Mirza Yawar Baig – Only certain

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of knowing that death is not possible and the need for everyone to know it. They touch on the books' concept of a full-sized tree and a woman named Insha'rowala who talks to a cloud. The speakers emphasize the importance of reading and pasasting exams to gain success in life and learning and studying to become confident.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, we make dua for

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our brother

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Allah grant him

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may Allah

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fear his cover with noor. May Allah give

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to his family. I

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saw him in the hospital also and

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this is the only certainty in life

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which is death.

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Everything else is uncertain.

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When we are born, whether we will be

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healthy or wealthy, we don't know. Whether we

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will be educated or ignorant, we don't know.

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Whether we will be happy or sad, we

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don't know. Whether we get married

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or not, we don't know. Whether the marriage

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will be good or bad, we don't know.

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Nothing we know.

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The only thing we know is

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single thing which has life will die.

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And Allah said, And your real rewards, the

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true rewards, the complete rewards you will get.

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We ask that for our brother Abu

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Radib. We ask that for all our elders

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and youngsters who have passed away, and we

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ask this for ourselves also. When we go

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to Allah,

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we ask Allah to reward us in keeping

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with his majesty and grace and in keeping

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with his forgiveness,

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not in keeping with our actions.

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Because if we cannot stand before Allah with

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our action, nobody.

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Rasool Allah himself, he said, we will enter

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Jannah by the Rahma of Allah, by the

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Makfirah of Allah.

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They asked him, Rasulullah, even you, he said,

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even I.

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I remind myself of you.

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Alexander the great.

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Four four names. I will tell you Alexander,

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the great

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rule over a kingdom, which was 1,100,000

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square miles.

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The Roman Empire at its peak

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had an area of 3,500,000

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square miles.

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So we call Alexander the Great, but the

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Roman Empire was 3 times that size.

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The Man Umayyad

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ruled over an empire

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at their peak which was 5,500,000

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square miles

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Almost double the size of the Roman Empire.

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In the Vanuvar's time, there was no expansion.

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There was a lot of,

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knowledge and learning and strategy development, but

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territorial expansion was in the time of.

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But Genghis Khan

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alone ruled over an empire of 13,500,000

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square miles.

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The empire of Chengis was

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4 times 5 times the size of the

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Roman empire.

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Almost 3 times the size of the Muslim

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It was 12 times the size of

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the empire of Alexander the Great.

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But think about this.

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There's a man called John Mann. His name

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is John Mann. Amen.

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Read his book. His book is called Genghis.

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When he was writing the book, he wrote

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a biography of Genghis Khan. Many people wrote,

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but this is a very nice one.

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He also wrote incidentally one of Saladin

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Very interesting. Very, very good book.

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So John Mann wrote his book. The biography

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of Genghis Khan. He's called it Genghis.

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He says he went to settle Mongolia, which

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was where

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which was the city that was built by

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the son of Genghis Khan, which was the

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center, the capital

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the Mongol

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and the palace of the king there

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had a tree, a full sized tree

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made of silver with fruit of gold.

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This kingdom of 13,500,000

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square miles,

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which had wealth which we cannot even imagine

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today. I mean, it's simply not possible. You

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can't possibly imagine the kind of wealth that

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Zhengiz and his and his family had.

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When John Mann went to investigate and he

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said, let me find some artifacts and so

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on and so forth.

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Guess what he found? Out of this entire

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city of Karakoram, this is a Karakoram highway,

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the top of Asia.

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Guess what he found? He found 1

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pillar base

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shaped like a turtle.

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That's it.

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One piece of stone.

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One pillar base.

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Where are the kings?

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That is why Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, a

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day will come when He will say

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What did Allah say?

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Who does this long

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day belong to?

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And what is the answer to that?

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Which Allah will give because at that time

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nothing will be alive.

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The only certainty

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is death.

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So I remind myself I knew and I

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suggest this is an exercise. Do it.

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Somebody asked me a question this morning. They

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said they sent a question. They said,

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how can I get rid of all the

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false attachments

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that I have in my heart?

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I'm attached to power and money and friends

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family and this and that. So good. So

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are not good. If you are attached to

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your family, then so good.

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But it's an attachment.

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Then how can I get rid of all

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this? I said, Think of

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death. Because whether you like it or not,

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when you die,

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We are making du'a for our Burathe.

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We ask Allah to help him.

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But we are sitting here.

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In comfort,

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in a nice environment, or a nice chair,

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or a nice carpet.

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You ask Allah to make the

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better than this and make it among like

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David said, Allah will send

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We ask Allah for this, Insha'Allah. We ask

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him to make this the cover of our

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and all the Khour of all the Muslim

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into the garden of Jannah.

