Mirza Yawar Baig – Iman bil Ghayb #1 Rational or not

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of the book of Islam and its significance in being a believer. They emphasize the importance of belief in the unseen and the Raib, and explain their past experiences studying under a western education system. They also discuss the meaning of "imm interactive" and "mon tempting" in relation to "imm interactive" and "mon tempting," and stress the importance of being a moderate or even a extreme Muslim. They advise the audience to be careful with their language and to be careful with their beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, we remind ourselves because

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to remind the reminder is beneficial for the

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I want to remind myself and you and

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this is the 4th in the series of,

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Khatira that I'm doing

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the issue of the authority of the book

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of Allah.

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Want to remind myself with you about the

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meaning of Iman Bilhayb.

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Iman Bilhayb

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believe in the unperceivable.

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you might wonder at my translation because if

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you read any English translation,

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Iman Bilhayb

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translated as belief in the unseen.

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I submit to you that that is a

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wrong translation.

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It is not unseen

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because there are many things which cannot be

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but which

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we know are there

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because we use other senses. For example, do

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we know can we see air? Can we

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see oxygen?

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Can we see love? Can we see any

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Can we see viruses?

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Did we meet the coronavirus?

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Can we see radio waves? Can we see

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the waves that take our messages, on our

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on the on phones and so on and

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so forth.

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And I can go on and make a

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long list. I'm sure that's unnecessary. I'm sure

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you all understand that.

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And you can make your own list.

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There are many, many, many things that we

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that are unseen

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and even cannot be seen. I mean, you

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know, if you want to see air, you

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can never see it.

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But they are there. I mean, there is

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they're certainly not in the right. They are

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very much.

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So right really means something which is unperceivable,

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meaning which cannot be seen, heard, which cannot

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be perceived by any of our senses.

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Not only not perceived by our senses today,

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but something which can never be perceived by

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human senses

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till the end of

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For example,

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what happens in the grave after we die?

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For example, what happens on the day of

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judgment when we are raised before Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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For example, the nature, the actual,

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you know,

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nature and the,

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the scenes,

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of Jannah,

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the nature of Jahannam.

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All of these and more are things which

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are not just unseen, but unperceivable.

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believing in them

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is something that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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upon us and described as 1 of the

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or the first quality, not just 1 of

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the, but the first quality

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of the believer.

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Because Allah

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Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala, he be in

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the beginning of Surah Al Baqarah,

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the meaning of which only Allah knows and

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Allah said,

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Allah said

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the Quran,

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there is a book in which there is

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no doubt.

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This is guidance for the people of Taqwa

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and then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala described the

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the characteristics,

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the the distinguishing

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the way in which

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you would recognize

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a muttaqi,

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recognize somebody, a person of taqwa. And the

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first of them Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said,

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These are the people who have belief and

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faith in the unperceivable.

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This is a fundamental quality

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of being a believer.

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Faith in the unperceivable,

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not just unseen. So,

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I'm spending so much time on this because,

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this links directly

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to our email,

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and, therefore, it is something which is of

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such great and critical importance.

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These are the people who have iman in

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the grave.

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And then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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closed that

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topic and that's that set of ayat

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by saying,

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And in the,

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these people have complete

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and total

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certainty, complete and totally again.

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They're absolutely there's no doubt

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in their minds about the.

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Now the is 1 of the things

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which is from Al Raip.

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So therefore, the belief in the Raib

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is absolutely critical to Islam.

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Somebody who does not have belief in the

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ceases to be a Muslim because Allah

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made this as a precondition

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of iman as a distinguishing feature of people

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faith and belief. Now

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the reason I'm saying this is because,

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there is a there is a tendency and

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there is a trend, and this happens all

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the time in in the world,

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among educated people, meaning western educated people like

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myself for

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them. Right? Majority of my education is western,

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business school,

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Applied Behavioral Science. I went to,

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1 of the best English medium schools

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in the country when I as a child,

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and so on and so on and so

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on. So,

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total western,

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education. But, alhamdulillah, to save my soul and

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to save my grace, I also went to

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a mother's side. I also studied under an

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and not 1 but several of them, you

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know, series of very eminent scholars.

