Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya #39
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AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the importance of faith in Islam, its use in reaching spirituality, and its use in love. The speakers emphasize the need for continuous prayer, praying for happiness and satisfaction, finding relief, and embracing humanism. They also mention the success of Islam in shattering the world and achieving peace.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sherif Ali Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira inkaterra mavado. My brothers sisters, we are on the lessons from the life of the unbearable Salaam and we are talking about somebody who was not an abbey but who was the mother of one of the greatest of the NBA.
She was a Siddiqa. She was one of the
earlier of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And she was somebody about whom rasulillah salam said that she and her husband and her son
were completely free of sin and protected from shaitan and shatta, and had never touched them. And this is Maria Ali Salaam, and her son is a alayhis salam.
I mentioned this story of her
finding out of season of the very early ceram finding out of season fruits in the how in the whole genre in the mihrab of Moneyball, is Salama, I want to say it again. It's one of these very beautiful stories of the Quran, which I really, yeah, I also read them again and again, and I mentioned them again and again, I just love these stories. They're so beautiful, they're so powerful and so inspiring. Alhamdulillah so the courier is was given custody of Maria Maria Salaam and as we as we, if you remember we talked about how the oil ama and the custodians of the of budget aleksa they drew lots to see who would become the custodian of
the manual is Sarah because she was from such a noble family and, you know, the fact that she was being
devoted and dedicated for the service of the masjid. This was a huge honor. And zaccaria salam got the custody of Maria Melissa
and he became her guardian. She used to be in her Mira engaged in worship and Emma is a small girl is a little girl and she is engaged in worship so she was a very special person obviously, because what she was doing was is not something that any small girl does, you know, little children they play and they want toys and they run around the world a lot of energy and they are making a lot of noise and so on. It's very nice to have them around. And I'm sure berryville is had all those qualities but she but her principal thing was this dedication and devotion to Allah subhanho wa Taala which is purely when Allah tala Alhamdulillah
so the carrier is what I'm used to, will visit her in the mail Robin, you know, when he left he will lock the man up from outside the door from outside so that she was safe and she would be safe and she would not be disturbed. And then sometime when he came, he would see that she had out of season routes and other eatables so he This was obviously it was astonishing. How did it How did this get here? Because I you know I locked the door I still have the key. I haven't unlocked the door, nobody can get in here and she can open it from inside the door is locked from outside. How is it that she got these things? Where did they come from?
So he asked, and the answer that she gave him was that
these are from Allah and he gives them to wherever he wishes without limit
for his wizard
for the Kabbalah elimination regime for the Kabbalah horombo hobbico Boolean has an in what am but a button has an N. Rockefeller has a Korea called la de la la zeca zackary almohad robba wotja in the risca Kalia Maria mo Anna Loki has a call at minion de la he in a la jolla Zakouma Yoshida will be ready, he's up, which means or Rob geladeira, who accepted her with a goodly acceptance and he made her grow in a good manner and put her under the care of zecharia alayhi salam. Every time he entered the Korean a salon to visitor he found her supplied with fruit and food. And he's asked her he said oh Maria, From where did you get this? And she said this is from Allah subhanho wa Taala Verily,
Allah subhanho wa Taala provides risk and sustenance to whom He wills geladeira without limit now other than sisters.
This is this risk is the is the if not the biggest. It's certainly one of the biggest problems that we have problem in the sense that it is one of the biggest problems with the
capability of leading one astray shaitan uses this more than he uses anything else, there are two things that shaytan uses
to misguide people. One is the issue of risk, he puts all kinds of doubts in the minds of people, three things actually. So, one is the is the question of risk, where he puts in, in the minds of people all sorts of doubts. And people get very upset about all this. And you know, different people have all sorts of problems with this. And because of these doubts, and they are living, they have did they are in depression, they are
very anxious, and all this and all of this in the middle of that, then shatter leads them to doing things which are Haram, they know it is wrong, but they do it because they think if they don't do it, then they will starve. They will have financial difficulties, families will have difficulties, all of which is a figment of the imagination, because Allah subhanho wa Taala has written our risk, Allah has taken the responsibility for our risk. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has the capability of giving us our risk without absolutely any problem whatsoever. And that's why the other day I mentioned in one of the first reminders, I said, just ask yourself, who is Allah?
