Mirza Yawar Baig – Iman bil Ghayb #03 Be careful

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of acknowledging negative comments about the Quran is emphasized, as it is not necessary to avoid them. Going against negative language marks and staying with the right people is also advised. The speaker warns of the negative impact of people saying things like they want to change and warns of the consequences of those statements. Islam needs reform and upgrading, but not just for pleasure. The speaker emphasizes the importance of evolution and reform in Islam and warns of the negative consequences of people saying things like they want to change.
AI: Transcript ©
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Muhammad brothers and sisters we come to the

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I think probably the final one of these

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is to be careful

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with how we talk about

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these matters of Duaib

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because all of these matters of Duaib by

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are the word of Allah

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either expressed directly in the Quran

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or expressed

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Rasool Allah SWALLAM

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in his Sunnah

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Both of them are the word of Allah.

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Just to give you an example,

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take Isra wal Mi'raj

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in the Quran,

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it is one line which is

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which relates to the journey from,

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Makkah to Jerusalem and onwards.

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And Allah

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said we took our slave very clearly.

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The details of it, all the details of

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which we hear in,

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lectures and whatnot about,

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the and

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and the opening of the chest of

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his heart being washed and

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all the rest of it, including all the

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hadith related to

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the journey itself, the 7 heavens, what they

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saw there, and all that. All of these

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are in the sunnah

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of those are not in the Quran. Now

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when we say our iman

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Bilhayb is the condition of iman, condition of

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faith, then please understand

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that if somebody says that Rasool Allah did

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not undertake this journey or he says that

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this is does not make sense,

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or they say, well, you know, this was

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it was it was allegorical

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statement. It's not a literal statement.

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He didn't go in person.

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saw all of this in a dream.

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He, you know, the the things that he

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saw and so forth, these are,

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well, I I don't believe in them. Now

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anyone who's saying any of that, if that

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person is a Muslim ceases to be a

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Muslim for the simple reason that by saying

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that this person is denying

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the Quran

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either directly

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or in its meaning.

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who speaks against or denies

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any ayat of the Quran,

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even if it is 1. For example,

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or denies or goes against or speaks against

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any ayat of the Quran.

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No matter what it is,

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for example the ayats relating to

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the innocence of say the

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and the fact that she had been slandered

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against and that Allah

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10 11th.

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So to no

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exonerating her from any blame

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and giving,

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prescribing punishment for those people who,

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who tried,

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you know, who who tried to slander her

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and so on.

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All of this,

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if somebody says that,

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I don't believe that she was innocent, then

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this person has left Islam.

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any matter which Allah has made haram,

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if someone says

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this is not haram it is halal,

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this person has left Islam.

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And vice versa, if some Allah has made

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something halal and someone says this is not

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halal, then this person has left Islam.

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made interest

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all forms of interest, interest based banking,

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haram. If somebody denies that and says, no.

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No. No. This is okay.

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Either because

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now times have changed or because we are

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in a different country,

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and so forth, then this person has left

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Islam because they are

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denying the hormat the

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what Allah has made Haram they are saying

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it is not Haram. Please understand this very

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that even though the person who is saying

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this may not be indulging in that himself

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or herself. For example, a person may not

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have any interest based dealings in their life.

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They are not doing it, but they're saying

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that it is not necessary.

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It is that that interest based dealings

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are permissible.

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There is no problem with that. You can

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do it because times have changed. Now ask

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are you doing it? No. I don't do

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it. I don't need it. I don't need

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a loan. I'm not borrowing.

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But if someone is doing that, nothing wrong.

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This person has left Islam.

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What Allah made for? For example, Allah made

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salah for. Allah made zakat for. Allah made

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Hajj for, Allah made fasting in Ramadan for.

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If somebody says it is not necessary,

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to pray, it is not necessary to pay

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zakat. It is not necessary

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to fast in Ramadan. It is not compulsory.

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It is not compulsory to do Hajj

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when you can when you are able to

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do that, if you can afford it. If

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anyone just says these things, even though they

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may be paying Zakat, they may be doing

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all of this. If they just say that

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it is not required,

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this person has left Islam. Please understand I'm

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not doing fatwas here. I'm just telling you

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with the principles of our being.

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Anyone who denies an ayat of the Quran

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has left Islam.

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And that is the reason why it is

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so so so clear and so important

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to make sure

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that not only do we stay with the

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right people,

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and that we

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listen to the right things

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when we,

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even though you may not be doing something,

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if you

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say that it's okay,

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then you have left Islam. Just to give

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you another example, we will have said. Allah

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subhanahu wa

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intoxicants which is alhamal means

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literally means

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the said, this extends to any form of

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And then which is gambling,

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and this extends to any form of gambling.

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this is, you know, casting arrows for fortune

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telling and all of that kind of stuff.

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Allah said these are the filthiest acts from

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the acts of shaitan.

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So they're not merely haram, they're worse than

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Stay away from first, then you could stay

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away from them. Lie down the floor if

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you want to be successful.

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Perhaps you'll be successful. Now,

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if somebody

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is an alcoholic and this person is drinking

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alcohol and you ask him you say why

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are you drinking? It is haram. And the

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person says you know I am I'm this

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is my weakness I am trying my best

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to keep the habit I'm not able to

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succeed I'm really very sorry I

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I ask Allah to forgive me and so

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on. But the person is actually drinking alcohol.

