Mirza Yawar Baig – Dont get brainwashed

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The history of India, including the use of tall ships and European powers, is discussed, along with the importance of learning to hate oneself and localizing history. The use of dress code and clothing in modern buildings and old pictures of Maharajas are also highlighted. The history of slavery and the use of racist language is also discussed, along with the importance of protecting one's privacy and not using words like "will" to avoid violence. The speakers emphasize the need for education to produce low-level employees for the colonial government and not to use political language to incite violence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah, 100 Illah wa Salat was Salaam warah, Rasoolallah wa Allah

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Ali. He was happy. He or Oba, my dear

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brothers and sisters,

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one of the most powerful

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and well known ways

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to destroy

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a nation,

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be it at an individual level of a person and his family or her

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family, or at the collective level of the nation. And by nation, I

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don't mean a

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political state. I mean nation, as in a people,

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one of the most powerful and one of the oldest ways,

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is to make them forget their history

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and to make them hate their history.

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In other words, hate themselves. Now

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you might say, well, this sound like a tall prescription, but

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that's the reason why you should read history.

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What the

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This was done throughout the ages, but it was done in a very vicious,

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very organized and very powerful way during the colonial period,

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is called by different names, but the European colonial period,

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where Europeans

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went out of Europe, which at that time was a place where

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they had military power, military superiority,

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and thanks to

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almost, I must say,

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almost uniquely, thanks to sailing ships that could cross the big

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oceans, and this was the tall ships,

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which were different from the catamarans of the Polynesians, The

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long ships of the Vikings, the dhows of the Arabs, all of which

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predated European navies.

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But when European navies came on the scene,

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they outperformed all of these thanks to the design of the tall

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ship, which enabled it to cross

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the big oceans, and of course, at that time, also the

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the availability, the propagation, the use of gunpowder, so the use

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of cannon. Now, once again,

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the Ottomans, for example, and the malls

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and the Safavids. They were, these were called the gunpowder empires.

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They used cannon long before the Europeans. The Chinese used

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cannons centuries before the European and the others yet,

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because the Chinese used it in the used used gunpowder in the 13th

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and 12th and 13th centuries.

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Despite all that, the fact remains that these European powers, they

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conquered and

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and colonized and occupied

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most or almost all

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of the known world at the time, except China and Japan

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and some of those,

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those, those lands They kept

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like Australia, like the United States,

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and like Canada and others, they gave up after having sucked them

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dry of all their resources, like India, for example, or like

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Africa, and installed in them their own people who were

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dark skinned on the outside, but white inside. I don't mean that in

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a racist manner. I mean that in an ideological manner, who believed

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who believed the same principles as the colonial as their colonial

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masters. Now, the way they did all of that was by making the locals

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do these two things. One is forget the history, and then the second

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one was to learn to hate themselves.

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Now forgetting the history was relatively easy in that they just

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stopped teaching it

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in schools to the set of schools in.

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In the Name of education and basically, these were training

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places to produce low level employees for the colonial

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whether it was civil service and so forth. For you know, the

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majority of the colonial period, the locals never could even,

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couldn't even aspire to senior or even middle level positions in the

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judiciary, in the civil service, in the police, in the military,

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but they needed to learn to read and write and to understand the

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systems of the colonial so they were sent to school. Now, in these

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their local history, their local culture, their local traditions,

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much less religion, were not taught at all. Instead, they were

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taught a distorted version of history, and believe it or not,

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even geography, which made their countries and their cultures look

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small and insignificant and violent and backward and

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regressive, whereas the white man's culture, the white man's

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religion, the white man's social norms and so on. These got

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precedence, and these were extolled and they were glorified,

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and frankly, falsified. I mean, in the in the context of the reality,

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they were falsified this, this lying version of history was

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taught. But what was even more powerful

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was the substitution of

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now, including, for example, just to give you some examples, if you

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look at the usual dress of a doorman

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in any major five star hotel, you will find a gentleman who is

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wearing a pagadi, who is wearing a turban, who is wearing a long coat

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that goes below his knees, and He is wearing trousers and so on.

