Quranic teaching methodology 00:10
First Priority 10:50
Shaping attitudes 21:33
Teaching Life Skills 28:42
Teaching through Project 41:06
Project Oceans 41:42
Project Mountains 47:04
Teaching them to Think and Question 51:21
Study of Seerah 53:25
Bringing Theology Alive 54:22
Mirza Yawar Baig – Integrated Teaching – Part 2

AI: Summary ©
The title of Islam is a combination of the two, not a stand-alone thing, but rather a combination of the two. The title is not a stand-alone thing, but rather a combination of the two. The importance of learning to deal with negative emotions and personal growth is emphasized. The need for metrics and personal growth is emphasized, as it is the only way to achieve success. The importance of discipline and learning is emphasized, and the need for students to be mindful of their words and practice writing to achieve success is emphasized. The importance of learning and practicing is emphasized, and the need for students to be mindful of their words and practice learning to fulfill their purpose is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
Alhamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah
having spoken about schooling and so on. So what we talked about what is wrong with schooling currently and what needs to be done, I want to now come to the
detailed mechanics of what needs to be done and you want to begin with the Quranic methodology of teaching as prescribed in the Quran. One of the important things to understand is that Islam, there is no contradiction. There is no gap between theology and science between teaching of religion and teaching of secular or so called secular subjects. I don't like the term secular subject, because it assumes that the subject has no relation to Allah subhanho data, but obviously, any knowledge of any guide comes from Allah Subhana Allah Jalla. So technically speaking, even though
part of knowledge may not be theology as such meaning religious scientists, but every knowledge no matter what that knowledge is, that is divinely inspired. It has a divine connection. And that is how human beings know what it is whether it's physics or chemistry, or biology or anything like astronomy or whatnot. So therefore, but just for us to understand, I'm using this term secular knowledge or secular teaching, but I want to clarify that I don't mean it in that way. So now, when we look at the Quranic teaching methodology, let us see what Allah subhanaw taala
said about teaching itself very, very specifically, Allah subhanaw taala, before he mentioned the methodology of teaching, he bred people of intelligence, and he measured them and he said, what it is that distinguishes them?
Well, as Martha said, in the eyes of
Allah, ours we live in a regime which will
aim Rahim in
room, via Corona visa.
A lot of
people have intelligence, and he he, he braved them. And he said that in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day of the night, there are signs for
people of intelligence, there is a lecture of mine or
you can listen to that separately. But here, Alan and described Who are these people under the Quran, Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah by people of intelligence are people of knowledge people understanding,
are people who recognize their Rabu recognize their Creator and who remember him standing, sitting and lying down the three stages of a human beings existence. So it means that who are people of intelligence, those who recognize their Creator, and then who remember the creator in every aspect of their life, will remember the creator in their private space, who remember the creator in their public space, who remember the creator when they are with themselves, who remember the creator when they are with other people who remember the creator when they are reflecting remember the creator when they are interacting, who remember the creator when they are dealing with people who remember
the creator when they are standing before him general on their own, who remember the creator when they are speaking to a million people in the in on the global on a global platform, who remember that create a meaning what meaning that they are obedient to the Creator, because remembering the creator and disobeying him and simultaneously is oxymoronic. It does not make any sense. So remembering Allah subhanaw taala means to accept and understand and recognize Allah subhanho wa Taala and then to be obedient to Him.
So, this is the issue of
the other people and then what did Allah say? He described that he said these are the people who do this, and why Coronavirus amatola is that they do this and they do research. They do figure they do reflection they do thinking they do conceptualizing they
put themselves deeply into the creation of the heavens and the earth.
Everything that comes under the umbrella of science and technology and discovery and research is covered by this all that we are doing currently and all that we will
do in the future with the LIDAR, which we do not do currently because you don't know what as Allah opens the doors for those although when they come into the realm of science and technology, all of them are covered by this phrase in the Quran, yet a Corona vehicle
everything is speaker vehicle.
So, Martha described two related qualities of people of intelligence, first quality, Allah described the two qualities and described the relationship and priority of these two qualities first quality they recognize the rub gela gelato and they are obedient to Him. And second quality is and Allah did not say a word of Allah did not say.
Allah said why. So
if you take the sentence itself, and lesbian is Khurana Hakeem odawara. You know him, Karuna.
If you write this as a as a sentence in Arabic, grammatically it is correct.
