Mirza Yawar Baig – HM Khatira #10 Eclipse

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The importance of following the Quran in meditation is discussed, along with following the church's rules and finding the magic of the church. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following the sunGeneration and protecting oneself from punishment, as well as learning the book of Allah and being mindful of actions of Allah. The speaker also mentions a double blessing between the sunbed and the light and emphasizes the need to be mindful of the connection and actions of Allah.
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I told the harvest to go and rest
because you got 20 rakats worth of tarawi
and 2 rakats. So
Allah bless him and also to reside
for this long when he is fasting
gets dry. It's very difficult. It's not easy.
So Alhamdulillah, may Allah
bless him and reward him and make the
Quran firm in his heart.
Before I go into the Khatra, a couple
of things about the Adab, the
manners of listening to the Quran in Salah.
One of the things that people do,
if you know what the Hafiz is reciting,
then we find people
whispering that, repeating
after the hafiz or along with the hafiz
and sometimes in a, you know, louder
Rasool Allah Subhanahu specifically prohibited that.
In the Quran, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said,
first time
Allah said,
keep quiet and listen.
So if you know the Quran,
good for you
but that does not mean that you should
repeat it after the hab. Do not just
sit. Listen silently. The the other is to
listen silently.
Also, you find sometimes in, Talawi and so
on people
reading from the Musaf or reading from the
This takes you out of salah.
All the imar are are mutafaqalia
on this that if you are reading, if
you're doing anything in salah, if you are
behind the imam, if you're doing anything other
than following the imam, you are out of
Right? So you come all the way to
the masjid
to pray tarawi and then you are you
spread the whole 20 rakat
and not even one is counted because you
are you are reading from the phone or
from of the Musa or something.
The imam is permitted to read from the
Musa. If you if the imam is not
a harpist, he can read. There's no problem.
He can read and aloud and you can
pray behind him. There's no there's no problem.
But for the mukhtadi, for the person who's
following, he's supposed to follow.
He's not supposed to do anything else. Right?
So remember, these are other because yeah. You
take the travel to come and to the
Masjid and then you don't get
the thought from this. What's the point?
Alhamdulillah, this is the way of the Muslim
and this
I think, you know, illustrates this so nicely.
Even in nature, if you see
a small child,
if you feel any threat,
what does he do? He runs to the
Right? You take,
if you have anybody who has raised chickens.
Right? So you have the little chicks,
and the mother is there, and she's going,
cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, and the
are. Suddenly, she sees something, a shadow, maybe
it's a hawk or something in there.
And immediately,
she makes a kind of sound. And all
the jigs run to her and she takes
them under her wings.
So what do the Muslims do when they
feel any kind of threat?
Go before Allah
Go to the masjid.
rushed to the masjid
for salah. Why? Because this is the place
where you are closest to Allah
Allah said, when the slave makes sajdah
on the floor,
he's actually making sajdah before the arsh of
Ar Rahman.
So we get closest to Allah SWT. When
we get into salah, we are the closest
to Allah SWT.
So you must try and get that sense
of being close to Allah
when he died,
there was an eclipse. And also
was very sad and, you know, tears falling
from his eyes.
So people said, see, this is a sign
that even the sky is
sad and even the moon is sad.
Imagine if Rasoolullah Salasallam
had not been a true prophet.
This was an ideal
leverage that as I see for me even
the sky is crying,
but this is one of the many, many,
many dalai of the
of Rasulullah.
Rasulullah said no. There is no sky crying
for anybody. This is a celestial
phenomena. This is
the sky does not cry, the moon does
not cry, and nobody cries for anyone. This
is something which is natural
and what we need to do is this,
is salah.
Second thing is
if you see again one of the many
of the fact that the hadith of the
that the hadith of Rasoolha Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu
Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu
Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu
Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallallahu Sallam is also
of divine origin.
This is also wahi. We call this Wahi
which is not recited in the in the
salah but this is also Wahi because all
forms of worship
and ordered only by Allah
In Islam,
it is haram
to invent a way of worship
did not do,
which means that whichever he did comes directly
from Allah.
So now this method of salah,
which is completely different from how you normally
do salah in in the in one rakat,
there are 2 ruku. In the novel salah,
there is 1 and 2. In this in
this salah, there are 2 and 2.