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And so therefore, that that saved my iman.

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And I come from a family which is

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you know, deeply practicing religious

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people. My father,

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the the thing that I remember about my

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about my father, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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bless him and forgive him and fill his

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cover with noor, is the fact that he

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never in his life as far as I

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know ever missed the Hajj. It is something

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that was, you know, with him,

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his entire life. So anyway, the point I'm

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making here is that Iman Belhaib is absolutely

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to our, to, to being a Muslim. And

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this is something which many of us who,

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either grew up in the west or born

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in the west or,

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both or, are influenced by western thinking and

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we tend to,

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some of some of us tend to have

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a different view,

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and we like to call that being rational.

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Right? Being rational.

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I want you to think very carefully about

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the words that we use in our

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conversation because words have meaning, and I don't

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just mean the literally dictionary meaning.

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Words have

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A word has a certain meaning. For example,

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has a very heavy and a very

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powerful meaning. The opposite of freedom is slavery.

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So freedom is also a good word within

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If you take, for example,

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rational, using the same word, rational is a

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very good word. Right? Because the opposite of

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rational is irrational, meaning crazy, meaning insane, meaning

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being mad, meaning somebody who has no ability

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to critically

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understand and analyze,

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any information. Right? So that's not a nice

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situation to be in. So being rational has

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a very powerful meaning.

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And so also there are many other words,

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moderate, for example. This is a wonderful word,

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and therefore, when you say I'm a, I'm

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a moderate Muslim,

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we have to ask ourselves that what exactly

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do you mean by moderately Muslim. Right? What

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does it mean moderate Muslim?

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Meaning I'm not completely Muslim. Does it mean

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that does it mean that I'm not,

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well, III practice some things, which are nice

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and convenient, and I don't practice other things

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which are not so convenient. What is it?

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What is what is moderate mean? Because the

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opposite of moderate is extreme.

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So in an extreme be I'm an extreme

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Muslim. I'm an extremist. No. I'm not.

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But what would you call somebody who completely

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ins who insists on completely following Islam,

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in letter and in spirit without any change?

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Right. So give it some thought and say,

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well, what are they what are the meanings

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of words? So be very careful what words

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you use. So this 1,

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rational that we are talking about here,

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is saying that,

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a believer is somebody who believes in

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and not just believes in but believes in

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to add the level of your kin, believes

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in at the level

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of total certainty

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in things that he or she cannot possibly

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using any of their senses

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or using any instrument of any kind.

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Right? Now ask yourself, is that rational?

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Because if you are,

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saying it is not rational, then you are

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saying that you do not have this belief.

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if you are saying it is rational, then

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the question to ask yourself is what is

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the definition

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of rational?

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What is rational according to me? Now this

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is not a matter of semantics. I'm not

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trying to teach you, you know, English, semantics

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or meaning of the grammar. I'm just submitting

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to you and to myself. I'm asking the

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same question which is that it is essential

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for us to believe with

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not blind faith. There's no blind faith in

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Islam. In Islam, it's it's faith with knowledge,

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with understanding.

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So is my faith with knowledge and understanding?

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And if it is with knowledge and understanding,

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how do I reconcile

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the issue of believing

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something believing in something which is not just

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by me today, but which is unperceivable.

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Let me leave this with you,

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in the next,

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we will develop this further,

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But for the moment, just think about this

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and say,

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is my belief,

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first of all, do I believe

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in Allah? Do I believe in

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the divine,

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was human. He was not divine, but the

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messenger his messengership

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is divine,

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divinely guided,

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ordained for him.

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Do I believe my my belief in the

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the on the day of judgment,

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belief in belief in,

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Jannah and Jahannam,

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my belief, before that day in what happens

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in the grave and so on, what happens

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after death. All of these beliefs, are they

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rational or not? So let me leave you

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with that.

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