Mirza Yawar Baig – Deeds depend on the intention
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The importance of living intentionally in Islam is greatly impacted by the pandemic and the pandemic's impact on individual behavior. Visiting sick individuals is essential for personal reasons, and avoiding regret and anxiety is crucial. The speaker also discusses the benefits of living intentionally, including healthy body and focus on one's life, and how the pandemic's impact on individual behavior has affected people's experiences.
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llamada Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Showfield MBA when will selling
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam to see one of my brothers and sisters.
You know the hadith of Rasulillah Salam nourriture narrated by Southern our hotel for the long haul, which is the first of these in Bukhari and Muslim
where he said,
in Nevada vineyards as well as a cellar in Omarama Lumenier. He said, the reward of the deed is based on the intention.
Now, this refers to the deed as in the mean refers to the reward as in the asker. And also it refers to the reward of that action in this dunya.
So the deed is based on the intention
and you give an example and he said, the one who made either for ALLAH, Rasool is right for the soul or the mixture, for to marry a woman or to for some other purpose, worldly purpose, linear business, then the Hijra is for that purpose and not for
every action of ours must be done intentionally. That's the first thing to understand. There is no default action in Islam. We don't just act, Get up, stand up, sit down the drink over, you know, every action was done intentionally with a consciousness of the action, which is why 100 I to see this in the Sierra and so now we have doors and the ways to begin an end every action.
So if you take eating, for example, there is the way to start eating,
intention of eating. So wash your hands, it was your right hand, say Bismillah. Before you begin, right, thank Allah subhanaw taala. Allah
as you continue to do it, don't do it until you are totally full, leave a space in your belly, eat from your side of the plate. If you are in a communal setting, don't extend your hand to the other side, right
at the end of the meal,
make dua
Allah my Lydia Tana Uttanasana, make dua and then get up.
See what saw also with drinking,
use your right hand, sit down and drink, look into the glass. three sips or more not, don't drink in one shot. And so on and so forth. We have there was no methodology, even to go to the toilet. We have rather metal methodology, when you leave the house, when we come back to the house, when you go into the mud, come back the magic, everything. All of this shows us that the whole of life must be lived intentionally not just by default. The benefit of living intentionally is one, there is a greater enjoyment in what you're doing because you are conscious of that. And if is one a lot of beautiful food, this is how the law has given me. Now he's the one who wakes up in the morning. With
a healthy body he's nothing is wrong with his body. He has a roof over his head and he has food for one day, that just food for that day.
It is as if the whole world has been collected for him.
So if I'm sitting down to eat, and I'm eating, you know, unconsciously, like an animal, that's one way but if I'm sitting do it and I thank Allah, Al Hamdulillah Allah gave me this food. Imagine this food when it came to Rice, I'm eating bread I'm eating well all the stages did pass through one day once upon a time, one piece of that whole bread was not one seed, one seed was there. There were many seeds which came together they formed a crop that somebody called somebody tilled the land, they planted the seed the water the crop, they spent money on it, they spent time and energy on it, they made $1 for a good crop, the harvest of the crop the process, the seeds were flowers, and
somebody who the flower. And that is how this bread gave here to what I'm eating. So now if I take a piece of bread and I wasted
then what am I doing? Right? Allah subhanaw taala made all of these arrangements so that I can get this piece of hopes, this piece of bread in my my plate, and if I waste it, what is the value of that? So also everything else.
So also everything else. If I'm eating meat, some animal died, that animal was slaughtered 100 elevated ha. So there's no problem with that. But it is a life of something that life was given so that I can eat.
How thankful we should be that 100 Allah Allah subhanaw taala
made us those for whom somebody else's life
is taken legally hamdulillah DiGize but what if it was the opposite? What if you had to die for somebody else do it
this possibly could have happened didn't have
Allah give us a healthy body Allah did not give us just go to the hospital. That's why it's very important. That's why the the whole idea of visiting the sick now he's gonna start I'm said the one who visits somebody who's sick. It is also one of the seven things which
as far as I said, I'm said this is your duty to your brother, one of them is to visit, you visit the brother when he's sick. So if you go and visit, I always tell people just go go to the hospital visit anybody doesn't matter who you're not going for that person who's going to visit somebody who's sick. When you go there, then you realize, Wow, I love that child in that ICU could have been mine.
I would have lost my sleep, to read somebody else's 200 may make dua for
this person with a problem could have been my child. I could have been that person.
I could be the person in pain. I could be the person who has cancer, who's getting chemotherapy, who's lost all his hair, right? Who's got all kinds of issues? I don't deal Allah did not make me that person, ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada. Cancer cells are there in everybody's body. Everyone has cancer cells is just that in some cases, they become activated until today. They don't know why, what activates them, right? All kinds of theories, but we don't know for true for sure. What activates cancer cells handle it if I am not seeing any signs of the cancer. I was tagged Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah had the last word that kept me free from this. So it is this whole consciousness the
beauty of enamel our veneer is not simply to say Allah will give you the whole idea is the consciousness of my actions, the concepts of what I'm doing, and Hans's my chakra of Allah subhanaw taala it has my gratitude towards Allah.
