Mirza Yawar Baig – Introducing Allah 02

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The speaker discusses various ways to introduce Allah to the people, including sending him guidance and small talk. They stress the importance of not missing important lessons from Islam and offering forgiveness and death's prayer. The speaker also touches on the struggles of people coming to Islam and encourages others to not yell at them. They stress the importance of praying for Allah's actions and gratitude towards him.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
And peace and blessings be upon the honourable
Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah,
peace and blessings be upon him and his
family and companions.
May the peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him and his family and his companions.
My brothers and sisters, I mentioned two ways
of introducing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
his glory and majesty to ourselves and to
remind ourselves and to introduce Allah to the
In my last khatira, one was by reciting
Allah's introductions.
Places where Allah introduced himself, Surah Al-Ikhlas,
Ayatul Kursi, the last part of Surah Al
-Hashr and many other places in the Qur
'an Al-Karim.
Where Allah mentioned himself when he spoke about
his own glory and majesty.
There is nothing that is more magnificent than
the introduction of Allah by Allah.
The second way is to reflect on the
creation of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Again, there is no shortage of that.
As I mentioned, do your research correctly and
make sure you talk factual stuff.
And inshallah, this is a beautiful way of
introducing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The third way is to remind ourselves and
to remind others of the importance of shukr,
the importance of being grateful to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And again, if you just look at ourselves,
just look at yourself in the mirror in
the morning when you wake up and say,
subhanallah, Allah made me like this.
So beautiful, so wonderful, so unique.
There is no other person in the world
who is like this.
I am alone and you are alone and
each one of us is alone and each
one of us is a miracle in himself
or herself of the khudrat of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
So, remind yourself and remind others to be
thankful and continue to make thanks to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, continue to be grateful
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And part of being grateful is to make
istighfar because one of the things that we
thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, most of
us, is for covering us with his cover,
for covering our faults, for not exposing us,
for not exposing our sins, especially those that
we do quietly when we think nobody is
There is nothing more stupid than that for
a Muslim to believe that he or she
is somehow alone and hidden and nobody is
How can it be that nobody is watching
when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, he is
the all-seer, the all-hearer and he
knows what's in the hearts.
So, how can there ever be a time
when nobody is seeing and nobody is watching
and nobody is hearing when we are truly
There is no such thing.
But shaitan fools us and we believe shaitan
instead of believing Allah and put ourselves in
So, therefore, we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala for all that he gave us physically.
For example, the ability to do things, the
ability to construct things, the ability to have
a strength and power, you know, just think,
That's why it's very important.
Sit down with a piece of paper and
a writing pad and a pen and list
down one after one after the other and
say all the things that Allah gave me
and which I am grateful to him for.
One by one.
Make sure you don't miss anything.
If you want to count the blessings of
Allah, you will not be able to count.
This is a challenge from Allah subhanahu wa
So, let us try at least.
We are not trying to say disprove the
That cannot be done possibly.
But for us to make the effort and
say Allah, at least I tried.
So, please forgive me.
So, when we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, as I said, especially for the cover
that Allah put over us and over our
actions and over our speech and what we
did and didn't do.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saved us
from the evil of our speech.
For example, one of the most important teachings
of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, which Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala even mentioned in the
Quran, when he talked, when he mentioned the
story of Musa alaihi wa sallam.
And so, Taha, Allah said, Allah told Musa
alaihi wa sallam, He said, speak to Fir
'aun in a soft way, in a gentle
Subhanallah, I remember the times that I did
not do this myself.
Sure, my intention, alhamdulillah, inshallah, was good.
I was frustrated for the right reasons.
And I was trying to do my best,
but did I speak gently?
I did not speak gently.
And it had its evil effects.
And I shudder to think that if anyone
was turned away from Islam because of the
way I presented it, because of the way
I addressed that issue, then I beg that
person to forgive me.
I beg that person to ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala to forgive me.
And I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to forgive me.
If anyone was turned away from Islam because
of the way I presented it.
This is one of the big problems that
we have today, especially people who, within quotes,
newly come to Islam, you know, the newly
born into Islam, people who are Muslims, alhamdulillah.
But suddenly, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, alhamdulillah,
with His khudrat, with His power, glory, majesty,
Allah opens their hearts and they start studying
and learning about Islam.
And suddenly, they turn into jinn, they turn
into rakshasas, because they start acting as if
the Quran is being revealed to them directly.
