Mirza Yawar Baig – Dunya and Aakhira

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the potential danger of capitalism and the new world based on socialism. They note the success of the current system and the importance of people making changes to their future lives. The speaker discusses the goal of achieving a change in the world and the difficulty of achieving success in the past. They emphasize the importance of investing in the future and giving up one's duniya for the profit of others.
AI: Transcript ©
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He asked me a question. I I had

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an article about

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the dangers of, predatory capitalism,

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which is the

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system that we have currently in the world

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are ruled by

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autocrats. We have countries which are ruled

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by billionaires,

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the world also seems to

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be going towards that, meaning that

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that seems to be what the world wants,

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to be ruled by by billionaires.

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So his question was,

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I wonder how capitalism

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would dismantle

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or create a

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type of economy which is,

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which is compassionate, which is which takes care

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of the poor, which takes care of those

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who need care.

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And since we were talking in the Islamic

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context, basically, we're talking about,

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a the ideal Islamic

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is not socialism

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but which is, something that

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first of all resembles socialism more than capitalism

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and also it is something which

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brings in

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the virtues and benefits

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of free enterprise

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a free market

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with the benefits of social responsibility.

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Now that seems like, in today's world and

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capitalism as we know it that's like an

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almost like an anarchonism.

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Looks like something which is

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completely impossible

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but it is not

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it is eminently possible.

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The world has seen that for

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pretty long time

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after the advent of Islam

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in the 7th century.

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So it is not something which is

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or, you know, it's not a pipe dream.

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But it takes 2 weeks. So now question

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how do you how do you think that

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will happen?

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So what I

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want to say is, a few things. 1

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it's more a question of how will it

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happen rather than,

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what will the new,

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world look like.

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The question before that is how will you

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get to that new world?

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What is the map? What is the plan?

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What's the roadmap?

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Before we say what will the new world

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look like?

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reason I'm saying that is because no existing

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will ever

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dismantle itself voluntarily.

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To give you an idea,

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the world lived

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in a system of dynasties

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and, empire

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years out of the 2000 counting from Augustus

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to today.

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I'm saying Augustus Caesar not because that's where

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history began but because,

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that's where we usually count from when we

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say BC, AD, and so on. And he

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was the first Roman emperor after the Roman

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Republic got demolished.

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Caesar, Julius Caesar was

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actually murdered

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in order to preserve the Republic but the

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opposite happened and Augustus came to power, when

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he came to power he became the

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emperor. So,

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going counting from there to today,

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we are looking at about roughly 2,000 plus

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and out of that

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years was spent in empire

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people living under diasties, different diasties

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and that was global.

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The current

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situation of,

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the nation state and

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democracy in whichever form we know it, no

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matter how

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faulty it might look,

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is less than 200 years old.

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How did that happen?

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It happened because of,

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attrition of

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which is another word for monarchy

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and trying to find

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some systems

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gave the common person

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greater participation

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decision making and government.

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That didn't come easy.

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the the attempt

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overturning the British monarchy is again a case

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in point,

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where it went back to the, to the

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monarchy after

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they tried it and it failed

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and so forth. So this took

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centuries, not 1 or 2 years or decades

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And it took

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untold numbers of lives.

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The question is after that what happened?

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The way the process works is that,

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as I said, no system

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dismantle it dismantles itself voluntarily,

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never happened in history. Those who benefit from

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the system,

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as I mentioned, in this case, the monarchies,

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they will fight tooth and nail to keep

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it going and they have the power so

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they will succeed. Initially,

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and and Crumble's

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revolution, if I want to call it that,

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is or rebellion,

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depending on who's writing the story,

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is a classic example of that. So,

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people will pay with their lives

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and, but the establishment will succeed because they

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have the power. They have the gun. They

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have the weapons. They have the money.

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But opposition will continue. Right? People

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will continue to pay with their

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lives, their energy and their wealth and emotion

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for the future of their children

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which can be better than their present.

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Now if you take even the Seerah of

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Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,

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there everything was telescoped and happened in a

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span of time because Allah wanted to show

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that success is possible.

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But we even there we see

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right after the 8th year of Hijra,

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it was difficulty

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after difficulty after difficulty. The 13 years of

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were a series

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of difficulties succeeding each other. Each one

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more difficult than the previous one until Rasool

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was actually forced to to leave his

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hometown and his place of birth.