And then of course, the length of length
of the recitations on. So all of this
is from Allah
and therefore this is one of the also
many other Dalail that
the sunnah of Rasool alaihi salam is also
divine and therefore, it is something to be
followed very very clearly.
3rd thing is that
as Ajak said, the thing to do is
seek the maghwarat,
the forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Now,
in this ayah number 33,
one of the most beautiful ayats
of the Quran. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is
promising and Allah says, and Allah cannot and
will not punish them as long as you
are with them.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will not punish
them as long as they are Mustaqhireen,
as long as they are seeking forgiveness.
So 2 shurut,
2 conditions
being protected from the punishment of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
Allah is making it
Allah is making it like almost like saying
it's on me that I cannot punish them.
There's nothing Allah can do or whatever he
Right? But Allah is saying, as long as
you are with them, I will never punish
And as long as they seek forgiveness, I
will have a pari.
Now for us
to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah is
like having the Rasul with us
because he's not with us in physical presence,
but to follow his in
every way
is to have him with us.
So keep this in mind. It's the the
very the great important sunnah. One of our
great scholars,
in Madina. He used to live in Madina.
eventually, he died in Madina. He's he's buried
Somebody said to him,
in, in terms of, for a sunnah
in Urdu, he said,
He said your words are true but your
tone is because
you are
the importance of the way of Rasool Allah.
discount the importance of the way of Rasool
Allah SWALL.
He is something which is very, very,
following the sunnah because this is one of
the ways of protecting yourself from the punishment
of Allah
Another matter related with this is
that Rasool said,
in time of he said there will come
a time
to follow my sunnah will be more difficult
than holding a
red glowing burning coal in your hand.
Can you imagine in the fire? Like a
barbecue or something and there is coal which
are burning,
obviously, nobody will do it. But I'm saying
if that is put in your hand, what
will happen? Naveen said a time will come
when to follow my sunnah will be more
difficult than that. And in those times when
my sunnah is revived, when somebody follows my
sunnah, Allah will give him the reward of
100 shayid
for 1 sunnah.
100 shade. And may Allah bless the Sahaba.
They I used to ask questions. They say,
you are a shawada
of their time or our time?
He said shawada of your time.
Sahaba shahid. Can you this is a I
there's no way. I mean, obviously, I I
can't even quantify this in any way.
Imagine, one sooner.
That's why I tell the people who shave
to keep their beard
for the for the men, obviously, for the
It's called it's called redundancy in speech.
Right? One of the ways in which in
which men are superior to women is that
we can keep beards. Right?
So so the point I'm saying is that
if you keep your beard,
it is my host Nazan with my that
will give you
the reward of 100
shohada of the Sabbath time for every hair
of your beard, every single second, every single
minute, every single day
because it is it is being kept here.
and Allah's treasure is not limited by anything.
Think about that. Right?
So before you go and make,
your ziaravajalat
every morning.
Leave it. Allah made it with a beard.
You know, why why what is there to
try? Leave it alone.
So the point I'm making here is that
it is very important to try and follow
every sunnah of.
We had our brother there in ISWM.
I'm not talking about 30 years ago when
I was living.
His name was Bilal.
He was an African African American brother. Very,
very big man. Very heavy.
Now he was the only Muslim in his
family. There's nobody Muslim.
How he became Muslim also, I don't know.
But one thing I know about Bilal is
that everything for every single thing you Sheikh
Wissam was there at that time. Every single
thing you ask Sheikh Wissam. Sheikh, how did
Rasool and Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam do this?
How did he put on his socks? How
did he clip his nails? How every single
thing. Right? This is something I I always
notice with him.
He was must have been about maybe
25, 26 years old.
One day, he had a massive
headache, terrible, terrible headache like a terrible migraine.
To the extent that he decided to go
to the he had a beat up old
So, he got into the jeep, he drove
himself to base it
and he collapsed.
So, they took him into emergency and so
on and so on. He was there for,
I think, 2 days or something like that.
He died, passed away.
this happened on a weekday.
So we are thinking it's a weekday.
This is one African American guy.
Not anybody prominent and nothing. Young guy.
Now for the janitor, who will come?
