Mirza Yawar Baig – Reflect On The QurAn – Surah Al Kahaf – Ayah 45 To 46

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The transcript is a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The process of building a flower mixes various materials and forms into a green flower that becomes attractive and green and attractive. The importance of working on priorities and prioritizing one's success is emphasized. The use of money in the context of Islam is emphasized, and not counting on wealth and hopes is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to use money in the best way and not overthinking expectations.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Bismillah wa alhamdulillah wa salatu was salamu ala
rasulillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man
Allahumma zidna ilma wa la tuziq qulubana ba'da
idh hadaytana wa hablana min ladhunka rahma.
Inna kanta al-wahhab.
Allahumma ya Allah open the hearing channels of
our hearts to your remembrance.
Allahumma aftah masamiya qulubina li dhikrik.
Allahumma arina al-haqqa haqqan warzuqna ittiba'a
wa arina al-baatila baatilan warzuqna istinaba.
O Allah show us truth as the truth
and help us to follow it and help
us to stay away from falsehood and show
us falsehood as falsehood.
Continuing on our journey on Surah Kahf, we
completed verse number 44 which was the end
of the story of the two companions one
of whom had the garden and was tested
by his wealth and possessions and the end
of that was not good because he attributed
all of that to himself rather than to
So as we said in the beginning there
is an introductory khutbah then there is the
story of the people of the cave then
there is a khutbah then there is the
second story which we completed which is of
the two companions now we come to the
third khutbah and after this will come the
story of Musa alayhi salam and then after
that Dhul Qarnayn and then the concluding khutbah.
So we are now two stories are finished
we are in the middle khutbah and here
Allah subhanaw taala now draws for us another
scene to expose the reality of the world
that we live in the life on earth
what is its true reality and this continues
from the last story because that man who
had so much arrogance about his wealth and
his gardens had his gardens destroyed and that
gives us an idea that no matter what
you have life here is fleeting.
Everything lasts for only a very short time
and it lacks solid substance.
So here Allah subhanaw taala starts by surah
kahaf ayah number 45 Allah
subhanaw taala says set for them the example
of the life of this world the similitude
the parable of the life of this world
he says it is like water that we
send down from the skies like the rain
that comes down and the water which gets
absorbed by the plants it mixes with the
foliage and brings it to life it becomes
very green and attractive and all of that
becomes very lush and then immediately Allah subhanaw
taala says after that it mixes and without
going into any details that it produces flowers
and fruit Allah subhanaw taala says and then
it becomes dry stubble that's how quickly it
goes which gets scattered by the winds it
looks as if nothing existed there this is
how quickly it goes and Allah subhanaw taala
says and Allah has power over all things
everything in the universe is under the absolute
power of Allah subhanaw taala he has control
of everything and now we can spend the
whole session today just on this because if
you start reflecting anything Allah has power over
it now you're listening to me most of
you attentively who is behind it Allah subhanaw
taala can take away our hearing in one
second he can keep the hearing intact he
can take away our understanding in one second
and everything else so we're just taking a
quick example that all the systems that are
working in the inner ear the sound waves
that are being carried to you how it's
being deciphered instantaneously all of this is under
the control of Allah subhanaw taala what's happening
inside us that we are aware of what
we are not aware of and in the
universe so Allah subhanaw taala is telling us
here that everything is changing but Allah is
in charge and the biggest point here is
that nothing that we see lasts only Allah
subhanaw taala is lasting everything is
transient no matter what you have how successful
you are how healthy you are everything that
Allah has created has a beginning and an
end and it goes by very very quickly
and that's why Allah subhanaw taala is giving
us a quick rain comes down green dry
blown away gone this is how quickly life
ends in reality that's how quickly things end
so Allah subhanaw taala is making us sort
of reassess our life and our priority where
do you spend your life and where do
you put all your effort so here is
a contrast for the values there are people
who attach great importance to what they are
of the dunya things only and give it
the uppermost position in terms of priorities whereas
Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that it
is something different and that is going to
come in the next ayah and just like
everything is scattered one day our bones are
going to be scattered one day they will
disintegrate become dust and it may be blowing
around the dust that blows around you don't
know whose bones it contains nothing exists so
Allah subhanaw taala is telling us over and
over again that this what you have here
is very transient but what is coming ahead
is very very significant in the next ayah
Allah continuing on this he says so
immediately Allah subhanaw taala says if you if
you sort of distill what dunya is it
boils down to two things your material possessions
wealth and your children your progeny that's what
if we look sincerely into our lives where
is 99 percent of our effort earning a
living or taking care of our children now
here Allah subhanaw taala puts the order of
maal first and banoon second why because at
every age there is a desire for wealth
but there is only a limited time when
we want children you know 18 year old
doesn't want a child right now a little
kid doesn't want a child at my age
if most normal people wouldn't want a child
right it's just between the age of somewhere
30 and 40 you know you want children
but wealth that desire for that ends doesn't
end till we the the dust enters our
stomach in the grave so Allah subhanaw taala
has said this now he says Allah subhanaw
taala does not condemn it because both of
these are namaz these are blessings from Allah
subhanaw taala if we use them as blessings
okay on the other hand Allah subhanaw taala
also says elsewhere that maal and banoon are
a fitna there are a trial because anything
that distracts you from Allah subhanaw taala that
makes you forget become oblivious of Allah subhanaw
taala is what we call the dunya in
that negative sense so if our children and
if our wealth distract us and make us
forget Allah subhanaw taala then that becomes a
fitna trial for us yet we can use
