Mirza Yawar Baig – Sadness is Haraam

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of monitoring and listening to negative conversations to avoid negative consequences. They emphasize the need to be mindful of negative conversations and not to blame others for their actions. The speakers also emphasize the importance of trusting oneself and not wasting time on negative things. They stress the need to change one's heart to create a positive life, and emphasize the importance of not reciting negative thoughts and apologizing for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and

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sisters, the topic of my today

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I wanted to begin this with the

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And recited that as the first ayat in

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the first of,

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So Insha Allah,

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The word

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means sadness,

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regret, sadness.

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in the Qayb, he

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says, hosun is haram in Islam.

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And he says, this is haram because the

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in the Quran

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does not appear except in the form of

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forbidding it.

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So Allah said,

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Allah negates it.

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said to his

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friend, his companion,

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in the cave.

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Do not be sad. Allah is with us.

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The I which I recited, Allah

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those are the people

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So these are the 2 conditions.

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We accept

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We have accepted Allah

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as our

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actions which take us towards the.

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This is the is

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So for them,

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There is no

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fear for them and there is no sadness

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for them. Now fear is with respect to

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the future.

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Tomorrow what will happen? I don't know. What

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will happen to the economy? Will there be

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a 3rd world war? Will I be sick?

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Will I be there's there's there's many things.

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And huzun is with respect to the past.

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Oh, I did this, I did this, I

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did I should have made this decision. I

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took a wrong decision. Whatever. Right? So Allah

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is saying for these people,

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there is no fear and there's no sadness.

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And these are the people of Jannah and

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they will be in Jannah forever.

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the reason is because

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there is no benefit

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of having sadness

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in the heart

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and the most beloved thing for Satan is

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to make the believing slave Abdullah and Amatullah

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sad by taking them off track.

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Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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refuge from Allah

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from sadness.

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Now, Ibn Qayyim says

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that sadness weakens the heart

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and it

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and wanting to go forward. And there is

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nothing more beloved to Shaitan than the sadness

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of a believer

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because sadness goes and takes us towards

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hopelessness, towards despair

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And despair is lack of faith. Despair is.

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Right? We if somebody says I have no

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hope, he's.

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That is where it leads. Sadness is the

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first step

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but if you leave it there, then it

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takes you.

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This is negative, that is negative, that is

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negative, and so on, so on, so on.

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What is the hope in this world? See

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what is happening in philosophy. See what is

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happening in this place, that place. All our

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leaders are bad leaders. I mean, there is

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no end to this,

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and that is the reason I say always,

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whenever this kind of conversation happens, either leave

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the place, go away, or

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turn it,

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and force yourself to look at

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the good things.

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For example, alhamdulillah,

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whatever is happening anywhere else, we are sitting

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in comfort,

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in safety,

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and we are remembering Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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We prayed Salatulisha.

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We heard such beautiful khira'at of Quran.

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Now where is the thankfulness for this?

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How much of our conversation is on this

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on these

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No. We should monitor our it's very important.

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We monitor our conversation. When we are speaking,

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just think about it. How many times do

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you talk about the about politics of this

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place, that place? And

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never not one word have I ever heard

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of any politics of any place which is

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Only negative.

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So if you simply listen to our conversation,

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it seems as if we are already living

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in Jhana.

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Everything is

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Where there is so much of good.

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So much of good.

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I was in based here this morning for

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an MRI, and I was looking at the

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at the hospital,

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the facilities,

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the people,

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and, you know, we talk about ins say,

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insurance. This is a big insurance racket in

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the American.

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Okay. Leave that aside. But the fact of

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the matter is, if you have insurance,

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then all that treatment for you is free.

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If you take that treatment

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in I know what what it cost in

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I'm not mentioning names and so on because

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these things go all over the world, but

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I know friends of ours who all of

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you also know

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the kind of treatment that they had to

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give for their child and the child, alhamdulillah,

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fully recovered

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something where this child on the face of

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it was as good as dead.

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Completely recovered. And I know of 2 2

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such cases.

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To get that same treatment

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in India,

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that man would have been on the street.

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He would have had to sell his house,

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his wife's jewelry, his everything, and he would

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have been standing with a begging bowl on

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the street to give that same treatment to

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his parents. Still, he would not get that

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treatment of that quality which he got from

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the Boston Children's Hospital.

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So should we not thank Allah for this?

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Alhamdulillah. Allah

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brought us and kept us in a place

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where we have all this.

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Shaytan takes us off track.

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Always negative.