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All the Sahaba who were martyred,

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who died

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until Fath Hammakkah did not see victory.

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Every single one of them died

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without seeing victory. Yet they invested

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themselves in it.

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In the change.

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Because they believed in the change.

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Now the same thing will happen

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that those who,

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that eventually success will come.

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How long that process will take

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is not a given.

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There's no timeline on that. It will take

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as long as it needs to take,

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and that depends on who invested how much.

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Now at the end, what

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will happen in the end depends on who

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invested how much.

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Those who invested the most will get the

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future they invested for. And now in this

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case, we are talking about today,

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will there be Muslims? I don't know. Can

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it be Muslims? Yes. It can. But

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because it can be anyone.

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But one thing for sure, it will be

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those who have a clear goal

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and a clear

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Until it is achieved, it's not invested.

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So those who have a clear goal and

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strategy and who are willing to invest

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until the goal is achieved, which means

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by definition

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that many of them, and in the

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initial years,

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all of them,

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except the last,

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that last line which will literally invest

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the fort, the fort, which will literally go

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over the, over the,

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the battlements.

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Except them, everyone else will not

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success. This is a given.

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Yet, they will have to invest

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someone who goes over the battlements will be

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standing on the shoulders of someone who did

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not see success.

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But if that someone was not there

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with their shoulders to stand on,

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he would never have gone over the battlements.

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So the goal the investment in the goal

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has to be done until it is achieved.

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In that process, there will be many who

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will come and invest and pay with their

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lives and go and wealth and

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time and energy and effort and emotion

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hoping to achieve,

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was their dream, hoping to achieve their dreams.

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the truth is

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that what

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the achievement of the goal

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belongs to those who had a strategy.

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People who have a strategy will benefit not

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only from their own investment

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but also from the investment of others

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whose goals may have been quite different.

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Now if you want examples,

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that is what happened, for example, in the

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formation of Palestine and Israel.

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The Palestinians gave their lives and they continue

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to give their lives,

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but who benefits?

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Certainly not the Palestinians.

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The same thing happened in Pakistan.

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The people who gave their lives and the

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people who came to power and who remain

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in power are 2 different people.

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Same thing happened in Egypt.

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The people who gave their lives

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were not the people who are currently

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in power

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or who were in power when Muslim Mubarak

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was there or who were in power when

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commander of the Nasser was there and so

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Same thing in Libya.

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Omar Muhtar and those people were the people

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who gave their lives,

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who came into power.

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same story.

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And other places.

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Those who gave their lives, they actually helped

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the others to come to power

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because they did not have a clear strategy

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of their own.

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And I'm sorry. I'm I'm sorry to say

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simply saying that I am doing this only

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for Allah's,

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only for Allah's reward is not enough

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because Allah's reward will come anywhere. That's a

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and Allah did not say I will give

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more reward to the one who fights without

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a plan than to the one who fights

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with a plan. Right? So that's a very

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stupid way of thinking and this is the

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way that the people who have a plan

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want others to think so that the others

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don't interfere with their plans.

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Getting a victory

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in the Akhara

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at the expense of dunya, Alhamdulillah,

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this is good.

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But getting a victory in the akhirah with

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a victory in the dunya, is better.

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And what we learn from the seerah is

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this. We don't learn from the seerah that

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we have to give up the duniya to

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get the akhara. We learn from the seerah

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how to get the duniya and the akhara.

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And I think this is a very big

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disservice that

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a lot of people have done, a lot

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of scholars have done. May Allah forgive us

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where they have sold a story to people

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to say that give up the duniya for

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the akhara. Giving up the duniya for the

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akhara is the way of Hindu,

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and Chris Hindu and Christian monks.

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Is not the way of Muslims. It's not

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the way of Rasool Islam. Islam did not

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come for us to renounce

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this worldly life in order to get success

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in the akhla. Islam came to teach us

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how to live this worldly life in a

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way that we get success here as well

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as there.

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I don't know when or if this message

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ever gets through, but anyway, Insha'Allah.

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grant us hope and may Allah grant us

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and the rigor

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to work

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to achieve those goals.

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