But the meaning is completely different. The meaning of that is there are two kinds of intelligent people, those who remember Allah and those who are scientists and technologists, those who who research in the creation. But that's not what the is the thing that is saying there is only one kind of intelligent person, not two kinds of intelligent people, only one kind of intelligent person who's that, who remembers Allah and who does this.
So there is no dichotomy or there is no gap or gulf between theology and science in Islam. theology is part of science and finance is part of the top part of theology. And that's why we say integrated teaching and education. It is integrated, we are the ones who broke it apart.
Allah says Allah, Allah, Allah, one of the greatest scholars of this of the subcontinent. He said this over 100 years ago
about it that that lecture is published. He said this over 100 years ago, he said that the greatest crime that was committed this is a subset of making, the biggest mistake we made was to separate Allah from the creation is to separate religious knowledge from scientific knowledge.
He said, People imagined that religious knowledge meant to go and sit in one place.
And that knowledge meant to run a shop or do research or be a scientist and so on. He said, this is the biggest mistake we made to separate religious knowledge from so called secular knowledge. He said that is not the concept of Islam. The concept of Islam is to live in this world to live in this world, according to the rules of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. It is a bother to run a business in a halal way according to Islamic principles is a bad
the businessman is actually engaged in the worship of Allah subhanaw taala while he's buying and selling, and the same thing applies across the board, you name the profession, as long as the person who's doing that profession is a Muslim recognizes Allah and lives his life according to the orders of Allah and does that business or does that activity the whatever it is, according to the principles of Islam and the Sunnah of Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that person he or she is engaged in a battle, that person is engaged in worship, and that is how the order of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
I have not created the jinn or the inside for anything other than my worship. This is how that becomes possible.
Allah does not give an order that cannot be obeyed. Allah does not make a statement that is not true. So when Allah said I have not created human beings or jinn for anything other than my, than my worship, then it means that to live this life 100% every single action of my life must become a bar must become worship. Otherwise the Quran statement cannot be true.
We know the statement is true. How do you make it worship by this? This is what Allah subhanaw taala taught
him via Karuna via Allah and Allah then told us what is the automatic result of teaching and learning in this sequence? What is the result? Rama Rama holla
the person who remembers the meeting with a lot of analysts and says Oh Allah, you did not create all this. All of this is not a joke. It's not placed not a gift. All of this has been done for a purpose. And Oh Allah save me from the hellfire.
This is the beauty of the Quran. So if somebody ever asked you a question and say Islam in Islam, what about
As you already read the precise
individual Kesava De La Villa de la ilaha illa De
Hoya de correo de Coronavirus.
This is the meaning of teaching and learning in Islam.
So let's take this and say therefore
what should be the first priority in schools?
This applies equally to parenting believing.
schools we talked about the first part therefore is recognized
without the first criterion of learning, so recognize Allah subhanaw taala connect to Allah teach students how to connect to Allah. Tell me how would you teach students how to connect Allah?
How can you teach students, your children or your students how can you teach them how to connect to Allah? How
you to be connected?
How else is there another way?
Another way
not connected? I don't know I have no clue. I have no connection with Allah. But I want you to connect to Allah is it possible
the only way I can help you to connect to Allah is if I am connected is I'm not connected I cannot connect you
the charger will convey the current into your phone battery only if the charger is plugged into the source of power
simply take the charger stick it into the wall nothing
the data does not create the power power is our
number one number two introduce them. Why?
that is how we can make every action of his into anybody by walk by home by following the tsunami
How can I make my accent How can I make my drinking water into a bottle by drinking water the way Muhammad Rasul Allah drank water
and across the board, I mean I can give you a million examples I don't need to give them you can give them to yourself. Every single action of our becomes an action of ivara if it is done according to the Sunnah of Muhammad Rasul Allah.
And when I say no, it means there must be a connection with masala It must be the love of Muhammad, Mohammed Salah Solomon is number three make the ACA real for them? How can they become real for them? When it is real for me?
Do I really seriously believe that I will be resurrected? After I die?
There's a question we ask ourselves, do I really believe this?
I know I will say that.
But do I really seriously believe that once I'm dead, I will be resurrected and I will start the war Allah.
If I seriously believe that then that has to be reflected in my life. There is no other way.
If my life does not reflect my belief in the era, then I do not have that belief in the
number one, enable them to love the Quran.
And I would ask these guys to then you also have a series of six or seven lectures on how to teach Quran to
enable them to love the Quran, believe me, the way we teach the Quran is a crime.
