Mirza Yawar Baig – Living Islam #52
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused people to reset priorities and reallocate their lives, causing them to focus on their past and instead focus on their future. It is essential to act as a means of goodness and hold oneself accountable. It is crucial to protect one's privacy and stay in touch with friends, and to give thanks to God and give oneself permission to do things out of love. It is crucial to accept and embracing one's dog's behavior, and to manage data and manage their behavior in ways that will alleviate the pandemic.
AI: Summary ©
Villa Raven hamdulillah Arabella camino salatu salam O Allah shovel ma will mousseline
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Sleeman kathira firmado. My dear brothers and sisters,
my fifth book of Dima foodbuzz, which will be inshallah published in the next few days is called race towards forgiveness.
I titled it some time ago, but I think it's a very appropriate title, especially today, in these days of COVID, where our mortality has been brought to our attention very graphically.
As I write this, more than 250,000 people have died in America alone.
With COVID yesterday, they said that the COVID count of number of people who are dying with COVID in America has now gone up to 2000 per day.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala for relief from this pandemic for all people everywhere.
This shows us the need our need for lots of $100 forgiveness,
which Allah subhanaw taala advised us to race towards.
We must therefore reboot our attitudes and behavior and lives. For this to happen.
I remind myself, I knew that the purpose that almost 100% Islam was for us to live by it, not just to talk about it, not even to teach it, but to live by it.
The purpose of teaching and learning is to enable the teacher and the learner both to live by what the message is. And that is the message of Islam, as brought to us by our beautiful
leader, the Messenger of Allah, the last and final messenger after whom there is no messenger, Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
my brother and sisters COVID brought our lives to a rude heart.
And then it forced us to look at ourselves, to relocate ourselves. And to answer the question that are not heard that asked us for a NASA moon.
For AI in the moon,
when I when
I remember a couple of years ago, I was invited to a function
which was
being done by a big school. And part of that function was
recitation of Quran by the children. And one of the students he recited this, I find it on the moon.
Now, when my It was my time to talk, they asked me to speak. So I asked them, I said,
you asked a question, a last question, and you didn't answer it. You just remember, you just repeated the question. So as I said, if somebody asks you, where are you going?
you just repeat the question back to them. Right? Imagine, do this roleplay. I'm asking where are you when? and use it we Where are you going? I said, No, no, hold on. I'm asking, Where are you going? And you say, No, where are you going? Now? What are the sound like? Do it sound like? It's not sort of nutty conversation? Right? It's like, right, like, it's crazy. So either you are making fun of me or you're trying to be cheeky or something. Because you're not answering my question. I'm asking, Where are you going? instead of answering my question, and what would we answer my question, the answer to my question would be that you tell me where you're going. So I'm going to the market,
I'm going to the school, I'm going to I'm going to the masjid University, wherever.
But instead of telling me that you are asking me the question, again, I'm asking you something, and you ask me a question again, find the receiver
for it.
What does it mean?
And what's the point? What's the point of repeating the question? Now that is where COVID came.
And COVID halted us in our tracks. And COVID said, You can't go until you tell me where you're going.
Meaning think about where you are going.
My brother and sister how many of us,
you know, maybe those of us who had who both those of us who attended some kind of any vision
course or any
seven habits of highly successful people Stephen Covey's course or anything like this anything of that nature, which focuses on personal development on, you know, on enhancing your value
on strategic thinking, I'm sure you would have come across this question
in many different words, but effectively the same meaning, which is, where am I going meaning Where is my life taking me? Where am I going? Where am I headed in my life? I've been living for so many years, I have so many years of work experience, I have this education and so on and so forth. But where is my life leading me?
I'm sure many of us have thought of this. This thought came into our minds, by one way or the other. And many of us would then have procrastinated and said, You know what, I'm going to give myself some time and think about this. I wish I had some time to just sit down by myself just one day, maybe even one hour, just to sit by myself without any disturbance, not having to go anywhere, not no deadline, nothing. There sit and reflect and answer this question for myself, not my various provider, where is my life headed?
I'm sure all of us wish that. Believe me, our collective wish God granted
when COVID happened.
Because we got time.
We were stopped in our tracks.
And we were given all the time in the world.