Who do you think allies? Do you think Allah can feed you without your within court's help? And then if that is the case, if that is not the case, that really seriously we have to ask ourselves, do I even have you met? But if that is the case, inshallah, then I have to ask myself and say that, what is it that is bothering me so much? If that is the case? Because if I know that I can provide for me, I know that Allah subhanaw taala has no Hodo, there is no limitations on the treasures of Allah or on his capability or on his ability to provide them What am I bothered about? Why am I so anxious? What is the problem with my Eman that I have difficulty, you know, coming to terms with
this thing and say that Allah Subhana Allah can provide and not destroy. So this is very, very important that we keep this in mind. That's my last word, the reserve officer Aries kokumo motto, as I said, on the in the heavens is your risk. In Surah rosaria, Allah says, in the heavens on Travis, in the heavens is your risk and whatever you wish,
right for us to be sama you will or the in hulak
Mr. Anil Kumar
said that by and he Allah took an oath and mentioned this Allah said by the rub by the Creator Sustainer of the heavens and the earth, this is true, what is true that our risk is in the heavens. And other than give an example to illustrate it even more. And he said, the example of this is like you talk to each other. When you talk to each other, you are so sure that you know what I'm saying this person I'm talking to can understand what he's saying I can understand there is a sense of reality which is absolutely fundamental in that example of two people talking to another
thing is as clear and as you know, sure as that
well as around Allah grant has the give us the software to
to understand this and to remove all fear of sustenance from our hearts. And to understand that we will get only what Allah subhanaw taala has written for us, you cannot get more we cannot get less. And therefore there's no point in worrying about just work do what you need to do. And do that to please Allah subhanaw taala automatically if you are doing it to please Allah subhanho wa Taala automatically you will only do good you cannot do have because how can you do anything which is haram? How can you do something which is negative are going into something which is harmful? Because you are doing it to please Allah. So if you're doing something to please ally, it cannot be
something negative because Allah is not pleased with anything negative.
See how beautiful the logic of this thing is? And it all comes through the belief in Allah subhanaw taala that He is Allah. Allah had a summit
he's the only one
and he is free for all deeds, that jelly is well Mueller. He is not bigoted, and he does not beget
there's nothing like him.
This is the fundamental belief of us as Muslims. So here we have to understand this and this is the beauty of this ad for
money Melissa, small girl, she for her there's no doubt
foot KVS Baraka angels come bring the food from heaven for her. It's there. She's not surprised he's not astonished. Oh, how can this happen? Of course it can happen but Jesus Allah subhanaw taala can do what he wants. What so surprising.
door is locked Since when does an angel need to door
Right since since when do the balaguer need doors and since when do can doors keep Malacca out?
Allah wants to set Allah sense. Yeah Maria mo anala kihavah arboreum Where did you get this from? How did this come here?
I'm in the law.
This is wrong last man was our
sisters. Our work is to establish the deen of Allah subhanaw taala on the earth, through our speech, through our actions, through our dealings through our politics, through our economy, to establish the goodness of Islam in a way, which benefits everybody that we come into contact with.
The Muslim has only one goal which is to please Allah.
And if he lives like this, then Allah subhanaw taala will show us the meaning of His name's al Karim or Hema Rosa and so on and so forth.
But if on the other hand, we want to live our lives
in a way, while displeasing Allah, then he will humiliate us in this world, and he will make us debase ourselves before others.
But still, only what Allah has written will happen.
Nobody matter how much you beg, no matter how much you do, whether you lie, you cheat, you steal, you take bribes, you oppress people, you blackmail people, whatever you do.
You can only get what Allah has written for you. The only choice you have is do you want it handled or do you want it haram? You want you want it Allah, you will still get the same amount, the same quantity, same quality, but you will get it with Baraka with Rama with the mercy of Allah with Baraka with great goodness in it in a beautiful way belleza inshallah, you will get it with a lot of prestige and dignity. And if you take it to Haram, then you will get the same thing Exactly. But with Zilla with humility, with humiliation.
And you will be punished for it when you meet a loss vanita.
Our choice.
As I told you, I've given this example in the other class, I think in the living Islam class, imagine that you are standing in front of a warehouse, a glass warehouse, it's a huge warehouse.
And when you look into the glass, in this warehouse, is everything that you need in this life, and everything that you want in this life.