We teach the parent purely by rote, which is the parent purely by character recognition which is just natural. They recognize a letter and they learn how to make the sound that corresponds to that letter.
We do nothing else. We do not even teach them the meaning of the Quran.
And May Allah forgive me there are people who have so called scholars who have argued with me and I don't fight anybody but
one of them walked off and doesn't say salam to me.
Because I said, teach the meaning of the Quran. This is my crime and on the Day of Judgment, I will tell us about that right
Teach the meaning of the Quran
isn't a ba, ba, ba, ba,
They cannot become the gerund. They know the meaning completely insane argument as to how did this happen? Because
you mean they were reciting just like that? Just the sound they have no clue what they are saying.
Understand this very clearly we do not do this with any other book on the planets.
You read a comic book Donald Duck, you understand the meaning of what that book
but the color of Allah subhanaw taala, we have no clue what we are saying we make sounds, is it called reading?
Would you call it reading
have to change that we have to teach the Quran in a way that inspires the child, we have to teach the Quran in a way which brings tears to the eyes, we have to teach by the way which excites him with it and it completely changes his internal physiology.
Attach monitors to him his blood pressure must go up his mental activity was go up. Inspiration has to come? How would that come? If it is not even in me?
And the last one is revealed to them the secret about the sadhna? What is the secret?
I just want to what is it? It makes every action into
the secret of the soul dies, it makes every action into an action of worship.
Every action becomes an action about that action you would have taken anyway.
Because it's your need I have to eat lunch. So I will need some water I have to drink water I am thirsty and so on and so on.
How can I change an action which I will do for myself into an action of worship, which means Allah will reward me for it How? By doing it according to the Sunnah of the hammer.
That is a signal. So the first priority is teach the children all of these things and as I said, the only way to do that is if I do it first.
There is no way a teacher is going to teach that there is no way a parent is going to teach that if they are disobeying Allah subhanho wa Taala themselves, no matter how small you think that his obedience, his thinking and his obedience to be smart is the biggest disobedience.
So think about how
to achieve all of this what do we need to do?
That's terrific ation of the heart.
Separating and clearing the heart of all negative emotions.
Teach them to deal with anger, frustration,
and many more than
showing us
all of these are diseases of the heart.
All of these are cardiac problems.
These are things which affect
the heart has to be purified and removed, all of this must be clean. Then the art reflects the will of Allah subhanho
wa Taala
whatever the knowledge of the scholar must be visible in the actions of the scholar.
You can claim to have any knowledge in the world you can be that you can be,
you can be
you can be you can you can memorize it or do whatever whatever you want. If that knowledge is not visible in your actions that you do not have that knowledge. Allah subhanaw taala gave a name for people like that.
tomaselli yahiro afara Allah says they are donkeys carrying books.
They're carrying the Lord but doesn't do them any good.
Not what the donkey donkey does not benefit from the from the book. Yes, he says, The Lord is carrying the
third one. Demonstrate by personal example.
did not teach a class by talking about UCLA he taught UCLA by behaving that way.
People came to Islam because they fell in love with Mohammed Salah. Not because he convinced them by great arguments. No.
And the last one is study of Syrah and biographies.
of the zaba and biographies of anybody, not only.
Not only was
there some wonderful lessons to be learned from the biographies of people who are not Muslim, but who did great things.
as I said, the teacher must stand in the night and cry before Allah subhanaw taala asked for the help of Allah.
I always say to teachers, and I speak to her, I said, if you are if the inspiration is not in the art, go to something else.
Go do something else. Don't do violence to yourself or to the children by being a teacher, you are not fit to be a teacher. It is not the condemnation of you. Not everyone is fit for everything. No problem. Maybe you are fit to be something else. Go be that something else. Do not be a teacher. I'm not condemning you when I say you're not fit to be a teacher. No. It's just that you are not capable of that. Some of the things I want to run the marathon in the you know, in the New York Marathon, as well physically, you're not fit.
So don't do that now is I'm not condemning. You're just saying that this is not for you.
So if you're not inspired from inside to be a teacher, please, please, please do me a favor. Do yourself a favor, stop teaching.
Go get yourself another job.
And what is the sign that you are inspired?
That message is the red box.
If you are not standing in the right and crying before Allah subhana wa Tada, you're not inspired.
Then what must we do shape attitudes because everything begins with attitude.
What are the five attitudes that must be inculcated? Number one is contribution, not consumption.
