Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya #69

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers in this conversation discuss the importance of not sharing personal information and the need for everyone to act with compassion and do something beneficial to society. They also mention the construction of a wall and the deaths of two mothers, as well as the importance of education to empower people and create a society where everyone is happy and taken care of. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to act with compassion and do something beneficial to society.
AI: Transcript ©
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I know him Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Shafi Lambie he will mostly Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa he was happy he was ready he will react he were elevated salovaara Baraka Salama the city manga Thielen Kathy,

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my mother, my brothers sisters, we continue with our story of Musa alayhis salam and his meeting and his short duration of his tutelage

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under federal acela Now, the beauty is, this story is Barra sort of governs over the Gulf is so full of meaning and so full of lessons for application that I can't possibly describe it. And

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I can ask, I asked Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to we of course needed every Friday, which we should because there is a Salam said that it is a protection from the jail and also he said that the one who reads autograph one Friday, every Friday and there is a note that goes from this person from one Friday to the next week mean that he is protected and guided throughout the week and hamdulillah therefore, we should not miss reciting so to golf on Friday. Let us remember that Friday begins with the memory of Thursday

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and end with the Azhar of Friday. So, meaning ends when the answer time ends on Friday meaning when Mark time starts. So you can read through the graph on Thursday night also which would be reading it on Friday. So Friday does not mean that you have to read it only in daylight hours you can read it in the

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in the night of

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of Thursday as well. Now the story Musa Elisa and you shall be known, Elisa Lam, left with a fish as their provision.

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At one place, the fish came alive and dived into the sea and swam away as if in a tunnel so it was very different from now if you throw fish in the water, it just disappears. But this one like made a way for itself as if in a tunnel. Now you shall be known saw that but forgot to tell boo Sally Sara.

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That night when they sat down to rest muscle SLM told him to bring the fish

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as they were hungry and tired. And then you

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remember the incident and narrated, Musa Islam said that is the place that I was searching for. As Allah, Allah Tala told me that I would find the man where I would lose the fish. So let's go back. Now important also hear from your lessons perspective, which is that if you have a companion with you, who you trust, and you are on a journey, and journey is not necessarily a physical journey, Journey means you are setting out to achieve something there is a goal and so on so forth, it makes eminent sense to share all possible details with that trusted companion, because then you are fully able to, to utilize their knowledge. Because that person also the thinking person is intelligent

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person, and this person can help you in your goal of whatever you are doing. If you don't share that knowledge with him, if you do not tell the person everything, then the chances are that this person may see something but they don't understand the value or the the you know worth or what they're seeing and you lose out in the process.

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That's what happened in musasa. Now they obviously lost a lot of time

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if that didn't make a difference in that sense, because they still found because really salaam This is what almost Mandela had ordained, but they definitely effort got doubled, because

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you know, instead of meeting because of Islam, straightaway, they would have. Now they had to go back and we don't know how far it was from where they lost the fish to to where they had got when they realized that they had lost the fish. So in that process, they would have lost some time.

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when they finally reached a place they found there was a man who was apparently sleeping covered with a blanket.

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And Moses Busara said to him, excuse me, Musa Islam said to a Salam alikoum

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The man said, people who live here don't know about salaam so who are you and Musa introduce himself? And the man said Musa urban Israel? Musa al salaam

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said yes, the man said, I am Elisa Mousavi Salam said, I want to follow you, and study under you. And these are Islam said I have knowledge which Allah taught me which you don't have. And you have knowledge which Allah taught you and I don't have. And that's the IATA body composition between them.

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He said to Musala Salam now, again here lesson, which is that

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if you are teaching something, it is entirely possible that the two lessons here one is two very, very important as one from the perspective of Musa Musa alayhis salam was the Navi of the time. So in terms of status, if one wants to use that word, it doesn't really apply here. But if you want us that, there is nobody in the world who has a higher status than the Navi of the time. So whether it is or whether it was anybody else, the king, whoever the status of the Navy is supreme. Yet when it was a question of learning, Musala Salam went to the teacher, he didn't say, he didn't ask Allah, Allah sent the teacher to me, he went to the teacher. And then he apprenticed himself, and he became

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the student of the teacher. So he humbled himself to become the student of the teacher, even though status wise, his status was higher than that of the teacher, one thing, from the teachers perspective, we see from here that the teacher is always around, is very conscious of the fact that this student was come to me is not just any student, this is not is not this is not an ignorant person. This is a person who is a master in his own field,

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he has come to me for some specialized knowledge, which I have, and I'm a master in my field.

