Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya #37

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the history and cultural significance of slavery in the Arab world, including the use of "has" and the importance of sex in Islam. The segment also touches on the idea that children are not free from all activities and that children are not free from all activities. The transcript also touches on the history of slavery in America and its violation of privacy and law, as well as the importance of dedication to oneself and not asking for others directly.
AI: Transcript ©
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Not another he's not 100 reliable alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah, MBA with masa de Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira for mavado.

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My dear brothers and sisters we are starting today the in our series of stories with me I live in Serbia starting the story of Maria Molly Solomon, Zachary Alyssa now, Maria Maria was not a newbie.

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she is the mother of Israeli Salaam, and one of the most important figures in Islam and somebody who Allah subhanaw taala honored above many others, the surah Maria is in her name. And Allah subhanaw taala mentioned her and mentioned her by name, and called her Siddiqa the most truthful and set her up as an example for all humankind. She is among the leaders of the women in gender

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and last round that ordered her last round that honored her in many many ways. Now.

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Allah subhanaw taala mentioned I will be leaving a shirt on the regime has been around for a run in the last hour no one will Allah Ibrahima Allah and Mallanna Allah Allah Allah Ameen, Dora de bajo Hummingbird. mala Whoa, Samir and I live Allah subhanaw taala said in sort of the light of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose, he selected Adam and no alebo Sarah and the family of Ibrahim Ali Sarah and the family of a man

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above the above all mankind and origin

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of their times. So Allah subhanaw taala said that these are the people that Allah subhanaw taala honored

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and then unless it offspring one of the other that means those families are elated. And Allah Subhana Allah is all here and all noer

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Allah subhanaw taala mentioned Adam alayhis salam and new Elisa Lam alone, but Ibrahim Ali Salam and imraan

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Reese are mentioned with their families as chosen Rasulullah Salim is chosen out of all mankind, the condition of being an island.

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So algebra, one algebra and so on the condition of being an is to be a believer, the condition of being a child of the Navy, is that it has to be a believer.

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So even the son of Noah, Sarah was not a believer is not from the eyes of the Navy is not from the rite of New Orleans. And similarly, in some other places Allah subhanaw taala imagine all of your own. Now the other way around is because they will always be reversed the pharaoh Pharaoh is disbeliever and the ol resembles the one to whom that relationship is ascribed to similarly Abu lahab even though he was genetically related to ressourcer, Salah Abu Talib related resources lm and the closest possible relationship,

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which is that of the uncle father's brother, yet they are not from the debate. They are not from the eye of Rasul Allah. They are not from the * of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam because they were not believers.

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Allah subhanaw taala said is the call of the MRA to Marana Robbie Nina de la cama v botany Mohan Fatah bergamini in the semi olallie

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salam wa Kala rabine Wada.

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Wala who Allah moon Walla, Walla, he says zaccaro calusa are in need some way to hammer Yama. We're in a hurry. Because reata hamina shaytani r rajim. Allah subhanaw taala said with me, which means, remember when the wife of Ray Moran said, Oh, my Rob, I have vowed to you I have given this as a wow to you.

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the child in my womb is to be dedicated for your service, free from all worldly work to serve your place of worship. So accept this from me.

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You are the all here and the all knowing, then men, she delivered her child because she didn't know she was expecting to have a male child to have a boy. And so she said, that was a that was in her mind that I have a son, then I will dedicate this son of mine to the

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service of, in this case, Al Merci de la casa, because they were in Jerusalem,

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the house of Allah and free him from all needs and what so that, you know, they will probably settle a pension on him or something, let him take care of the house of Allah subhanaw taala. But when the child was delivered, it turned out to be a female turned out to be a girl. So she said now Oh, my rub, I have delivered a female child. So she is surprised now she's because she wanted to dedicate this child to the service of almacenes aleksa.

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Thinking that imagining that it would be a male child and this is the normal thing. But now this is a girl so what does she do because she made this, this Wow. And when she made the vow should not say that I will dedicate this child if it is a boy she said I will

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the child which is in my womb to the service of Allah Subhana Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala so when she delivered the baby and it turned out to be a girl, she said the oma Arab Arab, this is a girl I have delivered a girl and Allah Subhana Allah says that Allah knows better than her what she delivered, and the male is not like the female. And I have named her Maria and I seek refuge with You Allah for her and for offspring from shaitan the outcast. So Allah subhanaw taala saying that this girl is special. This is not the normal girl This is not, don't compare her.