Today, we have a big huge problem with an entitlement attitude that we will have. Everyone thinks they're entitled to something. I'm entitled to a government which is just unfair.
You're entitled to anything
you want the government is just unfair. You have to work for it.
You have to work for it.
am entitled to children who will look after me my whole day? No, no, no, no, sorry, you're not attached to that. You have to work for it.
Nobody is entitled to anything.
They have to work for it. Allah subhanaw taala made the rule and not making the rule.
While laserline zanni in llamada
karragarra, Allah America said for the human being there is nothing except that which he works for.
No entitlement. So these are their contribution, not consumption, humility, not arrogance.
This whole thing today of the the the the, you know, the love for publicity, everything must go onto Facebook, everything must go out this and create this and with that
completely destroys all your internal intention, the glass, everything's gone down the drain, because you're worried about how many hits on Windows?
How many likes on Facebook?
Seriously, web browsers question humility.
The greater scholar the more humble he becomes, he becomes
the opposite of what they did.
We had the example.
We have the example of atharva. We have the example of
humility across the board.
Confidence, not dependence, the ability to stand and your your party, the ability to take a stance on the basis of principles, not afraid of anybody.
How would that happen? You bring this out in schools, if you encourage that, when the student stands up and demands his right or her rights, and you are the one denying them that right then you have to stop and ask yourself this question Is it the student is like, I am wrong. That's our confidence developed.
Number four, collaboration, not competition.
destructive internal competition,
which destroys families, destroys people.
We need to collaborate we need to share our knowledge. We need to share our resources freely without asking for any return.
And number five, compassion, not selfishness.
Today in terms of the world, there is enough wealth in this world
to ensure that every single human being that is that live on the face of this earth gets three full meals, get access to good schools, get access to good and proper health care, get access to clean drinking water, get access to housing, basic needs. There is enough wealth to ensure that every single human being on the face of this earth can get access to all
of this without any problem,
then why do we have poverty?
Is it a resources issue? Or is it a compassionate?
Why do we have poverty?
You build a big mansion for yourself I
know many of our friends under level to be able to build a big mansion further, then it will seven quarters
as your question, will you live in at seven one
even for one night
if you will not live in that seven quart even for one night, if you go into that toilet in the second quarter you cannot pass because your upper class
crack will not come out in that toilet.
How do you expect that person to live in that place?
The resources are compassion.
And if you say that you are doing all of this
what are the metrics? What you do not measure? You do not control? Simple as that. If you say that in my school, I'm teaching people contribution, not consumption. What are the metrics to say that you are doing this? If you say I'm teaching my students who have humility and not arrogance, what are the metrics? What is the measurement? What is the standard? What is the criteria, which shows that this is actually happening? What you cannot measure you cannot control? There must be metrics for each one of these things.
And if you think that how can I have metrics? Well, let me give you an example from from the business world, the largest, most successful
luxury car in the American market.
And of course globally, termed as luxury car Lexus. The development of the Lexus is a very interesting story.
The engineers were developing Lexus they went to the owners of luxury cars, they went to people who want Bentleys and Rolls Royces and
the upper series in oh seven, and the use of VFW, Mercedes and so on. And they ask them questions. Like for example, they said when you sit in the back of a Rolls Royce, what do you feel?
How do you feel when you sit in the back of our roads? How do you feel when you floor the accelerator of a seven series VM?
It does a thing like this. And then
what do you feel when somebody shuts the door of a Bentley and you get this very satisfying, deep funk? He doesn't go climb like a like a tin can say What do you feel?
And then they took these within quotes, feeling touchy feely statements, and they converted them into the most concrete thing in the world, which is an engineering drawing
into actual measurements.
And that's how the lexers was born.
outsold every other car.
If you tell me that you can't have metrics for compassion and one are of course metrics.
Of course you can have metrics for how does it feel to sit in the back of a road, you can have metrics to show whether you have compassion or not.
But unless you have metrics, this will not be achieved. All of this will be some holy mother wrote statement that you are that you think you are having. You have to have magic number and
then teach life skills.
Please notice I haven't even come to visit chemistry, maths and so on.
All of this is far more important. And all of this is linked integrated with the rest of it. The first very important is the how money works.
Most of our children know how money works, take it from daddy spend it if daddy does not give as mom to get that that is the ATM machine mom is the card
that's not how money works. These them how money works, how to take money and roll it
this amount of ownership you give them a pocket money ask them make a budget
and give me an expense statement. How did you spend your pocket money?