All your
so the amazing thing that I really which is which I find very powerful, and also very touching is this faith that Maria Melissa Lamb has in Allah subhanaw taala. And it's very childlike faith. And you know, I think this is the essence of faith, which is this complete and total. I don't say irrational but super rational trust in Allah subhanaw taala. I'm saying super rational because if you ask a small child, the way a small child, for example, trusts his or her father, or mother, there is no rationality in what the child actually believes that the parent can act can do. absolutely anything that they wish. And that the parent has the power to grant this child whatever
the child wants. And that comes across if you see in the way children, small children as I always, for me, it's an absolutely eye opener, it's a huge inspiration for me to see little kids, you know, two year old three year old throwing a tantrum. I don't I'm not glorifying bad behavior. I'm just saying that the way they ask things from their parents. So our life you make that into our the way we ask Allah subhanaw taala if we make if we do it that way. And so on line gela I don't think there is a single dua that Allah subhanho wa Taala will reject because the run of Allah subhanaw taala far exceeds the Rama, the mercy in of our parents. So if the parents cannot resist then Allah subhanaw
taala will not resist that I don't I don't say cannot
saying he will not resist. Allah will give. How do they just just think about this? I mean, every single one of us I'm sure has has witnessed this a small child
asking their parent for something, that small child, ask the parent something. I mean, just just think about, how does the child do that? what's the what's the whole, you know, the methodology? How does the child ask? In what way and you will find that the child asked in a way, where the option of not giving does not exist? That is, that doesn't exist. I mean, the chat the child is not willing to, to think about that the child is not willing to consider that. As far as the child is concerned, there is just simply no way that this thing can happen.
You know, you are my father, your mother, I'm asking you just give me right now. The child is not saying give me
you know, give me from what you can give me. Give me as much as you can give me and I understand that you might have some constraints. No. The Janssen will give me how much as much as I have asked you and maybe adding something more. And the judges give me because I'm asking you, I'm your child. I'm asking you, what more reason do you want?
Why must I give you because I'm asking you, because you can give the imagine making this kind of Allah subhanaw taala. But remember, this is not this is not just words, we have to have this connection with Allah subhanaw taala and that connection comes through obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is what we learn from the life of Maria Malaysia love this beautiful life. Where Maria mala is Allah is asking Allah subhanho wa Taala
she is engaged in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's what she's doing. She is not doing anything other than Vicar of Allah worship of Allah salah and whatever was the form of worship that's used.
And so Allah subhanaw taala becomes her Kafeel Allah subhanaw taala is any case in any case, Allah is our coffee, but for in the case of murrayville A Salam and this is what alert swatara does with all his earlier all those slaves of Allah who Allah subhanho wa Taala loves Allah subhanho wa Taala gives them before they ask. And remember I'm not even talking about Allah accepts their dua Allah gives them before they make the
money one exam did we don't have evidence of Allah Allah whether she asked Allah for the for fruits, but the point is that we don't have evidence from the Quran. Allah did not say,
Maria Malaysia did not say for example, to the to the various Allah. Allah answered my door. No, she said, this is from Allah and Allah gives to wherever he likes.
So did she make dua for this? I don't know. I don't think so. Because if you had made dua for this, maybe Allah would have told us that this is what Maria asked me and therefore I gave I gave,
I gave to Madame la sala, what she what he what she asked, right? No, so Allah gave her even without asking.
And this is the power of Allah subhanaw taala. And this is what the Torah does with those he loves. The key is to become one of those who Allah loves. And how do you become the one who Allah loves? By making the theva by following by emulating Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Hi Lisa. That is how it happens. Allah subhanho wa Taala loves those who follow and who emulate Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
Right and let's call him Quantum taheebo and Allah Fatah buni your miracle mikkola we are full of drama COVID Oh a man as I say to them over Hassan Salam say to those who claim to love me to make your ativa to be like you to become like you to emulate you to imitate you to look like you to walk like you to talk like you to deal with people like you do.
And if they do that, then what will happen yobit kumala Allah subhanho wa Taala will love them. One is to claim to love Allah subhanho wa Taala and one is Allah saying that I will love such a person. And when Allah subhanaw taala loves a person that Allah said, that I become the year with which he hears, I become the the hand with which he holds and strikes. I become the force with which he walks I become the eyes with which he sees and this is what more can anybody ask. When those hands are raised then to ask Allah subhana wa Taala love will not refuse. And Allah subhanaw taala said that is the same as this yakushi Allah said and when that slave of mine asked
for protection, I will protect him. If he asked me for something I will give him and I there is nothing that I hesitate more than in taking the life of such of that person, because he hates death. And I hate to give him pain now hates death in the sense that he does not hate death as in death. It's the natural debate that the natural tendency of the individual the human being, to, you know, to not want to die. But if you ask that person, do you want to die to meet Allah subhanho? wa Taala? What do you think he's going to say?
That he will, so that's why I'm living
and living so that I can one day meet Allah subhanaw taala in a state when he is pleased with me.