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With boys just as a as a matter of gender. This is beyond that. Yeah, Allah subhanaw taala has specially blessed her. Allah has specially honored her. And Allah subhanaw taala mentioned her name, that her name is Maria.

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Now dedicating children to the service of Allah.

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If you think about this, the wife of Iran vowed to dedicate her child

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Mahara that is free from all worldly pursuits. Now this is the definition of freedom, servitude to Allah.

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So who is the free person, the one who is the slave of Allah.

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If you don't serve Allah, then you will serve somebody else. And that is real slavery. Service to Allah subhanho wa Taala his freedom service to anyone else is slavery. When the Persian commander, if you think about this and say, Ravi Navara delanco in the Battle of cozzia.

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When sad, maybe because what was the general and the army was facing the Persians. And this was the superpower of the time. And the Muslim army was facing the Persians.

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Rooster who was the commander in chief of the Persian army, he sent a message saying send an ambassador for us send some send somebody

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from your army to us, because we want to ask him a few questions.

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We want to know what you are doing. Why are you here? What do you want from us? And you know, how come you have decided to fight us when we are the superpower of the time.

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So sadly, and because of the Law Center, we will probably have an hour or the Alon who, who was incidentally

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a African man and Robbie enamorado Milan who went so have you ever sought asylum?

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And when he went there, he got off his horse. Rooster had set up his whole Darbar his whole court with the intention of intimidating me whenever he said here is this year are these atoms they have, they have no culture, they have no history. You know, they have no

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there's nothing special about them. And we are portions and we have, you know, so many 1000 years of history. We have huge empire. We have all kinds of fantastic and beautiful things. We are known for so many things. And these people are just camel herders, goat herders, living in tents and so on. And you know, what can they What do they What do they want from us? I mean, what kind of thing is just so he said set up the court in such a way that when this man comes is overwhelmed and intimidated by the splendor of the glamour and the pomp of the court, so the ad is, you know, Persian carpets are famous to this day. That is fabulous silk carpets,

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that gold and silver and God knows

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You know, the whole thing was set up in a very beautiful and very, very potentially intimidating way.

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But Rama, Rama Rama II, II rode his horse right up to the there was a huge marquee, massive tend to split up. So he rode his horse up to there, he got off the horse, he tried the bridle of the horse to one of the 10 posts. And then he walked on this carpet.

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He had his lands in his and he had a sword was on his on his belt.

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And he went up narosa was sitting on a, there was a stage several steps

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and was sitting on a throne on top

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of the line who was standing on the carpet below. So Tom said, What do you want us? So we have an amber said before I talk to you, we have to be on the same level. I mean, you're sitting high up, I'm sitting here I can't talk to you like this. He said, either you come down here, or I will come up there. And this was completely you know, unheard of. Here is this man who's nothing is come with his his his he's a soldier. He's just wearing his armor and so on is full of dust because he came riding out of the desert. And here is this great person, General.

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And not only is his man not intimidated, but he is demanding that you know, come to the come to the talk at the same level because he's arrived. I'm a messenger to you. So you I'm not your slave or something. Why should I stand stand below? Are you sitting up sitting higher?

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So I didn't want to ask him to come up. So he got off his throne and he stood when he came down the stairs and he now they're both standing face to face. Imagine all his courtiers all the soldiers and so on everyone is is you know, they're insane with rage and they want to kill this man. But you know, the one who Allah wants to protect who can touch him.

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So he said what do you want from us?

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So he said Linacre, jeleva look really bad, me by the river Illa de vida de la Beloved,

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he said, We have come to extract and remove the slaves, from the slavery of slaves from the from the worship of slaves, to the worship of the

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the creator of the slaves are beloved.

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And then he said,

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when they appeal had dunya Illa was Attila had to do now and after.

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He said, to remove you, from the constriction, the hardship

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of the life of this world, and take you into the woods or take you into the expanse, the freedom of the life of this world, one after the other. And thereafter.

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This is a savvy pro seller.

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What is he telling him? He's telling him that freedom is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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That is why Think about this. Allah Subhana Allah gave resources alone a title of the highest honor.

