Mirza Yawar Baig – Do we value Islam

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of valuing time for learning is emphasized, along with the benefits of becoming a doctor and learning about Islam. Personal growth is also emphasized, including progress in learning and practicing Islam. The importance of practicing Islam for personal growth is emphasized, along with the potential for it to hold back in judgment. The speaker emphasizes the need for action and encourages others to study and give time to change.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala Shafi them

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via Eva mursaleen Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Allah Allah, Allah

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Allah He also

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does live on Garcia and Cassia Amato, my brothers and sisters

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the rule of life is that anything we value, we give it time.

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We give time to that, whatever we value, we give time to them. For

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example, those who are interested in soccer as their How much time

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do you give to soccer?

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Most of them will not be will not be able to tell you because

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they've lost count.

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They have given so many hours to soccer, watching soccer, mostly.

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People who watch soccer don't always play soccer.

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This match that match whatnot, whatnot. So also any sport,

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people who are interested in shopping, ask them how much in the

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last one month, one year, how many hours did you spend in the shops?

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And once again, I don't think they will be able to tell you because

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they would have lost count of the of the number of hours.

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If somebody wants to learn something.

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Say I want to become a bicycle or a motorcycle mechanic. Do I need

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to give time to that? I mean, I'm dumb question. But I'm asking you.

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I wanted to become a physician or Doctor, do I need to give time to

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that? I want to fly learn how to fly a plane? Or do I need to give

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time to that? Right?

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No one needs to ask if you ask this question.

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It sounds like a stupid question. Well, why are you even asking this

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Now, if you ask the person who wants to become a doctor, say why

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do you want to become a doctor?

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What is the answer? The answer is because I think it will be

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beneficial for me to be a doctor.

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Right? He might be interested in medicine. But he's not a question

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just being interested because this is something beneficial for me.

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I want to become a doctor because being a doctor is something which

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is beneficial for me.

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I'm going to you know have a good job and good career, make money

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and so on.

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for any other any other job, any other career choice, why'd you

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choose that career because it will benefit me.

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Next question,

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this benefit from this career?

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For the most part, true depending on the kind of career, some

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carriers have also the possibility of benefiting the Acrobat most of

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the time?

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Where is that benefit?

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In which area of your life in this life

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in my life in this world? So the benefit of my medical service?

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Yes, sure. I'm also doing good service. And inshallah I hope

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Allah will reward me for the ways in which I help my patients. But

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what am I actually counting?

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Right? What am I actually counting? I'm counting the amount

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of money I made. I'm counting my returns from the from the

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So also flying a plane so also teaching a class one on one, I'm

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looking at what's my salary? What's my increment? What's my

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take home? What are my Buy Box and so on. So

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now we come to the question.

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Take Islam, we are Muslims of the law. Take Islam. Do we consider

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Islam to be something which is beneficial for us? I know the

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standard answer of course. I'm not asking what the standards are

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asking you and me and I asked I remind myself, let us reflect

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because one day these questions will haunt us.

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Because we will be asked the same question you said this.

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Show me how it is true in your life.

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is Islam beneficial? Do I consider Islam to benefit for me? Of course

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Absolutely. Without a doubt

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this benefit from Islam

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looking at the life of this world and the and the accurate hereafter

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Where am I going to get the benefit in both places? In both

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places, I will get the benefit of Islam in the life of this world,

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and I will get the benefit of Islam in the era. Okay, fantastic,

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wonderful, great understanding now.

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How much time are you giving

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to learning? Islam?

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Learning about Islam, and then learning how to practice Islam?

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How many hours

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if I was learning judo, or karate or any physical sport or any

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physical martial art, or you know, golf or tennis?

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What am I going to be looking at? I'm going to be looking at two

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things. One, I'm going to be looking at the amount of time that

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I spent learning that thing and learning I mean, learning and

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And the second thing which I will be looking for,

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with great interest is my progress.

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Am I getting anywhere with this? Am I spending, you know, days and

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weeks or months on the golf course. But

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every time I tee off, I take have the earth with me.

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So is that acceptable? When am I going to learn how to take a clean

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Don't measure that, I go to the gym.

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I have some goal. I spent that amount of time in the gym. And

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then I take my weight I take my measurements, upper body, lower

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body, biceps, triceps, you know thigh muscles and whatnot, and

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then see what's happening. Is there progress? My question myself

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and you is

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what do we do with Islam?

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How much time since we are saying that Islam is the thing, it is not

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just a passing interest, it is not just

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a hobby. It's not something that you know, nice to have? No, I'm

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saying Islam is absolutely critical and crucial to me. It is

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something which Allah subhanaw taala is going to hold me for this

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is how I'm going to get

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recognized on the day of judgment and so forth. So therefore

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this Islam

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how much time am I giving to studying it? How much time am I

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giving to practicing it?

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What is the answer?

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I asked myself and I asked you to ask yourself, what is the answer?

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Because if we are serious about our lives, if you're serious about

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this, and if you really mean this,

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then we have to compare it with everything else that you're

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serious about.

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How much time do I give to something that I'm interested in?

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In this case, I claim that I'm interested in Islam. Therefore how

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much time am I giving to Islam?

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My brother sisters, I remember I said can you let us

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understand this? Let us

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make sure that we get this right. Because the day will come when

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Allah subhanaw taala will ask us this question

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Hello this is what you had said.

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What is the truth?

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How important is Islam to me how much time am I willing to give to

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Islam? You know we are today we are struggling even to sit in a

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sutra or something

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because we have bought this to do that to do that. But we don't

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struggle when there is the World Cup is on or Superbowl is on or

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something else of that nature is on we have all the time in the

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two o'clock in the night we will be sitting there watching the

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soccer match is happening football that is happening in the gutter

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but you say Brother Why don't you wake up half an hour before 45

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minutes before the time before the start and pray to rock out of the

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100 Oh my brother you know what you know I really I should be

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doing it but this but that but that

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so how is this going to change our lives?

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My brother Sisters is really really really something for us to

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seriously think about and say that, you know Allah subhana data

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is an idol. Allah is just Allah subhanho wa Taala gives to a

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what that person works for Windows right? And I said this very

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When Allah said what he said he didn't say any Illamasqua said for

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the human being is nothing but what he or she works for.

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It's not something Allah is not you know, it's not a it's not

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magic, it's not

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something that is so strange or difficult to understand. Allah

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said this is what you will get,

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you will get what you work for.

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So what are we working for?

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That is my question myself and you, what are we working for?

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Are we happy with how our lives are going?

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Or do we think that there is some scope and there's some need to

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change them to change the way our lives are going?

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I remind myself when you let us ask these questions.

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we are asked these questions,

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ask the question before you are asked the question.

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If we want to read Islam, we have to give time we have to study we

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have to take it seriously.

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And we will do that only when we are truly convinced that this is

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what will benefit us not just lip service not just saying it Yeah,

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of course absolutely. You know what did them

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all our talk must be

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must be guided and must be supported with action.

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Because talk that is not supported with action Allah subhanaw taala

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has no value for it.

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Let us be very clear in our minds what if we have some talk and we

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find his talk is not supported by value by by

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by action? Allah subhanaw taala has no value for

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you ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us

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to do that which is pleasing to Him and to save us from that we

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does not please him

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was a little behind on the wheel Karim Allah Allah He was his main

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Bahama to get hotter. I mean what I'm doing

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