So now see, the story is so beautiful, this this whole, I mean, the color of Allah itself is beautiful, but there are some of these stories which are so beautiful, so human. So, you know, it's so easy to relate to, you can put yourself in that situation. And you can imagine that if you had been there, you know, how would it be? How would it have been for you? Now, if you see this happen, now, careerism comes here, here's this little girl
who is related to him, and who he is taking care of. And you know, she's a, she's a beautiful girl, you know, she is very pious, and he knows she is constantly engaged in the vicar anabela of Allah subhanaw taala. But there is a difference between that and suddenly coming there, and finding all kinds of things that have come into that room, without any external agency being involved. And this is this is a miracle is quite clearly a miracle. And then she has absolutely Matter of fact, we were Where did this come from?
And this is not once this happened, every time that the courier his alarm went out, and every time he came in, this is what he would find.
So what does he do?
Remember, now remember, he's also an AVI of Allah. Right? So it's not like no stranger to him. He knows Allah subhanaw taala. So what does he do? He makes his own door.
And that is what I want you to do. That is what I want you to do. I want you to make your own law. I want you to ask Allah Subhana Allah, because Allah subhanho wa Taala the law is the law.
So the amazing thing that I really which is, which I find very powerful, and also very touching, is this faith that mariebilly salam has in Allah subhanaw taala. And it's very childlike faith. And you know, I think this is the essence of faith, which is this complete and total. I don't say irrational but super rational trust in Allah subhanaw taala. I'm saying super rational because if you ask a small child, the way a small child, for example, trusts his or her father, or mother, there is no rationality involved, the child actually believes that the parent can act can do absolutely anything that they wish, and that the parent has the power to grant this child whatever the child wants. And
that comes across if you see in the way children, small children, and as I always, for me, it's an absolutely eye opener, it's a huge inspiration for me to see little kids you know, two year old three year old, throwing a tantrum, I don't I'm not glorifying bad behavior. I'm just saying that the way they ask things from their parents, so our life you make that into our the way we ask Allah subhanaw taala if we make if we do it that way. And so Allah inshallah I don't think there is a single dua that Allah Subhana Allah will reject. Because the ration of Allah subhanaw taala, far exceeds the Rama, the mercy in of our parents. So if the parents cannot resist, then Allah subhanaw
taala will not resist that I don't, I don't say cannot am saying he will not resist. Allah will give. How do they just just think about this? I mean, every single one of us I'm sure has has witnessed this a small child
asking their parent for something, that small child ask the parent something. I mean, just just think about how does the child do that? what's the what's the whole you know, the methodology, how does the child ask? In what way and you will find that the child asked in a way where the option of not giving does not exist? That is that just doesn't exist? I mean, the chat the child is not willing to to think about that the child is not willing to consider that. As far as the child is concerned. There is just simply
No way that this thing can happen.
You know, you are my father, your mother, I'm asking you just give me right now, the child is not saying give me.
You know, give me from what you can give me. Give me as much as you can give me. And I understand that you might have some constraints? No. The answer is no. Give me how much as much as I asked you and maybe add in something more. And the child says, Give me because I'm asking you, I'm your child. I'm asking you, what more reason do you want?
Why must I give you because I'm asking you, because you can give me imagine making this kind of a dua to Allah subhanaw taala. But remember, this is not this is not just words, we have to have this connection with Allah subhanaw taala and that connection comes through obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is what we learn from the life of Maria Malaysia love this beautiful life, where Maria mala is Salam is asking Allah subhana wa Taala who
she is engaged in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's all she's doing. She is not doing anything other than Vicar of Allah worship of Allah, salah and whatever was the form of worship that she used to do.
And so Allah subhanaw taala becomes her Cofield Allah subhanaw taala is any case in any case, Allah is our coffee, but for in the case of murrayville A Salam and this is what alert swatara does with all these earlier, all those slaves of Allah who Allah subhanaw taala loves Allah subhana wa Taala gives them before they ask. And remember I'm not even talking about Allah accept their dua Allah gives them before they make the
money man is good. We don't have evidence of Allah Allah whether she asked Allah for the for fruits, but the point is that we don't have evidence from the Quran. Allah did not say,
Maria Malaysia did not say for example, to the to the various Allah, Allah answered my door. No, she said, this is from Allah and Allah gives to will relax.
So did she make dua for this? I don't know. I don't think so. Because if he had made dua for this, maybe Allah would have told us that this is what Maria asked me and therefore I gave I gave,
I gave to Madame la sala, what she what he what she asked, right? No, so Allah gave her even without asking.
And this is the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is what Tara does with those he loves. The key is to become one of those who allow others and how do you will become the one who Allah loves, by making the diva by following by emulating Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That is how it happens. Allah subhanho wa Taala loves those who follow and who emulate Mohammed Salah hayastan.
Right Allah subhanaw taala said Colin kontum taheebo and Allah, Mooney, yobit kouvola
kouvola who
say to them over Hassan Salam say to those who claim to love me, to make your ativa to be like you to become like you to emulate you to imitate you to look like you to walk like you to talk like you to deal people's people like you do.
