Mirza Yawar Baig – Good business

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of good business, including selling things at a lower price and losing money if a business person buys something. They criticize the media's portrayal of Islam and the media's portrayal of young people. The speakers emphasize the importance of physical fitness and exercise in achieving better health and fitness, as well as the need for physical fitness education and priority to learning the Quran and dehen to gain a sound foundation in the deed. They also emphasize the importance of sending children to religious schools for better education and prioritizing learning the Quran and dehen to gain a sound foundation in the deed.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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I remind myself and you

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that a good business person, a good business

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man, a businesswoman,

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is somebody who

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buys something for

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a certain amount

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and sells it

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for a higher price.

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Right? It's very basic fundamental.

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Good business is to buy something at a

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lower price and sell it at a higher

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price and the difference is your margin, that's

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your profit.

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If somebody buys something

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at a higher price

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and sells it for a lower price, then

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this is not a business person.

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You might say nobody does it, but they

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do it because usually

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this happens with inheritance.

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What people get as inheritance

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from their parents and so on,

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they don't have value for it.

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they sell it cheap.

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They sell it cheap, they lose it. Many

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times they just lose it. They're not even

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selling it.

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And whoever gets it makes a packet.

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So this is bad business.

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Now, reason I'm mentioning that is because Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said the same thing with

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regard to our dealing with the Duniya and

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the Deen.

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Things in the religion, things in the deen

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we should give importance to, which we don't

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and instead of that we give importance to

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things of the dunya.

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For example, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala said

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In Surah Al

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Jumah, Allah In Surah Al Jumah, Allah mentions

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an incident where Rasulullah was

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doing a Khutbatul Jumah

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and a caravan came at that time. And

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because of that caravan and people, you know,

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all the

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noise and the sound and so on of

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the caravan,

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people left the Khudba and ran to the

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from the masjid.

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And Rasool Rasool was left standing with only

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a few people

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there. The rest of them ran away.

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So there is a case of the Rasool

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alaihi salaam himself

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darsh, giving a khutba

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and people left and went away.

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Right? Imagine.

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Imagine if that happens to you and me,

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no problem. I'm telling you, it happened to

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the Nabi alaihi salaam.

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So who am I? Who are you?

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So Allah

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revealed Quran about this. Allah

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said, they are leaving you standing, oh, Muhammad

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and they are going away behind this. Behind

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this, whatever they think some benefit they will

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get out of this caravan

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of buying and selling.

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They are running behind that and they have

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left you here

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because he is speaking about the greatness of

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Allah. He's speaking about the akira.

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They left this and they went there.

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Allah is saying, say to them

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what is with Allah is far better

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than this

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this amusement, this games, this sports,

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this fun activities

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and the trade.

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And Allah is the best provider.

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Today, in this country, for example,

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one of the things that I see

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in so many in the case of so

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many people,

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good people,

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people who are,

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they are

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people who

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love Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. I mean, I

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do not

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deny that,

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but we are so caught up in the

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that we give importance to things of the

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duniya in comparison to the akhara. For example,

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there are many people I know,

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We have the maktab here.

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The mother's

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are the children don't come here.

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Why don't you send the children? Oh, you

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know, they have got this,

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they're going for this game practice.

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They're going for that game practice.

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So basketball is more important than Quran.

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Soccer is more important than Quran. Football is

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more important than Quran.

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And I will tell you. I I can

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probably give it to you in writing

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that not even 1 in a 1000 of

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those children is ever going to make it

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to the big leagues.

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Not even 1.

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So what's the big deal?

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So you lost here, you lost there. Because

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if you look at the game itself, who

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are the people who make the millions?

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The people in the you it's easy to

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compare yourself with, Messi or with, you know,

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But how many Ronaldo? Why is there only

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1 Ronaldo? Think about it. How come there

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is only 1 Ronaldo in this world till

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now? How come there is only 1 Messi?

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If it is so easy,

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how come we don't have 10,000? We should

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we should have. No. I mean, there are

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so many people. There are thousands and millions

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of people. So everybody should be. No. 1.

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So they like we say,

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So you want you go into sport and

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you get neither the sports nor this. Now

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I'm not against sports. Please understand. I'm very

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much in favor of sports. I'm very much

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in favor of exercise. We should do that.

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Physical fitness is very important, but not at

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the expense of Quran, not at the expense

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of running your.

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Find some other time.

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Find some other time where you can do

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that. Because really, I tell you it is

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embarrassing. It is very embarrassing for me.

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When I ask someone adults,

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I ask somebody, please call the,

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they do it wrong.

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Now you are praying in the masjid everyday.

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You are listening to the 5 times a

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day and you still don't get it right.

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What's the what is so complicated about Islam?

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They cannot even say the correctly.

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You ask them to lead salah, they make

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a million mistakes.

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Because no practice.

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They learn the Quran. They can if you

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give them the Quran, they can read it.

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But they will read it like, you know,

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letter by letter.

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No practice.

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So if you are going to give more

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to these things,

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to games and sports and to

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my business, my shop, this thing.

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In comparison to the Quran,

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then what will happen?

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What will happen is what is happening in

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this country and has been happening time after

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time after time,

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the same children will leave this deal and

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go away.

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Everyone, we all know these incidents where people

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came to this country.

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They were good Muslim when they came.

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2nd generation, 3rd generation,

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No more Islam. No nothing.

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How many times do we have here in

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the masjid?

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And in the, the people who come,

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wallahi, it's the first time in my life

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I've seen those people. 5 years, I've not

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seen that person even one time, except for

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the janaza. And after the janaza, I haven't

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seen him again.

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Why? I remind myself, can you please let

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us not play games

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with our own lives and with the lives

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of our own children?

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your children are your.

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That is one of the three things which

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will be of benefit to us after we

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are gone.

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Children who are good.

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Anything good that you teach to somebody and

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that carry forward, and any

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work of

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any good work which continues.

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So don't spoil that

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because you are the one who will benefit.

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Not not me, not anybody, yourself.

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So don't spoil it.

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Make sure that you give priority

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to the learning of Quran and

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deen. Priority, not just teaching. Not just teaching

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in the spirit.

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Between my football practice, I get some time.

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I will say no. No. No. No.

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Turn it the other way around.

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When there is time, I will send for

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that. But priority to the deen, priority to

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the dus of Quran, dus of of the

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It is absolutely

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critical and essential

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that children get a sound, solid

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in the deed.

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here in our, we are not making them

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and and this is basic fundamental knowledge. How

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to do salah, how to make

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and so on. Right?

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How to read Quran, Nazirah, then if whatever

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you can memorize a little bit of that.

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It's not some

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stuff they are teaching them. Very simple basic,

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but that simple basic stuff is very, very

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important. That is the foundation.

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So please, I remind myself and you and

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tell others,

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send the children to the. Send them to

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send the children to the

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school here.

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And if you don't want to send them

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to this school, send them to the to.

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Has got also has a in this place.

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There are 2 places with the Maktab. I

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don't care. As long as you send them

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to a religious school where they are getting

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proper religious education

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and give precedence to the knowledge of the

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deen over everything else.

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We ask Allah to

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help us to take advantage of all the

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opportunity that he presents for us and to

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benefit from that.

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