Mirza Yawar Baig – How to achieve your Life Goal – 3

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The speakers stress the importance of achieving a life goal and creating a structure and timetable. They emphasize the need to be flexible and not overwhelm oneself with too many activities. The structure is created based on a timetable and is designed to reduce the amount of sleep and increase productivity. The goal is not magic and cannot happen by accident, but everyone should set goals and achieve their goals in a clear and organized manner.
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Okay, so here's my greatest secret of how
to achieve your life goal.
That greatest secret begins with answering one simple
question for yourself.
The question is, is this my life goal?
Is this my life goal?
Now, you might say, well, you know, obviously
it is.
Why should I have to answer this question?
Why should I have to ask this question?
I'm saying that because, in my experience, many
people like this term, life goal.
It's one of these, you know, I don't
know what you want to call them, but
it's one of these words that are bandied
Many people talk about life goal, this is
my life goal, that's my goal.
But they don't understand what is the meaning
of life goal.
A life goal is something that you are
going to dedicate your life to.
A life goal is something that you will
be recognized by the achievement of that, or
working towards.
A life goal is something that, at the
end of your life, you are going to
turn around, look at it and say, now
that was a life well lived, because it
was a life that was lived, achieving or
trying to achieve this goal.
And combining the two, because depending on the
life goal, sometimes you may not be able
to fully achieve it.
And there is no need to punish yourself.
There's no need to feel, you know, terrible
about that.
Because even if you, depending on the enormity
and the magnificence of the goal, in some
cases, it is really commendable for you to
be able to achieve that goal even partially,
rather than live a life without meaning.
So I combine the two, achieve or try
to achieve.
So this is what a life goal is.
So ask yourself and decide for yourself, is
this goal of mine a life goal?
Or is it merely a hobby?
Because many people mistake hobbies for life goals.
They say this is my life goal, but
actually it's only a hobby.
Because it's something they like to talk about,
it's something they like to feel good about.
And they say, oh, but you know, my
life goal is to become an airline pilot.
Or you say my life goal is to
sing or play in the opera or something,
you know, one of these great things.
And then you ask them, well, okay, fantastic,
sounds good.
So what are you doing about that?
And you discover that they are doing very
Because, and that's the reason I'm saying, determine
and be clear with yourself about, is it
really a life goal?
Because if it is a life goal, then
you are going to be spending, or you
should be spending the maximum amount of time
on this goal.
Not do it once in a while on
weekends when you're free, when you have nothing
else to do.
That's not a life goal, that's a hobby.
And there's nothing wrong with having hobbies.
What is wrong is to confuse the hobby
for a life goal.
And to call a hobby a life goal
because a hobby is not a life goal,
a hobby is a hobby.
If it is a life goal, then it
is something that you are going to be
dedicating your entire life to that.
And it's something that you will get the
maximum satisfaction when you are done that it
was a life well lived.
So define this and be very clear in
your mind that what you are embarking on
is a life goal.
Now if you want to achieve the life
goal, we come to the so-called secret.
And that secret is to create a structure.
Is to create a structure and a timetable.
Now I will tell you this again from
my experience that the secret of efficiency, the
secret of productivity is not intelligence.
It's not even hard work.
It does take hard work.
Let me not discount that.
It does take hard work.
But it is structure.
It's hard work done according to a system.
It's not just random hard work.
It is hard work done according to a
That is what gives you the maximum productivity
in any situation.
Hard work done according to a system.
This is what adds, it gives wings to
your goals and to the achievement of the
goals, which is a system.
And that system I call this structure.
So the structure would be, to begin with,
it would be your timetable for the day.
What time will you wake up?
To what time do you go to bed?
Please understand and remember, and I say this
to everybody, that this whole theory of the
fact that you need eight hours of sleep
is, as far as I'm concerned, buggum.
Because eight hours of sleep is one third
of your life.
33% of your life.
Ask yourself, are you willing to kiss goodbye
to 33% of your life?
I'm saying kiss goodbye because I don't know
of anyone who achieves anything while they're sleeping.
So if you're talking about achievement, the first
requirement of achievement is that you need to
be awake.
You cannot be achieving anything if you are
fast asleep.
Nobody does, neither will you.
So if you are going to be fast
asleep 33% of your life, then I
don't know what you think you will achieve.
I don't think you will achieve anything.
So you need to be able to live
on less sleep than that.
Obviously we need sleep.
It's not that we don't need any sleep.
But we don't need to dedicate 33%
of our life to sleep.
In my experience in life, four hours a
day is ample.
It's plenty.
And with four hours a day, during the
middle of the day, you might feel a
bit drowsy.
Take a power nap of fifteen minutes by
the clock, set a certain alarm, fifteen minutes,
and you will come out of that completely
rejuvenated, you know, absolutely alive.
So reduce the amount of sleep that you
Put a structure to the day.
So wake up early, pray Tahajjud, read one
juz of Quran, pray Salatul Fajr in the
masjid, and begin your day that way.
Because if you begin your day that way,
Allah SWT becomes your kafir, becomes responsible for
you and your day, and that's a wonderful
thing to do, and that's a wonderful way
to begin your day.
And then from there you go on and
set your schedule.
It's usually a very good idea to do
some aerobic exercise in the morning, which is,
I walk, every day I walk in the
morning after Fajr, and I walk six miles.
So decide how much you want to walk.
I would suggest five miles is the minimum
that you should walk, which is 10,000
And as somebody said, if good health could
be encapsulated and sold in a bottle, I
would say that was 10,000 steps.
Anyone who walks 10,000 steps is guaranteed
to have good health throughout his or her
life, Inshallah.
So, walk in the morning.
Running is something which is debatable, because our
body was not created for running, it was
created for walking.
And over the years, I have many friends
who were great runners, and then their knees
gave out because of the impact.
So it's a high-impact exercise.
Cycling is fantastic, because it has no impact.
And so walking and cycling, if you feel
like running, it's your call.
They're your knees.
But physical exercise, aerobic exercise.
Long walks are also an excellent way for
reflection, introspection, and by yourself.
If you have somebody with you, a friend
with you, it's nice, but have this agreement
and arrangement with your friend that neither of
you will talk.
Walk in silence.
Walk in silence and do that every day.
Long walk.
So 5 miles, 10,000 steps, and that's
how your day begins.
And then the rest of the day.
So you have your breakfast and whatnot.
And I have a cup of coffee.
That's my breakfast, with a biscuit.
And then I get on with my work.
So I obviously come back from my walk,
have a shower and stuff.
I'm not going into the details.
I suppose all that is clear or should
be clear.
So do that.
Do whatever suits you, in whichever order it
suits you, but do that.
There's a deer that I'm looking at.
So when you finish your walk and so
on, the rest of the day, set your
goals for the day and operate according to
As I said, four hours of sleep are
more than enough.
I also eat one meal a day in
24 hours.
So that is something you might think about.
It's a fantasy that we think that we
need three meals a day.
You don't need three meals a day.
You need one meal a day.
That's more than enough nutrition.
One meal in 24 hours is plenty.
And four hours of sleep.
And that will free you up to do
some useful stuff.
And to achieve your life goal, which as
you said and I said, we believe it's
important for us.
So let us be very clear in our
minds, and that's the reason I said, make
sure that you really want to achieve your
life goal.
It's not magic.
It won't happen by itself.
It will happen if you do it in
this way, as I'm explaining to you.
Then we come to the end of the
You had your meal.
Maybe you had your little power nap.
And you come to the end of the
And you end the day, as I mentioned
before, with your assessment for the day.
So your assessment, what did I do?
How did my day look like?
How much of my goals did I achieve?
What was missing?
And therefore, the next day, what will I
do differently?