Mirza Yawar Baig – Cure for anxiety
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The transcript describes a group discussing anxiety and depression, as well as issues with work hours and loss of understanding. They also talk about the history of Islam and MusGenerationil As-S serah, as well as the use of Qudrat to encourage people to believe in Islam. The Horesh was burned in the fire, but the ropes were still successful, and the Horesh had success with the ropes and the skin of Georgia as-Salam. The Horesh said if only they only looked down, they couldn't burn, but the ropes they got, the skin of Georgia as-Salam was safe.
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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
Wasalatu Wasalamu Alaa Ashrafil Anbiyai Wal Mursaleen Muhammadur
Rasulullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Alaa Alihi Wasallam Taseeman
Kafiran Kafiran Khawma Ghazoo When in Dubai and
asked me a question, they said, what is
the cause of anxiety?
Today is like an epidemic.
Huge anxiety.
Everybody's got tremendous anxiety.
And their anxiety out of control, because of
depression, because of despair, all kinds of things.
People lose working hours.
They don't sleep.
So they said, what is the cause of
anxiety and what is the cure?
And they also said, is anxiety the sign
of a weak Iman?
So I want to say a couple of
things to you.
One is, there is a, somebody asked this
question to Sheikh Farooz Ameen Rahimullahi Ta'ala.
And he said, anxiety is not necessarily a
sign of weak Iman.
Anxiety is a sign that Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la is testing you.
When Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
tests you, He puts you in a position
where there is a perception of danger, perception
of loss, and so on and so forth.
And you become anxious.
So therefore, what must you do?
When Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
tests, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
also helps.
This is Sunnah of Allah.
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la does
not test, meaning leave you and go and
If Allah tests you, He will also help
But we have to ask for this help.
So we ask Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la for help.
We ask Allah for help.
When Musa'il As-Salah, when Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la said to him,
Go to Fir'aun.
He said, We love Fir'aun.
He has become rebellious.
Go towards him.
Invite him to Islam.
So what is Musa'il As-Salah's response?
He is asking for help.
He says, I will go.
He doesn't say, I will not go.
He says, I will go.
So therefore, give me this.
Open my heart.
Give me understanding.
Make it easy for me.
Make this order easy for me.
Give me the words.
Give me the expression.
One time they are not in my tongue.
He is asking for help.
We know from the Seerah of Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, when they were, Abu Bakr as
-Siddiq as-Siddiq and Rasulullah as-Saleh were
in the Ghar-e-Saur, in the cave,
and the Meccans were after them, and it
was a wanted dead or alive situation.
And they had put a bounty on the
heads of Rasulullah as-Siddiq as-Siddiq and
100 camels.
It's a huge amount of money, right?
Even today, in those days it was even
And these people came, and Allah SWT, even
though the tracks to the cave and so
on, these were obliterated because the sheep were
raised on that and so on and so
forth, but Allah SWT shows His Qudrat and
His Power by allowing things to happen by
external circumstances to remain the way they are
until the end, and then Allah SWT changes
conditions in a way where there's no doubt
in your mind that this is only the
intervention of Allah.
For example, Ibrahim as-Salam, when Allah SWT
decided to save Ibrahim as-Salam from the
fire, Allah did not put out the fire.
That could be one way, put out the
fire, big rainfall or something, no?
Allah did not put out the fire, Allah
SWT did not send Ibrahim as-Salam and
say, pick him up from the mid-air
and take him flying somewhere, no.
So as far as the people were concerned,
Ibrahim as-Salam, they came to throw him
into the fire, they threw him into the
fire, they were successful.
From their perspective, we succeeded, we came here
to burn him, we burnt him.
But when he walked out of the fire,
they realised they could not burn him.
But the same fire, the ropes with which
he was tied, the ropes got burnt, but
the skin of Ibrahim as-Salam was safe.
So Allah shows His Qudrat.
So in this case of Ghar-e-Sawr,
the Horesh came right to the Ghar.
They came to the Ghar to the extent
that, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq as-Salam looked
up, he could see their feet.
And he said, Ya Rasulullah, if they only
look down, if they only look down, they
will see us.
And this is where Allah SWT shows His
You will look down, you will look up,
you will look right, you will look left,
only and only if Allah SWT decrees.
There is no looking down, up, what not,
by yourself.
And what is the response of Abu Bakr
La tahzan inna Allaha ma'ana.
Don't be afraid, don't be sad.
Inna Allaha ma'ana, verily and truly, Allah
is with us.
And he said, what do you say about
the two, the third of whom is Allah?
He said, inna Allaha ma'ana, la tahzan.
And Allah SWT later on, these words of
the Prophet, Allah SWT sent them back as
His Kalam in the Quran.
La tahzan inna Allaha ma'ana.
These are the words of Allah, but His
complete words are the words of the Prophet.
So, the point I want to make and
I want to remind myself and you is,
if we want to combat anxiety, we have
the cure.
And the cure is, remind yourself, la tahzan
inna Allaha ma'ana.
This is the cure for all anxiety.
La tahzan inna Allaha ma'ana.
Because Allah SWT said, ala bi zikirillahi tatma
'innul qulub.
What is the opposite of anxiety?
Opposite of anxiety is?
Comfort, peace, harmony.
And where does comfort come from, where does
itbina come from?
Ala bi zikirillahi tatma'innul qulub.
When you are doing the zikr of Allah,
what happens to you?
Allah said, fasqurooni akku'ukum.
Fasqurooni wa la takfurun.
You make my zikr, I will make your
I am with you.
You call me, I am with you.
So, the cure for anxiety is the zikr
of Allah SWT.
It's to remind ourselves, la tahzan inna Allaha
Don't be afraid, don't be sad.
Allah is with us.
And live our lives in a way where
Allah will be with us.
Remember, the purity does not come in a
dirty place.
If you have a place, if you have
a utensil, if you have a glass, if
you have a bowl which is dirty, no
matter how you put zamzam into that, zamzam
will become dirty because the bowl is dirty.
You can't say the water is pure.
Water is pure.
But you put it into a dirty bowl,
it becomes dirty.
So, first clean the bowl, clean the heart,
clean our amal, clean what we earn, clean
what we eat.
If the heart is full of shirk and
bid'at and all kinds of fears of
this and that, and we are eating haram,
we are earning haram, then where is the
itmananul qalb?
It cannot come.
When we make zikr of Allah SWT, the
zikr will not have any effect.
So, clean that first.
Then you make the zikr of Allah, la
tahzan inna Allaha ma'ana.
Don't be afraid.
Allah is with us.
So, I remind myself and you, anxiety is
a sign that Allah is testing us.
The cure for that is la tahzan inna
Allaha ma'ana.