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Allah said

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Subhan Allah ZS Allah B AB de B AB de, Marana de Asahi Abdi Laila middle musti de la la la studio

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under the Baraka Hola, hola, Daria home

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in Nova merci

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Allah subhanaw taala said, Allah is the one swallow all karate, glory, duty magnificence

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or Majesty is to the one

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who took this isn't our marriage his Abu Abu D

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in this place, Allah did not even zero so he Allah Abdi

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now, the people ask there was a salon

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This is how should we address you

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know, Islam said Abdul Rasul Allah, say, the slave of Allah and His Rasul Allah and His Messenger,

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slavery to Allah Subhana Allah is the greatest honor.

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Sometimes today we feel because linguistically, we are living in a world where we have historically people have

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you know, enslave each other.

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So slavery, the word itself and the whole concept of slavery.

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is negative and it should be negative. I always say if slavery is not wrong then nothing is wrong

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by slavery What do we mean we mean slavery of one human to another human?

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Whether it is a black to the white, the white or the black does matter, whatever it is.

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So, to call another human being, yeah, abs and mela protectors this is this is a very common usage in the Arab world

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for black African people

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in many Arab countries,

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the Arabs they call black African people. Yeah, abs they also live

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in the lie whether

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this is racism, the worst of it.

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And this is haram in Islam is completely and totally private in Islam.

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The only slavery in Islam which is an honor, is the slavery to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So to call somebody Abdullah or amatola This is a great honor. Allah, Allah says Allah likes to names very much Abdullah Abdullah Han.

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So Abdullah

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and this is one of the

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one of the norms in the ramen culture, of giving names that when we use the names of Allah subhanaw taala for people arandora this is good to do that. We prefix that with the word apt. So Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahim Abdul Razak

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and join us over

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slavery of Allah

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and that's the reason why On a side note I want to say that when people I think out of I don't know why they do that maybe they feel apologetic about using the word slave so they change it and they say servant

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so where Allah said yeah you're Latina Amano

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or so they say oh, you believe no, they were? Last Rhonda says yeah, Eva de la.

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People say also unto Allah.

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Now please understand in the Arabic language, the word for silver and gold, go look up the translation. The Arabic word was ever discarded. It is not abs.

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Translate ABS is slave. So how men are two different words with two completely opposite meanings. How do you translate a servant?

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This is a serious matter. I mean, I don't know why they do that. I see this all the time.

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These don't feel apologetic about being the ABS of Allah. If you are the act of Allah believe in this is the biggest, the greatest honor that can happen to you. If Allah calls you yahoodi

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then this is guarantee we're gonna inshallah because the one who Allah calls by slave

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and Allah subhanaw taala called who Salam is live.

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So if saved if this word Abdullah

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was a matter of honor for us was a solemn there, why is it you feel hesitant about using it for yourself and for others?

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Please do not translate up the server it is first of all, grammatically, Arabic language wise, it is wrong. So why do you want to give a wrong translation? Secondly, conceptually, it is completely wrong.

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Then we have this is a bit of an aside, but I think it's important to let me dwell on this for a couple of minutes. See,

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what is the difference between a slave or a servant? Who is a servant?

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Right? So one employee, for example. So if I say I work for Microsoft, I'm an employee of Microsoft, right? I'm a servant of Microsoft.

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So what is the meaning of that? It means that I want to work I wanted to work for Microsoft. So I applied to Microsoft. And I said, Well, I would like to have a job. Microsoft interviewed me and they selected me and I was employed by by Microsoft.

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I went in there voluntarily, I get a salary. Microsoft is responsible for paying me a salary. And anytime I want to leave Microsoft employment, I can do that.

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All I need to do is to say goodbye. Write my letter of resignation and I'm gone. And now I go work for Google or I go work for General Motors or whatever, right?

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So a servant is somebody who is in the service of someone, but they went in there voluntarily, and they have the right to walk out of there anytime they want. So that's the first one

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Second one is that the employer is responsible only for paying their salary whatever is the agreed terms of employment,

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salary, perquisites, whatever was agreed upon as the terms of employment.

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That is all they are, the employer is responsible only to pay that much nothing else.

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But who's a slave?

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Nobody voluntarily entered slavery.

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A slave is born a slave.