All the time in the world. For all of us, COVID forced us to reset our priorities, to reorganize our lives, to learn new ways of working and of relating to one another.
new ways of behavior.
And that really HR a chance and opportunity to reorder our priorities.
Every one of us got a chance to do that.
Some did, some didn't. But nobody will be able to say that they didn't have the chance to relook at their lives, to reorganize their priorities, to reboot themselves, to reinvent themselves.
And to choose a better, more powerful, more successful
and happier path of life for themselves, nobody will be able to say that they didn't have a chance. Anyone who has lived through these times
who didn't succumb to this COVID May Allah
protect us from it. And those who are key those who are affected are luckier than
nobody, we will not be able to say that I did not have a chance
to stop what I was doing to reflect on my own life.
Allah forced us to do that. And let India's give us the gems. Allah subhanaw taala forced us to do that.
And what will emerge from this still remains to be seen. But we hope that we as human beings will become more responsible, and hold ourselves more accountable, and learn to relate to each other with love and compassion and to the earth and its inhabitants. as trustees,
ask Allah subhanaw taala for his guidance for us all in the path of his beloved messenger, Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu Sallam so that our lives become a means of goodness for all those who share our lives and spaces with us.
My brothers and sisters,
I'm sure you will agree that this year has been unique in many unbelievable ways.
Let me list a few. Who thought that we would pray standing six feet apart.
How many of us remember the mom saying so don't
have to buy in our mana Kimi vologda.
close the gaps. stand shoulder to shoulder
today the man does not say that anymore.
Because that is not what we are doing. Standing six feet apart. And this is good Alhamdulillah this is the thing to do. standing shoulder to shoulder would be completely wrong.
These times because you would be exposing yourself and others to infection by COVID and possible harm. So Alhamdulillah it is good indeed.
And it is good in a rather in worship to stand with at least two meters or six feet of space all around us
who thought that we would be doing this, who's our the time would come when our massage it would be completely shut down.
I'm not even talking about only 10 people and so no, I'm thinking totally shut down Locke,
who thought the Ramadan al Karim would come and go without therapy without Korea Malaysia and without ethnographical massage,
who thought that even had would come
and would be done in a on a minute scale. Under strictly controlled safety regulations.
We ask Allah to relieve us from this and enable us to worship him the way and much better than we than how we used to worship him inshallah.
Who thought that planes wouldn't fly that offices were shut down, and that the daily commute would be from the bed to the desk in the same house, or maybe the same room
who thought that we would be able to reach. On the other hand, this is one side, or the other side, who thought that we would be able to reach an unprecedent a number of people without moving from artists,
who thought that international conferences and seminars with hundreds of people in attendance would be done without spending one single cent on travel, and hotels.
Who thought that children would go to school from home. And that home schooling,
which was something of a curiosity, would overnight become the norm.
Now what all this means for the travel and tourism and hotel industries and all those who work there is another story
I can go on, but I will leave you to add to this list.
What is true that every single one of us got our vision 2020 very badly wrong.
I want to point out all this.
remind you that all of this happened, thanks to a microbe
which is so tiny, that it can only be seen under a microscope.
Something that is neither man nor beast, not bird, not fish.
It's not strictly speaking even a microbe.
Is it a living thing or not?
We don't know. We're not even agreed on that the jury's out on that. What we are agreed on is that it kills.
This is the power of our Creator, Allah subhanaw taala who can create anything he wishes and can bring all arrogance and power and prestige to the ground using something that is so tiny, but not insignificant.
I'm saying all this because there is one message that COVID came with loud and clear.
And that message is for each one of us. And it is that I too can die.
I too can die.
This may sound like a no brainer. But I'm sure that we will agree the too many of us had gotten used to living as if we live as if we were immortal
and unquestionable.
that fog has now been cleared.
And there are over a million people in this world who would agree
if they could talk.
My brothers and sisters, I remember myself I knew
One day, we will meet a lot.
It doesn't matter whether we choose to believe that or not. It will happen it will happen.
And when that happens, we will be questioned about what we did and what we chose not to do.
And all these answers will depend our eternal lives which we will live in
Without any
death will die in this world.
In the accurate there is no death.
That is why it is essential that we make sure that we reach the market on a state where we will be entitled to the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala and will be granted entry into gender.
