Mirza Yawar Baig – Muharram, another new year

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The Easter holiday is the first of the year and is the first of theharem year. Fasting is recommended during that time, and Ashura is a holy holiday and fasting is a holy holiday and fasting is recommended during that time. The importance of fasting for deeds and forgiveness is emphasized, and lessons learned from the Ashura time are highlighted. The speaker also highlights the historical significance of the Shahriar of Sayyid and emphasizes the importance of learning from past mistakes and seeking forgiveness. The loss of family members and cycle of hatred and bloodshed create a loss of family members and a cycle of hatred and bloodshed.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, we are in the

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month of Muharram, which is a great and

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blessed month.

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It is the 1st month of the Hijri

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year and is one of the sacred months

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about which Allah

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Allah said which means,

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verily the number of months with Allah

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is 12 months in a year.

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So was it ordained by Allah

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on the day when he created the heavens

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and the earth.

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Of them 4 are sacred,

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That is the first, the 7th, the 10th,

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and the 12th months

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of the Islamic calendar.

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That is the

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right religion.

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Abu Bakrah

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that Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,

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the year

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is 12 months

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of which 4 are sacred.

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3 consecutive months,

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and Al Muharram

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of Budhar, which comes between

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and Shaaban.

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And this is a hadith in Bukhari.

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Allah ibn Kasir, Rahmatullahi

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regarding this ayah. He explains

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in his tafsir,

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has chosen elites.

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Allah is the one who creates and Allah

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is the one who

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picks from what He creates

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and makes them elite.

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chose elites from His creation

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From among the angels,

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he chose messengers.

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From among mankind, he chose messengers.

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among speech,

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he chose remembrance of himself, dhikr.

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From among spaces on the earth, he chose

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the masajid, the mosques.

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From among the months,

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he chose

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and the sacred months.

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So venerate

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that which has been chosen by Allah

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because people of understanding and wisdom

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that which has been chosen by him.

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And this is

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in Tafsir ibn Kasir.

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We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to

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learn from this beautiful deen of ours

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and to learn from it and to

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learn it and to benefit from it.

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that Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said the best

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after Ramadan

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is in the month of Muharram.

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And this is in Muslim. Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam encouraged fasting during the month of Muharram,

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particularly on the 10th day called Ashura

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as a means of seeking Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala's mercy and forgiveness.

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In Fizh Usunna,

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says, Sheikh

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Syed Sabik

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Rahutul Ali states,

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Abu Huraira radiAllahu reported,

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I asked Rasool Rasoolam

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which prayer is the best

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after the 4th prayers.

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And he said,

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the prayer during the middle of the night,

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which is the Hajjut.

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I asked which fasting is the best after

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and he

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the month of Allah that you call Muharab.

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And this is in Musa Nabi Muhammad, Sahih

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Muslim and Sunan Abida'ud.

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Rasoolullah Salallam said fasting

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the day of Ashura has great merit.

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I hope that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will

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accept it as an expiation

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for sins

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committed in

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the previous year.

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And this is in,

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say Muslim. Abdullah ibn Abbas,

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Radiallahu Anumah said, when Nasr al Salam fasted

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on the day of Ashura

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and told the people to fast, they said,

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You Rasool Allah,

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this is a day that is venerated by

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the Jews and the Christians.

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Rasool Allah said next year, if Allah

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wills, we will fast also on the 9th

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But by the time the following year came,

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Rasool Rasool Salam had passed away.

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And this is in Sahih Muslim, so let

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us fast on

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9th 10th.

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It is also must have to fast on

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9th, 10th, and 11th,

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of the

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of Muharram. For those of you who wish

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to do that, alhamdulillah, may Allah grant us

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the ability

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to do more and more to try to

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earn his pleasure.

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Rasoolullah Salallahu Alaihi Salam said in a hadith

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in Tabarani,

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one who generously

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spends on his family

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on the day of Ashura, Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala will be generous on him

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for the entire year.

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Regarding this, Imam Mohammed bin Hanbal, Rahmatullahi narrates

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that Sufyan ibn Uayna, Rav Yalan wa Rahmatullahi

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said, I have practiced this which is spending

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on the family

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for 50 or 60 years

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and have found nothing but good in it.

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And this is in Lataif

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al Ma'arif.

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The day of Ashura was known to the

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and to Rasulullah

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in Mecca. And they used to, and the

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Quraysh used to,

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they used to venerate it and fast

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on that day.

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It is, believed that Nuhari Salam's

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land on

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Mount Jodi,

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and Musa alaihis salam led his people

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out of slavery,

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out of the slavery of Iran

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on the day of

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The Quraysh venerated this day and considered it

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holy and used to change the cover, the

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Kiswah of the Kaaba

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on 10th of Muharram

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and would fast and pray

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especially on that day. Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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that day

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with them during his life in Mecca.

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It is narrated that Ayesha Siddiqaradhyayalan

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has said the Quraysh used to fast

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during the Jahiliya

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and Rasool Sallallahu Salam

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used to fast on that day also.

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When he migrated to Madinah, he fasted this

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day and ordered that this fast be observed.

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When the month of Ramadan was enjoined, meaning

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fasting was made for the Ramadan,

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he said whoever wishes may fast on this

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day and whoever wishes

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may leave it. And this is in Bukharian

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Muslim, which means that after Ramadan was made

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fasting on 10th of, Ashura became

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nafila, became nafil.