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Looks very smart, but he's a doorman. And that was the dress of

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the Indian Maharaja. If you look at old pictures of the Maharajas

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and so on in India, this was how kings dressed. And that became the

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dress of the doorman. Though you will never find a hotel General

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Manager wearing that dress. You will do, or you will not find even

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the the housekeeping person inside, donor outside, on the on

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the street, the doorman.

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We have actual pictures of,

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and I have, I think I have one of them which I will post on this. I

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asked uma to post on this,

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which says, is one I have which of us of similar club in in India,

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North India, which says, dogs and Indians not allowed. So the

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Indians in the in the British clubs were could be servants. And

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they were servants. They were the people served you over the cooks

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and the

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waiters and the butlers. But they had they could not sit in your

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presence. The rule was that they couldn't even wear shoes your

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presence. So you had this Butler

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dressed in a

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in a close collar court, white with gloves and no shoes, and he

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had to walk barefoot. Try and do that in a in a in UT Inshallah, in

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Darjeeling in the winter is not pleasant, to say the least. But

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this is the this is how it was it was done so in terms of of

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culture, of tradition, of clothing, we were taught to hate

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ourselves. The same thing happened in Africa, all over Africa, the

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same thing happened. Africa was a dark continent inhabited by by

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animals and by, you know, cannibals and condos, all sorts of

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horrible stuff.

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No question of any civilization. Civilization in Africa were like

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two different

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words, the culture and tradition and Africa were like two different

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concepts, the complete and total falsehood, complete and total

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falsehood, and finally, also the after the Great

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Transatlantic African

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Atlantic slavery operation, which transported

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12 million Africans forcibly from Africa to America, and probably

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more than that number died in transit, to the extent where

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sharks used to follow slave ships, they were just dumped overboard,

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not even counted in.

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And they built America. And I'm just giving one example. They

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literally built this country. But you never see any African name

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being taken with honor when it comes to building of the country.

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On the other hand, you have this tradition I've seen in in

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Australia as well as in America, and I am assuming that the same

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thing happens in New Zealand, where you have the haka, which is

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the New Zealand Maori,

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Maori victory dance, which people do

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nowadays in nice white Public Schools

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ask, What happened to the Maoris. The same thing happens, as I said,

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America here, which is that any official function begins with two

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minutes of silence to honor the original inhabitants, in many

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cases, the places where this honor is being bestowed upon them, our

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buildings, our colleges, our you know, places which from which

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these original inhabitants were literally annihilated, the

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colonial settler mentality, they were literally annihilated. Men,

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women, children were killed and dumped. Their lands were taken

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over. And now we stand in two minutes of

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of silence, the finest example of hypocrisy, and say, we are

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honoring those people. And my question always, I asked one of

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the one of the people ordering, I said, Well, how about returning

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this land to them? There are still some, you know, remnants of those

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people, the aboriginals in Australia, the Native Americans in

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India, who are on reservations or just wandering around. How about

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giving it back to them, that would, that would really be honor,

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right? So from when you are sitting there, just get out of

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this place. It doesn't belong to you. Give it back to them or pay

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for, pay them for it in today's in today's money. Give them that

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money for instead of signing and saying, we are honoring. But this

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is the reality. The reality is what they did, same thing they do

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with Islam and Muslims who are the current target and one of the ways

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in which they do that. And may Allah forgive us. We have our

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Muslim so called intellectuals who like to call themselves

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intellectuals, people who have studied in in western colleges,

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to a to the final tertiary level, which includes people like me. I

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studied in some of the finest schools. I studied in the best

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public school in the country, the Hyderabad public school. I had

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British teachers and masters. I

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got an MBA from the number one MBA College in India, business school

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in India, the I Am Ahmedabad and so on, and so my point is that

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I've been through the whole system. My eyes are open to that.