Unless Mandela said about his final test in the end the criteria for that final test
from an zorzi and Inari were older killall janetta fuckathon as
Rommel had to dunya Illa Mata ro unless Rhonda said which means and whosoever is removed away from the fire and admitted to Jenna,
only that person is successful.
The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception to deceive them thing
my brother's just asked us rather to decree that all of us will be among those who are mentioned and desire and will be freed from the fire
and granted entry into Jenna in the company of Rasul Allah, He is another highly values of Salah
I reminded myself
What must we do,
when we are in the situation
where we are facing a calamity that we really have no control over?
Just think about that, what is the today what is the state of COVID-19
the state of COVID-19 is that all that we can do and all that we have been told to do. And of course, I strongly recommend this and I advise you to do it
is to wash our hands
to web us and to maintain distance from each other.
None of this is a cure.
These are hopefully preventives and we should follow them.
But these are not cures.
We need a cure.
We need a cure.
And that is the reason why we need to keep
asking ourselves as a as a Muslim. What can I do?
Unless rands Allah told us what to do?
narrated villano
that was realized. Salim said, our avara khattala.
descends every night to the nearest Heaven,
when the last third of the night remains saying, Is there anyone to invoke me? Is there anyone who's making God me? so that I may respond to the invocation? so that I may give him what he wants? Is there anyone to ask me? so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking my forgiveness? so that I may forgive him?
And this is a say Addison Bukhari.
My brothers sisters.
Many people have asked me this question and said,
why is it that you emphasize the handle so much?
Why is it that we emphasize the Agile so much?
And I would say that this is Angela, is my answer to them.
if you think about this,
one is to go
to the king and ask him for a favor.
Now he may give it to a man on YouTube.
Because you went
but contrast that with a situation where the king comes
and says, Okay, I'm here to give who wants something?
Now, tell me between the two situations, where is the DA? Where is your request? Where is your publications, more likely to be accepted?
So here is a chance and this chance is not on a specific day in the whole year. It's not for example, on the odd nights in Ramadan is not on in the nights of Malaysia. It is it is every single night.
every single night,
there is a time
which is a time of the acceptance of the
where the one who grants the door
is asking us,
who is there who wants something, let him ask,
Who is there who wants something? let him ask
my brothers just seriously
let us think about this and say,
do we take advantage of the mercy of Allah? subhanaw taala or not?
And if the answer is no, then we have to ask ourselves why?
Why would you not take
advantage of the situation?
Here is Allah subhanaw taala asking.
And that's why, like, somebody said once,
that if you really want something, and you're not praying that, then it means you don't want this. You're only saying that
you're saying I want this thing so badly is once on but really, you don't want it because if you wanted it, how come you don't take advantage? When the one to give?
The only one who can give?
There is nobody else other than Allah subhanaw taala who can give?
And ultramatic Allah is the one who's saying, Tell me and I will give you
who is who is asking this question allows right to ask his questions in Tell me I'll give you
and we are not responding. So who is to be?
Who's responsible for this?
My brother sisters, really, I think it's time we get serious with our lives. Right high time
that we get serious with our lives. There's this beautiful heaviness of
of unibus
which also I want to
mention to you. It is in terms of the
numbers of the Abdullah with a bunch of melanoma, he said I was behind also to sell them on a writing animal one day
when he said, Oh young boy, verily, I'm going to teach you some words of advice.
And then he said to him, if you preserve Allah and protect Allah meaning that if you are mindful of the orders of Allah subhanaw taala. If you protect the orders of Allah meaning if you follow the orders of Allah,
then Allah will preserve and protect you.
If you protect Allah, meaning if you protect the, the orders of Allah, meaning if you live by them,
then you will find Allah subhanaw taala in front of you.
If you ask, then ask only Allah.
If you seek help, if you need help, then seek help only from Allah.
And know that if the whole world gathered to benefit you with something, they will not be able to benefit you with something except what Allah subhanaw taala has written for you and decreed for you.
And if they all gather to harm you with something they would not be able to have you except with what Allah subhanho data has decreed against you.
The pens have been lifted, and the pages have dried.
Very famous had this off of the live near a bus of the Allahu Anima
What is this telling us?
This is telling us and showing us what should be our priority. And our priority should be only one and that's what makes life so simple.