How did you make this money on for you
even get to a situation where the medicine comes to you and says that here is a BMW is key for you. I bought the car for you. How out of my pocket money would you have been giving me for so many years?
How did the car come? No. Am I
drunk? Thank you so much for the pocket brave all these years. Yes.
That is what
that is.
Meaning of entrepreneurship and teaching them how money works. Teach them investment,
not only in material stuff, look at his expense statement, service charity, if
you do give any soda
Did you give any money to the poor?
That's investment in the IRA.
Come in hiding in the law.
Where is that
investment in your body to do?
very important. Children must know how your system works. Children must know how the constitution works. Children must know how the parliament works. Children must know how elections are run, what happens what is happening, what should happen.
Politics is the art of influencing what is not a bad word what is a very good word is the art of influencing these them that teach them conflict resolution.
Today, what is destroying this oma is lack of
one little disagreement and we are finished.
It's a cancer it's a it's a horrible cancer with this woman.
We do not know how to deal with people who disagree with us.
I teach a course in the in the FBI in the Foreign Service Institute in Washington DC,
for American Foreign Service officers and
officers of different agencies in the US.
And usually when I teach that course, I send
a presentation of what I'm going to say to the director of that course.
I sent him a presentation recently. And I got an email from him saying that he says your presentation is extremely challenging.
And it makes me very uncomfortable.
But I but my discomfort is less important than listening to you saying these things to us.
We need to have these things that to us and we need to listen to that.
So I fully support your presentation.
There's one thing I have seen
bilasa Vega general general statements obviously, like all generalizations that does not apply to every every human being. But by and large my experience of the West and I I have worked and lived there and I still live and work there
is Westerners are much more open to being challenged to being to for to dissent than to have people disagree with them, then our people,
our people a one thing you say which they don't like
your trash until that night.
To me doesn't matter because what I do whatever I do for the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala is I was not interested in your prayers are not interested in your unjustified criticism, but the point is, what does it say about your attitude? You cannot take a single critical statement about yourself and your statements. In fact, I've given you an actual fact
the fact
why is that to say that
by not saying it changes without a change is
very, very important conflict resolution negotiation skills, as they say you do not get what you want you deserve you get what you negotiate
media analysis, extremely important, most of us are media consumers.
Nothing more. We sit there and whatever junk comes to us. We don't like
you have teachers how to deal with media, how to analyze what comes out to take what what to take what not to take
and then a step a step beyond that, how to create media thought steering,
how do you present what you need to present in a way which influences people communication, spoken communication, written communication, one on one communication, public communication for different things.
discipline of the dialogue as different from discussion.
Each of these is a subject by itself. So I'm not going into the details of that but two different things. discussion is something else. Dialogue is something else. discussion is here is an issue. beggin Lupita is trying to understand dialogue is here though
Problem with five different people with five different points of view what happens, what normally happens with us?
What can happen with dialogue,
five people come together to solve the problem, it is not me versus you, it is me plus u plus u plus u plus u versus the product, the difference of opinion becomes a strength.
All of these are learnable. All of these are teachable.
And as I said here, photography, and filmmaking very important, record history.
And above are these that discipline must come from inside what is discipline, discipline is to do what needs to be done, not only what you like to do, discipline is to live by your word, you promise to do something, you must do it. No one needs to remind you, if you promise to do something, and you don't do it.
And you really can't even look in the mirror you should be you should not be able to look at your own face in the mirror. That is the meaning of discipline.
Ask people who have gone to boarding schools, I went to boarding school, as somebody who has worked who has gone who has been in the military in some way or the other. When you get home in the morning. What's the first thing you do? You make your bed
inside it comes from inside, you make your bed you do not leave your bed with the sheets and so on crumpled, even though you know somebody will come naked I do it.
My wife does it in order. Sometimes I tell her Why. Why is the housekeeping I don't care. I don't want anyone else to come into the room and find his whole bed you know, mess.
internal sense of discipline.
Teach life skills, art, drama, literature, poetry. Today we are bankrupt, to talk to and I'm not bashing young people. But I'd say by and large,
no knowledge of anything.
They've not read the classics in any language.
They've not read the classics. They have not read any poetry they don't understand what you tell them or share the beauty of poetry is have you started is encapsulated in two lines in one line.
What is the goal of that you tell the line it was what is the meaning Can you please translate?
The best way to describe what is to translate
artisan crafts, making things with your hand. This is a very therapeutic thing. And it's a very powerful thing things like carpentry, pottery and so on. Where you make things with your hand by yourself, use your hands.