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Believe me, that person is a sinner. That

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person is committing a major sin, but the

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person can look forward to forgiveness of Allah's

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that if the person has not left Islam.

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On the other hand, if there's another person

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who said, you know, alcohol is alcohol, but,

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you know, marijuana is okay.

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Fentanyl is okay. Whatever. Right? Which is other

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If they say these are okay,

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doesn't apply. The person may not be using

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them themselves, but because the person is saying

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that something which Allah has made haram is

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this person has exited Islam. This person has

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become a mortal person who left Islam. So

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please be very very careful in

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what you say and how you say it

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because if you say the same thing,

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if if you say something with believing that,

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obviously, we're not saying somebody just says, you

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know, lose mouth. We're saying somebody is saying

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that with belief. For example, one of the

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common things that we hear from time to

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time, and hopefully, may Allah forgive these people.

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You know, people will get,

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overwhelmed in the west because we have, like,

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you know, god knows how many brands of

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Christianity. We have, even Judaism, which is

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not as open as that, but still you

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modern Jews, you have reformed Jews,

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then of course this is not everyone is

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ultra orthodox.

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So people say well you know Islam also

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needs reform.

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Islam needs reform. Now think about it. Allah

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said about Islam

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said, today I have

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perfected your faith. I have completed my blessing

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on you, my name on you and I

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have chosen Islam for you as your religion.

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So Allah is saying what Allah is saying

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that Islam is complete, Islam is perfect,

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Islam does not need improvement, Islam does not

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need change, Islam does not need upgrading,

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Islam does not need anything. Islam

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is complete and perfect

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as it is, as it was when this

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Ayat was revealed

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to Rasool Allah Subhassalam. Now

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Islam does not need upgrading. Islam does not

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improvement. Islam does not need any alteration

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for any reason by anybody. But if somebody

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says that Islam really we should evolve, Islam

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should evolve, Islam

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law should be changed.

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For example, if somebody says these, Hudud punishments,

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the the criminal law of Islam is brutal.

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It is,

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it is, very unfair.

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If people say that, you know, inheritance that

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is given to women, which is half of

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what is given to men is unfair, it

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is not just, it is unjust

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and so forth.

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Such statements, if they are stated with that

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then these statements

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take you out of Islam.

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You become a non Muslim. Please understand this.

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This is as serious as that when you

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die you will die without Islam, and we

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know what happens to that.

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Please understand also that if you if you

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say these things, it's not as if you're

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going to grow horns and a and a

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tail. Nobody will know except you and Allah,

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and may Allah protect us from that. When

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we face Allah, we will face him as

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people who did not believe, as people who

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left Islam. And that's the reason why it's

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very important also to keep be careful about

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the company we keep because and I want

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to end with this. Rasool Allah stated very

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clearly. Allah

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Do not sit with them

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until they change the topic.

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And if you do that you will also

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be like them. Allah said,

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Allah said

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as has he has

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has already revealed to you in the book

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that when you hear Allah's revelations, Allah's ayat

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being denied

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or ridiculed

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then do not sit in that company

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they engage in a different topic, unless they

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change the topic

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or else you will be like them.

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Surely Allah will gather

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the hypocrites and disbelievers

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together in *.

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So please understand, if you are in a

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gathering and people start saying things like this,

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that this is fair, not fair, that is

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not fair, This is not right. That is

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not right. Islam should evolve. We should become

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meaning that Islamic belief as it is irrational.

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That's the implication of using the term. As

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I told you, words and meanings and these

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meanings are loaded with socio political,

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derivation and sociopolitical,

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shadows. So

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what must you do? Get up and walk.

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Take use your legs. Allah gave you 2

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legs. Use your legs. Go away. Don't sit

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with those people. Don't sit with so don't

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sit in those,

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groups because if you continue to sit in

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that group and they are

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speaking like that and you are listening, then

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you will be counted with them.

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By their statements, they have left Islam. By

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you are sitting there silently,

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you also would be counted with them. I

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don't wish that on you. I don't wish

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that on myself. So if you are in

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a position, stand up and deny that,

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refute them. If you are not in that

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position, get up and walk away. There are

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no other there's no third alternative. Right? And

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it doesn't matter whether those people are related

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to you or not. It makes no difference.

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Makes no difference. Please understand. I want to

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end with this hadith of Muhammad al Salam,

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which is a Sahih Hadith. He said that

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the decline

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and the demise and the destruction of Bani

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when there

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somebody among them would do something haram, would

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say something haram, would indulge in something haram.

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But the people of knowledge,

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maybe the rabbis, maybe somebody else with knowledge

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point it out to them. They would criticize

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them. They would say, look, you are doing

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something wrong. Right? So all good until now.

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But those people doing wrong would not stop,

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And now the problem starts.

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And when they did not stop and they

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continue to do the wrong thing,

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these people of knowledge

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which is the rabbis, which is the the

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the other people. These people of knowledge

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to maintain their relationship with those people doing

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because they said they are from our community,

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they are from our brotherhood,

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they are from our family and tribe and

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so on and so forth. Different reasons

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and they continued their association

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with the people who were in effect denying

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Allah and Rasool in their case, Musa

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and Allah and Aviso Salam said that is

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the beginning of their decline,

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in the sight of Allah.

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Don't let,

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images deceive you into believing

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that they are successful. They are not.

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Success and failure depends on the position with

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We ask Allah to help us to be

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successful which means only one thing which is

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obedient to Allah in the way of Muhammad

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