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We ask Allah and we make full insha'allah

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Allah will give. But the reality is

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and my father and whoever of yours is

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my mother and who are They are in

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6 feet of earth in the hole in

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the ground.

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We are sitting here.

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This will happen to everybody.

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Harun Nasheed,

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the great Abbasid Khalifa,

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the famous story about him. He stood on

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his on his balcony of his palace one

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day and there was a cloud and he

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addressed the cloud. He talked to the cloud.

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And was a very pious man, much a

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good man, but, you know, when you get

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that much of wealth, sometimes it's

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plays games in your head.

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He's talking to the cloud. He says to

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this cloud,

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go and rain

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you want

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The crops that will go grow from that,

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the revenue will come to me.

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Cuba is a very dangerous thing. Very

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dangerous. Today, we have bought you bought a

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nice car. My car. Your car?

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What's your car?

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Your car is not even worth what would

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would pay to to feed 1 of his

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Wealth like you can't believe. Power like you

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can't believe. The man stands there and says

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to the cloud, go and rain anywhere you

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want. It's coming to me.

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I remind myself, brothers and sisters, always, always.

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Let us remind ourselves of death. Let us

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remind ourselves that one day we will go

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from here.

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So So don't get attached to stuff. Stuff

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will not go with us. Stuff will stay

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here. What goes with us?

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Amal goes with us. Let us collect Amal.

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What can I do which is good? What

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can I do which will go with me?

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I'm happy because in the cover,

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you know, there are a lot of students

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here. Let me ask you this question. Today,

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when you are studying,

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you've got a history book and you have

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geography book and you have maths book and

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you have a sociology book and this book

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and that book. Right? And those books are

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important. So you you read all those books,

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and then you go to medical school. You

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got all those medical books. You go to

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engineering. You are engineering or whatever. Right? So

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So you read those books, you take care

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of those books and so on. You pass

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the exam inshallah. May Allah give you a

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success. You pass the exam. What happens to

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those books on that day after the exam?

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1 of 2 things. Either you give it

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to somebody

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or you sell it.

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Go on. Finish challah. You don't say, oh,

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you know, I studied this book for 5

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years. I'm done. Finish.

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Exam over.

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But there is one book.

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There is one book

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which is older than your physics book and

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older than your chemistry book and older than

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older than your geography book and your biology

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Hold that book.

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That's because that book never gets old.

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Keep that book close to your heart.

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Love that book.

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Read that book. Understand that book and live

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your life according to that book

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As shown by the one who brought that

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book and who is he? Muhammad

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Because that book,

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not not in a physical form, but the

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will go with us.

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And will be the Ravi said the one

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who resides

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before he goes to sleep,

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will make shafa for that person in the

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cover and on the day of judgement.

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The kitab of Allah will make shafa'at for

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the person on the day of judgement. But

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if the the book of Allah will say,

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he stayed awake all night, You Rabb, you

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Rabb, he used to pray and he used

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to make tahajjud and he used to worship

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and he used to read me. Now, I

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make shafa'at. There is no shafa'at which is

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superior to the shafa'at of the kalamullah because

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the kalam of Allah is the sifat of

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Hold that book close. Let us get our

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priorities right. This dunya, no matter what it

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is, that's why I tell people, do this

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as an exercise.

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Look at the people you love and say,

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you will not be here tomorrow.

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You will not be here tomorrow. You will

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not be here tomorrow.

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You will not be here. I will be

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I will be alone before Allah. In my

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grave I will be alone.

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If in that grave if I do not

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have the mercy of Allah, if I do

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not have the kitab of Allah, if I

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do not have my salah, if I do

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not have my sauwah and my zakat,

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if I, if my earning is haram, if

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my food is haram, then you cannot help

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me. You cannot help me. You cannot, nobody

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can help me.

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I'm alone.

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Nobody can

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today if something happens to me, you are

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here and help me. Somebody will do something

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in the cover. Nothing.

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Let us prepare for that.

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Let us prepare for that because that is

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the only certainty

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in our life.

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Everything else is uncertain, but that is certain.

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Let's prepare for that. We ask Allah

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to help us to live this life in

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a way where our will become

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gardens of Jannah. We ask Allah to live

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help us to live this life in a

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way where he's pleased with us, where he

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forgives us, where he covers us with his

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mercy. We ask

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Allah to make us enable us to live

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our lives according to the blessed sunnah of

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So that when we meet him inshaAllah, we

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will have the company of of Rasool Allah

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and the ambiya and

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the sahaba rizwan like alayhi wa sallam.

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