Teach them to appreciate different
difference in culture, difference in religious difference in beliefs.
All kinds of differences are not. These are not used the word tolerate, according to be tolerance. And being tolerant is not the required thing. We need to appreciate.
You don't tolerate dark chocolate. We love it. You appreciate it. tolerating implies dislike.
I tolerate something which I really dislike.
Ideally, I wish that wasn't there. But since it is there, I tolerate it.
I'm saying as human beings we have to get out of this.
We have to appreciate the fact that somebody is different. As a Muslim, I need to appreciate the fact that this friend of mine is not a Muslim.
As a Hindu I need to appreciate the fact that this friend of mine worships only one God.
Very important and come from childhood has to be taught.
Teach gardening teach agriculture, econ ecology, conservation, survival skills orienteering take the child put him in the middle of somewhere he can find his way out because he knows how to how to map the map himself looking at
these demographics.
He went to a forest what do you do?
archery shooting, fishing horsemanship, not horse riding. Big difference between horsemanship and horse riding.
horsemanship is the entire gamut of not just riding the horse taking care of the animal.
That is what teaches responsibility. That's how keeping pets is a wonderful thing. Learning to train animals is a wonderful thing.
And then of course the rest of it doing hands on work and love for service.
I have lived in God village huts,
I have slept in slums
you cannot understand until you go there.
That's what he was doing them to take them there, put them there, let them understand. Teach them that value is intrinsic value is not what comes from people's praise. value is what you actually have.
The Jacob diamond has a value, whether anyone praises it or not, it has a value. There's no intrinsic value in something. And that's what gives you confidence. Doesn't matter how many prisoners in prison jomashop Abdullah said if you do not want to be hurt by unjustified criticism, do not feel happy with unjustified praise.
Teach through project.
And this is where you will understand what I meant by small class size, multiple ages, multiple teachers. Now why project because projects is a wonderful way of almost I don't like to use the word enforcing but encouraging to the point of enforcement the participation of children themselves in the learning.
In a vision map, project, learning is no longer a one way thing. It's a two way thing. The teacher is also running the student running it's a it's a dynamic relationship.
So how do you do that you choose a topic you choose. I'll give you an example. In a second, you choose a topic, and then you teach all subjects together
with the topic.
For example,
project is oceans. So here's the topic, oceans.
In this topic of motions, you are teaching biology
you're teaching chemistry,
composition of water, you're dealing physics, displacements, argument is principal displacement with lordship.
You're teaching geography navigation.
All the great navigator all the great tailors
orienteering orientation, sailing Kevlar, how do you find it?
What are the fin also related to the water? What about overland flow with saltwater?
What about baryonyx the
history maritime history of nations what is it that took a damp little island in the on the top of Europe and made it into a global power
nothing is silly
they were the people how is it that Arab dolls and the Arabs was really long before the British were anywhere near Russia?
How is it that the Arabs did not react the same way because they could not invent a ship which would cause me major ocean always selling most of the selling was on was coastal.
They wouldn't know they did not have ships which could stay at sea for months and years together
take the ship three years across the ocean Nevada was
able to sustain and able to cross
the discovered the cure for scurvy because of
lack of vitamin C produces the disability.
And somebody discovered that eating oranges help.
How did that happen? Because sellers were at the no access to vitamin C they're eating maybe fish or whatever they get those what is what's called Seabiscuit, which was like like iron
and they got into problem with scurvy joints where you know the good work and so on what is our discovered oranges and oh my god, potassium chloride
we're still on the center of the ocean. Red roots. What was the How did the Panama Canal get built? Why?
Why is the Cape of Good Hope called the Cape of Guru wise cape on called cape on not only the shape of it the tip of South America what happens at in Cape one because that's the place to Antarctica what happens with the ocean currents and so on and so forth.
Use of the edges of the fear of the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the iron of the oceans, where are those oceans Where are the iron, looking at the bottle of it related to that I had this of the ocean as is of fish and so on.
These are stories of mariners stories of of, of Sahaba, and so forth, and other people all of this.
On the same on one topic. You've got them all the subjects and more on one topic which is called that
The meaning of project. Now what happens here also is you're not just standing there giving lectures, no, no lectures, students are given the opportunity to discover all of this on their own. And as I told you today, we have this fantastic situation where all of the knowledge and more is available free of cost on the internet.
We have books of every kind.
