Mirza Yawar Baig – Hajj – A journey of love

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam is highlighted, where individuals are given the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and achieve their goals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fulfilling the dream of the Church, reciting the story ofielding to Allah's commands, and not giving up on promises. The importance of fasting during the sun module, pursuing one's dreams, and not losing faith and returning to the same deeds is also emphasized. The 10-day period is emphasized as a time for transformation and evolution, and individuals are warned to be careful and not to talk to people and listen to their words.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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his name he was Khalibullah,

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And Allah

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loved him, so He tested him.

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In each test, by the help of Allah,

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he proved true to his covenant with Allah.

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So Allah gave him the job of building

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his house, the Kaaba.

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and remember when we assigned to Ibrahim

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the sight of the house saying,

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do not associate anything with me in worship

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and purify my house for those who circle

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the Kaaba, who make tawaf,

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who stand in prayer,

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and who bow and prostrate themselves,

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Ruqai Sudur,

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Ruqo, and Sajdah.

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Call all people

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to the pilgrimage

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to the Hajj.

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They will come to you on foot and

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on every lean camel from every distant path

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so they may obtain the benefits in store

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for them

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and pronounce the name of Allah

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on appointed days over the sacrificial animals,

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meaning they will sacrifice animals.

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He has provided for them.

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So eat their meat and feed the destitute,

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feed the poor.

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The Hajj is the story of Ibrahim, alayhis

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salaam, and his family and the tests that

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they faced and passed.

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loved this so much

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that he made their actions

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the rights

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of the greatest

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act of worship,

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the reward for which

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is total forgiveness.

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Allah made Hajj Farb on all those who

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can afford it,

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obligatory on all those

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who can afford it at least once in

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their lifetimes.

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Which means surely

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the first house of worship

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established for humanity is the one at Makkah,

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a blessed sanctuary

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and a guide for all people.

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In it are clear signs and the standing

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place of Ibrahim.

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Whoever enters it should be safe.

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Pilgrimage to this house

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is an obligation by Allah

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upon whoever is able among the people.

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And whoever disbelieves,

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then surely Allah

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is not in need of his creation.

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The reciting of Tanbiyyah declares that we are

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ready to obey Allah

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without question

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because we know Allah and love him

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over and above anyone and anything else.

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Then we don't, we put on the Iharam.

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Men in 2 pieces of unstitched cloth,

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nothing else to remind ourselves

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of our reality and how we will be

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dressed when we leave this world.

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of all our worldly symbols of wealth and

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This reminds us of the true brotherhood of

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faith in which the single adhesives

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is our connection with Allah.

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Everyone reciting the

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Everyone reciting the same Talbia,

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everyone making the same declaration,

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everyone seeking the same goal,

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the riddah of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. And it reminds us of the

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brotherhood that transcends

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all boundaries of race and color and tribe

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and social rank.

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It reminds us of how we will be

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gathered before

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Allah on a day

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where everyone will get justice.

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We ask Allah

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for his mercy.

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Then we go to the next stage of

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making tawaf of the Kaaba

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and praying in the place of Ibrahim, alayhis

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salaam, which

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Allah made a place of worship.

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We follow in the footsteps of our mother

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Hajar, Alaihi Salam, and the the wife of

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Ibrahim, Alaihi Salam, and emulate

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her actions

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in the of

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climbing the 2 hills of

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and running between them in the valley.

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She did it because she was looking for

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help for herself and her infant son.

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We do it because she did it.

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The actions of one woman

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became the rituals of worship

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performed by every hadi

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of every race from every part of the

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for the last 5000 years.

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By all the prophets and messengers,

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These actions demonstrate the essence

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of That doesn't mean to do nothing and

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wait for victory.

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It means to make the maximum effort that

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you can make, but to rely on Allah

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for the

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results. Our arms and legs and back

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are tired, but the heart is at peace.

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In Hajj, Allah

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reminded us about the great final and greatest

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test that Ibrahim alayhi salaam

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1 at an advanced age

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when he was finally blessed.

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He had finally been blessed with a son

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that he had been asking Allah

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for for decades,

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and the other

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as soon as he was old enough to

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walk with his father.

