Mirza Yawar Baig – How to beat sadness

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of sadness and regret in negative emotions, including fear, anxiety, and depression. They emphasize taking risks and being mindful in order to survive. The negative emotions of sadness and loss are discussed, using examples such as Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's promise to help people in difficult situations and the negative emotions of death and Ridha. The speakers stress the importance of trusting Allah's power and letting fear control them.
AI: Transcript ©
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The topic of my khubba is how to

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beat sadness,

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how to get over sadness.

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Last week, I told you that Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala prohibited

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Now that sounds unreasonable, then you might say,

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I don't want to I don't want to

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feel sad, but I do.

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So why is sadness prohibited?

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We are conditioned to see emotions

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as good or bad, positive or negative.

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The reality is that emotions

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are value neutral.

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They're neither positive

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nor negative.

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But what we do with the emotion

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can make it positive

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or negative.

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So while we don't have control over the

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emotion itself,

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we do have

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complete control

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over what we choose to do

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thereafter after we feel that emotion.

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For example, people say

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don't get angry.

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Now that is as unreasonable as saying don't

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get hungry or don't feel thirsty.

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In Ramadan,

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however, we feel hungry

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and thirsty,

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but we choose to ignore

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that to please Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Similarly, we may feel angry with someone,

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but we choose to control our anger for

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the same reason, for the pleasure of Allah.

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Someone may come to us with gossip, or

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we may have

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the urge to backbite someone and slander someone.

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But we stop ourselves because backbiting

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is destructive.

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And like all destructive things, it is haram.

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In the case of sadness and grief,

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to feed it shows that we are human

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and that our hearts are alive.

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But to allow ourselves

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to get bogged down in it

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is our choice.

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We can equally

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easily choose

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to break out of it.

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For example,

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upon facing bereavement, when we lose a loved

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we can either fall into depression or despair

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or we can choose to be grateful to

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for having granted us

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the company

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of that friend for the duration that we

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were together.

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We can recall and relive the beautiful memories

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of our time together and pray for them

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and give charity

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to benefit

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them. If we lose our job,

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we can choose to see it as an

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to become entrepreneurs,

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which most people in jobs declare to be

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their aspirational goal, but do nothing to achieve

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it. Until 1 day, they find themselves

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looking at the at their office building from

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the outside without their passkey.

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If we face a financial

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loss, for example, or lose a relationship, which

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is far more serious than financial loss, We

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can choose to analyze what went wrong and

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learn lessons

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from it to prevent it happening a second

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time. In all these cases and more, we

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will feel sad. But what we choose

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to do with that sadness

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will spell spell the difference between happiness and

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gaining wisdom or wasting a life opportunity.

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Sadness is prohibited for 2 other reasons.

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When our sadness turns morbid and is more

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than is normal in a situation,

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it means that we have not recognized

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the truth of the matter. And the truth

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of the matter is what Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala told us. Where he said

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He said

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And I said, whatever you have will end.

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Whatever you have will perish, whatever you have

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will finish,

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but whatever is with Allah

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is everlasting.

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And we will certainly reward the steadfast

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according to the best of their deeds.

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question to ask you, how can you grieve

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or regret losing something

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that didn't belong to you in the first

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place? That you didn't own in the 1st

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place. It was not yours.

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So how can you say that you lost

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You were given. You had been given

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that thing,

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that individual, that person, that life, that life,

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that experience

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in trust as a gift from

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for a specific period of time temporarily.

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When that period ended it went back to

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its real owner,

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Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala who is also our owner

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and to whom we will also return 1

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When we remember this, loss turns to gain

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and sadness turns to gratitude.

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You become thankful for what you had instead

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of feeling sad for what you lost.

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The second bigger problem with prolonged sadness is

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that it takes away the desire to go

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forward in life.

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If you allow yourself to fall into that

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trap, you become morose,

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and depressed.

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This is unique to sadness.

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With other emotions which are considered negative, it

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doesn't happen.

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Anger, for example, can can energize you to

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solve a problem

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or to ensure that a criminal is punished.

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Fear is a universal motivator to greater effort

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and to and in the right dose,

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it brings the world around you alive.

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I recall with great happiness my wanderings in

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Indian and South America and jungles,

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home to tigers and leopards and bears and

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elephants and jaguars and anacondas and other highly

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dangerous animals. But being in the forest always

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made me feel more alive and aware and

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appreciate my surroundings and gave me tremendous confidence

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in my own ability to survive.

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As you can see, I did.

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The presence of danger is a great motivator

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because your life is at stake. You will

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never have that feeling when you look at

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the same animal in a zoo.

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This is what motivates entrepreneurs for example to

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take risks.

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It also motivates

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people who do what are called extreme sports.

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It's the actual physical

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possibility of dying

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and the way that you have to fit

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your body

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and your mind

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against the odds

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of the environment, against the odds of whatever

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you're doing in order to survive. That's the

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biggest threat.

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Entrepreneurs also take risks and this these risks

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are are motivated. 1 of the principal factors

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is fear. It's the possibility of loss which

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paradoxically motivates a person to put himself or

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herself in a situation where it can become

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It is a race against odds which is

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so heady and exciting.

