Mirza Yawar Baig – Know the blessings of Allah

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The rainbow is the only visible form of water that can be present in all form, including liquid and solid form. The speakers emphasize the benefits of living in a liquid state and expanding water and ice, while also acknowledging the importance of laws and regulations for everyone's benefit. The "weaker presence" of Allah is emphasized, along with the "weaker experience" of his "weaker presence." It is important to find one's own happiness and be in a state of being true to oneself.
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious,
the most merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord
of the Prophets, and peace and blessings be
upon the honored Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad, the
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon
him and upon his family and companions.
So I was saying to you that there
are two substances, two things that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala sent on the earth.
And of course, we know about whatever else
Allah sent.
And one of them is iron, Allah mentioned
this in Surah Al-Hadid, Allah said, And
the second thing Allah sent was water.
This water which we use, which is in
any form, you drink it, you wash with
it, you do whatever you want with it,
you sail your boats on it, hopefully you
don't, you know, waste it.
This water is at least 4 billion years
old, because that is when two things happened.
One was, there was a collision with a
planet called Theia, which was about the size
of the earth.
And subhanallah, amazing how Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala caused this to happen before he created
Otherwise, nothing would have existed when that collision
happened, obviously.
So Theia collided with the earth, and it
accreted into the mantle of the earth, and
Theia was iron.
So that's when iron came into the heart
of the earth.
The second thing which happened was, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala sent water, and this came
as a, as the geologist says, again these
are educated guesses based on evidence, but obviously
nobody was there to see it, in Numbah.
So water came as massive thunderstorms, imagine a
whole ocean coming and hitting.
So billions and billions and billions of gallons
of water came, and it hit three planets
in our solar system.
It hit Mars, it hit Mercury, and it
hit the earth.
On Mercury, it instantly evaporated because of the
proximity to the sun, it's too hot.
On Mars, it froze.
So now when they go to Mars and
they do the mass probes and so on,
they're saying we're finding there are buried or
underground oceans in Mars.
Well, guess what?
That's what it is.
And the third place it came to was
the earth.
And thanks to the tilt of the axis
of the earth, earth had the kind of
climate required for this water neither to evaporate,
not freeze, but to be in its liquid
Now water is also, very interestingly, as you
can see here, water is also the only
substance that can exist and does exist in
simultaneously in three states, in a liquid state,
in a solid state as ice, and in
a gaseous state as steam and as water
No other substance can do this.
Now that's important also because, for example, a
lake like this has fish.
So if it gets cold, and if this
water froze all the way to the bottom,
froze solid, one big chunk of ice, then
all the fish would be dead.
All life forms in the lake would be
But that doesn't happen.
What happens is that, bismillah ta'ala, the
top three to four feet will freeze.
And of course, that depends on the temperature.
But below that, the water remains liquid.
And the reason it remains liquid, and the
reason ice remains on top and doesn't go
to the bottom is because of what is
called a phenomenon called the anomalous expansion of
water when it freezes, or you can say
anomalous expansion of ice, where when water freezes,
it expands in volume.
That's why if you fill a glass, and
don't try it, but you fill a glass
and cap it and put it in the
freezer, it will freeze and the glass will
Because the ice, the volume of ice is
more than the volume of water, it expands.
The reason I'm saying this is because, this
is unlike every other substance.
Every other substance, when it melts, it expands,
when it freezes, it contracts.
Everything contracts on freezing, volume decreases, except water.
Water expands on freezing.
Now, the benefit of that is that because
it expands, it becomes lighter, so it floats
on top.
Now when water floats on top, what it
does is, it becomes like a jacket.
It's an insulator for the water below the
ice, so the water below the ice does
not get to zero degrees Celsius.
It remains roughly around four degrees Celsius.
So it remains liquid, and therefore, life form,
creation, can continue to exist, move out, feed,
and so on.
See the nizam of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created
this world, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
created everything in it, and Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala then made all of these subservient
to his laws, and Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala made these laws for our benefit.
That's the message I want to give myself
to my followers, that the laws are for
our benefit, because he cannot, nothing can benefit
him, nothing can harm him.
walakin huwa, he is the one who, yanfa
'u wa la yadum, he is illallah, except
for him, nothing can harm or benefit him
except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created these
laws for the benefit of his creatures.
In this case, the creatures which live in
So alhamdulillah, this is something that we need
to reflect on.
One of the things that I, that's why
I come out in these places, may Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala bless Allah is my
great companion on these walks.
Because it gives us a time to reflect.
That's what we talk about, we don't talk
about any, in any case there's no business
to talk about, but we talk about the
greatness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we
talk about reflections, we talk about the khudrat
of Allah, we talk about the firamina of
making masjids into places of entertainment, rather than
places of worship of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala and all the worship of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
There's always this pressure to say, masjids must
have something entertaining to do.
Think about that.
Ask yourself, what is a YMCA?
All YMCA's belong to the church.
How many, have you ever heard of a
service, a religious service happening in a YMCA?
So if you want to make your masjid
into YMCA's, do that.
But if you want masjid to be a
place for satan, a place where people come
for the love of Allah, they don't come
to do anything else.
They come to listen to and talk about
reflection of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That is the place of birth.
See the beautiful hadith where Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, he came to a group of
Sahaba who were sitting together.
And obviously, whatever they were doing was being
done silently or in a low tone.
It was loud, so he didn't see, he
didn't hear what they were saying or doing.
And he came to them and said, what
are you doing?
They said, Rasulullah, we are making bikr of
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, are you
sure you are making bikr of Allah?
He did not know what he was doing.
He said, no, we are making bikr of
So Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said to
them, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala inspired me
and told me to go and sit with
Meaning to give the barakah of my presence
to your gathering.
Because this is a gathering of zikr of
So they were not yelling and making zikr
and dancing.
They were doing zikr in a dignified manner
in a soft voice.
So Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, go
and be a part of the barakah of
his blessed company, those people.
So what was the activity?
And this is a non-salat time activity
Non-salat time activity was not some game,
but some entertainment.
I hesitate to use the word entertainment in
this context because of the other issues.
But this kind of entertainment was bikr of
Something brings to the eyes of the people.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, when you
have difficulty, He said, take the help of
sabr and salah.
Now you take help when?
When you need help.
When do you need help?
When there is trouble.
When there are problems.
So Allah is saying, when you have problems,
take the help of salah.
So salah is what?
Salah is something which will give me comfort.
Salah is something which will help me.
Salah is something which I turn to for,
you know, to get out of my stress,
my depression, my whatever.
But we have made salah into a cause
of stress.
May Allah have mercy on us.
I am saying, many of those who pray,
for them salah is a musibat.
Finish it.
How do you finish salah?
Salah is something you go to with love.
You go to with great anticipation.
You go to salah with, you know, really
wanting to be there.
To be in the presence of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
To be in the presence of the one
that you look forward to meeting.
The presence of the one that you love
over and above and more than anyone and
anything else in the world.
This is the thing for us to think
about and to cultivate in our lives.
How will we love Allah more than anyone
and anything else?
By being in the company of Allah.
How do you be in the company of
By dhikr of Allah.
By reflecting about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
By reflecting about his kainat, by reflecting about
his creation, By reflecting about all the ni'mats,
all the blessings that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala has bestowed on us.
That is the way.
Believe me, this is not rocket science.
I didn't discover this.
This is what, from day one, this is
what the Quran teaches us.
This is what Rasulullah s.a.w. taught
This is what we learn from the Salaf
as-Salehid, from all the teachers.
And this is the truth.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
help us to understand the truth, to live
by the truth, and to die on the
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
take us in a state when we are
on the truth.