Mirza Yawar Baig – Juma is Fardh

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The importance of success and judgment in life is emphasized, along with the need to decide on one's own success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing actual value to others and not being a believer. The importance of working for Allah and showing actual value to others is also emphasized. The importance of praying for the voy Beatles and not going for the dangerously deactivated deen is emphasized.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
And peace and blessings be upon the Messengers
and Prophets, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, peace
and blessings be upon him, and upon his
family and companions, many, many greetings.
My brothers and sisters, if there is one,
if you ask me to give you one
single line, or one single thought, or one
single word, which is the secret of success
in life, one word, that word is judgment.
Judgment, the ability to choose, the ability to
judge between multiple options.
This is the secret of success.
One single word, judgment.
Somebody with the right judgment will succeed, somebody
with the wrong judgment will fail.
The options are the same, right?
Take for example, careers.
Should I work for this company or that
Your judgment decides the future of your career.
Should I marry this woman or that woman?
If you are a lady, this man or
that man?
That will decide the rest of your life.
I want to buy a house.
Which house?
I have the money.
You take it, anything.
It is your judgment and the correctness of
that judgment which will decide whether you will
succeed or fail.
Now, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala made it
easy because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did
not leave us to guess.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala told us, the
Muazzin, when he calls the Adhan, what does
he say?
Hayya, hayya ala as-salah.
And then, hayya ala al-falah.
Hayya ala al-falah.
Come to Salah, come to success.
So Allah has told us, where is success?
In Salah.
That is the reason why, see the beauty
of the Quran, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
addressed the believers.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said, who do
you believe?
So first and foremost, we have to decide,
are we the believers?
Because you know and I know that in
the Quran Al-Karim, anything which starts with
the letter A, which starts with Ya ayyuha
alladhina amanu, is haqam.
That is an order of Allah, command of
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Ya ayyuha alladhina amanu.
So am I a believer?
First question.
If I'm not a believer, then do what
you want.
But if I'm a believer, what must I
Allah said, Izza nudi ali salati, when you
hear the nida of the Salah, when you
hear the calling to the Salah, hayya ala
as-salah, hayya ala al-falah.
When the time for Salatul Jummah comes, what
must you do?
Fas'au ila dhikri Allah.
Allah did not say, yamshi ila dhikri Allah.
Stroll along quietly, nicely, like in the moonlight.
Allah said, no, run.
Make effort.
Rush there.
And then what?
Wa zarubai.
Leave all your selling.
Now imagine, see the beauty of the Quran.
There is bayah and there is shara.
There is selling and there is buying.
Allah did not say, don't buy.
Allah said, don't sell.
Because if you don't sell, you cannot buy.
How will you buy if the shop is
So Allah did not leave it to the
He didn't say, no, even if the shop
is open, don't sell.
Finish, khalab.
So that applies not only to selling, it
applies to everything.
All your work, stop it.
Rush towards the Salah.
And then Allah is saying, zalikum khairul lakum.
In that there is benefit for you, that
is the best for you.
In kuntum ta'ala wa, if you could
Why is Allah saying that?
Because after all when we are doing business,
we are going to school, we are going
to college, we are going to university, we
are working in jobs.
Because there is benefit.
There is benefit and nobody denies this, right?
We don't say, don't go to school.
Leave your school, leave your college, don't go
to work.
Sit at home.
No, of course not.
You should go to school, go to college,
get a good career, study.
You know, do your business well and so
on and so forth.
There is benefit for you.
But Allah is saying there is greater benefit
in leaving that and going to Salah.
Not because it will harm you, but because
it will benefit you.
If you shut the shop, it will benefit
If you leave the work, it will benefit
So obviously if you don't leave the work,
does it benefit you?
That's why I say judgment.
Where do we see benefit for ourselves?
Here is Allah, as I said, Allah didn't
leave us to guess.
Allah is telling us, benefit is here, come.
Allah will give you.
Then you might say, what about my one
hour of work I will miss?
One hour of business I will miss?
One hour of school I will miss?
Yes, of course.
If I am going somewhere, if I want
to travel say from here to Florida, then
I have to buy a ticket, right?
The ticket costs money.
So what will I say?
I lost $200.
What do you mean lost $200?
You spent $200 to buy a ticket to
go to Florida.
You went to Florida for a good reason.
That reason is better than $200.
You went to meet your family, your friends,
you went to make a $10 million deal,
you went to do whatever you want to
do, alhamdulillah, for which you spent $200 buying
a plane ticket.
Is that a waste?
How is it a waste?
So I lose one hour of business.
I shut my shop for an hour.
Maybe I have to make up one class
in college or school or wherever I'm studying.
In exchange for that, what did I get?
I got the promise of Allah that there
is benefit for you in this if you
So ask yourself, I should ask myself, what
is my value for the promise of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala?
If Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying,
Zalikum khairul lakum, do I believe that?
Or I say, no, no, no, you see,
this is okay.
I must read the Quran, but I know
where the khair is.
If Allah is saying it is here, it's
I know where it is.
It is somewhere else, not in this.
Am I saying that?
Because we will not say it with our
tongues, obviously.
But our action, what is our action showing?
If my action is showing that I am
ready to leave the salah for something else,
then is that the action of a mu'min?
Just think about this.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, Fas'au
ila dhikri Allahi wadhurul bayyi.
Allah said, leave, rush towards the dhikr of
Allah and leave your work.
I don't do that.
Then I die.
It can happen, no?
Then I died on what?
I died on deliberately disobeying Allah.
Allah said, come to me and that is
beneficial for you.