And if they do that, then what will happen yobit kumala Allah subhanho wa Taala will love them. One is to claim to love Allah subhanho wa Taala and one is Allah saying that I will love such a person. And when Allah subhanaw taala loves a person and Allah said, that I become the year with which he hears, I become the, the hand with which he holds and strikes, I become the force with which he walks I become the eyes with which he sees and this is what more can anybody ask. When those hands are raised then to ask Allah subhana wa Taala love will not refuse. And Allah subhanaw taala said that is the same as Allah said, and when that slave of mine asked me for protection, I will protect
him. If he asked me for something I will give him and I there is nothing that I hesitate more than in taking the life of such of that person because he hates death. And I hate to give him pain now hates death in the sense that he does not hate death as in death. It's the natural debate that the natural tendency of the individual the human being, to you know, to not want to die. But if you ask that person, do you want to die to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala What do you think he's going to say?
That he was that's why I'm living
and living so that I can one day meet Allah subhanaw taala in a state when he is
Pleased with me.
So now see, the story is so beautiful this this wall. I mean, the column of Allah itself is beautiful, but there are some of these stories which are so beautiful, so human. So, you know, it's so easy to relate to, you can put yourself in that situation. And you can imagine that if you had been there, you know, how would it be? How would it have been for you? Now, if you see this happened now is the carrier esalaam comes here, here is this little girl
who is related to him, and who he's taking care of. And you know, she's a, she's a beautiful girl, you know, she is very pious, and you know, she is constantly engaged in the vicar Annabella of Allah subhanaw taala. But there is a difference between that and suddenly coming there and finding all kinds of things that have come into that room without any external agency being involved. And this is this is a miracle is quite clearly a miracle. And then she has absolutely matter of factly where where did this come from?
And this is not once this happened every time that the courier is around, went out and every time he came in, this is what he would find.
So what does he do?
Remember, now remember, he's also an abbey of Allah. Right? So he's no stranger to him. He knows Allah subhanaw taala. So what does he do? He makes his own dough.
And that is what I want you to do. That is what I want you to do. I want you to make your own way. I want you to ask Allah Subhana Allah because Allah Subhana Allah della della Lu is the one.
So I want you to ask Allah Subhana Allah because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who
accepts boys.
So what is the girl Islam do? Allah subhanaw taala told us what he did. Allah subhanaw taala said hoonah de cada Zachary yarrabah who kohlrabi habla de Mille lagoon khazaria tanto de Botton in Casa de el Dora.
Allah subhanaw taala said clearly Salaam it is De Anza very early Salam said oh by Rob
right. He said oh my rub at that time. He said he invoked his love. He said oh my god, Grant me from you a righteous offspring. You are indeed the all here of all gas.
Right? Now. He's asking Allah subhanaw taala to a lot of other acts accepted is for another humara equal to wahaca Musa leeville Maharashtrian Allah you by Shiro kabhi Hiya, moussaka. Come bakery Mati. Mina law was a you don't wanna hustle hora wannabe Amina saw the hain.
Then Allah said, then the angels called him Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Then directed, and the melodica they came and they called out to the Coriolis Alam when he was standing in his merab, in Salah in prayer, and they said Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you the glad tidings of yahaya. And this is the name that Allah subhanaw taala had chosen for him. Right?
Allah gives you the glad tidings of yahaya li Salam confirming, believing in the word from Allah that is the creation of a Salah Sarah, noble person, noble man keeping away from he would be celibate. He would keep away from any physical relationships with women, and he would be a prophet from among the righteous. Now see this beautiful, beautiful thing.
He's asking for a son or offspring to carry forward his work. And Allah subhanaw taala granted him a DA but then you know the humanity the humaneness of the person. This is I I absolutely love these stories, because it's so real. These stories. We're not talking mythology here. This is real story. Here is a man who is old, he is old. He is weak. He is you know, he doesn't have any children. He wants a child not because he's got some property to the childbirth so that the work of Dean can go forward and he's making dua and the wise answer now the angel is talking to him. He can hear the engine. Now suddenly his humaneness comes in. So he's a color have been uno de hola mon workato bara
avani l ki baru wa maratea Kiran colloca LIC por la causa de la jolla Luma yoshua.
You've got the question. And the answer in this and this is the shadow Myra. He says, Oh my Rob, how can I have a son when I'm very old and my wife is better.
Again, think about this. The Malaika talking to him. He knows that but when he's speaking he doesn't ask the he doesn't talk to the doctor or loss manager right
See the minute of this thing
that nobody knows he knows that this is America telling him this is what Allah is giving you.