Right? Maybe nobody will come. So we say
at least 1 or 2 hours we should
When we go there,
that ISWM parking lot is full of cars,
full of people,
and we don't know the people. All all
kind of state people. We don't we don't
know where those people came from. Who are
those people? What are the places filled with
people, but
So the of
the sunnah
of do it as much as you can,
whatever you can do
and never
discount or speak,
in a in a disrespectful way about a
sonar. What you can do, you do, what
you can do, okay, you can do but
don't say I know it's what it's okay,
it's not even no, no, no, never, don't
make your don't make your tongue take you
to a bad place,
Right? What you cannot do, cannot do doesn't
matter but
don't speak against it. That is all. What
you can do, do it. This is very,
very important.
So these are some of the things that
we need to think about and ask ourselves
and say, what is my connection with Allah?
What is my connection with Rasool
Because think about this, Allah
send this send this
And what did he say?
Allah did not say he send the Quran
to the Muslims, he didn't send the Quran
to the mumini, he sent the Quran to
the people, no.
And what did Allah say to us?
told us
that he sent Rasool
said, truly and verily Allah has blessed and
given the niyama
on the Muslims, on the mumineen.
Allah has
given this niama
on the nominee that he sent among them
a Rasool,
a messenger
who is from them. So it's a double
blessing. 1, that the messenger is sent and
second, the messenger is one of you. Allah
did not send a a a a fallista,
a malak or, you know, an angel or
something or some other creatures. Allah said,
he's a human being, he's like you and
he's from among you and he's the Rasool
So Allah said the niyama for you is
the Rasool and what what did the Rasool
come with? He came with the guitar.
He came with the book.
So if you look at that, even the
Quran al Karim we have because of Rasool
It is the book of which was sent
to Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. It was not
sent the book was not sent without the
prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Book was not sent
independent of the prophet. Book was sent with
him and Allah says
to recite to
them the ayat of Allah.
Prepare them to receive the Ayat by purifying
Teach them the Ayat teach why to whom?
These are the people who are the halo
loga. They have the they have the,
the language. The language belongs to them.
And and the the book is in the
same language. What is there to teach? You
can say, no.
But obviously, there is something that there is
something to teach. That's why Allah is saying
I sent them I sent treat them.
1 hikma and the application of this, the
benefits of this.
So we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
put the appreciation
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's book and the
appreciation of his prophet Muhammad SAW
in our hearts and enable us to
learn the book of Allah and learn the
way in which this is to be practised
and lived in our lives.
So we ask Allah
to help us to live our lives in
a way in which he is pleased with
us. We ask Allah to protect us from
all calamities. We ask Allah to protect us
from the the biggest calamity is the disobedience
of Allah.
The biggest calamity is sin.
And we ask Allah
therefore to protect us from sin, to protect
us from all calamity,
to protect
us from
his ghadab, to protect us from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala not being pleased with us. In
the Quran, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala talks about
the worst punishment that is given to people
and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said, Allah will
not look at them on the day of
Say, anyone?
Allah will not look at them.
Allah is not saying he will put them
into the fire and so on so all
that is different. Allah will not look at
them. If Allah does not look at you,
there is nothing that is there is a
bigger and more painful and a worse punishment
than the fact that Allah will not look
at you.
We ask Allah to make us among those
who Allah will look at, who Allah will
purify, who Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will be
pleased with and who Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
will give his own deedah, his own
his own, you know, jalwah to us where
Allah has said that David said a time
will come when the people will be all
gathered together in janitor firdos. We ask Allah
to make us among those who will be
gathered with the Rasool wa ta'ala in janitor
firdos and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will then
announce and Allah will say,
my slaves, are you pleased with what you
Is there anything more you want? And the
people will say, what can we ask? We
have everything here. We are
there is nothing we will be we praise
you. We thank you. Allah
says there is something more. They say, You
Rabb, what is it? And Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala will say, remove the curtain from between
me and my sleeves.
So you will see Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will say,
from this day onwards, I will never be
displeased with you.
The Rida of Allah that Allah is pleased
with us. This is the
greatest niyama.
This is this is better than even Jannatul
Janatul firdos is the is the circumstances.
It's the, you know, comes with the territory.
But the rida of Allah is the is
the main thing that this is what we
seek and this is what we ask Allah
that Allah should be pleased with us.
So we ask Allah
to help us and to give us and
to give us in giving with his majesty
and grace and to give us with Khair
and Haafya, we ask Allah that
we don't know and He knows and therefore
when we ask Him to give us that
which is good for us and that which