And then it then another also the Jabra to that because if I'm consciously eating and drinking, if I'm walking somewhere and we go to this beautiful place, actually does a wire nausea goes with me and Bilal is here we have such beautiful scenery, we will see that and we just one last one, look at this, Allah subhanaw taala made these G's, the whole, you know, the entire, we saw two or three seasons pass them in the summer, it's all complete degree. And then in the in the fall, it's fantastic multicolored all over. And then in the winter, now it's completely bare, right? The water is there, the water adds value to that whole
to that whole scenery. In that water. It's freezing cold water, it has ice on top, but there are ducks and geese, which are, you know, swimming in that and diving and the eating food, nothing happens to them. So what do you think about that, and we are all wrapped up in big jackets and gloves and
flowers and also keeping the cold out. And those birds they are diving in the water. They've got no problem says well, this is the so when you have this near, of consciously doing something, there's a whole issue of being in the here. And now. Final point. Also,
one of the reasons for depression, one of the reasons for anxiety is because we don't live in the moment, we we live either in the past or we live in the future. So, we are either regretting something which has happened in the past or we are fearing something which is
which we think will happen in the future. Somebody said Why should I fear a bullet which which which has not been fired yet? Because it's in the future? What will happen to me if what if
if means that it may not happen also,
what is the If so, instead of living of anticipating all kinds of weird scenarios in the future and fearing those, or looking at the past Oh, this happened this happened
in the present in a marijuana vignette forces us to live in the present 100 Right now I'm sitting here, I'm doing this forward for the rest of us farther
and farther is a wellness monitor. So it focuses as if you're doing it for the relevance of our data. For example, I'm bringing the data here. How many people are here? It's not my problem. It doesn't matter to me because if I'm doing it for the sake of Allah Allah is here and Allah is listening. That is enough. Who else is there only allows us? Some we can see some we cannot see well Anna right. hamdulillah where would
you ask Allah to bless them and to be pleased with them for coming about whoever didn't come no problem because you're doing it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala
I want to end with this beautiful story which I have told many times of one of our great scholars in India in the 1800s
is there was I would say is my own shade. I know him he's never said the
he was he was giving a speech
in the Jama Masjid in Delhi, which is a huge massive mosque built by the Emperor Sharjah. And it had the same maybe 10,000 people there. So this is in the 1800s. So they know Mike's hands on so they used to have like they have for Salah you know, the Mocha, but somebody is at the back, the Imam says Allahu Akbar, the person repeats. So similarly, they used to have this. So they would repeat the speech and people would.
So this piece happened. It's finished quite late in the night. And
after that, the chef went in. He sat, sat down, and he had only a few of his students with him. When a man came,
and this man came look like a poor man. He was a farmer, he came with disabled condition, and deserves one of Asha, your talk is over.
So he said, Yes, it's over. He says, Well, I came from he named the village that I came from this far off village.
I had to travel for the whole day. Unfortunately, I got delayed, there was a river or something I had to cross I would I got delayed and I missed your talk. Now my whole trip is wasted. Obviously, he could not the chair could not say no, no, no, go to YouTube on this channel. You will get it No. No, he did not do
what the sheriff did what he said.
He asked him to say the man sat down. The chef stood up. And he delivered that same talk. Exactly. And the talk was maybe for two hours. For two hours. He delivered the same talk with the same passion with the same Delisle a via the same I had is everything. Right? To this one man.
The man was obviously very happy, blessed him, we made a lot of dua for him, he kissed his hand, and he left.
So when he had gone, the students of the chef, there's a chef is very strange. Just now you gave the same talk to 10,000 people. And, you know, beautiful talk a lot of passion is a source of interest. Now this one man and we don't even know who this is, or some flower guy from somewhere, we don't even know who he is. Not even as if it is a big king or something. Nothing. But you give the give the same talk with the same energy the same and so
how is it possible?
So the chef said to his students, he said, You know, it's just he said, It's a pity you have been with me for so long, you have not understood the first part. The first thing about this whatever. He said, where I was talking to 10,000 people I was concerned about the happiness of only one.
When I'm talking to the one man, I'm still concerned about the pleasure and happiness of only that same one.
Who's almost
that's it, what's the difference? Whether it is 10,000 people, whether it is one person, whether it is 10 million, I am talking for the pleasure of Allah.
This is the benefit of Innova Lavinia, to remind ourselves that whatever we do must be done only and only for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala Jalla jalla
wa salam ala Hara will Karim Allah Allah He was named Africa