Because America said this Allah gives you the tidings.
But when he's talking, he's talking to Allah Subhana Allah. So he says my or my Rob O'Meara
How can I have a son when I'm very old, and my wife is bad.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala
answers in his glory and His Majesty, Gallic that is how it will be.
And Allah subhanho data does whatever he wills
Allah does whatever he wants.
So then Zakaria is asked for a sign now this is not because he doesn't have a belief. This is like Ibrahim Alayhi Salam asked for a sign
liegt white knuckle Bo Allah for the bane of my con right
corner biale
to kelemen Salah that I mean ill
was Cora Baka kasi Rosa Bella, she will leave a car
he said oh by Rob, please give me a sign.
Your sign is that you will not speak to people for three days. Except in sign language except by signals. And remember, in this time, make a lot of zeker of Allah Subhana Allah
and glorify Allah subhanaw taala
in the afternoon, and in the morning,
just as Think about this, building your connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the key This is the key as Sarah was a man was much devoted to Sarah was devoted to prayer constantly in a state of abundance.
Right continuous needs to be in a state of whether
it's a sign of the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala when you start to enjoy
and this is the difference between prey to simply fulfill our duty and praying because you love to be in our last presence
and is also desired also indicates the best time for liquor which is After further and after awesome in the afternoon and the morning. So between after
and after further right Think about it this is so beautiful.
When you love to
take a solo solo you know used to say is to call biller
and used to say yeah bla bla bla call the other
arena blah, blah, give us
give us release give us you know, comfort and and happiness and relaxation, how to Salah
today the biggest such a paradox that we have made into our lives, the thing which was
given to us to give us relief, we see that as a burden.
Right? However, what do you do with that?
Here is something that has been given to you for relief.
So if you are tired, if you are exhausted if you are stressed out you're depressed, you're fearful, right? You are in difficulties, financial difficulties, maybe emotional relationships, whatever the case might be sickness.
What is the relief in that?
vial? Oh sorry, you sir, what is the ease with the hardship is the data loss vannatta. When the person is impatient Allah, Allah
This is relief.
So Salah is relief.
Now a Jeep our orientation has become so materialistic and so shaitana May Allah May Allah protect us from ourselves.
That the thing which was given to us for relief, we consider it to be a burden is almost your Oh my God, I've got to pray. I mean, how many times to pray five times a day. Now
you're getting five times of relief.
Plus as much as you want,
as many times more as you'd like.
Instead of seeing it as a relief, we see it as a burden.
Really, we need to
we need to change ourselves. And I'm saying this, not only because to
Get reward and to you know, be safe from punishment. I'm saying, just enjoy the thing, man, Allah has given us this beautiful religion,
which is meant to make us winners in this world and the next to make us the most beloved and the most influential people because we help everybody we suppose help everybody. We can't even help ourselves.
I mean, how tragic is that? Tell me, right?
So ask yourself this question say,
What does Allah mean to me?
Do I look forward to that?
am I waiting to say one minute time for telecom? I want to pray.
I'm not exaggerating. This is how the Sahaba I've told you the story so many times of ibn Abdullah, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah,
somebody asked to serve a desert tell us something about your your master.
What your employer he said, you know, with him, he says, from one Salah, he waits for the next and between the two, he said Quran and the and Mexico
waits for it.
As soon as the weather is finishes, waiting was over, when will time was overcome and when time was overcome. And in the meantime, in between these Salawat he is doing his work he's going to his office is you know, he was a trader is go to the market and so on and so forth. But continuously throughout his making zero philosoraptor is not sitting silently. He's not just you know, walking around and laughing and joking and, and wasting his time. No.
He's engaged in the zikalala he's making Vicar is reciting Quran and so on. And then the time was under the law.
So secondary Salah was a person was dedicated to devoted to prayer, constantly in a state of Nevada constantly in a state in a state of vigor. And he was the guardian of medieval era was another one like that. That's a sign of Mercy of Allah, seriously when we start to enjoy our abundance, and this is the difference between praying to simply fulfill our duty and praying because we love to be in Allah subhanho wa Taala as presence, right? That is very, very important to have this differentiation. The ayat also of course, as I mentioned, shows it Hamza, now, the story of zaccaria salam is also in sort of Maria where Allah subhanaw taala says,
the Z z guru Rama dheera bkr Buddha who's carry
NIDA and Javi
Kala Robbie in ni wa Han Allah has moved in he was the sushi bar while a combi dry karabi shocky so beautiful this these were in the fifth tool Mohali
Kanata Marathi para
de Mille Qawwali
here is only via savina de PUE Baba Yaga hora de
yada carry in Uber Shiro kabhi hora mean is mucho,
La La who means homie Babu Sammy
call Arabi.