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So therefore, you treat the student with respect, and you and you treat and you honor the student, you don't treat this to even though the student is humbling himself, you do not,

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you know, take a position of arrogance, and a position of which lacks humility, yourself. So these are, I think, two very important lessons that we learn from this. Because clearly Islam is saying, I have knowledge that Allah taught me that he did not teach you and you have knowledge which Allah taught you, and I don't I he has not taught me. So therefore, in that sense, we are both equal, you are not inferior to me. And I am not superior to you it is,

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you know, this is something which is

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given to both of us.

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And then you said to Salah salaam, you will not have patience, because you will see things that you have no experience of.

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So he's not wanting him in advance. He's saying that this is now specialized knowledge that I have.

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I will be doing things that you won't understand. And you will want to ask questions, but I don't want to ask me questions.

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So I will let you follow me, provided you accept what you see. But you don't ask me anything. Don't ask me any questions. And he said that I will tell you when I'm ready. But until I tell you don't say anything. Now,

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three incidents,

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the boat, they needed to cross the river, or maybe it was, you know, an estuary part of the sea or something.

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The sailors, the new officer and the offer to take them free as a favor. As they sat on their deck, a bird landed on the side of the boat and dip, it's weak, it's big into the water to drink. Alcohol says, See that bird, your knowledge plus mine compared to the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala is less than the water in the beak of that bird compared to the water in the sea. Right. So this is the advice that clearly Salam gave to moosari from now. And this is before he sank the boat and whatnot.

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We understand from this also the importance of having the humility to accept the

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fact that no matter how knowledgeable you think you are, you your knowledge, my knowledge, compared to what Allah subhanaw taala knows. I mean the even to talk or like this, I feel very hesitant because how can we even compare, but just to complete the point. It's like dipping a needle into the ocean and pulling out the needle. Whatever water is on the tip of the needle, our knowledge compared to the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala is not even

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like the water on the tip of the needle compared to the water in the whole ocean.

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And we are only giving this example because we don't have anything big or bigger or anything more significant to be able to say.

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Second incident was the killing of the boy. And the third incident was the wall where they asked the village to feed them which was there and of course also our responsibility for if if a Mousavi river traveler comes if somebody need comes in the request for help, then we should have them but the villagers refused to do that.

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Now the explanation and we saw the explanations of allocators actions let me quickly go over that.

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Masala salaam I'm curious I'm said to him.

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This is the partying between me and you because Musa Islamize question three times and Musa Islam himself said if you

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allow me if I say if I ask you another question then you know please send me away and Heather Lisa I'm

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so was I thought this was something that Messiah himself

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you know

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told him to do

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and then

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and then he asked a question so this was like you know, he said the standard himself so it is not as a physical SLM just away this was their pre

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the previous contract

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that this will be done and clearly CERAM

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he accepted that so you know

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sorry about that.

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So because it is around first of all told him don't ask questions,

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was around couldn't contain himself and as I told you before, this will not work. It's not that Musa Islamize indiscipline Hassan Musa lesser of the two things operating at one was Musa his own nature, as I mentioned to before Musa alayhis salam was a very activist kind of person, he was not somebody who just sit and watch something happened, right, he had to be part of that, especially if it was something which he considered to be wrong or zulum or some kind.

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Musa was not the kind of person who would just sit there and let it happen. He feared nothing except Allah subhanaw taala he was a brave man he was he had courage, integrity, he was strong. So he immediately he, you know, went into it.

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He did that with the we see that in, in a couple of incidents in his life.

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In the incident with the

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with the quarrel between the man of Bani Israel and the 50. Egyptian, we see Musa Salam got into that. And as a result of that, that Egyptian got killed.

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Then we see him with the Satana shrimali salaams daughters who were trying to water the sheep and Musa al salaam was a stranger, he was a traveler, he was just, he had just arrived at that place and he was just sitting there. It was with imports, none of his business. But that was not the kind of person that Musa Islam was. So Busara Salam got into that. He watered the he had the the daughters of Sandra, sugar salaam to water their to give water to their sheep. So he got into that he you know, so here in the case of Kerala, salaam, Musa alayhis salam when he saw him doing something which was apparently wrong,

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he could not keep quiet. So that is one second thing is Musa alayhis salam. The thing with him also was that he was an OB, and he was a Sahaba Sharia. So from that perspective, also. So this is not just like an ordinary bystander watching something happening. Supposing that bystander happens to be the the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the country, right? It's a different perspective. Because here is a man who knows the law here is a man who is responsible for implementing the law. Right? He is supposed to be teaching others he's supposed to be implementing the law, then how can he simply stand by and watch something which appears to be legally wrong? How can you just watch it

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happen? So here are you seeing clearly salaam causing damage

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to the boat of some people, some people who help them and this is wrong, I mean, you know, the appearance the appearance of it is wrong, not only help on even if nobody helps you still just to cause damage.

