu Bakr specifically, yes,
that is true.
In the sense that he did not write
or he did not speak and say, Abu
Bakr will be my successor.
He did not utter these words.
But by his actions, by the fact that
he gave him the imamat, he gave him
his position of leading prayer, which is the
number one important thing in a Muslim and
Muslim's life and in Islam, he gave that
to Abu Bakr S.A.W. This was
an absolutely clear indication that he intended Abu
Bakr S.A.W. to succeed him and
to be the leader of the Muslims after
he passed away.
Wallahu alam and Allah knows best.
Wa sallallahu ala albihi wa sallam wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam wa rahmatullahi wa