And that is to please Allah subhanho wa Taala della della who in every situation,
never to do anything that is likely to displease Allah.
And if we do that inshallah, then we are sure insha Allah of the protection of Allah subhanaw taala
So we are living in the middle of our test.
We are living in the middle of a calamity of a pandemic.
But there's nothing to fear there's nothing to be hassled about nothing to have a phobia about the electrodeless what to do
as soon as risen to less number one follow the orders of Allah
the God of time as I mentioned to Allah had asked us a question Where are you going? Busy I don't know I don't have time to answer now. In
Salah stop disenzo gonna stop now tell me where are you going?
So let us take stock of our lives.
Let us ask ourselves this question Where am I going?
And that is answered that question.
Where should I be going?
Sorry, we'll um affinity. affinity Allah.
Allah said race towards the forgiveness of Allah.
run towards the forgiveness of Allah.
So where should we where should we be going towards the forgiveness of Allah? How do we get the forgiveness of Allah, number one, by abstaining from sin, by abstaining from by staying away from everything that Allah subhanaw taala has prohibited.
And the second thing is
by seeking forgiveness,
by still far and Toba.
So I stay away from sin.
But despite that, I know I forget, I know, I may still commit some sin, and I commit a sin of lesser lesser
grievance and lesser gravity than the one that I intended to commit.
But still, it's a sin. So what must I do is the one of them.
And if you do is that one, I'm the one that Allah subhanaw taala promised to forgive?
Such so beautiful, isn't it?
love our story.
And Allah then said, Allah, if you do that, meaning that he will try to follow the autoresponders rajala that Allah will protect you.
Now Allah Subhana Allah, if Allah is protecting me, now how can I get affected by COVID? Or by anything else? How can I get sick, if by an herb is
protecting me?
Now, the second part of this is that
as soon as Sam said, Whatever Allah has decreed for you, you will get and whatever he has not decreed for you. You cannot get
now there are about within quotes, good and bad aspects for this.
You might say, Well, you know, I wanted a million dollars. Well, I didn't write for me. Sure. He also didn't didn't write COVID for you,
handler. Now, tell me which one you would prefer.
You got the million dollars, but then you end your life on a ventilator, you know, in hospital?
Would that be nice?
Is that preferable?
So we say Alhamdulillah. Allah could have all praise and thanks to Allah subhanaw taala in every situation that we might be in, because we don't know, the wisdom behind that situation. We don't know the reality of that situation. The situation itself seems to seems to us to be good or bad.
Today, think about that, as I'm speaking to you, you know, which is the most troubled pillow
in the world to rest your head on the most troubled,
you know, which is the most difficult and the most,
you know, troubled house to live in
the White House.
The most trouble pillow is the pillow on which the President's head rests when he's when he tries to sleep.
On the face of it.
In this world today, at least people think that the final ultimate point
beyond reach a human a human being cannot go the ultimate daraja of this world is president of the United States.
is nothing superior to that. That's what people think. Right?
Well go as the president.
Go ask him that. Does he does he agree with you? I don't think he will.
He's going to say that this is a very difficult job to do is a very difficult place to be in
Very tough situation.
I'm not talking about good or bad, I'm just saying that this is what is going to tell you that this is a very, very difficult situation to be in. This is a is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. You think it is so great, because you are not the President of United States. But if you were the President of the United States, and you would probably be be in agreement with me, that this is not a nice place to be in as we speak.
We do not know the reality of things we ask Allah, we have a lot of dancing around, making the in making the ask Allah.
But also remember
two things. Firstly, the one that you are asking, can give you anything he wants. Because he owns it all.
Everything belongs to him.
There's nothing that he doesn't know if it exists, it exists because he created it.
And so he owns it.
And he can give it to you.
Right? Second thing is that in his wisdom, because he wants the best for you. Because he is rahaga Rime of Alaska is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful in this world and the next because of that reason, he doesn't always give you what you ask. Because you asked out of your desire and your desire for foolishness, you don't know what you're asking.
And if you are given that
it's very likely that you will turn around and say, Oh, my God, what is the thing I got?
Please take it back.
I don't want this.
So Allah subhanaw taala, accepts your dog,
treats it as Avada rewards you just for making the dua, and then he gives you
according to his wisdom,
which obviously, I mean, there's not even a comparison so I don't even need to say it is better than yours and mine because, you know, what's the point of saying something like that?