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To somebody whose property is not permissible, permissible in Islam, here is the reason I'm doing that. So Musa is obviously asked him a question, he says, What is this you are what you're doing is wrong, then to compound that they meet this young boy and clearly Islam kills him. Now, what would you say if you see somebody killing a child, you know. So, then the third thing was this, villagers who, who fault was theirs, they should have offered them some shelter and some food they refused, even after they asked them they refused. I mean, technically they should have, they should have asked them first. Not only did not ask them first day, when they asked them when musasa asked them,

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they refused.

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And then clearly Salam apparently does them a favor by repairing that wall, which was there. And then Musa Islam said, this is something you did for them, even though they did not feed you, you could have asked for some agile for some

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reward for this. And then we could have bought some food for the from that bunny or whatever. So you know, why didn't you do that? So the here point being that he's really salaam

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was doing things which in the sight of Musala CERAM, were wrong. And this is something that Musa alayhis salam obviously could not

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keep quiet about and therefore he asked questions. One was, as I said, His nature the second was his role as the of the time the Rasul of the time. And as this I will, Sharia, because he brought, he brought the law, the, and he brought the,

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he brought the Torah. So a

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Now, therefore, now the, but then he, when this whole thing finished here is that I'm giving the explanations, he told him how that is, the reason he sank the boat was because there was, he had not caused any structural major damage to the boat, it just made a defective because this boat would otherwise have been seized by a oppressive ruler who was there at the time. And he said, The boy was killed. And this was the machinery of Allah subhanaw taala. And this is because this boy, his destiny was that he would grow up and become a very evil person, and would have caused his parents a lot of grief. And instead of that Allah subhanaw taala, decided to end his life, they're in there

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give his parents, another child, who would be

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an asset to them and who would be the coolness of the eyes. So that was the hitbox. Behind what happened with further SLM in that in the case of the boy. And the third one was that the

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righteous children,

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they may not the children, the wall had a treasure which was buried under it. And it belonged to orphan boys, whose father was a righteous man. And Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted to protect

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father passed away, just the boys were there. And Allah wanted to protect that treasure until the boys grew up so that they could take possession of it. And that that was America in his

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in his own way would have helped them to, they would have shown them the way and along the law, this is what

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they did. And that's the reason why Salem, did whatever he did. Now, the lessons we learn from all this, apart from whatever I've said, is that one, Appearances are deceptive because we don't know what Allah subhanaw taala plan is, in any case, what we do know about Allah subhanaw taala and his plan is what he said, which is be a little higher in the hand also handle data is only goodness. Now we can see many such things were happening in our own life happening in the world at large things which are Messiah, you know, masiva different difficulties, trials, tribulations suffering, which happens, and many times people get confused, because oh, what why is this happening? If there is

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God, why don't you do something and whatnot. I just think about that. One way simple explanation is that every one of these things which happen is an opportunity for us to do something about it, it's an opportunity for us to

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take charge of that and to extend ourselves

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and to earn our reward in helping the people who are affected. So look at it from that perspective. So we are not saying it's a good thing suffering is happening. Hamdulillah we would It would be better if that was not there but Allah subhanaw taala has made it possible for us to end that

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like give the resources for us today without any exaggeration, there is no reason why a single person should go to bed hungry, there is no reason why a single child should not have access to reasonable and good education, there is no reason why every human beings should not have access to clean drinking water, there's no reason why every human being should not have access to good primary medical care.

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No reason meaning that there is enough money, and there are enough resources to make all of this possible.

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The problem is that those resources are concentrated in the hands of a very few people in the hands of 1% of the population, right, just 1% about it has access to all of this, all of these things, and, but the rest of the population, the 99% of the population does not have access to these things. And so, therefore, people are suffering people are in all kinds of difficulties, not because this difficulty is inevitable, there is no way out of a there is a it is only because there is a shortage of compassion.

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In our in our world today, we don't we do not suffer from a shortage of resources with we suffer from a shortage of compassion. So we don't have poverty, in terms of wealth, we have poverty in terms of compassion, we are poor, because our hearts have no compassion in them. Now, Whose fault is this? Where Allah subhanaw taala gave us the resources, Allah subhanaw taala give us the they're less violent than I said.

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Make sure that nobody

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in the beautiful Hadith, where Allah subhanaw taala said, My My slave, I was I needed food, but you did not feed me. And the person will say honorable Allah mean you are reserved for the Almighty, you are the result of all creation, how could you be in need of food.

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And almost one Atella said, we'll say there was this slave of mine, this person who was hungry, he asked you for food, but you did not feed we do did not feed him. If you had gone to feed him, you would have found him with me.

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And Allah will say there was, I was sick, but you did not help me. And the slave will say, Yara, how could you be sick, because you are the one who

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owes the sickness and on the floors. And Allah subhanaw taala will say the same thing you will say there was such such a person who was sick. And if you had gone to help him, you would have found me with that person, you would have found that person with me. So this is the message that Islam gives us a Surah Surah Salam said that it's 17 neighbors, you are responsible, every single Muslim is responsible for the welfare of 70 neighbors all around him.