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Right? A slave is about who's a slave, that that's, that's his reality is born in that slavery, or he was captured and so on in the human world, he was sold to slavery, whatnot, right? But the point is, the slave once a person is a slave, owned by

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the employer does not own the employee, the employer employees, the employee, the slave owner, owns the slave the slave is his property, like his car.

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Like anything else you might have, for example, you might have a sheep.

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He owns the sheep means what it means that tomorrow, if he wants to slaughter the sheep, he can do that.

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If you want to sell the sheep, he can do that.

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So also, when he owes the slave, he can do whatever whatever he wants with the slave.

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Then, if the slave wants to leave, can he leave Can he says, oh, sorry, from tomorrow morning, I'm not your slave. No.

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He can vary by his freedom, if that is there, and this was more in the in the Muslim world,

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where slavery at that time, which was really prisoners of war, who became slaves, and then they could buy their freedom.

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But if you look at the history of slavery in America, the states couldn't buy their freedom. They were slaves, they were old. They were slaughtered, they were raped, they were murdered, they were they did anything with them.

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And they could not leave if a slave left his owner, he was considered to be a criminal because he wanted freedom. He was called a runaway slave. And if he was caught, they went after them, they went after them would be with the big hunting dogs. And if he was caught, that he was tortured, he was probably even killed,

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as an example for others so that they would not escape.

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But while the slave was with the slave master, who pays for his clothes, the slave master who pays for his food is way but if you get sick, who pays for his medicine, the slave master whatever is the need of the slave, whose responsibility is it? It is the responsibility of the owner.

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Now when we are talking about Allah subhanaw taala, we are not looking at slavery in the human sense, in the human sense, slavery is haram, it is wrong, it is completely and totally privated. Forget about it.

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Whoever did it did wrong.

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except in the case where slaves were prisoners of war, they were no jails or prisons, they could didn't keep them there. So they became slaves of they were kept as slaves of people. And those slaves were, there were there's a huge set of rules of how to treat those slaves.

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treat them with respect, treat them, feed them what you eat, clothed them when in what you clothed them with, and so on and so forth.

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All kinds of rules or regulations that they're this law that Islam gave with Islam abolish slavery in a different way, from simply passing a law to say that slavery is haram. Islam made slavery completely and totally and viable and profitable, and quite useless, so that people just freed their slaves. There are two ways in which Islam abolished slavery. One is it made it completely unworkable. Because why did why did people give slaves because they kept them they kept them in subhuman conditions, and they extracted a lot of work from them. Islam says you can't do any of that.

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If the person is your slave, you have to feed them what you eat, you have to clothe them the way you clothed them, their work has to be you can't work them morning and night they have to have free time they have to have this and that. Right. And the other thing which inside which Islam did was it incentivized freeing slaves.

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So, if you do something if for example, if you

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are fasting and you break your fast, your fork fast, you break it deliberately, right? Then what is the expression of that is free, isn't it?

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So I broke Avast just one day,

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but how do I explain it? I free asleep. So similarly for other things, expansion of

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Since was freed of slaves, just simply freeing slaves, not only because you did a sin and you had to experience for example, other languages to do this, he would buy people, slaves from people and he would just read them. And this was in Islam, this was a huge and it continues to be a huge good deed

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would get you the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala What does it tell you free if free or slave gets you the pleasure of Allah, that having a slave cannot get to this says the same thing, right?

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So Islam does not, does not promote slavery, Islam didn't even accept slavery is not just had a different way of getting rid of slavery. And that's why people are like, universities, even where they gave him they've been harissa was given to him as a slave. What is the what was the first thing he did the freedom

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and he called him his son.

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So also with others. So the point I'm making here is that this word ABS please use it as the slave of Allah. Abdullah, we are all slaves of Allah. And there is great honor in that and there is great safety in that because if I accept myself as a slave of Allah, then I agree lava, all my matters. I I give them up to Allah subhanaw taala

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in the lava serum Billy bad. Husband Allahu annamma Rocky, Nirmal Mola wanyama Nasir,

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he is the best bola is the best helper is the best caretaker of everything that I might want or need.

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So here, we are saying that

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to dedicate her son to the service of virtue, the Luxor

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she got this Maharaj he said to free him

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from all worldly affairs, so that he becomes dedicated to the service of the house of Allah Subhana thing. So that is why I'm saying do that true freedom is to accept the EVA the bodia of Allah subhanaw taala to accept the slavery of Allah Subhana Allah This is true freedom.

