Mirza Yawar Baig – Preparation for Ramadan

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Yvonne emphasizes the importance of not being too busy and not expanding one's work to achieve success. She also reminds the audience to measure progress and use tools provided by Allah to make progress. The importance of not expanding work and causing stress is also emphasized.
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Tonight Amanda Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sheila philam Ba will mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam this Lehman.
Sisters Allah subhanho wa Taala inshallah we ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us Ramadan Kareem in good health and Yvonne and free time there are three
major requirements for us to truly benefit from Ramadan is good health, and of course the man and also the time
we ask Allah for all of this insha Allah
Allah subhanaw taala told us why he sends this month for us wellness vanmeter as a un Latina Ave cote where it goes cmo come up with the right
formula Allah comes up the home loss manager said which means or you believe we have prescribed fasting has been prescribed on you as it was prescribed on those before you leave either La La Quinta Tahoe so that you may become a taco.
So, the first and foremost thing that I remind myself and you about is to
reflect on this and think about this and not just go into Ramadan as a date change.
I always say this in the hotbar before Ramadan which will be not delivered tomorrow after this one the last year mark Shavon
always asked this question I say are we going into Ramadan or will Ramadan come into us?
Because if we are going into Ramadan because of the date change then after 20 or 30 days we go we go out or other holidays. So it was a month month passed.
But if Raba enters us then inshallah Ramadan will remain with us we ask Allah to keep this until we die inshallah. So what is the meaning of saying Ramadan enters into me?
Is the Allah comfortable if we become motorhome?
So Ramadan Kareem is
we should see like a bootcamp like a train like an intensive immersion training course of one month, right?
Where we do nothing but this
which is what nothing but reflecting on Allah subhana thinking about Allah subhanho wa Taala connecting with ALLAH SubhanA wa zeker of Allah subhanho wa Taala dua to Allah subhanaw taala talk to Allah subhanho wa jal Allah's Valterra your story do it in the in the Salah, do it outside the Salah, walking, talking, driving talk dollars, Canada you talk to anybody else
that hola hola observer, the issue of speaking dollars rather than the one of the problems or the main Bella project has been so many but one of the problems that we have is that we have reduced the dialogue with Allah into a set of ritual pieces of worship. So I have dialogue with Allah, even though I may Allah production may Allah protect us even in Salah we are loving somewhere, but even if you are not loving, we connect with Allah only in the Salah. How long is this? How long was this salah?
What about the rest of the day? When Allah Subhan Allah said only I said, you will go ask me I will give you Allah did not ask me in Salah and Zulu with that you asked me where anyway
I'm walking, I'm talking I'm talking to a customer I'm driving my car I'm driving, flying my plane and whatever I'm doing talk to this one.
And Allah subhanaw taala the beauty and and the Rama of Allah and the connection that we have with him and the position that he gave us, Allah did not swallow that geladeira did not put any conditions for that.
We have conditions for Salah we have conditions of the hara for Salah right? You can't just pray anyhow you have to have although your clothes will be clean place was clean and so,
you have conditions for So, for faster you will drop so this one, but for the
no condition anytime
in a state of purity impurity water water and it makes eminent sense because when do you need to call when there is a need.
So if you have a need as long as you can call you first go take a bath, go to have a shower then go wait this forward but I have
my need is gone by then.
When I need to call I need to call
Allah telephony when anything
but this will happen when we have a sense and access of Allah subhanaw taala in our lives, not an intellectual understanding of who is Allah Allah is this is no
and the example I always give is there especially if those of you who have children well like if you have children and bless your children and make them a means of CallFire and baraka and the coolness of your eyes inshallah.
The moment you say the word child, for somebody who has a child, he's not thinking ch I LD is thinking about his child, He's the face of his child pops up in his head. No, who's a child? If I say son or daughter, what are you thinking? You're thinking if I was thinking, I'm gonna see when somebody dies. You're not thinking child we all see it you know,
your, your, your child, that it creates emotions inside.
What happens to us when we say Allah
we have to give a stick and with what happens to me when I hear the word Allah.
And may Allah bless us, Abdullah, those of us who come to the masjid,
even if you come once a day, if you if you listen to the other, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, the name of Allah in the Salah. How many there are others like me that has Allah?
What happens to us insight? Does anything happen?
No matter who said something should happen unless there's something
in our book, we know Lavina enamel may know that Lavina either Zuki or Allah Who would you love?
warily and truly the moment is only that one who something happens to his heart when Allah's name is mentioned.
I'm not making a fatwa on anybody but I'm saying that if I have a heart and the name of Allah is measured, and nothing is happening to my heart, then I must think, Am I really a moment or not? I must ask myself, it's not a question of pointing somebody as ourselves. Am I a moment that the name of Allah is mentioned and nothing is happening to me? That is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala Is that why does he move we humbly Lehi, Jaime and what are the Farago? And I said hold on to the rope of Allah subhanaw taala together and do not be divided. But we find a division every day.
Every day
Hey, you guys there brother. That person who you hate, we will don't like afterward he is a Muslim? No, no, he's not a Muslim.
So you are pronouncing that fear on another person who said Lila Hill? Allama Wilson, okay. Very good. He's not a Muslim, no problem. But in your interfaith work, you are working with a Christian is the Christian a Muslim?
You're working with a Jew is a Jew or Muslim. You're working with a Hindu, the Hindu, a Muslim.