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Then when the boy reached the age to

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walk with him,

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said, oh, my dear sir, I have seen

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in a dream that I must sacrifice you.

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So look

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in your heart

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and what do you see?

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He replied, oh my dear father,

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do as you are commanded.

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By the will of Allah, Insha Allah, you

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will find me steadfast.

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I always marvel

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at this conversation

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between a 90 year old father and his

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little son who is seeing his father for

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almost the first time.

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He was raised by his mother in an

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alien environment among strangers who didn't even speak

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their language.

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Yet when his father asks

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this question,

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see the answer of total submission that he

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After all, he was the son of the

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one about whom Allah

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When his love ordered him, submit to my

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will, he responded, I submit

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to the love of all the worlds.

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Then when they submitted to Allah's will and

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Alaihi Salam

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laid him on his forehead or on the

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side of his head for sacrifice.

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We called out to him. Allah

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directly spoke to Baidu.

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Yeah, Ibrahim,

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you have already fulfilled the vision.

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you have all filled fulfilled the vision meaning,

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the dream that was given to you. Indeed,

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this is how we reward

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the good doers.

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That was truly

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a revealing test,

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and we ransomed

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his son with a great sacrifice

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and blessed

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Ibrahim with honorable mention

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among later generations.

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This action of this

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is emulated in our udiyyah, in our

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in the Hali, during the

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Hajj all over the world.

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In Hajj, we remind ourselves

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that we are enacting a way of life

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that is beloved to Allah,

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a life of obedience without question.

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In the journey of Hajj, we begin by

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reminding ourselves that one day,

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we will meet Allah

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in the state that we came into this

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without any of whatever

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we had accumulated.

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We relive

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the actions of the family that Allah

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for their obedience

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and honored them by turning their actions into

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rights of worship.

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Then we sacrifice the animal

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symbolizing our desires

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that are the root of our problems and

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emerge from this beautiful

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clean as the day we were born.

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We are in the blessed days of the

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which Allah

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mentioned in the Quran and took an oath

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them. Allah said, well,

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by the dawn and by the 10 nights.

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These are so important that

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Allah took an oath by these days.

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And others

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said that this refers to the first 10

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days of the

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reported that Rasulullah

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said, there are no days in which righteous

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deeds, good deeds are more beloved to Allah

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than during these 10 days.

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In another place with a different wording even

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Abbas, uh-uh, narrated,

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there is no deed more precious in the

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sight of Allah

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nor greater in reward

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than a good deed done during the 10

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days of sacrifice.

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The people asked, not even jihad for the

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sake of Allah?

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And he said Rasulullah

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said, not even jihad for the sake of

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Allah, except in the case of a man

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who went out to fight, giving himself and

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his wealth up for the cause

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and did not return

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Came back with nothing, meaning did not return.

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These texts and others indicate that these 10

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days are better than all the other days

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of the year with no exceptions.

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Not even the last 10 days of Ramadan.

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But the last 10 nights of Ramadan are

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better because they include letters of color,

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which is better than a 1000 months.

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And so, therefore, the various reports

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may be reconciled.

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Among the best deeds to be done during

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these days is fasting.

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chose fasting for himself

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as he as stated in the Hadith al

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the meaning of which is Allah

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all the deeds of the son of Adam

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are for him except for fasting

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which is for me and I am the

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one who will reward it, reward him for

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It is sunnah to fast on the 9th

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day of the hija,

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and that is, Insha'Allah,

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of sins of the year before and ahead

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of it.

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used to fast all the all the first

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9 days of Dhul Hijjah, and that is

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the best way of doing it.

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It is soon not to say

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that, during the first 10 days of Dhul

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Hijjah, and to say it aloud in every

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place where it is permitted to remember Allah

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as a proclamation

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of the greatness to Allah.

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The reviving aspects of the sunnah that have

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been virtually forgotten brings immense reward.

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As the sun said,

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whoever revives

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an aspect of my sunnah that is forgotten

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after my death, he will have a reward

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equivalent to that of the people who follow

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him without it detracting

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in the least from their reward.

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And this is the thing with me. I

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remind myself and you to do

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more good deeds

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during these

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days. Don't waste time in useless arguments

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and debates

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about moon sighting or anything else.