Kono de
Vaca te maratea para workato Bara voto mineral Kiba Rarity Por La Causa Alec color of Boca hua hai Iran workato holla po kami kaaboo takushi
color a big ol Lee
Toka Toka layman
aliens we
have rajala Coby mineral Mira vivo la him for our high lay him and Zomba hobo curato Archie
yeah hi
kita Bobby ko
Hakuna masabi
wahana Mila
Baba ram Viva Li while amiya Kwanzaa Baron Rousey was
he OH MY
BOY yo my mo my yoga so heavy
in sort of Maryam which is one of the most beautiful surah of the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala said this is a measure of the mercy of your rub Jalla Jalla Allahu to his slave Zakaria when he called out to his rub a call in secret NIDA and hofa in a small voice, very soft voice.
And he said my rub indeed my bones have become feeble. And gray hair has spread in on my head.
All signs of advanced age.
And I have never been unblessed in my daughter to you O'Meara.
So he's putting before Allah subhanho wa Taala he's one weakness and his own in capacity. And then he's a gala. You never you never refused. I am your slave. And you never refuse my daughter. I have never been unblessed in my dormitory.
And then isn't really I fear my relatives after me since my wife is better. So give me from yourself and
give me a child as a gift from you may remember, he said My wife is better. I'm advanced in age I'm old my bones are weak. My hair is white as one one but he Allah you will never refuse me a dog. I'm asking you Allah give me a very large
Tunica be incarnate here.
Hello mama grounded.
Mama is related
to this act isolated. Allah be Shanti Amitabha
Mary comes already Mary BB ki cabana Jonah
Messiah la dunia Eugenia masala
terracotta overseas mattina Tora Bora la Vina
to judge our constructor followed by a shy yeah como Merida Jota.
Allah to Allah,
Allah to Allah did
give me an heir, who will inherit after me and inherit also the property of Yaqoob which is the inheritance of profit Prophethood is not talking about whom of wealth and land and so on. He's saying that the property the the veracity,
right, the heritage of the prophets is Prophethood. So he's saying give me a son, he's a prophet, give me a son and make him also a prophet
and make him era
one with whom you are pleased to
see this do other lives. I mean, he is is just saying, Yeah, Allah, you'll be pleased with him, that's enough for us that there is nothing bigger than that.
And Allah subhanaw taala says, Oh zaccaria Verily, We give you the glad tidings of Assam
his name will be Yeah, here. We have given that name to none before him.
The first time that this name came on the earth, that Allah subhanaw taala name somebody Yeah.
And he said, Now, Sakura, la sala.
Again, as I said, we saw this in the others who are also again here where
the humaneness
the human nature comes in,
where again, where you are speaking from your heart, you are asking Allah subhanaw taala suddenly your brain kicks in.
And all of
a son and all is fine, but you are old. Your wife can't have children. Remember?
Think about that.
It's happening to him. He's standing there talking to Allah subhanaw taala. If it if this happens to me, Alhamdulillah no problem. Just continue with that. Don't stay with it. Tell the brain push off. Right? This is between me and Mara. Who are you?
I am talking to the one who has no boundaries.
I'm talking to the one who is super rational, not irrational, super rational, beyond beyond rationality.
All these reasons you are giving me apply to this world, not to the creator of the world.
All the reasons are right
But they will not apply to me, because I am talking to the creator of the world. And if he wants to do something, he doesn't need the reasons. He does not realize he is not bound and constrained by reasons.
He's the creator of those reasons.
So get insulin now is in this state of questioning. He says, My Rob, how can I have a son when my wife is barren, and I have a greased, extreme old age?
No, this is the heart of the mind. Right? My point is when when he was asking,
he mentioned the same two things. He said, Oh Allah, I have reached extreme voltage. And my wife can't have children.
But give me a child.
He didn't say give me a second wife, young wife to have a jello, same, this same wife. And this with me in my state. Didn't say neck Mia. No.
He said in the same state with the same woman. Give me a son. And now Allah subhanaw taala says yes, we're gonna you are going to have a son This is this will be his name. His name will be Aya. He says Allah, how can I have a son? My wife is bad and I'm old.
This is the humanists. Voila, so beautiful. The stories Allah Raka psychedelic pluses forget this. You asked me I will give us your reasons and your your anxieties and your problems don't apply to me.
So it will be your Rob says it is easy for me. Certainly I created you before when you had been nothing.
And that's one of the residual old is that when you were born when you were created, you didn't even exist.