So in the project teaching, students are formed into groups, multiple age groups, to subject teachers are there so there's a biology teacher, there's a physics teacher and so on and so forth. Not all the teachers are there at the same time, but on different days.
A class teacher is there to keep track of the students because that class is a staple the students throughout the school throughout throughout the school life.
And they discover they go they do research, they come back they produce things they present, then the teacher will add value to that presentation
and enrich their presentation experience. go sailing, take them silly, take them to a fish or camp on the seashore. Listen to the sound of the waves as you're lying in your in your in your tent. What does it do for you inside?
catch fish cook fish. eat fish.
That is the minute my magic is like this.
You won't have students who fall asleep in the class.
That is the meaning of project that's the meaning of integrating
across America or America margin.
Margin Bahraini has been barato as I
said, He's the one who led us these two solids and freshwater seas together and there's a wall between them
which cannot be crossed. Ways This
document is what
who was asked this question who was asked this question.
Take another project, say mountain.
Talk about geology.
Allah subhanaw taala talked about mountains aspect while Jeevan Tada. That's a geology statement.
Mountains are pegs which anchor the tectonic plates which stabilizes the earth. So
this is
integrating of knowledge.
With abundance. What is the root of a mountain? How do you measure the height of a mountain?
Don't walk around, don't climb the mountain with a string and then measure the string. How do you do that? What is the meaning of triangulation?
In other words,
how do you measure the weight of a mountain
can be done?
How do you measure the volume of rotten
product teaching? You're teaching math.
You're teaching geometry
geography or history.
How did mountains
what the mountains do with regard to rain for example, what is the windward side the leeward side of a mountain? Why is there rain on one side of the mountain more and then the other side? How are mountain deserts Why is why is lava desert.
When is this side of the mountain
you're teaching geography add precipitation, add monsoon,
biology, monitor flora, fauna and so on and so forth history How did mountains affect the area and in this country is a classic case of our mountains affected the history of the internet for centuries.
The Sierra mountain
this mountain is something that a lot of gentlemen, is right
now in Medina recently and
beautiful statement which Bobby told him and he said that she said I believe you told him that he bought this and we thought of his visor. He said that she said to him, that this is the thing that when you are looking at it, you know that this
also saw exactly as it is
a model in the same way
even today
did not pay the wages today.
But all his only thing
so understanding and looking at all this avala
Allah put these things in the hearts of people, may Allah bless you and keep the heart like that.
the thoughts from Allah subhanho wa Taala
so I had this and then go camping and mountains
are getting a course in the police academy
in Dragon and then after the course finished I went with better levels with
some of the
officers we went up to a place called the warrior card which is 20,000 feet up and we can see the light blue fantastic lake in the middle. And there's a little amount of top and recovery that if you wake up in the morning, good morning, and you when you wake up in the morning we see the reflection of the thresholds the three peaks of snow peaks Mrs. This is a reflection of that in that lake water side swamp. And the lady is completely written with Rhododendron bushes, which were in flower.
So it was like completely covered in black flowers totally. And reflection of the
other one a
totally different view of what is a mountain what is
that is the issue that that is what getting me rambling.
I start I put on the tip of vinegar, which is an important
step into the HANA with Rob. And look down there. 500 feet set up
to rock
that's how
you conquer your fear. Once you go down now you're having great fun because you know how to control the ropes and therefore you don't fall
This is a meaning climb Kilimanjaro
climb Mount ranier
all of these attacks you can do that
to get very Fujiyama
education, absolutely tragic, as well as Kilimanjaro.
Otherwise, Mount Rainier
coming to the end of our presentation, therefore very important for us to teach them to think and questions
not just taken back
to them to question them to ask questions to them to the ask why not? Why something? Why not? Why can't Why can't I walk on water?
Is that a legitimate question or no?
Well, why not?
What is the physics behind it? Why can't I walk on water?
So what if this happened? The art is is angled at a particular angle. So what if that angle is changed by two degrees?
dissension disagreement, intelligent disagreement. How to do that close the loopholes? I don't I don't like there's no problem. So how would you like
to deal with it? Not to say Why? I don't like no.
Study the zero
part of curriculum part of syllabus study this year because Allah subhanaw taala said lacob can Allah
Allah, Allah is the best example for you is the life of an RV. How can we studied
this to
study the Sierra study biographies, not only of the hava, tava of Muslims or non Muslims, show how
the ethics values morals, principles, systems
are applicable even today.