But you still work with him. You're still nice to him, you actually invite him to your Iftar you still go to his to his to his church or to a synagogue and you give a speech where you are talking nicely. What about the other this even this person whoever it is who you say is not a Muslim?
Why can't you Why can't you be nice to him even though I got into non Muslim
because there is no one. There is no that we're in the heart.
There is no half of the anger of Allah subhanaw taala as well as an as an observed in the Hadees in Muslim Obama. If a Muslim calls another Muslim Kaffir one of them is definitely have a Kaffir
if one Muslim called another Muslim, a gaffer one of them is definitely a gaffer meaning if you call somebody a gaffer and he is not a golfer that you have become a golfer
but the problem is the if there is no taco in the heart, none of this will make sense until valuable mug comes then we will know
who was a Muslim or who was not a Muslim, you will know and you see the angel
that is why Allah subhanaw taala sends us Ramadan al Karim
la isla Compton taco now what is the benefit of becoming Matakohe
Allah's van der said very very clearly OMA yet tequila Yeah, the Allahu Maharaja where your resume home and how you to learn
a lot about that I said the one who is a mata ki, the one who has Taqwa of Allah, Allah will extract him from his difficulties when for dunya Welaka inshallah.
So, I am having problems you are having problems, maybe financial problem, maybe family problems, maybe married right marital problems, maybe with children, maybe with business, maybe whatever problems, what is the solution? Dakwah
become Motoki. Allah says Allah will extract you from the you don't have to worry about this.
Who will extract
Then What did Allah say? See the beauty of the Quran? Allah subhana wa Zucco min Hayes who lie yeah that's it. What is the need to say Elia does it
were Zuko Garvey, no Allah will give him
no unless it will give him from places he cannot even imagine.
Allah is showing us unless you think this is a source no no. You think this is a wall No. This wall will open for you.
That person who you thought was your enemy will become your friend.
That place where you thought was a place of danger for you will become a place of safety.
Cola narrow, Cooney burden was alive and alive Rahim Allah did not put the fire out.
And lets us know Allah is not dependent on the vial to save your Ivelisse Allah Allah we make the same fight and say we arrived
we are the home and I used to lie it was one of the beautiful examples is this.
How should it be you know you cannot imagine anybody big fire is viable is a danger No, no, no. It's a danger only if Allah wants you to be if Allah wants the fire to become safety value. Allah will give the fire there and the fire will save you.
Allah does not put out the fire because then the people will say oh Ibrahim alayhi salam was here because the fire went out
far did not go out.
Fire did not go fire burn the burn the ropes that eventually Salem was tied with fire is alive and well. Why is doing fires job.
What about Ibrahim? Melissa nothing not even a hair on his skin? will not touch Ibrahim Al Issa because Allah subhanaw taala Khurana Allah said visit Jana directly
the Aqua so Ramadan al Karim comes as a as a two parts one is as a immersion course in Taqwa for ourselves and secondly it is a meter it is for us to measure ourselves from the first runner to the to the last run and reading the data to see how have I changed what has changed in my life. This is very important right don't just fast and Iftar and go no measure check yourself and say what has changed in my life and this is should be measurable we should be able to write I always tell people write down write keep on one notebook write what changed in my life. What am I doing? How am I praying? What is the quality of my prayer? What is the quality of my relationships? How am I with my
parents? How am I with my with my friends? How am I with my wife and husband? How am I with my children right
what are the things that I used to get irritated about I get I used to get mad now I'm not getting mad hamdulillah
Al Hamdulillah
whatever each one of us will have our own issues measure them monitor them and say How have I changed from the first one and to the end of Ramadan? This will be a measure of whether this Ramadan was beneficial for me or not because believe me rather than will come and go
and final point to end
please treat Ramadan as if this will be your and my last
May Allah give you a long and healthy life inshallah with iman but believe me one Ramadan in that life no matter how if you live 1000 years
there will be one Ramadan in that life which will be the last
just think about the our friends think about our friends so many of them we've made some saliva here think about them think about your friends and relatives at home and so on in your home countries who were alive last time them
and then the right did they know that last summer there was going to be their last
so also I don't know is this Bhairava than my last I don't know it can be because one rather than will be whether it is this one whether it is next one whether it is the one after 50 years we don't know but Umrah one Ramadan will be our last
so what's the safety safe thing to do? Treat every hour whichever Allah gives me this is my last Ramadan after this I will not get so let me make the maximum out of this. Let me get the maximum out that's why is it spare time? So plan your schedules, plan your calendars whatever you are doing, right do it finish it keep this Ramadan free to go
connect with and engage with Allah subhanaw taala a lot don't let anybody or anything interfere with that.
I'm not asking you to shut your shops and businesses those have to go on so let them go on but keep things you know don't expand your your work. I mean keep it down, keep it make yourself free. And then the last 10 days of Ramadan at gaff beautiful beautiful Sona and that is the Surefire 100% sure way of getting Laila to color inshallah
because then you are an ethic of whichever you don't have to worry about easy this red that whichever mate I will have. It's mine.
We ask Allah Subhana Allah how to fill our hearts with Sasha with his with his with his asthma. And we ask Allah subhana wa Lahore to give us this Ramadan with good health and Eman and forsa and give us Apphia and give us free time and the topic to use this in order to become Motoko and we ask a lot because when to call to accept orders and to make it easy for us for Salah Nabil Karim Allah Allah He was I remember I had to go off