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What they do with Muslims is to make us feel that our culture, our

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ways, our traditions, our way of dressing, our ways of looking,

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are regressive. They are

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they are despicable. They are horrible. They must not be. We

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must not do these things right, and if we insist that at least try

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to hide it. So shave your beards, take off your hijabs, pretend that

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you are not Muslim, so that people will not think that you are

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regressive and so on. The tragedies that we have bought

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this, I hear these statements from our own people, and one of the one

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of the big targets of this, are the Ulama. Are the are the

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scholars of Islam, which who are bracketed as being ignorant and

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uneducated. Now imagine here is a person who is a harvest of the

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Quran, who, the you know, who studied the religious texts, the

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Hadith, sunnah, so on, so forth, who's practicing it? And you said,

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this person uneducated, where the whereas the Muslim who's making

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this statement, you go to his or her house and say, Bring out your

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children and get them to recite sorodham Fatiha correctly. Get the

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same person who's calling the Ulama are educated, and say, my

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brother, my sister, please recite. And you will see that they cannot

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even recite sorodham Fatiha correctly with tajbir. Yet they

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are not ashamed of that they are not they should be completely and

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totally ashamed that they are in the state where the rokkr of the

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Salah, the pillar of the Salah, they cannot perform properly. They

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are not ashamed at all. Doesn't doesn't bother them. However, they

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call the olava, the people who have spent their lives and

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dedicated their lives to preserving and to teaching and

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propagating the holy texts of our religion and our culture, they

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brand them as uneducated, and who does that, not the outsider, the

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Insider? We Muslims. Please don't fall into this trap. This is a

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trap which makes you

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Makes you hate yourself. Don't use words because words which are

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loaded with with a political, negative, political

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and cultural connotations that don't use these words. These words

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are because the one they remember, the one who owns the language,

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owns the debate. We use these words and these words malign us. I

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mean, please have some intelligence. Don't go and you

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know, suicide is halama. This is, this is the kind of suicide that

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we are doing, where we are using words and so on, which, which

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destroy our own opinion about our own culture, how evil and how

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horrible and how stupid is that so our brothers and sisters, please,

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learn the deed. The counter to all of this is knowledge. Learn the

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deen. Learn Islam. Learn the Arabic language. Learn to read the

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Quran correctly. Learn to take joy in the recitation of the Quran.

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Learn to understand the Quran. Learn to understand the Hadith.

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Learn to love Muhammad rasulallah, without which love you and I

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cannot be guided. Learn to love the rasulallah. Learn to love his

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companions. Learn to love the culture, the the ideology, the

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akhlaq, the behavior, the Marilla, the dealings and relationships

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with people, the mahashra, the culture that he and his Sahaba,

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his companions, propagated, and which Allah subhanahu wa ex

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stalled, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala praise, learn to love those

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things, not the stuff which goes opposite to that, and do not mouth

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the platitudes and do not mount mouth, the the the calumnies and

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the and the and the false accusations that the enemies of

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Islam have taught us to use. I mean, how tragic is that we have

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got to a stage where we don't even need them to say to us, we say to

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ourselves, we are in a state of self flagellation, of beating

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ourselves up to please other people, please stop doing that.

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Take pride in your in yourself. Alhamdulillah. We have a religion

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that was sent by Allah. We have we follow a messenger who was the

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Messenger of Allah, sallAllahu, alaihi salam. And we have a way

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which Allah subhanho wa Taala likes. Who cares whether anyone

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else likes it or doesn't like it? Who cares think about whether

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Allah subhanaw taala likes it not because of the Day of Judgment.

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Believe me, you and I will stand before Allah. And the only thing

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which will matter there is, Did Allah like me or not? Did Allah

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like my behavior or not? Did Allah like my actions are not what the

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world thought about. It is not worth

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All right, I'll let you finish this that sentence. Please don't

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fall into this trap. We ask Allah to guide us and help us and keep

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us on the other street and Barrow, which leads to him and his Rida

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was a while Ali, he was Habiba Rahat.

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