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Think about this.

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In our life today, what is our standard of the best job? In this case? The mother of whatever is around, she wanted the best job for a child which is

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to serve Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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to dedicate the child for the service of another man.

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Today, what is our standard?

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What is our best job? How many of us are willing to dedicate our careers to the service of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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that I will do only one thing, which is to serve Allah

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dedicate myself to the service of others Master? How many of us are willing to do that? Because our issue of dedication, immediate question becomes what will I eat?

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My point is, if you are dedicating yourself to the to the one who is arasaka, Jehovah till Mateen.

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And you still ask this question, how will I eat?

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And really, you need to go and look at yourself in the mirror and say, do I really believe in Allah?

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What is my concept of Allah?

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I am the slave and I have dedicated myself to the service of the one who feeds every single thing in creation, by his power and glory and majesty.

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I've dedicated myself to his service. And I want to be worried about what I will eat.

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What what Lord logic is what sense does it make

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work for the sake of Allah subhanho data, ask Allah subhanaw taala for your sustenance. In any case, he will give it to you. But ask him and take from him.

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Learn to take from him and give people that is what you need to teach people how to take from Allah and give to others.

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And if you don't know that, and if you are going to ask this question and say what will I eat? Then first and foremost, stop teaching people because you don't know anything.

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You're not capable of teaching people because you don't you're you yourself have this doubt of whether I like a video or not.

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Please note of assistance. let's not let's not play games with the last round.

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So what is good sustenance? What is delegation?

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Now my name is Sarah. She's the one of those who Allah subhanaw taala. God is the Father. So she is of those who we should follow.

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It's important to reflect on what we consider important today.

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In terms of our lives and our careers, and how much attention we pay to the religious needs of our children,

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right? See this mother of berryville, Islam,

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she said, I will dedicate my child to your worship, and to the service of your, of your house.

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So she is concerned about the spiritual welfare,

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our spiritual needs, the religious needs of her child. And she wants the best for this child. So she say what is the best the best is to dedicate this child 24 hours to the service?

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My question is today, if somebody asks us, you know, we have all these parenting workshops, and this is that

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if you asked a set of parents

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write down make a list of the needs of your child. What does your child need?

00:31:03 --> 00:31:08

I do this as an experiment. Don't don't don't try to just ask them directly and say, Well tell me what

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if I give you a, you know, plain white sheet of paper? I said, write down the needs of your child, what does your child need?

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All kinds of needs?

00:31:20 --> 00:31:23

Totally. Whatever your child what do you what does your child need?

00:31:24 --> 00:31:27

I don't know how many of us will write down

00:31:29 --> 00:31:33

the religious needs of the child, the spiritual needs of the child.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:44

I'm sure we will write needs in terms of economic needs by childbirth have a good job, in a good company, big company

00:31:46 --> 00:31:47

helped my child must be healthy.

00:31:50 --> 00:31:51

must make enough money.

00:31:52 --> 00:32:02

Maybe some people are in education. So my child must have a great education, maybe university education, maybe technical education, whatever it is,

00:32:04 --> 00:32:12

then my child must have a good marriage must have a good spouse must have good children must have a nice house

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must have enough money.

00:32:16 --> 00:32:17

Right? All of this

00:32:19 --> 00:32:31

but how many of us will write down the religious needs the spiritual needs of the child? How many of us will say that my child must know at least this much of Quran

00:32:32 --> 00:32:50

please I'm not even saying I was gonna. How many of us will say that this that the need of my child just like I'm thinking, if I'm thinking just like I'm already on the negative side because if I'm comparing the knowledge of the Kitab of Allah with anything else, I'm doing a disservice to the glob of Allah I'm saying just the even that keep it there.

00:32:53 --> 00:32:55

My child must know this much of Quran

00:32:56 --> 00:33:09

my dad must have knowledge of halal and haram and this must be internal to him or her. So that they will never earn her arm and they will never spin her arm and they will never eat or drink Haram.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:20

How many of us will will will write that as a need for our child.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:31

How many of us will will write and say that in among the needs of my child is that my child must be somebody with integrity, who must speak the truth?

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Who has courage?

