Mirza Yawar Baig – Does it matter what I believe

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The speaker discusses the importance of praying for Allah's peace and blessings rather than just what he thinks. They give examples of people practicing what they preach, including those with a strong desire for their loved ones. The speaker emphasizes the importance of love in the act of prayer and encourages people to practice it to achieve their own goals.
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
Merciful, All praise is due to Allah, Lord
of the worlds.
And peace and blessings be upon the Prophet
and the Messengers, Muhammad and the Messenger of
Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and
upon his family and companions, peace and blessings
be upon them all.
My brothers and sisters, sometimes the thought comes,
some people ask this question, which is that,
what does it matter what I believe?
Does it matter what I believe?
The answer to that question is, first of
all, by asking another question, matter to whom?
So, if I say, does it matter what
I believe, the answer is, we begin with
another question, which is, matter to whom?
What you believe, does it matter to me?
Does it matter to anyone on the face
of the earth?
Then who does it matter to?
It matters to you.
It matters to you.
What I believe, matters to me.
What you believe, matters to you.
And in the end, that is the only
thing which counts.
Because we are going to stand before Allah,
subhanahu wa ta'ala, completely and totally alone.
Nobody else will stand with us.
My very good friend, Rafiq Bhai, from India,
he sent me this wonderful reminder, which is
Fardh versus Tahajjud.
And I'm just reading what he sent me
to share it with you all.
It says, do you know the difference between
Fardh and Tahajjud prayer?
Fardh prayer calls, which is the Adha, are
given in a human voice by the Muadhin.
While the Tahajjud call is given by Allah,
subhanahu wa ta'ala, Himself.
Second, the call for Fardh prayer is heard
by all human beings.
While the call for Tahajjud is heard and
felt by a few selected ones.
The call for Fardh prayer comes, it says,
come for prayer.
While the call for Tahajjud says, is there
any seeker?
I will give.
Is there any seeker?
I will give.
Most Muslims, many Muslims pray the obligatory Fardh
prayer, but Tahajjud is performed and prayed only
by a selected few, who Allah, subhanahu wa
ta'ala, chooses and blesses.
In Fardh prayer, there is the possibility of
Riyadh, which is showing off, which means that
it may not be purely for Allah, subhanahu
wa ta'ala, with Ikhlas, but Tahajjud is
prayed alone and quietly, only Allah knows.
In Fardh prayer, there is a greater possibility
of destruction of mind and thought and heart,
as one frees himself from business of dunya
to come to the prayer, while in Tahajjud,
one is away from the routine tensions of
dunya anyway, and is only thinking of the
In Fardh prayer, one may think of meeting
someone in the Masjid and so on, but
in Tahajjud, it is about meeting and talking
only to Allah, where you can tell Him
all your problems and ask for His mercy.
Lastly, Tahajjud is purely a special Tawfiq from
Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, from whom He
wants to listen and likes their crying and
likes their asking of Him.
And it ends with saying glad tidings for
those who have this invitation every night.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
among those who pray
Tahajjud as if it is Fardh, every single
It is something which I have said again
and again.
Alhamdulillah, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
me among those who practice what we preach,
and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
us those who worship Him, only and only
for His sake.
Therefore, what I began this with, which is,
as far as we are concerned, what we
believe, does it matter or does it not
Now, I gave you the example of Tahajjud
because it links with that.
Only the one who believes will pray, and
only the one who believes truly and sincerely
will wake up in the night in Tahajjud
and he will pray Tahajjud.
And that is why Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves
the man who wakes up for Tahajjud and
wakes up his wife.
And he says Allah loves the woman who
wakes up for Tahajjud and she wakes up
her husband.
And he said that if the person being
woken up, the wife of the husband, if
they are not getting up, he says sprinkle
a little water on their face, which shows
the importance of the Ibadah.
Because after all, it is not a Fardh
So why Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is
saying, wake them up and sprinkle water on
their face.
It is because it is a sign of
love that you want for somebody else, something
which you love for yourself.
This is the Hadith of Abu Nabi Sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam also, that your Imaad is
not complete until you want for your brother
what you want for yourself.
And which is even more to be understood
with respect to our spouses, our children, our
Because they take precedence over anybody we may,
anyone else that we may love.
They take precedence over them.
So therefore, if you are saying that I
love my parents and I love my spouse,
I love my wife, my husband, I love
my children, then the sign of that love
is that you should want for them the
best of what you want for yourself.
It is like saying for example, you know
in the COVID days, I am giving you
that example.
Supposing somebody had this absolutely sure 100%
cure for COVID.
I am not talking about all the stuff
that we used to hear, drink this, drink
that, bang pots and pans, light candles and
all kinds of stuff.
I am talking about actual real medically proven
If somebody had this cure, had this absolutely
certain cure for COVID, but kept it secret,
would not share it with anyone, would not
give it to his family, would not share
it with his own children, spouse and so
What would you say?
You would say, well this is a particularly
horrible human being because he has something which
is beneficial, which saves people from dying, from
suffering from a terrible disease.
But he does not want to share it
with the people who he claims that he
loves them.
So what kind of love is this?
It looks like this love is a false
You just say you love, but where is
the love?
And this is the nature of, as far
as Islam is concerned, the question of does
it matter if I believe?
Yes, it matters what you believe because you
will face Allah alone.
At that time there will be nobody who
will be there for you or stand for
Only and only Allah and you and me.
I will be with Allah alone, you will
be with Allah alone.
And that time also there will be people
who we knew in this world who were
good to us, but who we never invited
to Islam.
And those people will say to us, you
knew but you didn't tell us.
You knew but you did not tell us.
Truly, I definitely don't want to be in
that situation where somebody who I loved, somebody
who I respected, somebody who was good to
me, has to say that to me.
If I didn't tell them because I didn't
know or I didn't have this awareness and
so on, but knowingly, willingly, when I could
have told them, I didn't tell them.
And that is something to really think about
and say, I don't want to be in
that situation.
So it matters very much what you believe.
Number one.
Number two.
It matters that you should convey this correct
belief to whoever you love as a sign
of your love because you love them.
And that's also why it's very important to
check out beliefs.
What exactly do I believe?
It's not simply enough to say, I'm Muslim.
Of course, you're Muslim.
But what does that mean?
It's very important to have that clarity in
your mind because Islam is like any other
It's a set of beliefs.
Believing that makes you Muslim.
When you stop believing that, may Allah save
us from that, you stop being Muslim.
There's no physical change in you.
If somebody leaves Islam and goes off and
starts believing something else, there will be no
physical change in that person.
But that person would be a different person
because that person's future would have changed.
Because if he lives on Islam and dies
on Islam, he has one future, but he
changes that.
And if he lives and dies on something
else, then it's a different future.
So his final destination would have changed.
We ask Allah to keep us on Siratul
Mustaqeem and to grant us the company of
the Ghabiyeen, Siddiqeen, Shuhada, and Saliheen.
And grant us to be their friends.
Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet and
his family and companions.