I said, no, I won't come to you
and I died.
Now what?
So where is that school, where is that
college, where is that job, where is that
shop, where is that business, where is that
Everything is left here, right?
That's not coming with me.
So when I stand before Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, Allah will say, I ordered you,
I commanded you.
Fas'au ila dhikri Allah.
You did not come.
What is the answer?
Yallah, I was doing the business deal.
I was meeting my friend.
I was doing the study in the class.
The class will help you.
Allah will not help you.
Nobody said don't study.
As I'm telling you, see, understand this thing.
I'm not saying don't go to school.
Don't go to school.
Make that extra effort.
Make up that one hour.
Big deal, man.
What the * if, say for example, you
got people here interested in all kinds of
sports, right?
So a guy is interested in basketball.
Say supposing Kobe Bryant died, but imagine he's
So if Kobe Bryant is giving a one
-hour exclusive coaching at 11 a.m. on
Monday, which is the middle of my school,
middle of my class, middle of my working
day, middle of my shop, but I'm a
serious basketball player.
I'm getting one-on-one coaching with Kobe
Bryant for one hour.
No one else, only Kobe and me.
Do I need to complete a sentence?
You will lie, you will cheat, you will
do whatever you want, you will get a
false certificate from the doctor, but you will
go there, right?
Because you will say, this opportunity I'll never
One-on-one coaching with Kobe Bryant for
basketball, that is my dream to be a
basketball player.
One-on-one coaching with Nadal if I'm
a tennis player.
You name all the different sports, all the
iconic players.
Messi for football, right?
Or Ronaldo.
One-on-one coaching for one hour.
That happens to be in the middle of
my school day, middle of my work day,
middle of my shop day.
Forget it, I will make up that one
With this, I will never get.
On Yawmul Juba, it is one-on-one
with Allah.
Subhanahu wa ta'ala Jalla Jalaluhu.
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam gave rukhsah, and
rukhsah is what?
Permission not to go.
If you go, you can still go, but
if you don't go, there is no sin
on you.
This is the meaning of rukhsah.
Abhishek Rasoolullah gave permission to four people.
One, women.
If a woman wants to go for Juma,
alhamdulillah, no problem, but if she doesn't go,
there is no sin on her.
Second one, to a slave.
Someone who is a slave of somebody else.
Third one, to a musafir.
So I'm travelling, I don't have to pray
If I pray, alhamdulillah, if I don't pray,
no sin.
And the fourth one is somebody who is
Other than these four, there is no rukhsah
for anyone.
Other than these four, if somebody is akhil
balik, he has intelligence and he has matured,
then that person, that male, if he is
not going for Juma, he is committing a
major sin.
Please understand this.
I don't make the rules, Allah makes the
The shari'ah ulzur, these four.
Other than that, you don't go.
That is the reason why, for example, with
the Ahnaf, Imam Abu Hanifa said, three Jumas
you miss, you are no longer a Muslim.
Khalas, you are kharij ul-Islam, right?
Deliberately you leave one.
In some other madhabs, for example, in the
Humbly Madhab, you leave one, deliberately, without an
ulzur, you are kharij ul-Islam, you are
out of Islam.
I'm not talking about, let's not go into
the aspect of it.
Point is, why would you leave?
As I'm telling you, Allah SWT is promising
you success, and if I'm leaving it, what
does it say about my aqeedah with Allah
So please, salah is the number one important
thing that we have.
And in salah, Salat ul-Juma has very,
very, very special importance.
Especially in this country, Alhamdulillah, all you need
to do is, if necessary, sometimes the letter
is not required.
You just tell your school, you tell your
employer, they are happy to let you go.
But if you need a letter, I've given
letters to some people.
Alhamdulillah, they accept the letter, they let you
So if you're not praying Juma, what is
the excuse?
I'm not saying pray here, not in the
buddhism, any Muslim.
You must pray Juma, that's it, you pray
here, there, anywhere.
But if you are leaving Juma, without a
Shariah excuse, and I told you, four things
are required.
Woman, slave, Sikh, traveller.
Other than that, there's no fifth one.
Please, my brothers and sisters, do not destroy
your own life.
And to the parents, I'm saying to you,
it is your responsibility to make sure that
your children, who are adults, that they come
for Salat ul-Juma.
Pray anywhere, whichever masjid is convenient for you.
It is your job to make sure they
do that.
If you are not doing that, then you
are the cause for your children's missing Juma,
and that's between you and Allah.
And for the children, especially the...
Once you are an adult, you are an
After attaining puberty, it is your responsibility.
Ask your father, ask your mother, whatever it
If you need help to get to the
masjid, talk to your friends.
I'm sure somebody will be happy to give
you a lift or whatever.
But make sure you go for Salat ul
-Juma, whichever masjid.
In addition to that, of course, all these
Fajr Salat, you must pray them on time,
if possible, in the masjid.
But Salat ul-Juma, there's no Salat ul
-Juma outside the masjid.
You can't pray Salat ul-Juma on your
own, in your house, no.
It is by Juma in a place where
there is Juma established.
Ask Allah to help us and open our
eyes to what is truly beneficial for us.
In this life and after.
I ask Allah to help us to do
that which benefits us, and to save us
from that which does not benefit us.
Ask Allah to enable us to understand that
the deen is the number one benefit, the
number one responsibility that we have.
There's nothing, nothing, nothing, which takes superstition.
Which takes precedence over the deen of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
We ask Allah to bring this Khadr of
the deen in our hearts, and to enable
us to do all that we can to
benefit from this deen.