I wrote this book called leadership lessons from the library.
For the same reason, same thing for the seventh century are applicable today because the world is still the same, the forces that are happening and if we follow what the prophets are did we can become highly successful in today's world, make Santa Maria to them.
Bring theology alive.
This may not apply to all schools, but definitely bring theology. Bring it alive. Show them why, when they are teaching history, tell them ask them the question. This is what happened. What would you have done in this situation?
Today we teach history in a very, very,
very bad way. Without any integrity we cherry pick bits and pieces from history.
One little piece from me a wonderful piece from there in the middle, believe it or not why? lessons of history come sometimes from very unpleasant things which happened. Like we learn from pain unless we are willing to talk about
Those things unless we're willing to extract lessons from them, we'll never learn anything.
So read history, do not read only
read writers who are not Muslim who are critical, because that's how your eyes and ears open nothing wrong with that we must read, we have to differentiate between criticizing and critical analysis, this is a problem with us. We think critical analysis is critical. We're not criticizing anybody. We're looking at critical analysis in this situation, what was the options available to so and so and so on? So, what did they do? What would have happened if they had done something else?
That is what will give us lessons for our lives today.
Because the situation we had the the actual situation is different, but the principles are the same. How the conflict happened, what was it a conflict between is different, but do we have conflict situations today?
Of course.
So how would you deal with a conflict?
That is very, very important for us to understand that we need to relate theology and Islamic sciences to our modern life, only then will they make sense. And only then will people be encouraged to see value in them. And then to practice.
final two slides, the purpose of teaching is to change lives.
Not simply accumulate discrete bits of information, and regurgitate them on demand.
It is to change life, because only when we understand this,
then we can apply knowledge in productive ways in positive ways.
And that's why we need to teach information, we need to connect it by integrating it. And we need to teach the tools, critical analysis, critical thinking
ideating scenario planning all of these are tools of how to deal with knowledge. They have to be learned. They're not difficult, but somebody has to be there wants to learn it.
Finally, the question my brother sisters is,
which I asked myself
is if Islam cannot change my life in this world, how can it help me?
If I say I'm a Muslim, and my Islam doesn't even help me in this life,
then how is this Islam would help me?
So is the issue Islam? Or is the issue the fact that I'm not following Islam?
If I'm sitting in a car, I'm getting the latest BMW.
Absolutely fantastic car I'm sitting there I'm saying this car is taking me nowhere. car doesn't take you anywhere you have dead the car.
You have to drive the car.
So is the fault of the characters still in the same place? Is it the fault of the car? Or is it a fault that you're not driving the car?
That is our issue is Islam? issues not Islam?
Islam has the potential to make us the most beloved people on the face of the planet. Are we there?
Islam has the potential to make us the most influential people on the face of the planet. Are we then
why are we not? Because like that, because then you're sitting there.
We don't either.
We have to drive our car which is Islam, which means we have to practice Islam, not bits and pieces. Fully.
Official Mika.
Allah says oh believe enter into Islam completely and fully every aspect of life must be according to Islam.
Do not follow the footsteps of Jeddah in our Komodo movie, he is your worst and most clear enemy.
Only then will we be able to fulfill our purpose and once we fulfill our purpose, inshallah.
Short as is our own history, Allah will give you leadership. Allah gives leadership to those who are not toxic. Allah give leadership to those who are positive, and who
can do good. You might name people at MIT or what about so and so he is a toxic leader. Yes. Allah sometimes sends toxic leaders to punish the others.
Not giving them he's not giving them leadership. Hitler was a very toxic leader. What are
your thoughts on that? And after that, every every every sign of him was wiped off from the face of the earth. Genghis Khan was a very toxic leader. He wrote for a time he wrote a huge
Got a huge empire. But after that every sign of is, is gone.
So don't get intimidated by not Donald Trump is elected.
So what
he will say will show us whether Donald Trump will just be
around for a while. So whether you're going to be toxic or not toxic and so on, and Steve will tell us
why it is not Trump The point is not anybody The point is me and you
what is the I can do? What is it that you can
send us to take from him and give to the rest of the world.
That's why we came we came to give we did not come to take.
We are going
to be pleased with you to make this natural source of benefit. All of this is open source information most welcome ticket to our schools use it Enjoy yourselves, Angela create some
sense of goodness which will come back and help all of our other example send you this
lecture itself, plus the video will come plus all the readings and so on. So what was our complete take advantage of Salalah will carry around he was average right?