the same wealth to do a lot of
good and we can raise the children in
such a way that they'll be a means
for us after we are gone to earn
hasanat that they will continue their good deeds
would be written in our accounts so Allah
subhanaw taala is telling us that this is
a zina means on the exterior it looks
very attractive and Allah subhanaw taala himself says
in the Quran elsewhere surah al-imran he
said that Allah subhanaw taala has made the
desire for women and children and wealth and
heaps of gold and mansions all has put
that in us okay yet he has told
us to regulate it to use it in
the right way in moderation to use these
as blessings and we use it as blessings
means we appreciate it we don't just take
the gift for a gift we look at
the giver that where did this come from
we don't attribute all the things we have
to how smart i am and what a
good decision and you know what a good
investment and what a good doctor and what
a good businessman i am and all of
that everything comes from Allah subhanaw taala so
we don't make these things that Allah grants
us to just become a gift that we
forget about the giver that we should always
think of the giver who granted us this
and then to show proper gratitude and part
of that gratitude is to use it in
the best way that Allah subhanaw taala wants
us to use so he's saying this is
a zina this is a makeup this is
just the exterior now the person who has
a sound heart sees beyond the makeup he
looks at the inner reality of it okay
so he says if Allah has given me
a child it's from Allah then there are
some responsibilities that come Allah has given me
wealth there is some responsibilities that come with
it so that person can then use these
naama these naam in a in a way
that please Allah subhanaw taala and then Allah
subhanaw taala is telling us that right after
that these things don't last because if you
look don't have to go too far back
look at your grandfather's generation where is your
grandfather's and most of you were not the
kids where is their wealth gone distributed wherever
it is if you go another generation before
that you have no clue where they are
you don't may not even know where their
bones are so Allah subhanaw taala says all
that wealth is gone all those connections are
gone what remains is good deeds that's what
you take with you this is what is
is considered good and sound in the sight
of Allah with Allah is your good deeds
which are permanent and and this is where
your hopes should be pinned this is better
for you to attach your hopes to amal
here is hopes because we many of us
attach our hopes to our retirement funds to
our children you know i'll have enough money
when i retire so i won't depend on
anyone my children will take care of me
in my old age and and hopes like
that Allah subhanaw taala says attach your hopes
to your good deeds that you did to
please Allah because that's the only thing that
counts and we've seen that we have experienced
it in this community four of us buried
a well-known doctor in a cemetery and
the children stood far away near the limousine
we lowered we did the salatul janazah dua
they did not even come to the grave
they stood there near the limo got in
the limo and left in this community so
don't count on anybody may Allah make our
children you know righteous and noble and and
help them to serve us in our old
age but don't depend on them and don't
depend on wealth you know very quickly as
you can see what has happened in last
year things that were worth a hundred dollars
now what thirty dollars or fifteen dollars or
ten dollars okay it goes that quickly so
Allah subhanaw taala is giving us a real
life lesson that just like that water that
came down in the rain tomorrow morning you
don't know where it is it's gone and
that's how it is everything is scattered nothing
remains so what
should be our relationship with wealth and our
children what do you think should we ignore
them should we become monks not have any
children should we give up all wealth and
say i want nothing i'm going to live
like a faqir is that what islam teaches
us what allah has written will come to
you but just remember that the reality is
that all of these are sent to you
as a test and that you've got to
use them in the right way two of
the questions that will be asked on the
day of judgment before our feet can even
move one of the questions would be where
you earned your money and where you spent
it both of those are important okay so
wealth and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said that the poor will enter jannah 500
years before the rich because the rich will
have to give a hisab for every dollar
okay so we have to be very careful
of that so what is what are these
good deeds what do you consider good deeds
feeding the hungry charitable works we make that
charitable works what else spreading the knowledge useful
knowledge yes charity leaving behind a good child
raising the children tarbiyah of your children properly
every day what you do five times a
day salah, saum, hajj, umrah, zakat all of
those what else the dhikr tasbihat abdullah ibn
abbas said that salihat the easiest subhanallah these
are the salihat but anything that is done
sincerely for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that
is a good deed is included in this
ikhlas in our action giving nasihas out of
sincerity good advice to to people so all
of this tilawa of the quran enjoining good
forbidding evil all of these are good deeds
to which we need we need to pin
our hopes that i'm counting on on this
that means i can only count on on
them if i have been doing this regularly
i'm i'm building a bank account of these
good deeds with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and that doesn't go down it stays so
again to do that we need to review
our lives to see where does our effort
go how much of these tasbihat do we
do so now that we are sitting here
let's at least do it one time all
of us subhanallah all
these you have gained just by saying that
and inshallah we say it with sincerity knowing
the meaning of that so these two ayahs
are meant to establish a proper value system
realign recalibrate our priorities as to what is
important now as we said islam does not
prohibit enjoyment of of luxurious comforts and things
as long as they're obtained in by halal
means legitimate ways and used in moderation never
to for one-upmanship never for show and
vanity you know i have better than you
like the person of the garden you know
that's the most important enjoy it but don't
do it because to show people that i
have i am succeeded i am so and
so and that is difficult sometimes because we
live in that materialistic competitive society so i
also feel that i have to show that
i am somebody so we must always be
grateful to allah for these things and always
stay grounded and we can use our children
and our wealth to secure good deeds and
that's what the whole bottom line is