But Allah made you and He created you.
The carrier is around now is very happy. But he wants more. He will be even with Allah. Allah give me more Allah joy.
Again, this does not mean it doesn't have belief. Of course he has belief who has more believed than Ruby. But this is as I mentioned earlier, like even MLS Allah. Yes, my knuckle v Allah for my for my
call for peace of mind.
is Allah a point for me aside? Allah subhanaw taala said your Zion is that you will not speak to mankind for three nights, though having no bodily defect.
And then he came out with people from his Mira. And he told them by science to glorify and last ran out on his praise in the morning and in the afternoon. And it was said to his son, oh, yeah, hold fast to the book. And this is the Torah, the Torah. He said, Hold fast the Scripture. And Allah says and we gave him wisdom while he was yet a child.
We give him wisdom, while he was still a child, and we made him very kindhearted. Men, these are all signs of the mercy of Allah, a hardness of heart is a sign of the anger of Allah, softness of heart, eyes that we've tears for the glory and majesty of Allah subhanaw taala a heart which is kind of compassionate. These are the signs of the mercy of Allah. And Allah said, we made him sympathetic to people as a mercy from Us, and pure from sins, and he was righteous. And he was dutiful towards his parents, and he was neither arrogant nor disobedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala or to his parents. I did that. I mean, what other than says, and ceram beyond him, the day he was born, and the day he
dies, and the day he would be raised up again to life?
Imagine what kind of
Roberto from LA these were the MPLA was Allah. Allah subhanaw taala is there witness Allah is the witness to their righteousness, Allah is the witness to their good deeds. Allah is the witness. And Allah is sending Salam on them, the Salah on him the day he was born, the day he will die and the day he will be resurrected. So Allah,
we ask Allah for his mercy, we ask Allah for his forgiveness, we cannot get these data for the MBA, but we ask Allah to include us in His mercy that he showers on these people.
Right, let's have the drops of this mercy fall on us inshallah, one drop is enough.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, Now what are the lessons elsewhere that says hold?
CODEL kitabi Akuma. Horn to the book of Allah with power, struggling in the case of Harris Allah, it is the Torah in our case, it is the Quran. Allah doesn't hold on to the Kitab of Allah with strongly. Now your hand Islam is young, and he's going to need to be the NaVi of bunnies, right, who have become corrupt. So he has to be strong or
He would have been swept away in the ocean of corruption all the time.
The same issue applies to us today.
In a time when we live in a world that is devoted to shatter,
right, this world is devoted to shatter and this world is based today on fulfillment of the bassist and the worst of desires. His world is based on cruelty on greed, on the accumulation of wealth, irrespective of where it comes from, or who is harmed in that activity in the process of that of that accumulation. We know people don't care,
just wanted and they wanted right now and they want to get it and that's the end of the story.
So what must we do? Hold fast to the Kitab of Allah subhanho wa Taala Do not let go of the Quran and carry
la Salaam lived a life of struggle, and he died a Shaheed when the B'nai Israel killed him.
He was kind and sympathetic.
Remember, strength does not mean arrogance as a matter of fact, strength.
Kindness is a sign of strength, not arrogance. Strength does not mean being arrogant does not mean being hard and insensitive and without mercy.
masala would hug his grandchildren
when his son died, when he got the news that his baby son had passed away now Mashallah cinema tears in his eyes, and he was crying.
And there was a man sitting with him there about Oh, man. And he said, jasola, you are crying.
He said, I have had so many children, and you know, several of them died and I never cried a single tear. That's what he said. Tears are a sign of a soft heart. This is a sign of the mercy of Allah.
If you have a hard heart, this is a bad thing.
There is a rhombus, also a serious person, imagine his young child who's full of wisdom. And you will see this person But you see, we are not being created. Just to play today. Again, if you think about this, now again, I'm not against sport that I am. I am I am in favor of playing sport. But I'm talking about just watching sport. hours and hours and hours go wasted in watching sport. We were not created to watch sport. We were not created just to you know, spend our life in wasted in play.
Life is a serious purpose. And we were sent to fulfill this purpose. And that purpose is our motto for a harmonica.
Yeah, Lisa
was was promised peace and he was promised in our last rental I promised him
He sent His mercy on the IRA is Allah and Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this and he went through a three time which is when he was born when he was going to die and when he will be resurrected on the
on the higher level Sarah Wanda smartasset mercy will be on him on these three times.
Now brothers and sisters,
I asked Allah subhanaw taala to be pleased with you and our to be displeased. The purpose of all these lectures is for us to learn those lessons and for them to for us to apply them in our lives was a little hellena will carry Murali who was a member of
the Labor Council