Mirza Yawar Baig – Power of Vision

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding one's mind and how it can affect their productivity and energy. They also mention the difference between houses and homes, and encourage the audience to use their own mind to find the best way to achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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fill out another 100 a day or be that Amin

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salatu salam O Allah should be able to serene Muhammad Rasul

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Allah and Allah Almighty Who

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does live on cathedra and cathedra. From my brother

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my mom and sisters

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I also realized I seldom

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call this life

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mother our Astra.

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He said this life is the tilt is the fields is the agriculture, the

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farming for the

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in 1631,

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a building, the foundation of a building was lit.

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In 1636, which is five years later,

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the foundation of another building was laid in another place across

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the world from the first building.

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Today, almost 380 something years later, both buildings are there.

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They both stand they are both well.

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The first building has two occupants, both are dead.

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And the second building has been churning out global leaders

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for 380 years.

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The first building was built by a man

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net worth cannot be calculated.

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But hos Kingdom

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produced 40% of global economy at that time,

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global GDP

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40% of global GDP came from that one gainer.

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And since he was an absolute monarch, you can say well, you

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know you want it or

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the second building was

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built and started and named after a man who was a Protestant

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And he invested 300 books.

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And 779 points really

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those of you who are not who don't know what I'm talking about,

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that's actually the district.

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The first building is the Taj Mahal.

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And the second building is Howard University.

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So it's not how much money you have.

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It's what you invested in.

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Legacy is a product of your mind. It's not a product of your

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Because no matter how much money you have, more or less,

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what you do with it, and my money, I just mean money as one of the

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things but it's your money, your resources, your time, your effort,

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your energy, your power, your authority, all of this, your

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What you invested in is a factor of your mind, what does your mind

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tell you to do?

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Because the reality of life is that Allah subhanaw taala is an

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idol, Allah is just

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and one place and one way in which a lot is just is that he has given

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all of us

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the same amount of time, which is 24 hours.

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The duration of life is different, but the day the length of the day

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is the same for everyone. No matter where you live in the

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world, it's the same thing.

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Some people achieve more, some people achieve less.

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So it's not a factor of time. It's a factor of how you manage

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yourself. That is why when I teach my time management course,

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I usually begin by asking people, can you give me one more hour

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And usually people will ZSL given so how

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how can you give me one more hour? How can you give me one one minute

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It's not in your control. Time is not in our control time is a

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factor of the revolution of the Earth has nothing to do you can

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stop it.

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You can accelerate it, you can slow it down.

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So when you're saying I will give you one more hour what are you

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really saying? You are saying I will rearrange my priority in such

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a way that I can give one more hour to this class.

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So what

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are you controlling time or yourself

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this is the problem this is the whole problem is that people try

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to control time which they have no control over.

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And they forget that the only thing they can control it

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So how I structure my day

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this decide by productivity

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now, so it's a question of how do you arrange your same same number

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of hours?

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So how do you arrange your priorities? What do you do?

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The reason I gave you the example of

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your know this our hands on is think about this

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$2 million

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right? It may seem like a lot of money to most of us but it's not

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an automatic $2 million is

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there are there are houses which in America you call homes.

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There's a big difference between the house and home.

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A house you buy a home you make

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you cannot buy a home because I bought a home you didn't buy hope

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you bought you bought a building. You bought a house home is what

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happens inside their home is loving home is affection and

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always mutual respect. Rove is an OB Serbia and who is children and

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obeys the relationship between the spouse all of this is not money

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can't buy this.

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Money cannot buy this.

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So there are people who have houses which are worth three times

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that $6 million $10 million, right

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$2 million is what $2 million will buy you a McLaren car which is GTX

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track only, which means you can't drive it on the road

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you might say well you know it's not a it over time. It appreciates

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it it goes against my value unlike most cars, McLeod's but

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same $2 million dollars if you invest, it will get you an endowed

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chair in a university. Usually you can say chair for what so say

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suppose you say Endowed Chair for Islamic Studies.

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And our chair for

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like for example, now what's happening in Philistine so

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Palestinian studies.

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Right now that $2 billion would get you in perpetuity

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which means supposed to be forever. So whatever, whatever

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a full professor,

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all the staff,

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students doing PhDs, papers being published.

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Lots and lots of very high quality work.

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Within course, whatever means that same 2 billion CEO it's your call

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is a 2 million worth flooring the well on a McLaren on a track

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gives you a kick

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or setting up a chair in a university which will leave a

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legacy of honor for decades and decades and God I just gave you

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Harvard University 380 years and still going well.

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Largest endowment of any university in the world $50

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started from 770,000 thoughts

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the power of vision

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the power of thought

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the power of thinking beyond

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my life right now you know I must have nice food and this and that

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or whatnot whatnot

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so my submission to you, Sisters is we all have the same amount of

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time. Nobody's got more.

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Don't waste it.

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Think about it, and use it

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in a way that is best for this dunya when

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was Allah Allah Allah Allah

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