00:33:35 --> 00:33:38

who's not afraid of anyone other than Allah subhanaw taala

00:33:42 --> 00:33:48

see the connection that the mother of barbarism had with Allah subhanaw taala she was disappointed

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that she delivered a female child who in her view could not serve in muchas aleksa as she was determined

00:33:58 --> 00:34:01

to dedicate her child to the masjid

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which is Rola what happened the I have given birth to a towards a girl child now what will I do?

00:34:10 --> 00:34:12

Now Allah knows what she delivered.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:15


00:34:17 --> 00:34:30

Allah said the woman is not like the man. So who should delivered Marie Marie Salah is not like or equal to any boy that she could have delivered. Because murrayville is Allah is the best woman

00:34:31 --> 00:34:35

ever created. Hi Ron Nyssa al al Ameen.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:59

pseudoaneurysm said that every child that is born, is touched by shaitan is stabbed by shatta and that is why a child cries when it is born. But he said that Maria and Maria Maria and her son is Elisa one

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not touched by shaytan because Allah subhanaw taala protected them.

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He said every child who was one is touched by shatta is tapped by shotgun which is why the child cries, except to, to whom this didn't happen. And that's borivali salam Sarah, and her son Isa, even Maria

00:35:23 --> 00:35:24


00:35:25 --> 00:35:26

and Allah subhanaw taala

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protected them.

00:35:31 --> 00:35:35

Now Allah subhanaw taala took care of Maria Elisa.

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And he brought her up and Allah guided her. And Allah protected her from the minute she was born throughout her life,

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and she was always on the right guidance all our life.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:03

From the moment she was born, till then, Allah subhanaw taala called her Siddiqa. The most truthful

00:36:05 --> 00:36:06

right, the most truthful

00:36:08 --> 00:36:09

maryberry salam is

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around and I quoted her as the as an example.

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And we see this in,

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in the,

00:36:21 --> 00:36:40

in the caretaker, we imagine that she was from such a noble family of Allah doubt that the caretakers of Masjid Al Aqsa, they cost lots to see who would have the honor of being her Kafeel, her guidance. And that loss of manual data

00:36:41 --> 00:36:47

game made that zaccaria Lisa, so her guidance was given to the carrier Lisa,

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who was himself and Abby. And

00:36:52 --> 00:37:26

she used to be in her Mira. She had a room where she was, you know, where she used to be. She was secluded there, and the Career Career esalaam looked after, we'll come to all of that, and you know, what happened and so on is beautiful miracles that happened to malevolent Salaam and then led to the carrier is Salam making some special draws, and so on and so forth, inshallah. But for now, I want to

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reflect on this and I want to think about this, I want you to think about this and say that,

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what is it that we learn from this, because as I

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say, all the time, the purpose of all these lectures is for us to apply them in our lives. That is not just the stories and whatnot, these are for us to reflect and think about in our lives also. Now, when we think about this, one of the main things are important things I would like to point out to you, as I said before, is think about this now in context of your own children and say that here we are being given an example of Maria Melissa lamb and her mother, and how the mother was so concerned about one the spiritual welfare of a child, and wanted to dedicate this child to the service of Allah subhanho wa Taala. What is our attitude towards our children? are we concerned

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about their spiritual welfare? And what is the evidence of that? Second thing is as children, children should also think and say, that when I have demands from my parents, I want my parents to give me this and that, and the other I want my parents, most children seem to have demands, which are only material gadgets, and, and,

00:38:55 --> 00:39:14

and so on and so forth. devices. But other than that, maybe some children in the bit more evolved. So they say, Well, I want to go to a great university, I want to have a great career and I want my father or mother to support me and so on, so forth. So when you have different desires, and when you have different

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needs, and you as children, I'm talking to the youth, when you have different demands for your parents. What is your demand with regard to your own spiritual development?

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What do you say to your father and mother to say that I need to know this about Islam? I need to know this about the Kitab of Allah, I need to know this about Salah. I want to be able to practice my religion, and how can you help me and my father and mother, especially because if I do good, then this is the area for you. It's a two way street. The parents must have

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plans of goodness for the children and the children must also as a matter of their right and this is something good for them. They must also want this from their parents.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us to him and to guide us to that which pleases Him. masala harana will carry while he was amazed named Veronica Jaime vasavada hora de la hora de

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