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And anyone who is about to start a

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very difficult and potentially life threatening climb up

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a mountain.

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Ask them if they feel any fear.

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They do. They said, Yes, we do feel

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but we do feel the fear.

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But that not only

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motivates them but keeps them safe.

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Those who have no fear die.

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This will suffice to show how different so

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called negative emotions have

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The exception

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is sadness.

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Sadness, if you allow it,

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drags you down into a spiral of anxiety

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and depression and despair. If you read the

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seerah of

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depression. If you read the seerah of Rasulullah

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, you can see places where

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Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was sad. He was

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very sad, but he was never depressed and

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never despaired.

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He always had hope in Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala's mercy and looked forward to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala help which always came.

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You must remember that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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promised to help and his promise is always

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Allah never lets you down.

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The timing of the help, however, is according

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to Allah

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knowledge which is superior to ours.

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That is why we must do our best

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and trust Allah

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to do the rest.

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The finest example of this sequence of Sabar

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and Tawakkul

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is the actions

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of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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before the battle of Badr. A battle which

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was potentially a differentiator

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between survival of the nation's Muslim community

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and its annihilation.

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Rasool SAW Salam made all preparations

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for the battle with limited resources that he

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Then he stood in salah and begged Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala for his help.

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He was not complacent

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about preparing his material resources

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to face the lethal conflict. He did not

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rely simply on prayer,

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neither did he allow his material

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preparations to make him feel overconfident.

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He put a situation before Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala, who knows and who can see.

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But it is the position of the Abd,

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of the slave

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to beg his Rabb, Jalajalahu

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and so he did. The rest is history

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and father became the foundation

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of success.

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Tests are not unusual. Allah Subhana Wa Taala

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promised to test us. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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do you think

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that you will be admitted into Jannah without

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being tested like those before you?

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They were afflicted with suffering and adversity

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and were so violently

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shaken that even the messenger and believers with

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him cried out, when will the help of

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Allah come? Mataanasubu

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Allah. Indeed, and this is Allah answering, indeed

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Allah's help is always near.

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In a beautiful

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hadith narrated by Khabab ibn al Aarat He

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said, We complained to Rasool Allah

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sallam about the persecution

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inflicted on us

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while he was sitting sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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in the shade of the Kaaba leaning over

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his burub, his covering his his mishla.

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We said to him, would you seek

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help for us? Please make dua for us.

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Please bring for us. He said, among the

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nations before you,

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a believing

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man would be put in a ditch

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that was dug for him and a saw

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would be placed over his head and he

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would be cut into 2 pieces.

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Yet that torture

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would not make him give up his religion.

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His body would be combed with iron combs

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that would remove his flesh from the bones

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and nerves,

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yet that would not make him abandon his

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religion. By Allah, this religion, that is Islam,

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will prevail

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until a traveler

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from San'a, which is in Yemen,

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to Hadermaut

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will fear none but Allah

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or a wolf regarding

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his sheep. But you people are hasty,

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This Kaaba

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was 1 of the

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of the Sahaba

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the who was a beautiful of the Quran

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whose recitation

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Sayyidina Muhammad Al Khattab

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heard in the house of his sister Fatima

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and accepted his son. We understand from this

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that tests and difficulties and trials

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are a part of life. Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala comforted us and taught us how to

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deal with difficulties.

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He said,

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Allah Subhanahu wa'ala said in Zoon Tabaa which

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means it does not matter. He's addressing

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the people, the the believers, the believers, Muslim

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and Muslims.

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He says it does not matter if you

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believers do not support him.

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Because Allah

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did in fact support him already

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when the disbelievers drove him out of Makkah,

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and he was only 1 of 2.

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The second 1 was

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is mentioning 1 of 2 Yani, the other

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1 is also mentioned in this ayat.

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He was only

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1 of 2. While they both were in

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the cave, he reassured his companion,

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Do not worry

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for Allah is certainly with us. Do not

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worry, do not feel sad. Laatazan

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Inaba hamana. So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sent

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down his

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made the word of the

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disbelievers that is his enemies

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while the word of Allah is supreme and

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is Almighty All Wise. In this Ayatul Kareema

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referred to the time of Rasulullah

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and Abu Bakr Rasulullah

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were together in the

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the cave of being

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persuaded being pursued

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by the enemy.

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The Quraysh came right up to the mouth

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of the cave such that Abu Bakr as

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Siddhi Fadir Anhu could see their

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feet. He said, You Rasulullah

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if they only look down they will see

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And Rasulullah

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have no fear or sadness.

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Truly Allah is with us.

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Was content.

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The rest is history.

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The passing away of Rasulullah Salaam and the

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wars of Ridha,

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people asked

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how he could be so calm and serene

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when literally

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the survival of Islam was at stake.

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He said, after that night in the Garif

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after that night in the Garif Sow, I

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have never been afraid or sad.

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The lesson we learn, my brothers and sisters,

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is that when faced with loss or the

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fear of loss, we do what is most

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natural and logical which is to turn to

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the only 1 who can help us and

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who is not affected

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by that situation.

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