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Keep hearts together

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We who have not gone for Hajj should

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occupy ourselves by worshiping

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Allah extra, praying

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after 4, making zikr, reading Quran, remembering Allah

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making dua,

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giving charity,

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honoring our parents,

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upholding the ties of kinship and relationship,

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enjoying what is good and forbidding what is

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evil and other good deeds and acts of

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One of the most important things to do

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during these 10 days is to repent sincerely

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to Allah and to give up all kinds

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of disobedience

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and sin.

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Repentance means returning to the obedience of Allah

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away from all that he dislikes

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with deep regret for what has passed.

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That is very important. The heart has to

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Giving them giving up the bad deeds, giving

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up whatever Haram you were doing immediately,

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and being determined

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never to return to them, but to adhere

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to the truth

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by doing what Allah loves.

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Let us purify our earnings and food because

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we don't know when we will die.

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Fulfill the rights of others

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and return people's trusts because

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Allah will not forgive the person until the

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one he wronged forgives him first.

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Seek forgiveness

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before it is too late.

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Finally, the best deed to do on either

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the day of sacrifice

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is to sacrifice an animal for the sake

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Allah The sacrifice, the

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or anyone

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who is liable to pay Zakat.

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Even if he became eligible

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on that day.

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The blessing, the barakah, is for the entire

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The time for sacrifice

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is after

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and not before.

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On the day of Eid, which is the

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10th of, it is to

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bathe, wear good or new clothes, and go

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to the place of prayer,

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and to continue to do that until the

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imam comes to start the breath.

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Please do not pray the

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when you come for each salah.

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The Eid salah has no

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and is followed by the Khutba of Eid,

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which is very important to listen to. Please

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don't get up as soon as the salah

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is over unless you have an emergency. Continue

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to remain seated. Don't talk to people and

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listen to the and make dua, and then

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get up and meet and greet your brothers

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and sisters before you go home.

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Allah grant us a

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to do what pleases

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especially during these days and to continue that

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during the rest of our lives.

00:17:35 --> 00:17:36

Let this be

00:17:37 --> 00:17:38

a time of transformation,

00:17:40 --> 00:17:41

not a time

00:17:41 --> 00:17:44

of episodic action which reverse to the default

00:17:44 --> 00:17:45

when the time has passed.

00:17:46 --> 00:17:47


00:17:47 --> 00:17:49

Allah ease the path of those who have

00:17:49 --> 00:17:51

gone for Hajj and honor them as his

00:17:51 --> 00:17:51


00:17:52 --> 00:17:53

and make them our intercessors.

00:17:54 --> 00:17:56

Remind them to make dua for us when

00:17:56 --> 00:17:58

they stand in alpha

00:17:58 --> 00:17:59

and to ask Allah

00:17:59 --> 00:18:01

for his mercy. May Allah

00:18:02 --> 00:18:04

cover them with his mercy and accept their

00:18:04 --> 00:18:04


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and give them more from his bounty.

00:18:07 --> 00:18:09

May they be counted among those

00:18:09 --> 00:18:10

about whom Rasulullah

00:18:12 --> 00:18:14

said in the Hadith in Musa Riva Ahmed,

00:18:14 --> 00:18:16

the Saudi Hadith, Abdullah

00:18:19 --> 00:18:20

reported that Rasulullah

00:18:21 --> 00:18:23

said, verily Allah

00:18:23 --> 00:18:25

boasts to his angels

00:18:25 --> 00:18:26

of the pilgrims

00:18:27 --> 00:18:29

on the afternoon of the day of Arafat

00:18:29 --> 00:18:33

saying, look at my slaves coming to me

00:18:33 --> 00:18:34

disabled and dusty.

00:18:35 --> 00:18:35


00:18:36 --> 00:18:37

us the opportunity

00:18:37 --> 00:18:40

and ability to make Hajj again and again.

00:18:47 --> 00:18:48

In advance to all of you,

00:18:50 --> 00:18:51

may Allah

00:18:51 --> 00:18:54

make this eve the best yet of your

00:18:54 --> 00:18:56

lives and give you many more to follow,

00:18:56 --> 00:18:56


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