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I'm not saying negative is not there. Please

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understand this. I'm I'm not trying to spin

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some no. There is negative. I agree. But

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it's our choice.

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Do I want to look at that or

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do I want to look at this?

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My principle in life is I will look

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at the negative which I can change.

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If I can't change that, I don't look

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at it. I will say leave it all.

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What can I do?

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Our hot topic, we should have it also

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in our hearts because it's something which is

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close to us and which is painful, which

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is what is happening in Palestine. This is

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happening in Rafa, Gaza, so on and so

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on. But can you change that? Can I

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change that? No. What can we do?

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And I asked this question to many many

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people. You are making so much of talk

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Did you pray 2 rakaat of the Hajjut

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tonight, last night, this night, and did you

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cry before Allah did tears come in your

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eyes? Did did this happen or not? If

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it did not happen, then you have no

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right to talk about it because Allah is

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the one who can correct it. You don't

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talk to Allah.

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But you want to waste your time and

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everybody else's time by saying this is bad,

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that is bad. See, look at this.

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Please stay away from this. There's no benefit

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in sadness.

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There's no benefit in huzul.

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Look at the positive things in life.

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Negative things, look at those which you can

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control. Go control them. Do something about it.

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this. This doesn't help anybody. Go and do

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something about it.

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And what you cannot do anything about, and

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there are things like this. Turn to Allah.

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See, Arab, this is yours.

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I can cry before you, I will cry.

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I can ask you. I will ask. I

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I can wake up in the night when

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you are when you are there close to

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me. I will wake up and I will

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do. This much I will do because this

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is this is in my control. I will

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do this. I will not be lying there

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sleeping in my bed.

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And then I wake up and I pray

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fajr or not even. And then I make

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a big noise. Look at this. Look at

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And that's why Ibrahim says this is something

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which is very bad. He said don't ruin

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your happiness with worry and don't ruin your

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mind with pessimism.

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Don't ruin your success with deception and don't

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ruin the optimism of others by destroying it.

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Don't ruin your day

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by looking back at back at yesterday. If

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you think about your situation, you will find

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that Allah

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has given you things without asking. So have

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trust in Allah.

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This is so true, Allah.

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Allah has given us, if you simply make

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a list, the things I have from Allah

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make into 2 parts.

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Those I made dua and I got. And

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those I got without making dua.

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Just do this.

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You know, we this is very unfortunate. Even

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our deenie education

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is only books. This, read, this, read, this,

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read, this. Quran, Tajweed. Okay. This is Tajweed.

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This is the correct oh, no, no. This

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should be there. No here. There should be

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a mom, no mother.

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Nobody ever asked the question. You recite a

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desire. What did it do in your heart?

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Does somebody ask this question? What happened to

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your heart?

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Why don't you ask this question? Allah asked

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this question.

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Tomorrow when we talk about you know, on

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Saturday, we'll be talking about the foundation of

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faith I will tell you. But my point

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is that this question, I've never heard of

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anybody. Right?

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Now I'm not saying that this is not

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of course it is important. But which is

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more important?

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That the Quran must change my heart? Is

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this more important? Or that I must pronounce

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it correctly? Is that more which is more

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Please pronounce correctly. I'm not saying do it

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wrong. Please pronounce correct. But with the best

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pronunciation in the world, if it is not

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touching your heart.

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One day somebody complained to me. What about

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He said, Sheikh,

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why does he recite 1 ayah 3 times,

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4 times?

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He he what is it?

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I said, if you can understand what he

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say, you will recite it 10,000 times.

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He recited he recited it 4 times because

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he understands what he's saying. You don't understand

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why you're in music.

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We listen to the. Oh,

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beautiful. What do you mean beautiful girl? What

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is the meaning of that? Is there a

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difference between this and and and some song?

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A tune for you and the nice tune,

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nice voice.

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Is that the Maqsa of the Muslim of

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the Quran?

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So remove all sadness. Alhamdulillah.

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For the believer, big smile on the face.

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No sadness.

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What we can change, we will change.

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What we cannot change, we

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beg Allah to change.

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And our job,

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thankfulness, we thank Allah. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,

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Don't spoil your happiness and don't spoil the

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happiness of others

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by talking negatively. No.

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We ask Allah

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to fill our lives and our hearts with

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his no and with his barakah and with

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the hope of of himself

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and the hope of.

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And we ask Allah

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to help us in ways that only he

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can do and the ways in which we

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cannot even imagine. And we ask Allah

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to use us in order to spread goodness

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and happiness

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