And that they have the right to say
haram, halal, and they pronounce takfir, and they
say so-and-so is a kafir, and
so-and-so this, and so that.
May Allah have mercy on us.
Please, like Ibn Taymiyyah, alhamdulillah, said, do not
make the cure worse than the disease.
Meaning, when you go and correct people, don't
make that into a worse problem, because people
might be turned off and might be turned
away from Allah, might be turned away from
Not because they are really away, but because
of the way you presented it.
So don't fall into that trap.
And may Allah save me from that.
May Allah save all of us from that.
And like a man came to one of
the scholars, came to Amir Muawiyah, when he
was in his court, and Amir Muawiyah was
a very wise man.
And so he was also a very humble
So he always used to ask any scholars
who came, he would say, please give me
And this scholar started off, and he literally
yelled at him, and he spoke to him
very disrespectfully.
But at the end of the day, he's
speaking to the Amirul Momineen, he's speaking to
the Khalifa of the time.
When he finished, Muawiyah said to him, thanked
him, and he said, Jazakallah khair for your
But I want to remind you that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned this, and he
recited the ayat of the Quran, of Surah
Taha, when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told
Musa alayhi salam, Speak to Firaun in a
gentle tone of voice.
Don't yell at him.
Don't be harsh with him.
And Muawiyah said that you are not better
than Musa, and I am not worse than
He's not saying I am innocent.
He's saying, yes, well, you know, maybe some
things you said, they apply to me, but
try to be lenient about that.
Try to be soft about it.
I said, there's something which is very important.
I remind myself more than anybody else.
And as I said, I seek forgiveness from
anyone who listened to me and was hurt.
Allah knows I speak to God knows how
many thousand people, but may Allah have mercy
on me and not hold that against me.
And as I seek forgiveness from you, inshallah.
So it's very important that the glory and
majesty of Allah when we speak, that we
do this in these three ways.
Introduction of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as
he mentioned himself in the Quran, his glory
and majesty as we see it around us
in his creation and within ourselves and through
shukr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
one by one by one.
And one of the things that I try
to do and I recommend to you is
in tahajjud.
So make tahajjud fardhan yourself.
Pray tahajjud every single day without missing it.
And in sujood, in sajdah, in tahajjud.
Thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for what
he has given you.
Start with the fact that he gave you
Start with the fact that he called you.
Ibn Taymiyyah rahmatullahi again, he said that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala made me miss tahajjud
for a month because of what I did.
And whatever it was and this is what
he meant.
And he said that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala made me miss.
So when Allah is calling you to tahajjud,
this is the greatest sign of the mercy
of Allah on you.
This is the greatest sign of the favor
of Allah on you.
That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is allowing
you into his darbar, into his court, into
his presence, into his glorious and magnificent presence.
At a time when he himself, Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala descends to the first heaven in a
manner that suits his majesty and grace.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, who
is there who needs anything from me, let
him ask and I will give him.
Who is there who needs my protection, let
him ask and I will protect him.
Who is there who needs my forgiveness, let
him ask and I will forgive him.
This is the meaning of the hadith.
This is the time when Allah is telling
us, come and I will give you.
Du'a can be done at any time
and we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to accept our du'as.
But what about the time for du'a
that is specified by Allah?
And Allah himself says, come to me at
this time and I will give you.
Subhanallah, what is better than that?
And the fact that you and I woke
up, the fact that we woke up our
spouses, the fact that we woke up whoever
else we love and we recommend this and
the fact that we stand before Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala in tahajjud, that we worship
him, that we make sajda and ruku, that
we cry before him and that we make
du'a to him, all of these in
themselves are signs of the rahmah of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
They're the sign of the glory and majesty
and the special consideration, the special favor that
Allah is doing on us.
And therefore, let us appreciate that and thank
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for that first.
And say, Allah, I thank you for allowing
me to pray tahajjud.
And then ask him for whatever you need
to ask him.
And in that context, I request you to
please make du'a for Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala to forgive me and to give
me and my wife Khatima bil khair, that
Allah gives us a life which is spent
in obedience to him, that Allah forgives our
sins and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grants
us death in a way that pleases him
at a time when he's pleased with us,
in a way that will reflect his forgiveness
in a way that we are in sujood
and tahajjud insha'Allah.
And I make this du'a for all
of you.
Wa sallallahu ala nabiyyil kareem wa ala alihi
wa sahbihi ajma'in bi rahmatil kahfir wa
barakir wa rahmeena wa alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin.