Mirza Yawar Baig – How to achieve your Life Goal 1

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The speakers emphasize the importance of defining oneself in a way that makes the world treated with deference and fairness, and the need for people to have a certain degree of understanding and acceptance of their own values. They also discuss the painful experience of regret and losing time, and the importance of fear of missing out in life. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to continually measure their success to avoid missing out and pay for their losses.
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We come to the third part of life
goal achievement, identifying an achievement.
And that is, the first thing I want
to say to you is, the number one
thing you need to succeed is discipline.
Without discipline, nothing will happen.
I can give it…
give that to you in writing.
You write it down and you will know.
Without discipline, absolutely nothing will happen.
So, make absolutely sure that you are disciplined.
As somebody said, you want to change the
world, as soon as you get up in
the morning, make your bed.
If you cannot wake…
wake up and make your bed in the
morning, believe me, you are not changing anything.
You can want anything you…
you know, you can say, I want to
do this, I want to do that.
There's a huge difference between wanting and getting.
You want, but you know get, because you
have not invested.
The simple rule in life, and this rule
is irrespective of everything, the same rule applies
to you, whether you are black or white
or Asian or Indian or green with blue
spots, whether you are rich or poor, whether
you are from the north or the south,
whoever or whatever you are or might be,
the same rule applies.
And that rule is that investment, that reward
is directly proportionate to investment.
Reward is directly proportionate to investment.
You want a big reward, you have to
make a big investment.
The return on investment, the multiplier, multiplying factor
can change.
There are some investments which have a much
higher multiplier than others.
And by all means, look at that.
But no matter how big the multiplier is,
the final result, the yield depends on the
quantum of investment.
Even with a multiplier of a million, somebody
who invests one dollar and somebody who invested
a million dollars, the reward will be, the
difference will be that of a million.
So, it is extremely, extremely important that you
get discipline.
And as I said, discipline begins with making
your bet.
As soon as you get out of bed,
make your bet.
Make sure that your shoes are cleaned.
If they are leather shoes, they won't be
If they are non-leather shoes, they won't
be cleaned.
Make sure the clothes you wear, depending on
what those are, some might need ironing.
Others might not need ironing, but they should
be neat and clean.
If you are okay with going around in
the world looking like something the cat brought
in, morning, then believe me, the world will
treat you like that.
The world will treat you like something the
cat brought in.
And even there they will say, well, you
know, the cat made a mistake, brought in
the wrong thing.
So, don't do that to yourself.
We define how we want the world to
treat us, and the world treats us accordingly.
This is the reality of life.
We define how we want the world to
treat us, and the world treats us accordingly.
So, make sure that you define yourself in
a way where people will respect you, people
will treat you with deference, people will treat
you with seriousness, that when you say something,
people will listen, that your opinion will be
taken into account, and that you will have
And all of that will happen only and
only if you create that impression for yourself.
It's not a matter of deception.
I'm not asking you to deceive anybody.
It's a matter of understanding and accepting, that
people go by what they can see.
Nobody's going to do a dive down in
-depth research about you.
Nobody's going to say, you know, it doesn't
I mean, he talks like a fool, but
he's really a nice guy, and maybe he
has great achievements.
It doesn't matter if he doesn't seem to
have grown up.
His behavior is like a four-year-old
who's having a tantrum.
Except that even the four-year-old's tantrum
ends at some point, but this one's tantrum
is like lifelong.
It doesn't matter, you know, let me...
Nobody's interested enough in you to do that.
They will just discard you, and you will
be treated like a fool.
Even though you might well have great talents
and so on and so forth, nobody gives...
I'm trying to keep my language clean in
this, but you can fill in the blanks,
So, please, don't do yourself this great disfavor.
Be disciplined.
As somebody said, every one of us, every
single human being must feel one of two
Every single human being must feel one of
two pains – the pain of discipline or
the pain of regret.
The pain of discipline or the pain of
The thing about it is that the pain
of discipline is temporary because it goes away.
Then you start enjoying your disciplined, structured life
because the secret to productivity is not talent.
The secret to productivity is not money.
The secret to productivity is not even time.
It is structure.
People who are structured are hugely more productive
than people who are not structured.
Now, being structured doesn't mean that you have
no spontaneity in life, and everything has to
be according to a timetable and whatnot.
It's just a matter of prioritizing and working
according to that priority.
That's it.
You can have all the fun in the
world, but on a structured format.
And that gives you the best utilization of
your time, which is, as we all know,
an unrenewable asset.
It's an asset which, once it's gone, it's
Nobody can bring back lost time.
And lost time is lost life.
Life is a collection of seconds, a collection
of instances.
One second gone, that's one second of my
It's gone, never to return.
I can't buy it back.
I can't negotiate it back.
I can't force anyone to give it back
to me.
It's gone, finished.
So, it is in my own interest to
ensure that I get the maximum out of
every second in my life.
So, this is what you should do –
be disciplined.
I want to repeat that everyone must suffer
from one of two pains – the pain
of discipline or the pain of regret, money.
And as I said, the pain of discipline
is temporary because you start loving it, you
start loving that beautiful structured life you had.
And the second thing is that because of
the pain of discipline, because you are disciplined,
you start seeing success and then you start
enjoying it.
Whereas the pain of regret is permanent.
If you have to say to yourself, and
I really don't even wish this on anybody,
if you have to say to yourself, if
only I had done this, if only this,
if only that, this is the most tragic
statement in any language.
If only is the most tragic phrase in
any language.
Because the person who's saying if only is
saying that I had the chance and I
blew it.
I had the opportunity but I did not
take it.
I didn't fail, I chose to fail.
I made the active choice to fail.
Doesn't that sound completely insane?
I mean, why would you actively choose to
But this is what we do.
When we refuse to discipline ourselves, we are
actively choosing to fail.
Not discipline.
Second thing is metrics, measurement.
If you say I think today was a
good day, how do you know?
Because the reality of life is that only
what you measure, you know.
Michael Harry, who was the guy who invented
the Six Sigma quality standard.
He used to work for Motorola.
Michael Harry said, if you want to see
what people value, see what they measure.
It's one of the most, it's one of
my favorite quotes and it's one of the
most beautiful and one of the most profoundly
wise things that I have ever heard in
my life.
He said, if you want to see what
people value, see what they measure.
And this is so, so, so true.
We talk about time, right?
We say time is money.
But ask yourself, if you lose $100, I
won't say $20, maybe you have enough to
lose $20.
But suppose you lose a $100 bill.
Believe me, you will feel the pain of
Losing $100 will not drive you to starvation
or something, but you will feel the pain
of that.
But on an average, people spend between four
to six hours, not minutes, hours, on social
On this and that and the other.
And at the end of that, which you
should do, and I'm going to come to
that in a minute, ask yourself, what did
I gain?
The whole issue of FOMO, fear of missing
So because of fear of missing out, because
of FOMO, we are checking our phones every
three seconds.
I mean, I'm not saying these numbers off
the top of my head.
This is what the research tells us.
Every three seconds, fear of missing out.
So obviously, if you're checking your phone every
three seconds, I assume you haven't missed out,
because you made sure you didn't miss out.
So ask yourself, so I didn't miss out,
what did I get?
What did you get?
You have no idea, right?
So four hours of your life went down
the drain, and that is every single day.
Just think about that, the value of that
time really is, that if you were to
come to the last day of your life,
which every single one of us will come.
And at that time, if the angel of
death tells you, I'm going to give you
the amount of time that you used to
spend on social media.
Now, do you want it?
The answer is of course, absolutely.
Because then I can straighten my affairs, I
can do whatever I need to do, to
make sure that I end up in the
right place.
And then, the angel says, but you have
to pay for it, because nothing is free
in life, you've got to pay for it.
What will you pay?
I'm sure every single one of us will
say, I will pay whatever you want, whatever.
But believe me, that day will not come
for you or me.