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Right? Now imagine if we live our life.

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With this in mind,

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if I live my life with a witness in mind that every time I help somebody in need, I am actually reaching Allah subhanaw taala I'm actually meeting Allah subhanaw taala.

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And that I am responsible for the welfare of 70 houses and 70 neighbors all around me. If each one of us lives with this awareness and understanding, there will be no suffering in the world. As simple as that. Right? But instead, we have created a toxic system, predatory capitalism, which has concentrated wealth in the hands off 1% of the population.

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Eight people, 8 billion as today own more wealth collectively than 50% of the rest of the world.

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And how how's this just in any? In which way is the just? So my point here is that the injustice we see today in this world, and today anywhere, anytime, is the result of the actions of people.

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It is not Allah subhanaw taala was being unjust. Can Allah force this to happen? Can Allah force those eight people to cough up their ill gotten gains and share them and ensure that of course, of course I can do that.

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But Allah does not do that. Because Allah subhanaw taala has created his world and he created the laws to govern this world.

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Right? Allah created the laws to govern this world.

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And those laws operate, they operate just like the opposite. When we look at natural laws, we understand this and we call

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The natural laws and we say yes of course, this law operates and so on and so forth. Now, we are talking nowadays about about emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. And we are saying that if these gases, already they are very high in the atmosphere, the the the, the volume and the and the proportion. And if they get more there, we will have global warming and then you will have, you know, ice melting, Glacier melting and it will raise the sea levels and so on. We understand all of these connections.

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Now, can Allah subhanho data,

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ensure, by himself that

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all greenhouse gases emissions are stopped?

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Yes, he can do that. And it so happens that I'm speaking to you at a time when all of us actually saw this happening.

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Remember, I remember 2019 When COVID-19 first came in? What happened? The whole world shut down. And then what were the pictures we will see? You are seeing people in Amritsar seeing the Himalayas, right, we will Angelika seeing the Himalayas. We were seeing we were seeing people in different countries where deer were walking in the street, we had absolutely clear waters of rivers and streams, you had absolutely clean atmosphere, clean air, all of this we saw, how did that happen? Because Allah subhanaw taala shut it all down.

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Right. Now, this is to show his father this to show his power, that if he wants to shut down greenhouse gas emission, he can do that in one second.

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But he does not do that. He what he does is he shows us what is beneficial for us. And he shows us what is harmful for us. So that we understand that and we do not play games with him. geladeira the same thing and the same rules apply to human welfare. Allah Samantha taught us this, that if we are compassionate, if we are kind, if we are willing to help one another, we can create a society in which everybody will be happy, everyone will be well taken care of sick people will be I won't say there will be no sickness, because sickness might still be there, but people will be cared for. Definitely there will be no hunger, definitely there will be no ignorance because education will be

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will become universal, truly universal, right?

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And so on and so forth. Now, the key thing to understand is that Allah swelters showed us how to make that happen. And Allah subhanaw taala gave us the means of making that happen. Now, if you don't do that, despite that, despite the fact that we have the means, and despite the fact that Allah subhanaw taala has shown us what to do. If we still don't do that, then who do you want to play?

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Who do you want to blame?

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This is the problem today where we don't want to accept our own responsibility. And instead of that, we want to dump the responsibility on Allah subhanaw taala and people who are ignorant, they say, oh, but you know, if there is a God, why is there suffering? It's not a question of if there is God, why is there suffering? The questions will be asked if you are here, why is there suffering? If I'm here, why is there suffering, because God is not the one who created a suffering, we created a suffering Allah subhanaw taala suffering happened because we refuse to follow the

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follow the rules and the

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and the outcome of Allah subhanaw taala if we had followed those, then this would not have happened. That is something that

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we have to

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understand and accept. And may Allah smart Allah give us a trophy, not to keep playing games, but to do something worthwhile with our lives, because this life is going to end and when this life ends, we will be questioned. And one of the questions that we will be asked

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is really the opposite of the question that we ask in our ignorance, which is if there is a God, why did it happen? Question which we will be asked is you are there why did it happen? Remember, we will not be asked what happened, we will be asked what did you do about what happened? We will not be asked what happened, what happens.

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We will be asked why What did you do about what happened? And along with that also, but this is a question that we will be asked and which we must and we will have to answer.

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Ask Allah Subhana Allah Who to be to help us

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To have the good sense not to play games with him and instead to live our lives in a way which is responsible and which

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reflects well on our selves and that we when we face him, the Angelou that we are not humiliated and that we are saved from humiliation or some of the Alana will Karima rally he was I remember

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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