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Abdullah ibn Umar narrated

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that the people of Jahiliya,

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meaning people in the period of Jahiliya,

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used to fast on the day of Ashura

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and Rasulullah Salaam and the Muslims

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fasted it

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before Ramadan was made obligatory which means that

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they used to fast

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the day of Ashura in while Nabi Surah

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was in Mecca. When the month of Ramadan

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was made obligatory, Rasulullah Surah was made obligatory,

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said Ashura is one of the days of

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Allah. So whoever wishes

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may fast it and whoever wishes may omit

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Muharram serves as a time for self assessment

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and repentance.

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It is a reminder for us to reflect

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on our deeds

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and seek forgiveness for our sins and strive

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to improve

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ourselves as individuals

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and as a community.

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Having said that, I remind myself and you

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that the time to change

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is as soon as we realize our mistakes

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and not wait for some

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auspicious day or month.

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We don't know when we will die and

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so let us hasten

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and hurry to clean up our act and

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get our lives in order so that we

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can meet Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala seeking his

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The battle of Karbala was fought on 10th

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6 80, which is 10th of Muharram

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60 1 Hijri.

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Between the army of the second Umayyah,

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Umayyah Khalifa Yazid the first, Yazid bin Muawiyah,

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and a small army

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led by Sayidina Hussain ibn Ali

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the grandson of Rasulullah

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and the son of his daughter,

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and his cousin,

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Ali ibn Abit Ali Radialanhu

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at Karbala in Sawad,

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Southern Iraq.

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During this battle, Saeedan Hussein Brougialano was martyred

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for Shahid along with most of his relatives

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and companions.

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While his surviving,

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family members

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were taken prisoner.

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There are a 1,000

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very valuable lessons to be learned from this

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entire period of history which is which in

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effect began with the shahada

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of Sayyidina Uthmar ibn Affan. Radhi Allah Anu

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on the 7th June

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corresponding to 18th of Dhul Hijjah,

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Hijri that is 26 years before

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the shahada of Sayyidina Husayn ibn Ali.

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It is a period we studied dispassionately

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and objectively

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and the lessons derived from it applied in

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our lives.

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The Shahadah of Sayedan Hussein ibn Ali of

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Del Anhu was one of the greatest tragedies

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in Islam.

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Just like the Shahadah of his brother Hassan

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ibn Ali

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or his father,

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Sayyidina Ali

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and his uncle Sayyidina Uthman ibn Affan radiAllahu

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anhu. May Allah

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grant all of them jannatul for those

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without his Ainsha Allah.

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We fast on Ashura

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to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi

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Salam who used to fast on this day

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in Bakka when the parents of Sayyidina Hussain,

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ibn Ali Radiallahu Anaba were still children

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and unmarried. And their blessed sons, Hassan and

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had not been born yet.

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We Muslims, the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah,

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consider the Shahadah of Hussain ibn Ali

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and all the members of the family of

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Rasoolullah SAW

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to be the greatest

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in the history of Islam.

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Where they were martyred

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not by disbelievers,

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but by those who claimed to believe in

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La Illaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah.

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Yet, this did not prevent them from murdering

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the family members of Rasool Allah who he

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loved more than anyone else. But we remember

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what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told us about

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those who die in his path.

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Allah said, never say that those martyred in

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the cause of Allah are dead.

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In fact, they are alive, but you do

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not perceive it. And again, Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala said, walatahasavanal

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Allah said, never think of those martyred in

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the cause of Allah as dead. In fact,

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they are alive

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with their rub well provided for.

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We mourn the loss

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of those who Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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loved and whose presence was a barakah

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for us all. But we don't say that

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they are dead because Allah

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declared that they are alive.

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We ask Allah

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for an ending like he gave them.

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As for the adab of mourning, etiquette of

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mourning, I remind myself and you that they

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are the same for everyone.

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We don't do in joy or grief anything

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that is prohibited

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in Islam. Islam means to submit in all

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situations. To Allah

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commands and the sunnah of Rasulullah

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That is our guide and it is the

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best guide. Narrated as bint Malik,

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We went with Rasulullah

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to the blacksmith

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Abu Saif, and he was the husband of

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the wet nurse of Ibrahim, the son of

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Rasulullah Sallallahu Salam. Rasulullah Sallallahu Salam took Ibrahim

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Radhi Allahanu

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and kissed him and smelled him and later

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we entered Abu Saif's house and at that

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time Ibrahim was taking his last breaths.

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And the eyes of Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam started shedding tears.

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Abdul Amarin Nawf, Rabbi Al Anu said, Yeah,

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Rasool Allah, even you are weeping. He said,

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Oh, ibn Auf,

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this is mercy.

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Then he wept more

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and he said, the eyes are shedding tears

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and the heart is grieved,

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but we will not say

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what pleases our realm. Own. Oh

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Ibrahim, indeed we are grieved by your separation.

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And this is Hadith and Bukhari. I remind

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myself and you,

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that the

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Shahadah of Sayyidina Husayn ibn Ali was,

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was a tragedy that cannot be measured.

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But a greater tragedy

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is the cycle of hatred and bloodshed

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that people created,

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which continues to this day.

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I can say with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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as my witness

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that there is not a single Sunni Muslim

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man or woman, living or dead,

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who would not give his life

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and sacrifice his parents and family

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to save the life of Sayyidina Hussain, I'm

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or any member of his family.

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So what is the hatred about?

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Let it end here. Let us bring our

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hearts together on the Kalima Tayaba, Asaduallaylahillallahu

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Asaduallana Muhammadur Rasulullah.

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And speak and do only that which will

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please Allah

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and Rasool Allah

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and be brothers

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to each other.

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