Mirza Yawar Baig – Fudayl bin Iyadh

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The transcript discusses the history and character of Fuday bin advocate, including his journey as a highway battlesman and recitation of the MAC act. The character's actions and struggles with money and returning items to their owners are also discussed. The importance of being aware of the meaning of being a slave is emphasized, along with advice given to a man reciting a Quran and being instructed to be lazy to avoid going back to mistakes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of straightening one's life to become confident and fill his hearts with his khashiya and His presence.
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My brothers and sisters, how many of you
have heard the name
It is very important
to know about
our scholars
and about about our elders.
This is part of the education of the
And also a student of
And among his students
were Ibrahim Adhim and
also Bishar al Hafi
Some of the greatest names of the scholars
of this Deen.
Now Fuday bin Nayyad has a very interesting
Fuday bin Nayyad
off as a highway robber.
He was a robber,
He was actually the chief of a gang.
This gang used to infiltrate
caravans and then they would ambush them and
they would lure people. That was the job.
He was a he was a highway robber.
But interestingly, he was even in those highway
robbing robbing days.
He was
somebody who was who prayed 5 times a
day. He used to fast in Ramadan and
on. So but, you know, Allah has to
give you that because he did not see
contrast and conflict between
on the one hand praying 5 times a
day and then robbing people.
So one
day, and to to give you some ideas,
one day a man came to him in
his, he was in a caravan. He was
in this caravan as an infiltrator,
but pretending to be one of the legitimate,
you know, travelers.
There was a very wealthy
businessman in this caravan. So this businessman, he
was carrying a lot of gold men.
So he got friendly with
and he came to him and he said,
you know, you look like a good person
and so on. So can you do me
a favor? He said, what? He said, please
keep this gold. I'm giving this to you
as a man.
So please keep this for me. I said,
Do what is gold.
Now on the way,
as per their
plan of this gang,
the rest of the gang
ambushed the caravan,
and then this man realized that the one
he had given his gold to for safe
keeping was the chief of this gang.
So this man thought I have finished everything.
Whatever I had is gone.
But for that we ask, he
you what you gave me as amana is
Nobody will touch it.
And here is your gold bag.
Now Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala we don't know
what Allah likes, and that is the reason
why it is very important, when you look
at somebody, you never look down on anybody,
never look at somebody and say I know
this fellow he's gone finished.
You know he can never get no, never
never say that. We don't know, we don't
know who is what.
We make dua for everybody heal
the hearts and so
so one day Fuday al bin al
climbing a wall
to get on the other side
and he heard somebody
in a house on the other side reciting
And that person was reciting the Ayat of
Surat Al Hadid
where Allah SWTARAH said,
Has not the time come for
the believers, for people who have
some Iman
to turn towards Allah
to have the Khashyat of Allah in their
Now incidentally on a side note
before Khalid bin Walid
became Muslim
when Rasulullah
after Surah Hudaybiyyah the following,
year when they did the Umrah Khaddah
and they came to Mecca,
Khalid bin Walid's brother, Walid bin Walid
went to meet his his brother and he
found Khali is not there. He's gone off.
So he's the Khali had left. She left
Mecca with the others with the.
his brother Walid,
he wrote this.
He wrote my letter. He said that Rasool
was asking about, do he wants you to
meet him and he wrote this ayah
and left it there for Kharekh. When Kharekh
read this and he realized that this is
a message to me. Has not the time
come to turn towards Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So for there being aya,
heard this aya and he
Allah changed his heart.
He made tawba, he made istighfar
and then he
searched for the people that he had looted
over the years and he went to find
them and he returned the things to them.
Now he did not always have the things
to you, including used to borrow money to
return because what what he looted was spent.
So he used to get the money, borrow
the money, go and return. And when he
ran out of that, when there was no
money, he would go and beg pardon to
them. He said, please forgive me. I have
nothing to give you, but please forgive
And then he went to study, he came
to Mecca and he came, went to study,
he stayed many years in Mecca and studied
with Imam Abu Hanifa Allah
then gives
the Iqram
of giving him teachers like this.
What more do you want?
And then Allah gave him students like Ibrahim
Adheem and
Bishar Al Hafi.
one day,
there was a man who was 60 years
He came to him and he asked him,
said give me some advice.
said to him, how many years have come
upon you?
How old are you? The man said 60
said to him, so
for 60 years, since 60 years now you
are heading towards your Rabb
and you are on the verge of arriving.
So the man said yes.
Said, do you know the meaning of that?
You are saying,
Do you know the meaning of this?
He said, you are saying
that I am a slave of Allah
and to him I will return.
So whoever
knows that he is a slave of Allah
and that to him he will return,
then let him be aware
that he will stand before him, jalajalalu
And whoever is aware that he will stand
before him,
then let him be aware that he will
be questioned.
And whoever is aware that he will be
then let him prepare an answer for that
Beautiful this advice
is. We all say this, we all know
To Allah we belong, to Allah is our
return What is the meaning of that?
Do we say this with understanding of this
meaning? Does it do anything to us in
our hearts?
Obviously, we are saying this as words.
Usually somebody dies something
So to remind myself and you again, the
says, if you are saying that,
think of, think what you are saying. You
are saying, I am a slave of Allah
and to Allah I will return.
You're saying this and he says, if you
are saying this and you know that you
are saying this, then whoever knows that he
is a slave of Allah
and that to him he will return,
then let him be aware.
When you return means what? Means you will
stand before Allah.
And whoever is aware that he will stand
before Allah, let him be aware that Allah
will question him.
And whoever is aware that Allah will question
him, then let him prepare an answer for
the question.
Such a beautiful advice.
So the man said,
so what is the strategy? What must I
And said, easy.
It's very easy.
The man said, what is
be righteous in what remains
of your life from now and you will
be forgiven for what has passed.
Right? So don't waste time to think, oh,
I did from now onwards,
straighten your life from now. Whatever you did,
you did. Make a step forward. From now
if I did not pray regularly, from tomorrow
morning, I will pray regularly.
If I did not if I used to
tell lies from tomorrow, I will not tell
lies. If I was to do him from
tomorrow, I will not whatever it is. Right?
Right now, from right now, I will change
my life. So he said,
be righteous in whatever remains of your life
and you will be forgiven for what has
passed. For indeed,
if you incur evil in what remains,
meaning you don't repent and you continue to
do whatever you are doing, then you will
be held accountable
for that and which has passed.
So if you
and if you,
correct your life, he's saying then inshallah Allah
will forgive your past.
But if you don't do that, then not
only will you be held accountable for what
you are doing from now on, but Allah
will also catch you for what you did
in the past.
So we ask
Allah to open our eyes before they are
open for us and to help us to
straighten our lives
to become righteous, to become
to fill our hearts with his khashiya
and with his eza and with his rama
and to cover us with his rama and
to cover us with His Makhfirah,
to cover us with His mercy and forgiveness.
Waala Alihi wa sahabiibirahu
tika rabbay.