But Allah subhanaw taala gives us according to his wisdom, and according to His mercy
This is the beauty of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala.
That you're worshiping somebody whose mercy has no limits, whose treasures have no limits,
whose generosity has no limits, whose power and glory and majesty has no limits.
This is a lot.
muscle is the new level that when we stand in Salah, let us first spend a couple of minutes
reflecting on who we are standing in front of
and so that we can stand in front of him with the kind of all and and
kind of you know,
what's the word for it all and majesty of Allah must be in our hearts
with a sense of standing in the presence of Rabbul aalameen.
Now brothers, sisters,
that is where we look at this these of our there are no more tattoos
and praise those who wake up and pray
sort of Center and the center of the Java genome Omani mythology Runa Bonhoeffer, Mr. or Mrs. Naumann, cocoon. Father talamona somehow fellowmen karate I'll
just be McHenry Amano.
Matera said that these are the people who get up from their sides.
In the right. They get on their sides and istan before almost ran out, Tara binal Have you a tie between hope and fear?
Between fear and hope,
minus hope, fear of Allah subhanho delas punishment.
Fear because we have not done what we should, what we should have done we know this. So we are afraid.
What am I but we have hope. We have hope in the forgiveness of Allah. We have hope in the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah.
Then Allah says
Farah, one of Sumo fellow men, karate iron, just
listen, nobody knows what else is kept hidden. But if they knew that, it would become the coolness of their eyes.
The key is this
He is to change our attitude from doing something as a
as something which is a which is a which is an imposition
I must do this and this and this or this or this
to say to doing it out of love and so, also one I love to do this thing
I love to do this thing.
Sometimes in terms of charity I tell people give until it hurts and then when it hurts No, then it is hurting because your image is weak.
Because if your Eman was not weak, why would it hurt to do something
which is beneficial for you
giving charity who does it benefit the most the giver or the receiver
the receiver is getting some money or is getting some you know food or is getting some clothes or getting some something material for this life. But the giver is getting something in the accurate
what the receiver is receiving, will end in this life.
If he has got food he will eat the food that's gone.
After a while his hunger it returns we get some clothing even the clothing after a while the clothing restaurant needs workloads
whatever the receiver receives
is to do with this dunia with his material life.
But what the giver is getting is the reader of Allah. What the giver is getting is Jenna, what the giver is getting is Serato DJ area, what the giver is getting is not something that money can buy. So who is who is more
in this transaction of giving and receiving objects.
Think about that.
Who is better off
the giver or receiver.
That's why as soon as and as an abbreviated as from extending our hand and asking anybody.
Unless you are in such dire straits that literally Your life is at at risk.
You know, three days four days of fast or fasting of having no Voros traffic.
But anything less than that.
There is no sun included including the famous holidays which almost no one has said that the Allah smart Allah, he likes the strong person compared to the weak person. So he likes the upper hand compared to the lower.
So the question is to think about this, and see how can develop a love for good deeds. I love to please Allah subhanaw taala when that happens, the getting up in the night for the ad you will not be difficult anymore.
Very easy
will be very
people who get up every night with allergies or people who understand the value of that.
So they get up, they don't have to be woken up. Nobody's got to go beat drums to know
they wake up.
And if they ever miss a day of the huddle.
They they fall into regret. They're so sorry, they're so regretful this one How did this happen? How on earth did I miss this the height of this salad is beautiful center unless Renata was there asking. And I was not there to reply.
Just to remind myself the new lettuce focus.
And let us take advantage of these beautiful things in this theme, which are small things. But hugely significant, hugely powerful.
So don't be don't go and get carried away by saying oh, you know, just to recap of salado on that target of Salah
is worth more than this whole world and everything that's in it.
And that's my message to you. Let us focus on the 100 that is asked Allah subhanaw taala for relief from this pandemic that has asked us rather enable us to see the beauty and value of whatever he chooses to give us in this world.
Ask us for prayer for you for Baraka in your lives asking us to help you in ways that you cannot imagine as well as manage data to relieve you from all suffering. ask Allah to protect you from all evil that you know that you don't know. And ask Allah to please
with you and they will be distressed or Salalah will Karim Allah he was doing the